PFS 3-18 The God's Market Gamble, Group B (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe


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The Exchange


After a brief vacation and some time to reflect upon your inner being and sharpen your blades you are summoned back to Absalom. Being mustered back to the center of the Society headquarters must mean something wonderful, right?

Players, you may start posting now.

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"No rest for the wicked, aye?"

Silver Crusade


"It does seem so Master Silvertongue" - Helgoron smiles and greets his companion from previous ventures, as they again meet at the Society Headquarters, leaning his polearm against one wall.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

Greetings lads! I look forward to an adventure.

The dwarf carries an odd weapon; some sort of steel ball at the end of a long chain.

I have a second level cleric or a second level alchemist available for play also; not sure what classes we need

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

A man sits sharpening a scimitar while looking over the rest of his equipment. "I heard there may be some action coming up. Always good to be ready."

Grand Lodge

A fiery redheaded gnome wanders in dressed for adventure and announce, "I am here!"

The Exchange


The Pathfinders spend a few days running various errands for the gathered Venture-Captains and other important Pathfinders. You are able to spend some time getting to know Absolam and its surrounding area. Coming back to your bunks one morning after breaking your fast, you find the others in the group packing their adventuring bags. Wondering what is going on you are quickly told to get your things together.

You are to meet Kreighton Shaine, the master of scrolls. Finally something important!

Aside from some briefings during training, few Pathfinders deal with the Society’s Master of Scrolls. In the muddy stables, Kreighton’s scholarly robes drag through the muck, and his soft shoes are clearly soaked through, though he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve been working on an extensive study of religious relics, trying to ascertain whether items gain a certain aura of divinity that cannot be detected through normal means. I’ve been collecting these artifacts through a series of well-known dealers in the God’s Market. We’ve never had any trouble before, but recently several of our couriers have been waylaid by a particularly elusive bandit.” Kreighton pauses briefly as his mud-soaked robe snags on a nail and he nearly falls over, but a stable boy catches his arm and steadies him.
“As they were headed through the Ascendant Court,” he continues, “a group of thugs ambushed our couriers. The first time I thought it was a coincidence—a random mugging. After the second time, however, Grandmaster Torch had some harsh words with me. He suspects someone has targeted our couriers specifically. The Drandle boy suggested I have you investigate the disappearances.” There is a long, uncomfortable pause and for a minute it seems the elf has completely forgotten he was discussing something.
Finally, he glances up with a sort of stunned look on his face. “Oh yes, here, this list will help you. The Grandmaster has helpfully provided it as a starting point."

Player Handout 1

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

Mutar squints at the list. Ah, hmm, yes...well, reading isn't my strong point....

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

A young man swaggers into the room, a battered musket slung over one shoulder, and wearing a grin that would be consider sexual harassment by proper society. His hair is tousled, his cheeks covered in a couple of days of stubble, his clothes rumpled, and yet it is obvious that he thinks he is extremely pleased with his appearance.

"Zephri Kreel, pleasure, Venture Captain Drenge just sent me over, something about making me someone else's problem," he winks, "so we've got to fill an elusive bandit full of holes have we? Knew I was going to like this Pathfinding lark."

Strutting forward he peers at the note, "Well looks like we should pay Friar Horace a visit first right? "When in doubt always prioritize the brewer," my father probably would have said - if he had not been so busy dancing a hangman's jig.."

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Reading the note quickly, the magus says, "Not leaving bodies around, eh? Have to do it the hard way then... Horace sounds good to start with." Shouldering his gear and checking his weapons Stullun joins the group's march to the brewery.

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"Well ... we just can't leave bodies lying around ... I can work within those bounds ... ", Says the Chelaxian paladin with a smirk.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

I couldn't switch my rebuild to a new name, so I am going to redo it here.

"I agree. Always prioritize the alehouse! Away!" Fijit chimes in.

Silver Crusade


I like the name Meridyth ;)

From the corner of the room, the tiefling approaches his companions - "Well met Mutar, Stullun, Zephri and Fijit - I am Helgoron - pleased to meet you all friends" - he takes another step forward to look at the note, then turns back to the others and Shaine, adding - "This Jarid character, was it concluded to be pushing stolen goods by accident..?" - he lets the idea linger momentarily, then finishes - "Or is under custody?"

DrGabe, has Helgoron ever heard about the Shard of Iomedae's Lance?

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

Note to self, no killing. I reckon somewhere there will be manacles for sale. Possibly even at the lodge. Should probably get one large and one small, just in case.

Meridyth "Fijit" Ashtear will buy 1 set of Masterwork Manacles (Medium), one set of Masterwork Manacles (Small) and one Obsession Journal for a total of 125 gp as soon as possible.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

Not being the sharpest tool in the drawer, Mutar elects to just tag along with the smarter folk.

The Exchange


Helgoron- please make a Knowledge Religion roll.
Figit- that is ok to purchase.
Anyone may make a Knowledge Local/Diplomacy check if they like.

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

Mutar sort of whistles tunelessly while he practices weapon forms with his dorn-degar.

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Ahn is as diplomatic as he can muster, while he is good at being diplomatic he usually prefers to be less so ... diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

If time permits, Meridyth will wander the market stalls, taking her time to gather information on the goings on as she makes her purchases.

Taking ten is a 19 if possible, Else. Gather Information: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Silver Crusade


Knowledge(Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Helgoron also spends some time with Ahn and Meridyth, assisting in their pursuit for additional information regarding their investigations.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Knowledge Religion (Untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (1) - 3 = -2

Stullun mutters, "Not sure how much help I will be, but I've got your back if it tends toward blades."

The Exchange


Stullun and Helgoron know of the shard of Iomedae. According to legend it is a shard from her lance used in a battle against a demon when she was mortal. V-C Saine confirms that this relic has been recovered and the item is now with Greycloaks and is being held as evidence. Its authenticity hasn't been confirmed.

The others have spent enough time in Absolam to know that the God's Market is a bazaar filled with various venders hawking all sorts of religious goods. All of the major and most of the minor gods are represented. You can purchase texts, holy water, and items of worship freely and easily here.
The Market is policed by a group of guards called the Greycloaks. They are sworn to no god above any other and all are staunch atheist. They are easily idenitified by their plain grey cloaks.

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Zephri leads the way to Erastil's Alehouse, stopping to ask directions if nobody in the party knows its location.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

"Erastil never struck me as much of a drinker, then again, I am woefully ignorant of most gods. Empyreal Lords are more to my tastes. Just seem more relatable I guess. On the bright side, an alehouse is an alehouse. I will buy the first round!"

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

"Makes sense to me, Erastil is natureish right? So nature, bees, honey, mead, and nature hops, beer, all natural - that's why its so good for you," Zephri replies, with the confidence of someone who feels the world ought to shape itself to fit his opinions.

The Exchange


Erastil's Alehouse is easy to find. It is a thriving brewery and alehouse run by the monks of Erastil. Currently though, it is a challenge to enter. There is a mob of followers who hope to see the famous cask and have a drink of the ale within.
A monk stands at the entrance blocking the path of some of the more aggressive followers who are trying to squeeze into the alehouse.

As you get closer, the monk looks at you with a frustrated expression on his face, I'm sorry my friends, but the Alehouse is a mite full at the moment.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

An alehouse with a monk for a bouncer? We must be in the big city for sure. So why is this barman so busy today? A good brew on tap?'

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

Noticing the large throng of people and the appropriately large bouncer, Meridyth decides on a more diplomatic approach, as it appears there will be a small wait to get in anyhow. "What, if I may ask, is going on? It appears a contest of some sort? At any rate, we have some small business that needs to be taken care of here. May we enter? As you can see, I take up very little room." the gnome asks, smiling up at the monk.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Zephri grins over Meridyth's shoulder, "Ah, come now my friend, help us out, we aren't here for the ale we are here to see Friar Horace. We don't even have to go in, if you can have someone fetch the Friar for us that will do just as well. We are Pathfinders and it is a matter of the greatest urgency."

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Ahn looks around for an alley or some back way in ... maybe a second story window or deck? perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Stullun simply rests his hand on the hilt of his scimitar, just in case, while he waits for his companions to try and gain them entrance.

The Exchange


The crowd has been drawn to the Alehouse to see the keg the Cayaden himself drank out of while he was mortal. The keg and its potential beneficial properties has drawn the curiosity of a substantial crowd.
Looking around, there is an alley way but not another way in the Alehouse that isn't already crowded and full of patrons.

The monk looks sympathetic and tells you to meet the head brewer out in the alley.
A few minutes later a thin, precise man with a hawkish nose comes out to meet you. He introduces himself as Friar Horace. His description of events is precise and to the point. Aye, I saw what happened ; they attacked that Pathfinder right over there the friar says as he makes a curt gesture to a patch of dirt in the alley behind the alehouse. They were wearing gray cloaks, but I don’t think they were guards. Your friend was holding her own, but then someone shot her from that rooftop. He makes another precise gesture pointing to a building across the alley. I called out for Brothers Ellis and Freel and grabbed my staff, but by the time I got outside, it was all over. We were able to help your friend back into the alehouse and Brother Freel went to fetch the Graycloaks.
I didn’t see what happened to the relic your friend was carrying—they must have grabbed it while I was getting my staff. When Brother Freel tried to follow the thugs, he found their cloaks discarded at the delivery entrance to the bakery. After that, things open up to the market proper and it’s almost impossible to follow anyone out there.

Feel free to ask other questions of the Friar. Perception checks are also in order.

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Zephri nods, "Thank you Friar, mind if we take a look at those cloaks just on the off chance - if you still have them? I'll have to come and sample your ale soon!"

He then turns away and begins a careful search of the alley, starting from the patch of dirt Horace indicated.

Taking 20 on perception for a 26, I'll roll to in case there is a reactive thing.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Dual-Cursed Oracle |HP: 10/10|Init: +5|Perception; +5 |F: +2 R: +1 W: +1

Meridyth looks around at the alley, trying to help Zephri spot any spent ammunition, or other items the ambushers may have left behind. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10.

"Did you get a feel for which way they came from, or which direction they fled in?"

"Why didn't you think they were guards? Aside from them attacking and robbing a courier aside, was there any non-guard like hints or tells?"

"Is there anything else you could tell us that might be of help in locating the killers?"

"Can we have the cloaks? Maybe someone left something in a pocket.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Fighter / 1; HP 14/14; ac16, 11 tch, 16 flat; fort +5, ref +1, will +0 (+2 vs fear), perception +4

Mutar looks about carefully with Stullun and Zephri.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8for perception

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"Do you know anything about those that run the bakery ... is it possible they actually went in?"

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

The Exchange


The Friar tells you that the cloaks were taken by the "real" Grey Cloaks as evidence. They just didn't have the look of the real thing you see. The Grey Cloaks are professional. These men, boys really, didn't have a professional look to them.

You see that it is fairly easy to climb to the roof of the building adjacent to the Alehouse. Climb DC15 if you wish to climb up.

The party does take a look around the Bakery. Nearly at once Stullun and Zephri see a piece of paper that has slipped between two bricks. Written on the paper - Barnel - noon, Pitview Pub Knowledge Local Please

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Untrained Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Zephry plucks up the note showing his comrades, "Our next destination I think?"

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

"I'll check the roof before we move on." With that he attempts to climb up to the roof.

Taking 10 for a 15.

The Exchange


Stullun knows that Pitview Pub is a moderately popular tavern in the Ascendent's Court.

Stullun is able to climb up the roof. It certainly does provide a great view of the back of the Alehouse. It is clearly a good spot for a would-be sniper to seek its prey.
Looking around ,the Magus spots an unused arrow. The arrow seems to be coated in some type of substance, poison most likely.

Where to next?

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Zephri nods when Stullen reveals the location of the Pitview, "Right what time is it now?"

DrGabe what time is it currently?

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"Time for a drink! I say Pitview! With a name like that I anticipate we'll have no trouble finding a seat ..."

Ahn talks on the side with Meridyth to see if she saw a place to buy a CLW wand ... If there's time he will pick up a 25 charge wand for 375gp: From Glass River Rescue Chronicle

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

You cannot buy partially charged wands in PFS unless you have them on a Chronicle.

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Sorry, should have specified the chronicle, have edited entry above to do so ... received from DrGabe two sessions ago.

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Nice! About to finish that at the moment with another character, I'll be getting one of those!

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"Whoops, I guess I should have spoilered that ...

Liberty's Edge

Male Male Human (Varisian) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2 HP 3/17; Init +1; AC 15, Touch 11, Flat 14; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3; Perc +6

Stullun presents the arrow to his companions. "Found this up there... likely coated with poison. Any know of poisons enough to figure it out?"

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