Monsters and Men Table 1

Game Master tumbler

Modern Magic and Monster Hunting

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Coolio. I4 is the most I could afford anyway.

Would you prefer I drop that, or lower it?

What about using Ablative in addition to Impervious? That would mean that it would only work for so many hits, and then you'd have to start it over fresh or give it time to recharge. That way dealing with the "tough guy" would be as simple as focusing him for a moment until the Impervious goes away. Just a thought.

I'm thinking skills will be important, but at the same time 7 ranks in a skill should make you "world class" in those skills. 12 ranks plus a good modifier should put you into best in the world category. Of course, that is on a human scale. Here are the skills for an extremely competent NPC that I converted from official material. He is PL 8

Skills: Climb 9 (+14), Diplomacy 7 (+19), Drive 4 (+10), Intimidate 8 (+20), Navigate 9 (+13), Notice 5 (+10), Stealth 10 (+16), Survival 5 (+10)

Rynjin wrote:

Coolio. I4 is the most I could afford anyway.

Would you prefer I drop that, or lower it?

I can live with 4.

Yes, LAB Rat, I could also be sold on something higher if it was ablative given the right flavor.

I currently have 11 ranks in Search, Spot, Sense Motive, Acrobatics, Climb, Swim, and a few other things, with 4 ranks in Knowledges (Art and Business), Drive, and Ride.

Too much?

It isn't too much. You are just a person with an extraordinary amount of training.

@Rigor and @Philo

It seems to me that the Warden sword is a device. I don't feel like they are normal swords that are enhanced with magic. Just like a shield bracelet or something.

I can see the idea behind the gun. It is sort of like the blasting rod but backwards. Harry can blast without the rod but better with it. Of course, the rod itself doesn't blast at all without his magic.

If it is double point shaving (I'm not sure it is. I'd have to build it both ways to see what difference it makes) it is also 1/2 as hard to take it away from you.

I think I'm saying let me see the gun build.

Most of my skills are either at either 8 or 12 ranks. I don't have a life and spend all my time training lol

Also, I'm working on a backstory for him, and here's what I came up with so far: Detective Jarrod Liam Jackson was a member of the Chicago Special Crimes Unit (I think that's what it is, the one that Dresden's friend Karen ran for the first half of the series), and was always one of the skeptics. While he never really believed that the crimes they investigated were 'supernatural', he did believe that Dresden was a good help, and an alright guy at times, if a little weird. That all changed when his wife and daughter were killed by a renegade Red Court vampire. That's when he became a firm believer in both the supernatural and Dresden's skills. And though he eventually got his revenge against the creature that killed his family, he knew that he couldn't stay in the city he lost them in. With a fond farewell, he left the police force and moved to his new home (whichever city this takes place in), and as a nod to the man who helped him, became a private detective, all the while keeping an eye out for anything supernaturally dangerous.

I'm not sure what Philo means by 'double-point shaving,' so it's hard to say whether it would be one way or another. Regardless, to my character the way I presently have it set up, having it work as simultaneously as a device and equipment, it is actually costing me more points than it would as just a device, not less. Given that, I might drop the idea all together. Ideally, I would like to keep the feature for story reasons... but getting rid of the dual-natured idea and just using a straight device would be a convenient way to cut expenses, which I am having a hard time finding ways to do.

Is it costing more because you are buying the full blast on the magic attack(7 ranks)? That is sort of buying it twice.

I think it would make sense to make it a device with variable effects. Damage up to 4 ranks is just bullets, then above that is magic?

You could always build it as a variable power, but that would be really expensive.

I made a few changes to Wisp. Minor stuff, mostly to bring skills in line with what other people are saying.



Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 140/140

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +3 (16)

Tough: +7, Fort: +7, Ref: +7, Will: +5

Skills: Acrobatics 3 (+6), Bluff 11 (+14), Concentration 9 (+10), Diplomacy 5 (+8), Disguise 1 (+4), Drive 1 (+4), Gather Information 7 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 1 (+2), Knowledge (streetwise) 6 (+7), Language 1 (+1), Notice 12 (+13), Perform (oratory) 7 (+10), Sense Motive 10 (+11), Sleight of Hand 7 (+10), Stealth 11 (+14)

Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 2, Cat's Feet, Challenge - Improved Feint, Diehard, Equipment 3, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Concealment, Tough 2

Eyes of Fire (Super-Senses 3) (counters obscure: Vision, Smoke, infravision)
Always Clean (Features 1)
Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)
Firey Vapors (Damage 7) (DC 22; Secondary Effect)
. . Fatigue 7 (Alternate; DC 17)
. . Nauseate 7 (Alternate; DC 17)
. . Smoky Images (Illusion 7) (Alternate; affects: 1 type + visual - visual + scent, DC 17; Limited (Requires smoke))
. . Suffocate 7 (Alternate; DC 17)
Flight 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd; Reduced Load (Medium Load))
Immunity 13 (common descriptor: Fire - Half, environmental condition: Cold, suffocation (all); Limited - Half Effect [10 ranks only])
Smoke (Obscure 1) (affects: 1 type + visual - visual+sense, Radius: 5-50 ft.; Selective Attack; Partial; Progression, Increase Area 3 (area x10))
Smoky body (Insubstantial 1) (Fluid; Action (reaction); Selective)
. . Fire Healing (Healing 1) (Alternate; Action 4 (reaction), Restoration, Total; Limited (Requires Fire), Personal; Regrowth)
Tendrils of Smoke (Elongation 3) (Elongation: 25 ft., range incr 30 ft., +3 Escape & Grapple; Projection; Limited (Half Strength))

Equipment: Cell Phone, Feyweave Suit [Always Clean (Features 1); Protection 2, +2 Toughness], Lighter and Smokes 1, Magic accessories 1, Vehicle: Motorcycle

Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +7, Grapple: +7/+10)

Attacks: Fatigue 7, +7 (DC Fort 17), Firey Vapors (Damage 7), +7 (DC Staged/Tou ), Nauseate 7, +7 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Suffocate 7, +7 (DC Fort 17), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 15)

Defense: +7 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3

Initiative: +3

Languages: English, Spanish

Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 23 (92 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 47 + Combat 24 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 140

Crunch here

Oh, is my background good? I wasn't sure if you were using the actual Dresdenverse in your game or just the mechanics.

Actually, all the device does in this case is provide additional Alternate Abilities for the user's magic power (a cool option I learned off the official write up of Eldritch, M&M's version of Dr. Strange). In that sense it is kind of like a blasting rod, in that the power to make it work comes from the user, but it allows the user to do specific things they might not be able to do without it. The device provides 5 Alternate Abilities (1 pp each), so each power is as powerful as the Magic rank of the user, but the Device itself is only requires 1 rank, making it very economical. Since discounting the device would be pretty pointless when a handheld device only costs 3 pp at one rank anyway, including the base equipment would hardly be an advantage. The disadvantage of leaving it off would be that without magical mojo from a user, it would have no non-magical setting, and be unusable without a Magic wielder.

If I kept it as equipment and simultaneously as a device, it would allow the points allocated with those alternate abilities to go a bit further, but it would cost the character more as she still has to pay for the device rank and the equipment points. Basically, the device costs 3 pp, the equipment 2 (8 ep). If I get some time, I'll do a compare/contrast what the two versions could do, as I would include them in my write up.

Before anyone asks about whether a device can give you new alternate powers like that, yes, and it is even listed in 'Book of Magic' (a good resource for this kind of campaign) as an example of existing magical devices/artifacts. I think Harry's blasting rod would be a good example of this kind of device.

LAB Rat, I am going to be picking nits here, so don't be offended. You have teleport as a spell in your magic, but I think that might be outside of our inspiration. Especially since you are particularly a Dresdenverse wizard. As far as I can remember, only Vadderung can open portals directly to somewhere else. All of the wizards use the ways through faerie. So can we tweak your teleport to reflect that?

Some ideas: Requires a skill check (to navigate through the ways)?
Takes extra time?
Causes Fatigue?

Any other thoughts folks?

I believe Dimensional Travel is a different power Effect entirely from teleportation.

@Rigor Yes, I was just reading Book of Magic and saw the same thing. This book and Agents of Freedom are two of the main reasons for me choosing second edition.

@Deko Yes, your background sounds good. I am taking much of Dresden as cannon, but also rolling lots of other inspirations in there.

@Philo Looks good.

tumbler wrote:

LAB Rat, I am going to be picking nits here, so don't be offended. You have teleport as a spell in your magic, but I think that might be outside of our inspiration. Especially since you are particularly a Dresdenverse wizard. As far as I can remember, only Vadderung can open portals directly to somewhere else. All of the wizards use the ways through faerie. So can we tweak your teleport to reflect that?

Some ideas: Requires a skill check (to navigate through the ways)?
Takes extra time?
Causes Fatigue?

Any other thoughts folks?

I told him the same thing. However, to play devil's advocate, take note that it is conducted via mirrors only, so in that respect it is limited. While teleportation is never really depicted in the Dresdenverse, what is demonstrated that the affects of magic in the setting can vary widely, and it happens on a few occasions where someone casts a spell that Harry didn't even know was possible. So, while I agree it does not seem prototypically Dresden-like, from the devils advocate's perspective, such things might exist?

Rynjin wrote:
I believe Dimensional Travel is a different power Effect entirely from teleportation.

Yes, it's Super-Movement: Dimensional with the Portal extra.

Dimensional Travel is a different power, yes. Dresden says, though, that there are ways that are clear through the Nevernever. So I can imagine a teleport power that opens portals and isn't instantaneous and just handwaves the travel. Of course, it would only let you move between predetermined points.

Hmmm. I wasn't considering the mirror limitation. That intrigues me.

Oh, for a bit of inspiration: If you want some ideas for a good way to incorporate several different worlds/universes into one story, I'd recommend the story Child of the Storm. It's mostly a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover, but it has elements on DC-verse (Clark Kent, the Speed Force, and Constantine), the full Dresdenverse, and a few others, and it doesn't feel all mish-mashed.

Hi, I'm the guy who submitted the haunted gargoyle in the interest check thread before the campaign moved away from monstrous humanoids. I was thinking that I was going to pass because I didn't like any of the alternate concepts I was coming up with, but I came up with one today that I really like.

The pitch is that I'm playing a college student who is backpacking in the Middle East for a few months, and somehow he gets turned around and lost in the desert wilderness. He spends a few days without water, food, and sufficient clothes to protect him from the elements, and things are looking dire. One morning, at dawn, to be precise, he's filled with the strength and willpower needed to go on, and he realizes that he's not exactly alone. An unseen presence guides him to the nearest river, and my PC is able to follow it to civilization. It takes a while, but he eventually learns that he has various abilities related to light and heat and that the presence that he detects he is able to communicate with on a primitive, instinctual level, although in time, this communication gets more comprehensive as my PC and this presence learn more about each other.

After some time, my PC deduces that the presence he communicates with is an ancient deity of a long-dead culture of humans who once worshiped this deity every sunrise. The deity was a god of the dawn who died with his worshipers' culture. But dawn is a symbol of rebirth, and so--thousands of years later--this deity was reborn, and attached itself to the first suitable human it encountered in its ancient land.

So, aside from doing whatever the PCs will be doing, my guy will be trying to figure out how and why he relates to a primitive, but relatively peaceful deity, what that deity's role is in the modern world, and his power will grow with his understanding. Hopefully.

Like my gargoyle concept, this isn't directly inspired by any of the campaign inspirations mentioned, but I still think it fits.

Tumbler, please let me know if you think this concept is worth considering, and I'll start to build him. Thanks!

Yeah, I was considering dropping Teleport for speed because it doesn't link up super well with the Dresdenverse and I'm a sucker for that. But that said, if you like the mirror caveat and don't mind the teleportation, I'll stick with it. Mostly because I think turning mirrors into portals is awesome.

Andostre, I liked the gargoyle concept. But this one is also interesting. I think either fits within the parameters of the setting.

It is going to be hard to whittle all of these submissions down. Honest, I thought this would be such a niche idea I would have a hard time finding enough for a group.

In my experience, as soon as you mention the Dresden Files, you're bound to get a strong reaction. The series has a lot of fans, and even on these boards I seem to see mentions of it constantly.

Orrrr you could run a campaign with all of us? :D Shot in the dark, of course, but a guy can dream. Right?

On an unrelated note, are you okay with me using the Duplication power? Rigor had mentioned that some GMs are not all thrilled with it, so I felt that it would be best to ask.

Rynjin, I saw your day job of bookstore and it got me thinking about networking the characters together.

With the provision that how we all know each other is under tumbler's control and he will make the final decision for which characters are in the game, I'd like to point out I purchased a base, the Odd Market Pawn and Repair.

I wanted it bigger than a house which made it the size of a warehouse.

There should be plenty of space to fit in a bookstore, if the idea appeals to you.

Hell, since "Living Space" grants slots equal to the Power Level of the campaign, I could see Odd John renting out a few rooms to folks he might think would help protect him if any of the Kindly Folk came looking for him. (Or at least make it harder to find him in the crowd.)

Though he wouldn't admit he was the landlord if he could help it and he definitely wouldn't stand for no pesky spells shortin' out his gear.

Also no weird smells or smoking indoors.

And this ain't your Momma's house, so clean up after your own self.

Yeah, ya' can borrow the van if ya' need it- just mind the gas gets replaced and maybe ya' could pick up a few things fer me while yer out.

I made a few tweaks to Odd John's profile, if anyone wants to take a look.

Also, tumbler, have you decided on a home city yet?

Sounds good to me. Networking characters is always good (the last mutants and Masterminds game I played lasted about three weeks before the GM shut it down for some reason, and one player never even got to post...his character was the only one not networked to the rest of us).

Have my background up, though I'm still trying to trim a few points from my budget.

Warden Lakshmi Kishan

Born to one of the wealthier families in Bombay (now called Mumbai), Lakshmi was bright, overachieving child. Educated primarily in the United Kingdom, she excelled in academics, ballet, gymnastics, riding, and fencing. While living under substantial expectations and pressure from her parents, she also had a fierce independent streak. She was well on her way to being pressed into a prestigious line of education, such as medicine or law, despite her somewhat disinterested attitude. Resenting the pressure she felt from her parents, she actively sought out other areas of interest, the more disapproved of by her parents the better.

The perfect opportunity came following news of the death of a great uncle she’d not been aware she had. Never before mention in her recollection, she soon learned that this was rather telling of his status in the family. An eccentric shut in with odd scholastic interests, according to the reports anyway, the family apparently found the easiest option was to provide him a modest stipend so that he might continue his ‘research’ and remain out of the public eye. It was evident, even to a young Lakshmi that this uncle was something of an embarrassment to the family, and that his passing would not be particularly mourned. As the news had come just as school was ending for the summer, Lakshmi volunteered to be the one responsible for going through the old man’s home and belongings, a job which it was certain no one else wanted.

His home was a massive collection of curios, antiques, papers, clippings, scrapbooks, and books. Lots and lots of books, in more languages than Lakshmi thought it would ever be possible for one person to read. Many of them were printed, but the majority were either handwritten, often fully illuminated texts, or plain journals. Though it took a while to piece out the old man’s hand writing style, she gradually began to decipher the numerous notes and records. Many of the books were strange, detailing her uncle’s attempts to solve particular problems, but the figures, details, and numbers all seemed to be gibberish. As a result, she concentrated completely on the journals. Starting at the beginning, she began to learn of his life as a wizard. At first, she thought the stories were amusing; that they were signs that her uncle had in fact been not entirely sound of mind, but the stories were entertaining nonetheless. Gradually, she began to notice that the lessons her great-uncle described, and the challenges he reported experiencing while learning seemed far too consistent for the work of a madman, and that a cohesive structure, ‘rules’ to the magic, seemed to be consistent, and even kind of logical. She started to wonder… It wasn’t long after that she first did magic on her own.

Naturally, as all her time was spent reading, her work in her uncle’s home took far longer than her family thought it should be taking. As a result, she worked to preserve the most important texts. Her uncle had journaled meticulously, and described every lesson he received at the hands of his master in painstaking detail. Every book that she could identify as belonging to his apprenticeship made it’s way into her own collection, while every text that even seemed to touch on magic made its way into careful storage, unbeknownst to her parents, and safely stored. When she returned to school and made her way into university at Oxford, she steared her studies into history, philosophy, religion; anything that touched on her passion. While her parents were disheartened by her move away from Medicine or Law, they took comfort in her rapid rise within the academic sector. Her awards, scholarships, and publications were plentiful, and mollified them with the promise that she would be a prominent and respected academic.

By her mid-twenties, she felt that she had mastered every lesson she could from her uncle’s vast library of notes, and she approached the White Council. You can imagine the scene, when a completely unknown young woman, showed up unannounced at the NeverNever gate to the Council’s stronghold, announcing that she had come to take the trials to become a full wizard and join the council. Rather than getting tested that day, it was in fact a few years before the council was satisfied and she was allowed to take the trials. Since self-trained magic users so often succumb to the temptations of misusing their magic, and thereby violating the rules of magic, they insisted on an extensive investigation of the upstart young girl before allowing her anywhere near the council. Fortunately, her uncle’s notes had been extensive, and unlike pretty much any other self-trained sorcerer, she had learned the laws of magic long before she was ever able to cast her first spell. While the council dragged their feet, and the investigation went on for years, she was eventually able to take the trials, by which time she passed easily. By this time, the man listed as her master had been dead more than a decade, making her the only living Wizard officially trained by a dead man. Curiously, whenever the topic was mentioned, the words “officially,” “current,” “living” were all specifically included in the details...

Once admitted to the white council, she found much of the monotony infuriating, and the pace of progress within the political machine glacial. However, she found mentors she could respect. Listens to Wind, Ebenezar McCoy, Anastasia Luccio, and particularly the one called Rashid, the Gatekeeper. She became drawn to the Wardens, partly due to her quandary over the role of magic in the real world. She settled on finding ways to protect the uninitiated from the misuse of magic, joining the Wardens some years before the start of the war with the Red Court. Her assignments eventually brought her to the United States; a land of numerous and interesting contradictions.

I'm always open to networking stories, though such connections are usually best left tentative, until we know who is selected.

Hrm. I was under the impression that armor added to Defense, not Toughness, but it seems I was wrong. I had hoped to save a few points by buying armor to get a good balance between normal Defense and Dodge Defense. Apparently just Shields do.

Ideas for good equipment to buy besides a sword? I feel like with my slightly faster than normal speed buying a ranged weapon probably isn't super worth it.

Can I flavor a shield as like a gauntlet or something? Image of a shield doesn't really fit, but blocking incoming blows with a metal gauntlet puts a cool image in my head.

Actually maybe I should just trade those Equipment ranks for Device ranks, I dunno. I don't like the sound of my weapon getting destroyed very often. Is there a Power (besides Shield) which adds to Defense?

Deflect is a defense power that requires a standard action to block melee and ranged attacks (which ranged attacks subject to how many points you pay per rank) but it gets expensive fast.

You might be better off with a dimensional pocket and putting a real shield in it. (if you can fit the power into your concept)
Pockets is useful.
If you don't want to lose your weapon, but aren't locked into sword, how about adding Strike R1, Mighty (special effect claws) for 2 points?

Or combine the two, take device R1 (probably 4 points), have the device give claws and a pocket dimension? (gloves of storing style)
Perhaps made from trophy from your origin.

tumbler wrote:
Andostre, I liked the gargoyle concept. But this one is also interesting. I think either fits within the parameters of the setting.

Dang, you're going to make me choose? These are my babies! :)

No need to choose, just have your babies battle to the death and be forced to feed off the remains of their vanquished foe... problem solved, and no guilt on your part for having to choose!

Cornielius wrote:
With the provision that how we all know each other is under tumbler's control and he will make the final decision for which characters are in the game, I'd like to point out I purchased a base, the Odd Market Pawn and Repair.

Very cool. I can definitely see this becoming the center of the group. Though ti does tie us to one city.

Eh, comic book logic. Why doesn't Spider-Man get fired from his job (for really real) when he goes missing for days or weeks at a time on some out of town mission?

Comic book logic.

Why doesn't my bookstore or his market collapse when we disappear? Same.

Book of Magic wrote:


The headquarters has a staff of personnel commensurate with its size and facilities. The staff is made up of characters created and controlled by the GM and tasked with serving the headquarters. As such, they shouldn’t be considered all-purpose Minions of the occupant(s) of the HQ. So, while an HQ’s personnel may help defend it in case of attack, they’re not going to go with the owner on adventures or otherwise assist outside of their duties. This feature simply ensures there’s someone taking care of the headquarters while the owner isn’t at home.

Like most Headquarter-features, it cost 1 ep.

The shop doesn't close up because Scruffy doesn't fly out with the crew, he stays behind and keeps the place running while everyone else is off doing something interesting.

My character in a different game owns a shop as his HQ, and this is how he functions, not having to worry about whether he is going to catch the badguy in time to rush home, shower, and get to the shop in time to open up.

Looks like I've finally finished dragging Cooper together. This is my first time making an M&M character, so hit me with all the feedback you have. Especially if it's in relation to the mechanical stuff, because I'm not 100% sure I did it all right. He's a human wizard not affiliated with the Wardens and all the other fluff is in the alias.

Question: are the laws of magic worth a complication? Also, if you are any sort of non human, you should have a complication of PUFF applicable unless you have worked for the government and earned an exemption.

If they are a limitation on the powers, I would say they are not also a complication.

Are they worth a complication? I would say yes, definitely.

My opinion is the way they effect would be more of a complication than a limitation, but it could go either way.

I also think Drain may be a better mechanic than Nullify, as Drain steadily drops the point level while Nullify ends the magical effect. Both would involve a save or an opposed roll, so you may want to make them automatic instead.

Part of the reason I think they would make a better complication than a limitation is that you could apply their effect when needed and hand wave their effects at any time when they happen 'off screen'.

Leaving them a limitation would mean the players who factored them into their character's cost wouldn't have to make changes. A lot of changes.

If you look at how they act on spells, consider this.
Dresdenverse magic would steadily act on wards and other constant effects, but instant effects, such as creating fire, would not really be effected.
Allowing them as a limitation means you always get a point break on your magic abilities, even when they aren't really being limited.

PUFFs would be complications.
In regard to PUFF's, are magic users considered monsters?

tumbler wrote:
Question: are the laws of magic worth a complication? Also, if you are any sort of non human, you should have a complication of PUFF applicable unless you have worked for the government and earned an exemption.

Que es PUFF?

Cooper Harris

Toughness 5 + Def 10 = 15. At PL7, the max is for their total is 14.

Telekinesis Attack Bonus +7 + Telekinesis R8 = 15. PL7 max is 14. This could be argued as a non-damaging power, but it is an attack power and the trade off rule is ‘attack bonus + save Difficulty Class’. The effect of grab is as bad as several of the attack powers.

Create Object R12 would do area effect damage rank 12 with an attack bonus of +3 if you created an object above a target and it fell on them, so might be considered to violate the same rule.

Teleport starts at 2 pts/R. Dresdenverse magic is -1pt/R, Portal is +2pts/R, Medium is -1pt/R, Accurate is +1pt/R. Final cost would seem to be 3pts/R, so R4 would be 12 pts. The Power Feat Progression R5 would cost 5 points but since it effects the amount of weight you can carry with you and Portal means you don’t carry anything but rather open a door, I don’t think you need it.

Force Field starts at 1pt/R, Impervious is +1pt/R, Ablative is =1pt/R, so final cost is 1 Pt/R. R7 = 7 points. Obscure (Visual) costs 2 pts/R, so = 2 points. Selective is a Power Feat and adds 1 point to the cost of the power. Total cost 10 points, with ‘Easy to Lose” from Device, your final cost would be 6 points. However, Easy to Lose means the Sweatshirt could be taken from you with a disarm action which sounds odd, but could be interpreted as ‘easy to tear and put out of action’. Also, Obscure effects a 5’ radius at a range increment of 10’ and I’m not sure that was what you were going for with the power. You might be wanting Concealment to be invisible.

The next bit is that you have taken the Dresdenverse magic as a limitation on the Device when it should be on the powers in the device. Device is more of a ‘container’ than a power, there should be no limitations or advantages on it.

Communication needs a medium and a receiver of some sort- magic is more of the descriptor, though ‘magical sending’ might be what you meant. What defines a magical sending receiver? Anyway, Comm R4 plus power a power feat costs 5 points. Dimensional Pocket R1 costs 1 point and Quickness R4 costs 4 points. Total cost 10 points; with Device ‘Easy to lose’ this becomes 6 points. Disarm earbuds becomes pull them out by their strings? And, again, I believe you need to put the limitation on the individual powers, not the container.

A P.U.F.F. is the bounty paid to a person who kills an eligible monster in the Monster Hunter International series.
I don't remember what the letters stand for.

Personnel- The headquarters has a staff of personnel commensurate with its size and facilities. The staff is made up of characters created and controlled by the GM and tasked with serving the headquarters. As such, they shouldn’t be considered all-purpose Minions of the occupant(s) of the HQ. So, while an HQ’s personnel may help defend it in case of attack, they’re not going to go with the owner on adventures or otherwise assist outside of their duties. This feature simply ensures there’s someone taking care of the headquarters while the owner isn’t at home.

Get them fellers off my lawn!

When you can spin straw into gold, do you really need to care if the front counter is always staffed and the shop opens on time?

PUFF stands for Perpetual Unearthly Forces Fund, which is a bounty on an eligible monster.

Magicians and wizards wouldn't be on the list by default. They would have to be added to the list. I would imagine there is a secretive process where bounties could be levied on magic users who are demonstrably a danger to the public.

I wasn't thinking of changing the limitation: follows Dresdenverse rules, I was thinking of the Laws of Magic. No killing, no mind manipulation, etc. It seems to me that when one of these comes up it might be worth a Hero Point because essentially you can't use your powers to efficiently deal with a problem.

Would you give a hero point if the laws of the country/state the character lived in prevented him from using his powers to deal with a problem?

Breaking a law of magic as defined by the council of wizards would be in the same category.

Cornielius wrote:

Would you give a hero point if the laws of the country/state the character lived in prevented him from using his powers to deal with a problem?

Breaking a law of magic as defined by the council of wizards would be in the same category.

If the law applied to your character, but not to anyone else's, that's a complication.

By the same token, if someone belonged to the Winter Court, when the laws of winter interfered with their actions, or their duty to the court was called due, that would also be a complication, but just to the faerie.

Dresden Magic as a complication? Sometimes, yes, in some regards, it would make a good Complication. However, given the array of challenges presented with Dresden, it seems to make much more sense to boil it down to a limitation; particularly after more than one person decided to build and pitch a White Council wizard.

However, I think that if they are a Limitation, they should not also be a Complication, as that would be getting two different things for the same thing.

Though if your magic interferes with another character, they should get the hero point for it.

As a crossbreed Jinn would I be considered a monster for PUFF?

All Odd's suggestions have been read and attended to. I was going the Progression route on Teleport because I thought that it would give more distance, but it seems you're right on that one.

As for Create Object, I hadn't planned on dropping much of anything on anyone's head with it. Maybe with Telekinesis, but that one's been dumbed down to be appropriate for it. That said, as useful as grappling folks with telekinesis is, I was gonna have Coop throw stuff at them instead.

With the devices, I don't really see the point in making the limitation apply to the powers that the device gives. It would effectively make stuff like Communication, Quickness, ect. free which can't happen since all powers have to cost SOMETHING. Assuming I read it right. And if you look at it from the perspective that the device does absolutely nothing when submerged in running water, it does sort of work. In my opinion, at least.

I was thinking the Easy to Lose portion of the sweatshirt might be if it was cut or something? Not sure on that one, mostly because it didn't start out as a sweatshirt. I may change it to some other object. The Obscure wasn't meant to give concealment, though. Just be a handy little extra thing that he can throw down if he needs it. Like a tactical smoke bomb.

Also, I think I did my math wrong for my saves after looking them over again, so that's fixed now. Feedback from anyone else is, as always, very welcome.

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