PFS Destiny of the Sands

Game Master DrGabe

Currently playing PFS 5-12 A Bitter Bargain.

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The Exchange


Now starting, the Destiny of the Sands Part 1- A Bitter Bargain.

The Exchange


You spend much of the last several weeks watching your fellow Pathfinders get called off and various adventures. Your number hasn't been called and it doesn't take long to become lonely, trapped in Absalom.
Finally, it comes. An acolyte delivers to you the information you have been seeking for some time now. Opening the scroll you see that you are destined for Sothis in Osirion. The acolyte offers you just enough time to grab your ready bag and leads to you the teleportation circles. The ritual doesn't take long to complete, but the nausea inducing vertigo lasts for several minutes.

As you make your way to the Venture Captains office in Sothis you meet up with several other Pathfinders who have also been summoned to the far away desert city. You are lead up the stairs and introduced to Balentirr, your new Venture Captain.
Balentiir shutters of the windows in his second-story office overlooking the lodge’s tranquil gardens and seats himself behind his writing desk. He nods and introduces a thin, aging Garundi man in an ornately bejeweled and feathered turban.
This is Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage. I trust most of you know of him already. If you don’t, know that he has served both the Ruby Prince and the Pathfinder Society for many years, uncovering vast troves of lore from Ancient Osirion and mentoring some of our finest agents. He recently approached my colleagues and me with a request for assistance, and the Society has agreed to step up and aid its ally. The arrangement is, in fact, rather mutually beneficial. He nods to Amenopheus, signaling the elder man to speak.
Faithful servants of the past, I bid you greetings, the wizened sage says with a shallow bow. Our esteemed ruler, the Ruby Prince, recently released me from his service, which has freed me to learn more about a little-known organization to which I belong: the Jeweled Sages, protectors of Osirion’s history and chroniclers of its past glories. Quite by accident, I found myself initiated into this group, and have long believed myself to be its sole surviving member. Each sage in the group possesses a unique jewel—a priceless artifact that contains memories of Osirion’s golden age.
He pauses as if considering how to express his thoughts For many years, I have sought news of any other members of the Jeweled Sages. My agents recently learned of the Diamond Sage, whom they traced to the city of Eto in the Osirian Desert. At the same time, I received word from a reliable source that several other jewels in the vicinity. I ask that you travel to Eto, negotiate with my contact in the city for his assistance, and then use what you learn to find the Diamond
Sage and these lost jewels.

Venture-Captain Balentiir frowns and adds, This contact has tried to remain anonymous, but we suspect heis none other than GrandmasterTorch. If you’ve heard of him—orworse, met him—you may know trading favors is his signature. Regardless of Torch’s past treacheries, we need you to deal with him fairly for the information. There is a caravan leaving for Eto in a few
hours, so don’t delay.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Yes, Sir.. I'll do my best... may Sarenrae guide our path..."

Lore rushes off to grab her adventuring gear and get ready to go.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Before you holding her helm in her left arm stands a plain-featured female knight clad in black full plate. On her back an expertly crafted polearm is crossed with an equally well made falchion.

The young woman wears a gold cape featuring skilfully stitched appliqué of a fiery angel, a golden key, a wild rose and an antlered longbow – all surrounding a fifth symbol – a keg with a pewter handle.

Knowledge (Religion) DC 10:
These are the holy symbols of Sarenrae, Abadar, Milani and Erastil surrounding a modified symbol of Cayden Cailean – the Lucky Drunk!

Eadie has a big smile and hug for Lhug-mor and Lore.

“Lhug! I asked VC Valsin why he keeps putting the two of us together. He said it’s because we work so well together … but then he started laughing … and wouldn’t stop.”

She welcomes the newcomers with a manic wave.

“Wow! New people! Hi, I’m Eadie.” Upon seeing Seoni, Eadie raises an eyebrow. She walks over to the sorceress and paces a slow circle around her, looking the Varisian up and down with the occasional puzzled glance back at Lore.

Once Seoni’s been circumnavigated, Eadie says “OK. I give up. How do you wear that thing without falling out of it? Is it held in place by magic or something?”

Eadie has a deep curtsey for her faction head but is reluctant to say much to him. She is conscious of being an outsider and ‘armchair Osirionologist’. Indeed, this is her first visit to the nation whose interests she has sworn to serve. Her failure to complete her last faction mission in Razmir, has also made her somewhat defensive around the Sapphire Sage.

She is far less reticent around VC Balentiir. “Yeah, I know GM Torch! What a cool guy! Always looking out for the little people! Challenging the fat cats in their ivory towers reaching to the sky. I dunno how I could have completed those missions in Qadira and Absalom without his help. I’m sure he’ll help us this time too!”

Eadie knows the Shadow Lodge has been dissolved, but is ignorant of the events in the scenario Rivalry’s End.

“How hot is it going to get on the journey? Would some Endure Elements magic be a good idea, do you think, VC Balentiir?”

“Whereabouts in Eto is Torch? Does Eto have a public bath house? Or are we expected to work that out when we get there?”

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

I forgot we have new people so I guess a description of Lore is in order:

You see a tiny female with purple hair and flashing amethyst eyes. She is tiny enough to be a gno... well in fact she IS a gnome... She wears a glimmering chain shirt with a bronze finish on it, and it gleams like sunlight even in the shadows. Over her mail, she wears a tabard emblazoned with the symbol of Sarenrae.

In addition to the symbol of Sarenrae around her neck, she wears a golden necklace with two glowing red spheres hanging from it. Hanging from her belt is a small mace and quiver of bolts, and on her back, a crossbow. Thrust casually into her belt is a wand.

Pinned on to secure it in place is a small cloak of golden cloth with sun symbols embroidered on its edges.

She has a bounce in her step even weighed down with such a lot of equipment.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore's gaze flashes between Seoni and Eadie, until the warrior reveals why she's so interested in the sorceress... When she does, Lore toddles over and stares as well.

"I'm with Eadie... I HAVE to know how it stays up. I WANT one too!!!"

"By the way, I'm Lorelendral Teklet, but you can call me Lore... I serve Sarenrae, and make a fair healer, when I'm not flinging fire about.. and I LOVE to cook, so if we end up camping anywhere, I'll be your chef, too."

Dark Archive

Wearing filthy roughly woven robe over an uncharacteristically oiled mail shirt, Lhug-Mor rolls another twist of tobacco as he sits. As he tosses his saddlebags onto the back of the chair, you notice he is barefoot with his sandals tied to the top with his battered wooden shield and a mismatched pair of katanas. You half expect him to burst into flames as he sparks the twist considering the cloud of whiskey fumes that followed him into the room. He runs his callused hands over his freshly shaven head and down over his face in an effort to sharpen up.

Eadie Navhelan wrote:
Eadie has a big smile and hug for Lhug-mor and Lore.

With one eye closed from the peel of smoke coming from his smouldering twist he returns Eadie's hug, "Ni zenme yang, little sister? Staying out of trouble?"

"Xing hui, xiao Lore," as he bows slightly.

Eadie Navhelan wrote:
“Lhug! I asked VC Valsin why he keeps putting the two of us together. He said it’s because we work so well together … but then he started laughing … and wouldn’t stop.”

"They told me it's easier just to send me along with you than to have to send me to fix it afterwards. I reluctantly agreed," he smiles thinly from one side of his mouth.

Eadie Navhelan wrote:
Eadie says “OK. I give up. How do you wear that thing without falling out of it? Is it held in place by magic or something?”

"It looks magical to me,' he adds with a wink.

dc10 perception:
As the sleeve of his robe swings, you notice that he now has a stylish but lurid tattoo of Parani on the inside of his left forearm. You are not sure you want to see it clearly.

"You know, it's a dry heat." I'm immune to the heat, suckers

Dark Archive

knowledge local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Lhug-mor is a lanky and sunken Chelaxian who dresses in Tian style with many tattoos, several unfinished. They are referring to him by an elvish term not an elven proper name, but he is clearly human.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Ok, dragon-man, I'll bite.. what does "Xing hui, xiao" mean? I'm assuming it's hello, but I could be wrong... I hope it's not naughty, I'm a good girl, yanno..." Lore gives Lhug a broad wink and a grin.

"Nice tattoo... that's new isn't it? You didn't get one of me? I'm crushed." She pouts for a half a heartbeat, then breaks into a peal of laughter.

Female LN Sorceress | HP 22/26 | AC 15/14/12 | +2/+3/+5 (+2 vs.fear) | +2 Init | + Perc |

Regally sauntering toward the gathered Pathfinders, a meticulously groomed tattooed woman sizes you up.

DC 10 Know Local:
She is Varisian, a people where tattoo magic maintains a strong following, hers are both a manifestation of her power and a tool offering arcane aid. The sheer number adorning her skin, as well as the similar patterns woven into her clothes, are a mark of status among her tribe.

"Seoni, pleased to meet you."
Perc: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Know Religion: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14
Know local: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Arrogantly she turns from the gathering pathfinders and addresses the V.C. and Amenopheus, bowing
"I agree with the black armored knight's questions yet Venture Captian Balentire, Sage Amenopheus, what shall we do with the Diamond Sage and the other gems when we find them?"

Pausing thoughtfully as if to gauge her words appropriately,
"Those whom have met Grand Master Torch deal lightly unless they wish to be...shall we say, indebted. This offers great concern, yes?"

Dark Archive

Lorelndral Teklet wrote:
"Ok, dragon-man, I'll bite.. what does "Xing hui, xiao" mean? I'm assuming it's hello, but I could be wrong... I hope it's not naughty, I'm a good girl, yanno..." Lore gives Lhug a broad wink and a grin.

"I was asking how you get your hair to do that, gaijin, " clearly lying.

It's a formal greeting, little Lore

Lorelndral Teklet wrote:
"Nice tattoo... that's new isn't it? You didn't get one of me? I'm crushed." She pouts for a half a heartbeat, then breaks into a peal of laughter.

"I did! I got one of both of you together," he grins with a pause, "but i'm sitting on it. Want to see?" as he starts to rise from his chair.

Dark Archive

"Seoni of the Fleeting Woodlands wrote:

Arrogantly she turns from the gathering pathfinders and addresses the V.C. and Amenopheus, bowing.

"Mmm, we are going to get along famously... We are officially short one dwarf."

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore giggles at the question of her hair, and shrugs, "It holds the spikes if I put some aboleth jelly on it... of course, it's hard to find... first you have to kill an aboleth, you know..." She chuckles to show it's all in jest... then covers her eyes as Lhug rises as if to show her the tattoo. "I'll.. um.. take your word for it, Lhug."

When Seoni seems to snub them all in favor of the VC, Lore sighs softly. "Well she seems... nice... I agree, Lhug, we're all going to get along famously." she sighs again, whispers to Lhug: "It is what it is. We can pray she isn't like this all the time."

Then her face grows saddened. "I'm gonna miss that hard drinking dwarf... Grim's been my buddy for a long time. Hope he has good fortune on his current adventure."

Dark Archive

If we are going to be out in the desert, I'd like to pick up a heavy crossbow.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none
Lhug-mor, "The Black Dragon" wrote:
"Ni zenme yang, little sister?"

Eadie hazards a guess at the meaning of Lhug’s greeting, and replies. “Sup, big bro!”

Lhug-mor, "The Black Dragon" wrote:
“Staying out of trouble?"

“Aside from losing my grasp on VC Valsin’s winning lottery ticket in the vicinity of a ravenous goat, I’d say … YES!”

Lhug-mor, "The Black Dragon" wrote:
"They told me it's easier just to send me along with you than to have to send me to fix it afterwards.”

Somewhere between Eadie’s middle ear and her brain, Lhug’s reply morphs into a compliment.

She nods. “Yeah, it’s probably best that I show you how it’s done first-hand. You’ll make fewer boo-boos later on that way.”

Take 10 Perception: 10 + 10 = 20

Eadie’s face blanches at what she can see of the tattoo of Parani. She tries changing the subject.

“Lhug, you never did say what your tattoo of that burning city was all about.”

Eadie rubs the side of her nose at Seoni’s reaction.

Meh. Not everyone realizes how cool we are at first. They always seem to come around at about the same time they run out of spells …

Eadie pats Lore’s shoulder at the mention of their missing companion.

“I’m sure he’ll turn up in some form or other, once he’s got Thornkeep or whatever out of his system."

"Lore, if the Venture-Captain says it’s gonna get hot, I might pick up a wand of Endure Elements for the team to share if you’ll cast it for us.”

The Exchange


When the VC hears Eadie speak favorably of Torch, Balentiir sighs heavily. The man is a charming devil to be sure. He always plays one side of a deal against the other, and usually ends up ahead. You’ll recognize him by his burn scars. He suffered some injury that never seems to heal. Whatever you do, never fully trust him.
He is staying at the House of the White Uraeus, a fancy inn that caters to those in need of healing
and rest.

He turns towards Seoni, If and when you find the gems, bring them back here my dear. But be on your guard, I suppose Torch has always enjoyed twisting bargains and words to his advantage. If you see an opportunity to gain some advantage against the man while doing favors for him, you’re welcome to follow through.

The Exchange


Osirion does indeed get hot, but it doesn't look like you will be stranded in the desert during this mission.

Dark Archive

Eadie Navhelan wrote:
“Lhug, you never did say what your tattoo of that burning city was all about.”

"It could be symbolism of destruction of civilization, the illuminaiton of man, and his rebirth from the ashes... or it could be commemorating a particularly long night I spent in in Nisroch... I forget."

HP 29/29 AC 18 Touch 9 Flat 18 | F +7 R +1 W +11 | CLWW 43/50 | INIT -1 | Perc +8 | CMB +4 CMD 13 ; F Human Cleric/4 | Channel 4/4 | Diplo +8, Heal =11, Know(Rel) +7

"Well ... I'm not a dwarf, but maybe I could squat ... name is Damiel. So I guess we're going to be spending some time in the sun."

A handsome elvish man, barring the wild appearance of his bloodshot eyes, the man before you wears leathers and carries countless vials of strange-looking liquids.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Nice ta meetcha Damiel... You're a bit far off the dwarven mark, but I'm sure you'll do. Are you an alchemist? You've got all kinds of bottles and elixirs... I've never adventured with an alchemist before really, though I've heard wondrous things about them..."

HP 29/29 AC 18 Touch 9 Flat 18 | F +7 R +1 W +11 | CLWW 43/50 | INIT -1 | Perc +8 | CMB +4 CMD 13 ; F Human Cleric/4 | Channel 4/4 | Diplo +8, Heal =11, Know(Rel) +7

"Oh I dabble ...", Damiel replies with a smirk.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none
Damiel wrote:
" ... we're going to be spending some time in the sun."

“Welcome, Damiel! Yeah, don’t forget: ‘No hat – no play.’ ”

Eadie thinks on the Dragon’s words. “So destruction is just the first stage of the creative process ..? How cool is that!”

She remembers her Aunt Alix dragging her along to a weird, time-travelling, bunny-demon, teen-angst play called Dorkie Donno, in which a charismatic philosophy teacher preached the same theme.

“You know, Pathfinders are often misunderstood and called all kinds of bad names … thieves, vandals, arsonists, murder-hoboes … when really we might just be practical philosophers!”

Dark Archive

"I consider myself a warrior-poet, but it's mostly limericks.'

Female LN Sorceress | HP 22/26 | AC 15/14/12 | +2/+3/+5 (+2 vs.fear) | +2 Init | + Perc |

Listening to the V.C., Seoni smirks then turns to her fellow pathfinders,
"If there isn't anything else to discuss, shall we away?"

Turning back to V.C. Balantirr and Amenopheus, bowing slightly
"Thank you gentlemen, we shall return with the Diamond Sage and additional gems shortly."

Gathering her gear Seoni heads toward the door, stops without turning around and states
"I'm sure the caravan master will gladly wait..."

With that, she walks out.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Eadie smiles to herself. Well I never … Modesty from a dragon.

But she actually says. “Yeah. Yeah. We’ve woken up to you, Lhug-mor.”

Seoni of the Fleeting Woodlands wrote:
"If there isn't anything else to discuss, shall we away?"

Wow ... You know, I can’t really fault too much that she just did. It IS time to go and she just up and does it.

Eadie thinks back to one of the lessons Master of Spells Aram Zey (of all people) taught her before her Confirmation. “You don’t NEED to like someone in order to work with them.”

Now that’s probably true … but it kinda helps if you DO like them all the same.

Eadie links arms with Lore and bends down to whisper to her friend. “At least she didn’t ask one of us to carry her bags for her.”

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore giggles a moment at Eadie's comment. "I can barely reach her bags and besides, they're busy holding up her dress... they don't look like they need to be carried anyway... Maybe in twenty or thirty years, eh?" Oh wait, you weren't talking about THOSE bags, were you?" Lore breaks into peals of laughter and follows Seoni out, arm linked with Eadie's... With her other arm she grabs any loose bit of clothing she can find on Lhug and tugs gently. "Let's go, big guy."

Grand Lodge

35/35 HP - 17/13/15 AC - Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +6 - Init +2 - Perception: +2

Lem bounds into the room with a flourish, fanfare, and a deep bow, "I am your in travels entertainment. Although I do have a smattering of skills, in general I serve better to assist rather than actually take my own initiative on strange plans. "

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Ooooh, someone my height!! Hi there.. I'm Lore... Blessings of Sarenrae on you, fair little one," she says to Lem. "Welcome to the party."

Grand Lodge

35/35 HP - 17/13/15 AC - Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +6 - Init +2 - Perception: +2

"Thank you little miss! I will endeavor not to be too underfoot!"

Dark Archive

"Welcome darinel and Lem!" hefting his saddlebags and shield. "There's time for that later Lore, I suppose we should follow the princess instead."

The Exchange


Seeing the conversation reaching an end, Amenopheus pulls out an old weathered stone. Before Lore and Eadie can make comments and ask questions he puts his finger to his lips and then strikes the stone on the desk. As the stone fractures, it breaks into two crystalline geode halves. He hands the stone towards the lades, If you find one of the jewels of my order or the person known as the Diamond Sage, I ask that you contact me. Concentrate on the stone and speak a message of a few dozen words. I will hear you and respond with further instructions. It will only work once, so keep it safe.

Venture-Captain Balentiir has arranged for your travel to Eto as part of a trade caravan of heavily laden camels. The journey is uneventful. You are able to spend the time getting to know each other and playing games of chance with the other merchants.
The immense rock walls that ring Eto rise from the horizon like a shimmering mirage that gradually sharpens into focus. The city sits inside an elevated crater with sheer, weathered sides broken only in two places by heavily guarded gates. Long lines of caravans wait in a meandering queue awaiting entrance as officials search their cargos for contraband and calculate taxes.
Water sellers, food vendors, and guides march up and down the lines peddling their wares and services to the visitors. Beyond the gates, the main thoroughfares fan out around the various districts of the city before dwindling into the dozens of pathways that flow through the bazaar like the delta of the great River Sphinx.

As your caravan approaches the gate,the caravan’s leader acknowledges that the PCs are guest travelers, which earns the Pathfinders their own private inspection. A costume agent, a bored
Garundi man whose graying beard and tired eyes suggest he’s seen it all and heard every excuse at least a few dozen times. He starts to inspect all of your gear. While doing so he starts to ask many questions- where are you from, why are you here, what interesting sights have you seen.

If you don't comply with the search or want to do something different, now is your chance. The customs agent's attitude is 'indifferent' if you would like to start talking with him.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore takes half the geode and stashes it carefully in a pouch. She bows to Amenopheus as she does so. "As you wish, of course."

On the journey Lore will be happy to chat with any of her fellow pathfinders or anyone else she happens to meet in the caravan who might want to talk.

Lore sighs and complies with the search, at first just perfunctorily as if she is just putting up with it, but after a few moments, she smiles at the man and chatting with him animatedly about some of the strange places she's been on her travels for the Society and the strange sights she's seen, strange beasts she's encountered. She does avoid mentioning exactly why she's here though. She goes on at length about ice and snow and the creatures who live in such lands, assuming that those phenomena might be new and strange to him.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Grand Lodge

35/35 HP - 17/13/15 AC - Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +6 - Init +2 - Perception: +2

Lem attempts to soften the mans expression with a few kindly jokes Bardic Performance, Inspire Competence before he begins negotiating, Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 2 = 26.

I am sure you are just doing your job, but you can plainly see we mean no harm, and carry no contraband, perhaps it is easier for all just to let us pass in peace and with all due haste?

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

During the journey, Eadie racks her brains for a way to break the ice with the aloof sorceress. Surely everyone like music?

“Hey, Seoni! I’ve heard rumors you like the travelling minstrels Meetwood Flack. Or is that just little lies? Don’t go your own way. We want to be with you everywhere … as long as you follow.”


She will offer to help Lore with simple food preparation and serving at mealtimes. “What’s cookin’, Lore?” … and cleaning up after … “No, you’ve done the cooking for us, Lore. Go sit down and relax. WE’RE cleaning up! Isn’t that right Lhug, Lem and Damiel?”


She will try to ingratiate herself with the caravaneers with offers to “Arm wrestle for drinks! But if you’re out of my league – you can always have a go with Lhug-mor until you’re ready! Isn’t that right, Lhug?”

Or other games of chance …

“What do you mean, you’ve never heard of two-up? It’s so simple … Come in Spinner! Heads I win, tails you lose!”


DrGabe wrote:
A bored Garundi man whose graying beard and tired eyes suggest he’s seen it all … While doing so he starts to ask many questions- where are you from, why are you here, what interesting sights have you seen....

As the costume agent approaches, Eadie waves to him and smiles. “Wow! Trade seems to be the lifeblood of your town, yeah? Well today is your lucky day! You get to meet someone who has actually come face to face with the God of Merchants! That’s me, Eadie Navhelan!”

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

“It all happened on my very first mission for the Society …”:

“I was going through a rebellious phase against my adopted mother’s faith. We had recently experienced an epidemic in my home city of Korvosa and Archbanker Tuttle’s response was pretty much ‘Seal the Golden Vault against the plebs! We’re OK, let them eat cake! ’ ”

“My aunt was in an ‘off-again’ phase in her affair with one of the bank’s mid-ranking clerics – and even I could see the priestess was never going to leave her husband for my aunt. We were fighting incessantly about my attitude to work at the Bank and during one particularly heated exchange I said some truly horrid things to her. Things that I can never take back because that same afternoon she was accidentally run down by a merchant's cart and killed.”

“So I arrived in Qadira for my first Pathfinder mission pretty down on life in general and Abadar in particular. Then one of my companions started on at me about being a ‘rookie in need of protection on the mean streets’ and how he was the one to do it. Now in hindsight I know he was just teasing me, but his timing was … Oh, so very bad! I gave him a mouthful – didn’t hold back and the expression on the poor guy’s face was identical to the one on my aunt’s the last time I saw her alive …”

“The team worked well together during our first combat, but the guy from before and I managed to get poisoned with some muscle-atrophying thing. I managed to shake it off quickly – but he didn’t! We were inexperienced and underprepared and he was rapidly slipping away from us … I couldn’t believe it! It was like history repeating itself. He was less than ten seconds from death when I just threw gold pieces at the crowd, screamed out for antitoxin at the top of my lungs – making a complete spectacle of myself … when some merchant pushed his way through the onlookers and delivered the serum into my hands. I poured it down his throat and … he survived, though he remained very weak.”

“We took him to a mosque of Sarenrae and I asked for an interview with the Imam. I explained what has happened and asked her if it could have been a sign from Abadar. She replied ‘The Balanced Scale provides what you need – but there is a price to pay for what you want.’ I’m convinced Abadar was with us on the streets of Sedeq that day, and my faith in the Master of the First Vault has never wavered since.”

The Exchange


The agent appears to smile and whistle in response to Lem. He keeps the conversation going with Eadie and Lore and his demeanor appears to improve.

What are you doing with the geode? Remember this is a customs agent and he will likely ask many questions about the stone. You may also continue to diplomacy if you like.

GM Stuff:

Now Friendly- DC 16

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Why this old thing? it's a sparkly rock.. I collect pretty stones... This one will make a particularly awesome addition to my collection when I get home? Do you like it? Me too! Sarenrae bless me, I've really forgotten my manners. Tell me a little about yourself, eh? Are you married? Have any children? Eadie here is single, if you're in the market... She's quite a handful, but she's got great assets, if you know what I mean!" Lore looks Eadie up and down as if evaluating her for a moment, gives Eadie a secret wink.

Hopefully she can change the subject long enough for the customs agent to forget all about the geode. She slips it back in her pouch while trying to offer Eadie as a bride. (Yes, BRIDE, not bribe, or maybe it's a little of both)

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Dark Archive

What do i know about this area with my huge Know Local? Are they Carnivorous Underground Dwellers?


Eadie Navhelan wrote:

“Isn’t that right, Lhug?”

"You tell yourself whatever allows you to sleep at night. I'll keep working on my arm strength," as he lifts his mug in a curling motion repeatedly. "Did I ever tell you how I saved Eadie from a lich?"


At the gate, The Dragon imagines what Eadie might do in this situation... and does the opposite. Keeping his mouth as shut as possible.

Dark Archive

Lorelendral Teklet wrote:

She slips it back in her pouch while trying to offer Eadie as a bride. (Yes, BRIDE, not bribe, or maybe it's a little of both)

Not able to control his outburst, Lhug-mor stifles a laugh which ends up as a loud snort.

[dice=""aid" another diplomacy]1d20-1[/dice]

HP 29/29 AC 18 Touch 9 Flat 18 | F +7 R +1 W +11 | CLWW 43/50 | INIT -1 | Perc +8 | CMB +4 CMD 13 ; F Human Cleric/4 | Channel 4/4 | Diplo +8, Heal =11, Know(Rel) +7

Damiel tries to stay as restrained and quiet as possible as the customs agent inspects his extracts and equipment. In his frustration he can't help himself, "be careful with that ... don't ... uh ... No! Don't swirl ... hey ... don't sniff that ... "

"Nooo!" the agent opens a bottle, the contents sloshing and spilling all over Damiel. He screams and falls to the ground, his body convulsing into horribly contorted positions. Steam and mist seethes off of his skin ...

When the fog clears ... a woman in robes, bearing the symbol of Serenrae stands ... she looks around confused and disoriented ...

Female LN Sorceress | HP 22/26 | AC 15/14/12 | +2/+3/+5 (+2 vs.fear) | +2 Init | + Perc |

During the trip Seoni takes time to survey the land, enjoying the foliage and fauna. When Eadie comments on traveling mistrals she awkwardly responds,
"While I am someone who enjoys music I am not limited in favoritism yet I thank you for attempting conversation."

Calmly watching the custom charade Seoni stays silent...yet finds her new found comrades' antics pleasing.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

DrGabe, the auto-spellcheck on your device is a hilarious. I had no idea what a costume agent was … Some fantasy border guard in Osirion??

“Well technically I am still married to a tengu rogue with anger management issues. How do you feel about polygamy, Handsome?”

Eadie exchanges a glance with Lore. She’s enjoying this!

“Yes, thank-you very much, Lore … my assets, let’s see …”

“Cooking – I prepare a mean finger bowl – with lemon garnish and everything!”

“Experience – I got kissed once!”

“Aside from that I enjoy sleeping in, room service, hiring cleaning staff and punching annoying people in the face.”

Eadie tries a seductive *wink* - which is more bovine than nymph. “Best make me an offer. I won’t stay on the shelf long. If you let us go RIGHT NOW, you might never see me again!”

Aid Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

DrGabe, Aid Intimidate seems more appropriate than Aid Diplomacy in this situation. I am trying to move Lem’s Diplomacy score higher using Eadie’s assets so the guy will let us go. I’m NOT trying to start a fight. If this is not appropriate, maybe just substitute Intimidate with Diplomacy for a 16?

The Exchange


lol Eadie... my computer hasn't mastered my lack of masting the English language. It only knows how to spell correct. :)

The customs agent looks at the mess made by the alchemist and the new form she has taken. Actually, this happens all the time. No worries. As everyone stares at the new member of the party.

He looks at Eadie, No my lady, I appreciate you and your friends. However, I must say that I am happily married. My new young bride isn't ready to add to our house just yet. Plus you look to be an adventurer, and I don't think you'd be home much. Such a shame though... he trails off as if he is thinking of something distant in his mind.

Anyway, this stone. It is clearly Osirian in origin. What is this rock and is it magical? You do know that bringing Osirian magics into is subjected to tariffs. Please tell me, what is this rock? He looks and Eadie and Lore with a friendly smile on his face.

Bluff, but diplomacy in a pinch.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Eadie observes Damiel’s transformation in awe. It’s like s/he regenerating … That must require incredible healing skill!

She blurts out “Say, are you a Korvosan plague doctor? If so … who?”


Eadie speaks quietly with the man she has made an impression on (without using her morning star for once!)

“Lore’s a gnome and they’re … special, right?” The warrior tries a conspiratorial *wink*

“Now where you or I might have a large alpine dog, Qadiran cat, griffon vulture or giant burrowing cockroach for a pet … Lore has a pretty stone that she’s very fond of and talks to … that’s right! It’s a pet rock named … ur … ah … Grimrock!”

Lem, save us please!

Aid Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore nods emphatically to Eadie's proclamation and pets the rock gently... "Poor little Grimrock... so lonely... but maybe I'll find more pretty rocks here to keep him company."

Female LN Sorceress | HP 22/26 | AC 15/14/12 | +2/+3/+5 (+2 vs.fear) | +2 Init | + Perc |

Adjusting her dress to reveal a bit more 'distraction' the Princess meekly addresses the custom agent,

"We are just passing through good sir, your time with us has been thorough to be sure."

Picking up the rocks,
"These rocks are obviously just sentimental keep-sakes."
Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Woo Hoo! Eadie spares the sorceress a sideways glance.

I've always liked her!

Dark Archive

Lhug elbows Lore and quietly whispers, "See, it *is* magic!"

The Exchange


Ah, you are good people. I tariff here. You all have a fine day. And with that, you are all ushered away from the customs check point and allowed to enter the city of Eto.
Finding the White House of Uraeus is actually fairly easy. It is a two-story white washed brick building in one of the more wealthy districts of Eto.
Although its exterior is unassuming, the interior of the White Uraeus is richly decorated with panels of gold-veined marble and bubbling fountains in secluded courtyards. Cool breezes
carry the scent of blooming desert flowers throughout the clean halls. Two half-orcs keep watch outside one set of closed doors.
After a moment inspecting the visitors, they pull open the doors to reveal a tiled bathing chamber beyond.
Welcome to Eto, Pathfinders, rasps Grandmaster Torch as he lounges in a steaming tub. I didn’t imagine we would meet again under such heart-warming circumstances, yet the White
Uraeus certainly knows how to make a traveler comfortable. What can a humble secret monger such as I do for you?
he asks as he leans forward in the tub and flashes a knowing smile.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore, blushing, covers her eyes as she enters the room... trying hard not to peek.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Eadie strolls into the bathing chamber curiously examining everything - EXCEPT the figure in the tub.

Take 10 Perception: 10 + 10 = 20

She thrusts out an open-palmed hand. "Please don't get up on our account, Grandmaster Torch."

If there are any dates, fruit or other treats lying about, Eadie helps herself before saying.

"Wow. Exile really suits you, GM Torch! This place is much better than your old digs in the Siphons."

"You know how Amenopheus is the Sapphire Sage? Oh, of course you do ... You know everything! Well apparently there's a Diamond Sage as well. We're looking to make contact with him or her."

"Also there's supposedly a number of gems around here somewhere that contain 'lost lore (not our Lore - she's the gnome covering her eyes - she's not lost) from throughout the Pharonic ages' that the Ten are interested in."

"Now after all we've been through together - Sedeq, rescuing that minotaur prince, stopping Nessian (the dude that unwittingly almost destroyed Absalom) and the God's Market, what say you help us without giving us the run-around! VC Balentiir said you're no good and untrustworthy but why don't you prove him wrong!"

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