[PFS_CORE_Aerondor] 03-Special Blood Under Absalom (tier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor

Multi recruitment discussion
Signup sheet



[dice=Sir Ninn de Hawtey]1d20+3[/dice]

Roles at the Opera:

Leading Male (Sheng) There are two leading male roles for the performance, the General and the Monkey King.
The General wears a long beard and fights with a wooden sword (1d8 nonlethal) and armor (treat as splint mail).
The Monkey King wears an elaborate monkey mask. The Monkey King is portrayed as an acrobat and trickster and is permitted to cast spells.

Leading Females (Dan) There are two leading female roles, the Warrior Woman and the Wizened Crone.
The Warrior Woman wears full armor (treat as splint mail) and peacock feathers, and fights with a dulled, bladed polearm (1d8 nonlethal).
The Wizened Crone wears long robes and walks with a cane. She is permitted to cast spells.

Painted Faces (Jing) The Jing role represents a strong and forceful male. The two choices for this performance are the Noble Warrior and the Cruel Bandit.
Noble Warrior wears red face paint and full armor (treat as splint mail), and wields a large club (1d10 nonlethal).

The Cruel Bandit wears blue face paint and wields a long wooden knife (1d4 nonlethal), specially balanced to allow a capable individual to make nonlethal sneak attacks with it.

Clowns (Chou) (2) These humorous characters are allowed to speak with the audience in order to make jokes at their opponents’ expense. Chou are also permitted to cast spells. Male Chou identify their characters by painting wide white circles around their eyes. Female Chou paint their faces red with black circles about the eyes. Clown costumes do not include weapons; however, Chou can carry and wield a broom or stick (treat as an improvised weapon dealing 1d6 nonlethal damage), claiming it to be whatever weapon they desire for the sake of performance and comedic value.

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Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Seeing that Victoria is still standing in his doorway and calling for the guards, Deluge thinks the heck with it, drops his shield, and starts immodestly dressing.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Elneth, can you give me another three saves, or stop when you get to DC 12, each failure is 1 con and one wis damage

Faeria finds a room, remarkably enough with her clothes and gear tidly arranged there. Almost as if she had put them there after her bath.

Elneth however needs no help and drives her dagger into the assassin causing him to fall to the ground.

The Tengu quickly size up the situation. "Our apologies. This should not happen. It is not honourable. We came to provide you details of your next event at the opera..."

Deluge - 8 damage, 1 point WIS and CON damage;
Sir Ninn
Elneth 14 damage, 1 CON and 1 WIS damage; Fort DC 12 save required. Fighting defensively AC14
Victoria -
Amarion 6 damage;

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Deluge cures himself with his heal stick once he is dressed.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Then joins the group to find out what the Tengu has to say.

Scarab Sages

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive)

For DC 12: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
For DC 12: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
For DC 12: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Elneth retrieves her dagger from the fallen body. As the poison takes its toll, a weakened Elneth sits on the tube, almost at the point to faint "A feel very badly..."

2 Con and Wis damage total.
New hp 0/14

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The Tengu make sure you have directions to the Opera. "We will come in the morning and escort you, to ensure there are no other.. misunderstandings about how the contest is to be approached."

Time to heal up or do anything else you want. I think we are pressing on to the next phase tomorrow morning.

Deluge - 8 damage, 1 point WIS and CON damage;
Sir Ninn
Elneth 14 damage, 2 CON and 1 WIS damage;
Victoria -
Amarion 6 damage;

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion stalks out of the bathroom with his spell components, a bloody club, and nothing else.

I. Hate. This. Tournament.

After hearing from the Tengu about the operatic roles, he looks dubious. I suppose I wouldn't object to being the Monkey King or the Bandit in this farce. Perhaps Faeria should be a Chou.

Also, he gestures at a puckered puncture wound not far from his navel. The bleeding has stopped, but I could use additional attention.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
Shifty wrote:



There is a loud banging at the door! Moments later the door flies open revealing a dozen armed tengu behind it. They quickly storm into the room, blades drawn.

"Oh? Hello. Competitive opera. Is it to be full contact or merely flag?" Faria reaches into her sack and finishes Ninn's dinner.

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Please add the 4 HP healed to Deluge's status.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
Amarion Lianothel wrote:
After hearing from the Tengu about the operatic roles, he looks dubious. I suppose I wouldn't object to being the Monkey King or the Bandit in this farce. Perhaps Faeria should be a Chou.

"Bless you."

Silver Crusade

"You fought nobly Amarion, and should be proud of your efforts. Here, let me attend to that wound for you." Sir Ninn draw a wand and taps the elf with it.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
GM Aerondor wrote:
Faeria finds a room, remarkably enough with her clothes and gear tidly arranged there. Almost as if she had put them there after her bath.

That's strange, I thought I was wearing my clothes, and carrying my things.

She takes whatever she finds figuring it will all sort itself out later.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬

All this sneezing and poisoning causes Faeria to fret over her imaginary friends and that woman that shouts all the time. Eventually she will have to give some of them names.... But she realizes she hasn't slept (nor recovered the concentration necessary to use Vancian magic) for two days now and is quite tired.... In her dreams, she is quite the healer, soothing over wounds with the merest wave of her hand, and she always has little hard candies for her charges when she is done. But after the bath, three peoples' meals (if only there had been more butter), and all the rest, she could fall asleep standing up.



So instead she asks about the tavern workers for the names of a good couple of local healers (wise women, nurses, witchdoctors, camp followers, whatever) to come and tend to her--people, party, associates? Whatever. Real or imaginary when you pay for services with coin people don't complain.

Basically she looks about for a trained professional retainer (if possible doctor or a nurse) or two to see to those with ability damage for the next 8 hours. She'll toss 10-20 gp at the project.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The inn keeper can recommend a good doctor.

If you want to hire one just for the night, and at this time of the day he will charge through the nose. 30gp for the job (5gp each). He can provide "long term care" overnight to allow you all to recover double HP and double stat points. That would allow all the stat damage to be healed. Much cheaper than magic.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
GM Aerondor wrote:

The inn keeper can recommend a good doctor.

If you want to hire one just for the night, and at this time of the day he will charge through the nose. 30gp for the job (5gp each). He can provide "long term care" overnight to allow you all to recover double HP and double stat points. That would allow all the stat damage to be healed. Much cheaper than magic.

Sure that works. -30 gp.

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Does that mean Deluge heals up the remaining 4 HP with a night of rest?

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

If you go for the doctor, he would heal up an extra two, and Elneth an extra one.

Elneth is your biggest concern at the moment I guess as she looks pretty beat up from that critical.

Silver Crusade

Elneth just hasn't posted since combat ended, but she has a wand and can use it. ~3 wand charges and a night's rest, and she will be fully effective.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Her call I guess.

VC - Sydney, Australia


Overseer thread

The first rays of light creep into the inn’s window, accompanied by a loud knocking at the door. Someone in the hall screeches, “The sun is up! Time to gather your tickets and head to The Opera!”


Arriving at the opera, you are greeted by a trio of actors dressed in the garb and makeup of a traditional opera from Lung Wa. They seat you in the first few rows. Looking around you see a few others also in attendance. Strangely, there are no sets and the unlit stage is empty except for three plain wooden chairs. Then Kiang Zhen strides onto the stage and addresses the audience.

“Today I am treating myself to a display of opera, which all of you shall perform for me! Backstage, you shall find traditional costumes that will determine the roles you will portray. You may choose these roles yourself, but be forewarned - you must act within the limits of your role. Your objective is to perform an epic combat against a rival group. However, there must be no bloodshed. Any shows of lethal force will result in your immediate disqualification from the event. The troupe able to force its opponents to yield is the victor. Now go and prepare yourselves for the evening’s performance. It starts in 10 minutes!”

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion will take the role of the Monkey King, grimacing at the mask before he dons it.

Scarab Sages

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive)

Elneth certainly enjoys the rest. She wakes up the next day still hurt and decides it has been pain enough to endure herself. Taking her healing wand she sits on the bed and carefully works on the worst wounds.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

During breakfast, the half-elf shrugs during the conversation "I am no actress. Can't we focus on the real business?"

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Deluge accepts the costume of the male Chao.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion nods sourly, Rubies, Vases, Operas - all just a thinly veiled excuse for gladiatorial combat.

He eyes the armored costumes unhappily, Who wants to fight in heavy armor? We only have so many lightly constrained costumes.

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

"That's one of the reasons I preferred the clown. All that metal interferes with my storm burst ability."

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
Amarion Lianothel wrote:

Amarion nods sourly, Rubies, Vases, Operas - all just a thinly veiled excuse for gladiatorial combat.

He eyes the armored costumes unhappily, Who wants to fight in heavy armor? We only have so many lightly constrained costumes.

*Clank, clank, clank* Faeria wanders by in full-plate (disguise self) mail. "Oh? Goodmorni-" She looks about. "-day."

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Love it!

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

You are escorted to your changing room and assisted into costumes of your choice. They are pretty elaborate and a trio of assimars are on hand to help you.

Faeria can use disguise self if she wishes, but she must take one of the roles and duplicate the appropriate costume with it.

The dressers explain that once on stage it us up to you how you go about doing it, but reiterate you must not do lethal damage, and you must conform to the expectations of your role.

Status, (Getting dressed)
Deluge - 2 damage Chao
Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage;
Victoria - Warrior Woman

[ooc]As the weapons are designed to do non lethal damage, those with them don't get the normal -4 to hit penalty you would normally get with doing NLD. Can you all please update your stat lines with your AC as it will be in the fight.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion decided on the Monkey King earlier

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

So Faeria and Elneth....

Status, (Getting dressed)
Deluge - 2 damage [b]Chao

Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage;
Victoria - Warrior Woman
Amarion - Monkey King

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬

Whatever is left is fine by me.
What do you want Elneth? Bandit, crone, clown or general?

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Say, any of you zappers have an armor spell you could cast on me before this thing gets started?

Scarab Sages

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive)

"Is this a joke? I am no actress. I am a tomb rider and have no desire to be the object of laughs from the well standing" the woman is extremely stubborn and will take plenty of time to convince her this is part of the mission and she is leaving the party alone if not helping with this. By then she will at most concede with a condition "I will never dress as a man. If you are forcing me to do this I will play the elder woman. That's what it takes"

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬
Deluge-Core wrote:
Say, any of you zappers have an armor spell you could cast on me before this thing gets started?

"Sure." Illusionist the illusionist says looking up red-faced in her make-up. She'll play the part of the female Chou.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

And with that the team is dressed.

Role (buffs)
Deluge - 2 damage Chao (Shillelagh)
Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior
Faeria Chou
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage; Crone
Victoria - Warrior Woman
Amarion - Monkey King

Please be specific about any pre-play buffs you are casting, so far I know Deluge is using Shillelagh.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion will cast Mage Armor on himself before going onstage.

Scarab Sages

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive)

Elneth dresses with the robes, she does insist to take ones well fashioned despite being the elder. It takes some conviction to ensure she has the proper make up to seem older, and grunts at the idea to conceal her pointy ears. Once ready she picks the most sturdy cane she can find in the dressing room, and ends up taking her healing wand and binding it properly on her belt "I am supposed to make magic, aren't I?" she takes her alchemist fire and acid flasks and conceals them on the robes pockets, then winks an eye at the dressing assistant "Little components for magic spells"

AC stat line updated to: 12/12/10

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Amarion raises his eyebrows at Elneth's alchemical arsenal. You do know we're prohibited from actually melting our dance partners? Though if you've got anything sneaky in mind, do let me know.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬

"Oh?" Faeria drops the tremendous flail she had secreted upon her person, and smiles sheepishly.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The dressing assistants looks concerned. "To actually harm your opponents would mean instant disqualification..." they make sure you are aware.

"To lose honorably is one thing, but to win without honor is far worse."

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The actors are escorted onto stage, and the "Audiance" calls out "commence"

Nobody is flat footed at the start of this.


Sir Ninn de Hawtey: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Amarion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Victoria: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Deluge: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Elneth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Faeria: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
baddies: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Status Role (buffs) ; Bold may post
Amarion - Monkey King (mage armor)
Faeria Chou
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage; Crone
Deluge - 2 damage Chao (Shillelagh)
Victoria - Warrior Woman

Other team
-monkey king (yellow)
- white clown (white)
- warrior woman (red)
- cruel bandit (blue)

Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)
Amarion Lianothel wrote:
Amarion will cast Mage Armor on himself before going onstage.

Deluge would profit from that as well, if you so choose.

Is the objective of this thing to KO the opposing team while providing entertainment? Would shillelagh turn the damage to lethal? If so he will not cast it until things get lethal, if it even does.

Deluge will enter stage with detect poison going and make sure the opposing team is not cheating by using poison.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

My reading of Shillelagh is that it just ups the damage, you can still choice to do non lethal with it. And yes, the idea is the KO you opponents.

Scarab Sages

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive)

Elneth opens wide her eyes "Eh? What do you mean? I do not know what are you talking about?"
Bluff: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

The half-elf female seems particularly uncomfortable at the stage. She does walk with difficulty all over until the middle mumbling "My back... my back is so in pain" holding the cane against the floor. She peers to the group standing in the front and prepares to simulate stumbling over the first one to came to her position.
Cane: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Non-lethal damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Dark Archive

Male Elf Diviner 1| HP 11/11 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | F +3, R +3, W +2 | Init +6 | Perc +2 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8

Don't have a spare, sorry Deluge

Amarion starts to rush forward, scowls behind his mask, then turns a quick somersault before coming up with a flourish and a flash of dazzling colors. Red, Yellow, & Blue Will DC 17

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

wills: 3d20 ⇒ (14, 2, 5) = 21

The monkey king quickly tricks the opposing team, sending their own warrior woman, monkey king and cruel bandit crashing to the floor.

The old crone leans on her cane, looking vulnerable.

The audience drink it in, hooting with laughter at the other team being caught so easily.

Status Role (buffs) ; Bold may post
Faeria Chou
Deluge - 2 damage Chao (Shillelagh)
Victoria - Warrior Woman

Other team
-monkey king (yellow) unconscious for: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
- white clown (white)
- warrior woman (red) unconscious 5
- cruel bandit (blue) unconscious 5

Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior
Amarion - Monkey King (mage armor)
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage; Crone - readied attack 19/7

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Deluge turns to face the audience and says,

"The poor old woman! All of her friends have collapsed. What a sour look on her face. You would think there a dark cloud is hanging over her!"

Storm Burst on the crone.

+1/1d6+0;20x2;30' ranged touch attack;non-lethal and -2 to attack rolls for one round if it hits

Storm burst: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10; non-lethal and -2 to attack rolls

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The crowd of Tengu and Oni raw with laughter. the White Clown looks like he might be crying. Or maybe it is just the storm.

NL: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Status Role (buffs) ; Bold may post
Faeria Chou
Victoria - Warrior Woman

Other team
-monkey king (yellow) unconscious for: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
- white clown (white) 2NL , -2 to hit.
- warrior woman (red) unconscious 5
- cruel bandit (blue) unconscious 5

Sir Ninn de Hawtey Noble Warrior
Amarion - Monkey King (mage armor)
Elneth 1 CON and 1 WIS damage; Crone - readied attack 19/7
Deluge - 2 damage Chao (Shillelagh)

Dark Archive

Male N/N Human Weather Druid/7| HP: 59/59| Init: +2 | AC/FF/T: 20/20/10 20/20/10 | CMD: 14 14 | F:8, R:4, W:14 | Diplo+3, HaAni+7, Heal+10, KnGeo+4, KnNat+10, Perc+16, SMot+7, Surv+18 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Longstrider (extended), Barkskin (extended)

Gads! that hit? I was sure there was no point in rolling damage.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Flat footed, there is not a lot of difficulty hitting folks touch AC. And the White Clown doesn't get any armor.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Varisian) Illusionist 4 | hp 30 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMD 15 | F +4 R +4 W +5 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnAll (sans Eng, Nob) +9, Perc +0, Scrft +10, SensM +0 | blinding ray 7/7 | arcane bond 1/1 | ♬ Wish list ♬

readied action:
If the white clown moves from her position Faeria hits the floor under the woman with grease (DC 15)

"Hm? Oh."

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