Mort's Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Strange Aeons Map

Dreamlands excursion ritual

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

It won't really help its not ability damage? Lesser restoration has no effect on greater madnesses, but reduces the current DC of one lesser madness afflicting the target by 2, up to once per day. Well, I'm not sure how that helps.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Ummm... It helps me. Seamus, on the other hand...

For me, Restoration drops the DC by 5, whilst, as you rightly pointed out, Lesser Retoration drops it by 2, once per day.

For Seamus, we need a high level Psychic to use those scrolls of Psychic Surgery (or someone who can reliably hit DC 31 on a UMD check)...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Explain how it helps you. I suspect there's something I don't understand about madnesses.

To heal a madness you need uninterrupted 7 days of rest...

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Take a look at the sanity/madness rules

To quote the relevant section:

Curing Madness wrote:

Each madness has a DC representing its strength. Among other things, that DC specifies the saving throw the afflicted character must succeed at to recover from the madness.

Recovering from a madness without magical aid is a lengthy process requiring significant rest. After 7 consecutive days of uninterrupted rest, the afflicted character can attempt a Will save against the madness’s current DC. If she succeeds, the DC is reduced by a number of points equal to 1/2 the character’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Instead of relying on her own strength of personality to reduce the effects of madness, a character can also seek out a single confidante, priest, or other advisor. The recovering character must meet with that person regularly (at least 8 hours each day) and gain guidance during the 7 days of rest. At the end of the rest period, the ally can attempt a Wisdom or Intelligence check (whichever is higher) with a DC of 15 for a lesser madness or a DC of 20 for a greater madness. On a success, the recovering character can reduce the madness’s DC by 1/2 the ally’s Wisdom or Intelligence modifier (whichever is higher, minimum 1) in addition to the decrease for resting. The character suffers the madness’s effect until the DC is reduced to 0.

Certain spells can also aid in recovery from madnesses or cure them outright. Lesser restoration has no effect on greater madnesses, but reduces the current DC of one lesser madness afflicting the target by 2, up to once per day. Restoration and heal reduce the current DC of one lesser madness afflicting the target by 5 or of one greater madness afflicting the target by 2, up to once per day each. Greater restoration, limited wish, and psychic surgery all either cure the target of all lesser madnesses or reduce the DC of one greater madness by the spell’s caster level (caster’s choice), while miracle or wish immediately cure a target of all lesser and greater madnesses.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

At the end of 7 day rest period. Not now?

Oh I see when the madness DC Reaches 0. I get it

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

No, no - the spells don't require you to rest. Resting is only important if you are trying to recover *without* magic.

Retired to Taldor?

'That must have been some party, I don't remember anything.' Rubbing this throbbing head, Seamus climbs out from the pile of bodies. Looking around he alternates rubbing his head and eyes. "Ummm Hi guys. Based on my headache that must have been one heck of a party. I don't remember any of your names."

He scratches his head for a moment "As a matter of fact, I don't recall my own name... or anything else."

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard raises an eyebrow.

"Ah, it would seem that you were messed up more than I had thought you would be... no matter. Your name is Seamus Passeri. I am Howard. This," he says, nodding towards the Troglodyte, "is my brother Claude. We have... worked together... for quite some time. I must admit, I am still a little hazy on the details, but perhaps those two," he says, pointing out Leonard and Vincent, "can do more to update you."

There is no need to cause a further melt down by telling him everything straight away...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Even double psychic surgery won't reduce Seamus's greater madness to 0

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Psychic Surgery goes off the Psychic list, making it a 6th level spell, and therefore caster level 11 from a scroll (so each casting reduces the DC by 11). The DC of Amnesia is 22; 22 - 2 x 11 = 0, unless I am missing something...?

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

In any case, is Damien available to help me with my 'little problem'...? ;-)

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Sorry got confused. New rules, my bad. I'm thinking about Damien. Re: Does he have lesser restoration as his spells prepared and can he even prepare it. It's on his spells list, definitely.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Howard finds Damien, a wiry man with a mop of curly brown hair staring at the stars at the bridge prow, contemplating the stars. "Isn't it a little late for guests like you to be out?" He says to Howard.

When Howard explains his predicament, Damien states that he doesn't really have that many powerful magics and has one lesser restoration prepared only.

Caster level check v DC 8 restoration: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Wisdom to avoid mishap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Caster level check v DC 8 restoration: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Wisdom to avoid mishap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Caster level check v DC 8 restoration: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Wisdom to avoid mishap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Caster level check v DC 8 restoration: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Wisdom to avoid mishap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Clearly Damien isn't really very good at the spellcasting business, as he fumbles over the scroll several times before managing to get it out.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Still feeling quite fuzzy, Howard nonetheless is quite willing to take the Lesser Restoration.

When the man finally succeeds at using the Scroll, Howard feels his thoughts clear slightly, and nods in satisfaction.

"I knew that you had it in you! I would appreciate it if you could continue to prepare one of those each day, until I feel my head has completely cleared."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"What exactly happened to you, Howard? I mean we didn't even see you out on deck the whole day and suddenly you come here with a headache? Is the ship passage too rough? Honestly we've been having rather good weather so far." Damien scratches his head as he looks at Howard.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard shrugs.

"It is probably better that you do not know the specifics... but suffice it to say, I have been experimenting with my Dreams... and sometimes, you encounter a Nightmare."

Note: I am assuming that this guy is *probably* a Desnan, which is why I am talking (albeit obliquely) about dreams. If the holy symbol he used when casting was of a non-dream-friendly deity, I would, of course, be even more circumspect.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Oh dear. But I'll keep that in mind. Do you want us to send someone to check on you if you don't answer for more then 2 meals?" Damien asks. Howard notices that Damien's eyes sparkle like starlight in the dark, and there's something not quite so mortal about him.

Damien at the end of the day doesn't even need to worship anyone ;) Think about it.

He also did not pull out any holy symbol when he used lesser restoration.

Retired to Taldor?

Placing his hand on his hip, 'Well that feels rather comfortable, I wonder why.' Seamus nods as Howard explains, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Howard and Brother Claude. You say we work together?"

He nods to the other men, and smiles, first just turning up the corners of his lips, 'That doesn't feel like enough, these might be important people.' then showing his pearly white teeth. He asks "What is it we do and can you tell me why the floor of this small room is moving?"

'One would think there would be more women.' Looking around "And what did we do to get sleeping all in a pile."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Seamus also notes a bunch of six legged lizards sleeping in another cluster.

Aka the Vooniths

Retired to Taldor?

taking a step back, pointing. "And what the heck are those?"

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp (cast), Blade Lash, Frostbite, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (Cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2 (1 cast), Sleet Storm
Passive stats:
HP 57/57 {65/65} | AC 21{26}/T14{15}/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 | CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/ Limited Use abilities:
Active effects: Shield (4 round), Defending bone 40/40, Mirror Image 6/6, Haste (3 round), Flight | Arcane Pool 8/9 | Black Blade Pool 1/2 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 0/1

Leonard, who has been listening groggily from his place in the floor, rises slowly to his feet. They're Voonith's, Seamus. I'm Leonard, that's Vincent, we're...we've been working together for some time.

Leonard places a hand on the hilt of his sword and extends the other, pleased to meet you.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Vincent grunts, Do we have any magic that could cure him of this?

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard nods.

"Yes, we have the necessary scrolls, but they require a caster very well experienced in the psychic arts."

Retired to Taldor?

Seamus looks from the creatures to the man with the sword, "Vooniths? Um, nice to meet you Vincent."

Looking to the other man, "Cure who of what, and is 'psychic art' something new? Is it like 'instillation art'? Or is it more like 'performance art'?"

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

When Howard, looking slightly better, but still a bit spaced, comes back into the room, he sees that Seamus is still in rather bad shape.

Yig give me strength.

"No Seamus. It is a form of magic - unfortunately, none of us are practitioners of that particular discipline, or we could fix your... memory issues... quite easily. Happily, we have some scrolls, but it will still be touch and go whether they will work."

Retired to Taldor?

Pretending like he understands, Seamus nods his head and attempts to smile. "Ok, so maybe we can try the scrolls?"

He then nods towards the Vooniths, "That still doesn't explain what were doing in this tiny rocking room laying in a huddle, with them in the room with us, instead of any woman at all."

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp (cast), Blade Lash, Frostbite, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (Cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2 (1 cast), Sleet Storm
Passive stats:
HP 57/57 {65/65} | AC 21{26}/T14{15}/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 | CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/ Limited Use abilities:
Active effects: Shield (4 round), Defending bone 40/40, Mirror Image 6/6, Haste (3 round), Flight | Arcane Pool 8/9 | Black Blade Pool 1/2 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 0/1

We were exploring a shared dream in the hopes of learning something about our past. Some time ago, before you lost your memory of us, we were involved with one Hasteron Lowls. We've all lost our memory of that time, though, and it's difficult to get back. Leonard looks around, we're on a ship, headed for Lowls's last known location. That's why the room is shaking. Leonard nods.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard raises an eyebrow.

"Well, at least one of the Voonith's is female, if that helps..."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Two of them are, actually, Verdigris and Shesha. Of course, should you actually decide to make out with them, since they don't have leanings that way, it'll probably result in you having one less male organ...

Not Safe for Work or any underaged kids:

Retired to Taldor?

Seamus looking disappointed, "Oh, so it wasn't a party. Well, I guess it's ok then. Um, where was his last known location? I'm not sure if I like boats or not."

Turning to the Vooniths, he shrugs, "Sorry about the mistake, I didn't remember one of you was a girl. Apparently I forgot my memory."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Edrychwn yr oeddem yn snoozing pan ddechreuoch wneud y swn fawr honno."
Siriss growls irritably.


Look we were snoozing when you started making that much noise.

"Wel fi a Verdigris yn fenywaidd, beth yw pob un o'r pethau hynny?" Shesha sounds slightly pissed from being awoken from her nap.


Well me and Verdigris are female,whats all that ruckus about?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"A allech chi siarad Aklo am fwynhad da?"Verdigris grumbles at Seamus


Could you speak Aklo for goodness sake?

Besides them, Monty is still sobbing in his sleep.

edited the post. Forgot they don't speak common.

Retired to Taldor?

Seamus gives Howard a peculiar look, "I must really be crazy, it sounded like she was talking in... Hey! I just remember that I speak Aklo!"

Turning to Shesha he winks and smiles "Sut wyt ti?"

He looks at Howard shrugging, "I don't know why I said that, It just seemed like the right thing to do."

Turning back to Siriss, giving a casual bow, "Ymddiheuraf am y toriad. Doeddwn i ddim yn golygu eich dymchwel. A allwch ddweud wrthyf pam mae Monty yn crio."


"How you doing?"
"I apologize for the interruption. I did not mean to awaken you. can you tell me why Monty is sobbing?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Ddim yn dda. Mae wedi bod mor galed yn gofalu am Monty."


Not good. It's been so hard looking after Monty.

"Fe wnaethom ymuno â chi ar geisiadau breuddwydio bob nos nes i Monty gicio yn y pen ar un ohonynt. Rwy'n credu ei fod wedi niweidio ei ymennydd ac mae wedi bod yn isel iawn ers hynny."Verdigris growls at Seamus angrily."Gwahoddwyd Howard yn gyfleus i ni ymuno â'r quests freuddwyd heb ddweud y gallai fod yn beryglus.
Rhoi blas i ni o Dreamlands fy nhraed. Mae gennym ni i gyd sefyll."


We joined you on dreamed quests every night until Monty got kicked in the head on one of them. I think it damaged his brain and he's been depressed ever since.

Howard conveniently invited us along to join in the dream quests without saying it would be dangerous. Giving us a taste of Dreamlands my foot. We've got all we can stand.

"Ceisiais ddweud wrth Monty ei fod yn beryglus ond nid oedd yn gwrando." Verdigris answers sadly.


I tried to tell Monty it was dangerous but he didn't listen.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard nods to Verdigris.

"Mae hynny'n bwynt da. Gall un o'r morwyr baratoi Adferiad Llai, felly, ar ôl tua wythnos, dylai Monty fod yn ôl i arferol, os byddwn yn ei gael i weinidog iddo bob dydd."

"That is a good point. One of the sailors can prepare Lesser Restoration, so, after about a week, Monty should be back to normal, if we get him to minister to him every day."

I should have mentioned this before, but, whilst Keeping Watch, I would, from now on, include Monty in it, and spend my time talking with him (since that is 'non-stressful' activity). Mechanically, it won't achieve much, but I can at least show that I am trying to help.

Retired to Taldor?

Seamus looks at Monty sympathetically "Dwi'n ddrwg gennyf glywed am Monty, rwy'n falch na ddigwyddodd dim byd tebyg i mi!"

"I'm so sorry to hear about Monty, I'm glad nothing like that happened to me!"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Yes because I took it that you couldn't be arsed the last time.

"Wel, gallech fod wedi dweud wrthym yn gynharach ..."Verdigris gives Howard a exasperated look."Nawr dyma'r broblem - sut ydyn ni'n mynd i gael y morwr i fwrw adferiad llai ar Monty? Mae'n debyg y bydd yn rhedeg ar ein golwg!"


Well, you could have told us that earlier...

Now here's the problem - how are we going to get the sailor to cast lesser restoration on Monty? He'll probably run at the sight of us!

I'll give the usual 7 day rest and shrink for the Vooniths since they aren't doing anything.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard taps his chin thoughtfully.

"Wel, mae'r morwyr yn gwybod eich bod chi yma; maent yn darparu'ch bwyd bob dydd, wedi'r cyfan. Maent hefyd yn gwybod eich bod chi (yn gymharol) yn gyfeillgar. Yr wyf yn siŵr y gallwn ddod â hi i ddod at y syniad o helpu Monty... yn enwedig pan welodd beth yw Monty melancholic, ar hyn o bryd..."

"Well, the sailors know you are here; they are delivering your food every day, after all. They also know that you are (relatively) friendly. I am sure that I could get him to come around to the idea of helping Monty... especially when he sees just how melancholic Monty is, right now..."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Hynny yw, os yw'n siarad Aklo ... sut fyddem ni'n trosglwyddo'r hyn yr ydym am ei gael?" Verdigris asks Howard.


That is, if he speaks would we be conveying what we want to him?

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard shrugs modestly.

"Mae'n ddrwg gennym, roeddwn i'n meddwl ei fod yn awgrymu - rwy'n hapus i weithredu fel cyfieithydd, os oes angen..."

"Sorry, I thought that it was implied - I am happy to act as a translator, if required..."

He then goes to find Damien again.

"Terribly sorry to bother you again, but one of the Vooniths that we parleyed with has been afflicted with a similar malady to my own; would you be willing to treat him in the same fashion? I swear, they are perfectly amiable once you get to know them; they just want to get home..."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Damien raises an eyebrow at Howard, "Hey, I'm paid as a navigator, and then I get to serve as a sawbones and now a veterinarian for your... Vooniths?"

"Look, I don't know how to fix creatures like that, I can try..."He looks at them dubiously, "But I don't want to bear any liability if things go wrong!"

"Which reminds me, I really have to tell Captain Skywind I can't heal anyone in case of an emergency because that's all the power from the spirits I can channel!"

"As well as ask her for a raise, of course."

Damien will do it but not very happily because he fears his taxed resources won't be sufficient to cover the ship's needs.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard looks thoughtful.

"How about this: If the crew needs healing whilst you are doing this for us, we will provide it."

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Vincent takes the scrolls from Howard and spends some time with Seamus, having him lay in a bunk while he performs the psychich surgery.

UMD Day 1: 1d20 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 21 + (6) = 43
UMD Day 2: 1d20 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 21 + (3) = 39

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Vincent nods to Howard, I think that sacrifice affected you. You seem out of sorts. I can perform more work on you too, if we have the supplies.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

With Howard's assurance, Damien follows Howard into their cabin then chants for 18 seconds over the sobbing, sleeping Monty, then reaches out to pat his hide. Monty’s eyes flicker open, then he licks Damien gratefully, ” Oooh Rwy'n teimlo'n well!”


Oooh I feel better!

Daimen on the other hand doesn’t take it so calmly, his face turning pale as he leaps back. ”Arrrghh he’s gonna eat me! He just tasted me with his tongue and is going to eat me next!”

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The party goes back to bed, except for Howard, Leonard, and now Monty, joining the non-sleeping squad. Monty takes the opportunity to fill Howard's ears with complaints on how much he misses going back to his cave in Oukranos River.

Day 13

This is before the second UMD of psychic surgery.

Monty’s will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Yep, Monty still doesn't feel any better about things

Howard, Leonard and Monty feel the ship suddenly lurch to one side,"Help! Something's huge is our net and our ship might capsize!"

The party hurries to the deck to see Damien trying to cut the net free of the boat, and inside the net is a enormous amber jellyfish as large as a carriage.

Seamus init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Howard Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Leonard Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Vincent Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
jellyfish: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Vincent knowledge nature: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 11 + (2) = 17

No one has any clue on anything about the jellyfish.

Everyone except for Vincent up, Slide 2

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp (cast), Blade Lash, Frostbite, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (Cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2 (1 cast), Sleet Storm
Passive stats:
HP 57/57 {65/65} | AC 21{26}/T14{15}/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 | CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/ Limited Use abilities:
Active effects: Shield (4 round), Defending bone 40/40, Mirror Image 6/6, Haste (3 round), Flight | Arcane Pool 8/9 | Black Blade Pool 1/2 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 0/1

Leonard mostly minds his own business as Howard goes about his crafting and Vincent tries to help Seamus.

He chats with the crew, hanging around the kitchens at mealtimes. What's the kitchen like? Who's the chef?

When the others go to sleep, Leonard takes Monty outside to look at the stars. Come on, Monty, let's go out on the deck.


Leonard races forward to the edge of the boat, Angiliath bursting into flames and crackling with electricity, and starts hacking at the nearest rope.

Attack+charge: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 2 = 17
Damage+flaming+shocking: 1d6 + 6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + (5) + (5) = 18

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object’s hardness.

So after hardness... 6+3 dmg, since I will say lightning isn't very good at cutting ropes. Fire, fine. Hardness, each different type of damage is subtracted.

Leonard slices at the rope tethering the net to the boat, but does not manage to cut all the way through it.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


As Leonard approaches the kitchen he picks up the aroma of baked bread and a creamy soup cooking.

The kitchen is a busy, noisy yet cosy place lined with rustic wooden cabinets, stoves, ovens and sinks.

The master, or more appropriate mistress of the kitchen is a large, muscular Mwangi woman named Darja. On seeing Leonard enter, she calls out to him, "ey you'we one of Skywind's ono'd guests - a' we late with oa' food? You don't ave to twouble yoozself coming down we'll bwing it to yoa' cabin!"

I don't see you stirring the stew for an entire ship(which really the ladle starts to resemble a boat paddle) - without putting on some muscle.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I'll assume you speak to Monty in Aklo, he doesn't speak common

Monty is happy to follow Leonard on the deck, and points out that the stars are different from the Oukranos river. Like they have a constellation called the buopoth, and describes a buopoth resembling elephants with short ears and short trunks.

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