Mivon Watch Guard

Game Master GM_Solspiral

Reference Map for top of Hotel

Notes on this map- Treat windows and entrances as balconies.

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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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Commandant Lassard stand up before your class, every inch the doddering swashbuckler guard way past his prime.

"Today you begin your first assignment as Cadets. You've been trained in our laws, our combat methodology, and how to keep a vigilant watch. You are our second class in the Citizens On Patrol initiative and much rides on your success.

We start with a simple assignment. We have heard rumors that the rough and tumble gang intends to crash the social debut of Tracey Belladame of the Belladame family. Your assignment is to secure the party and if possible apprehend the miscreants known as the Rough and Tumble gang!

There's another 6 cadets in the class and an overall commanding officer Valasca Callahan.

The Cadets are:
Ace Sweetchuck a halfling who has been good at all written and social tests and bad at every physical challenge. (Best guess is he’s an aristocrat)
Ellana Mahooney high charisma human that’s rather average at everything else, she’s a prankster and it’s often wondered if she’s ever going to apply herself. (she’s a swashbuckler)
Barry Tackleberry half orc weapon fanatic (alchemist/gunslinger)
Ruth Hightower Half Ogre with a sweet disposition, seems to hate violence despite being amazing at it (Brawler/Urban Barbarian)
Gavin Murtaugh Elf by the book fencer academy graduate, tends to ramble about being too old for this s*~+. (Fighter)
Adrian Mulancy Cleric of Erastil has adopted 3 orphans and lives with his husband. HE tries to talk everyone into settling down to a more traditional family life.

Dossiers on the Gang:
Spindleshank Male Drow leader tends to use levitate and darkness to help his crew make escapes. Also seems to be a magus/rogue.
Wheeler Male vanara, most violent member of the gang, climbs allot, seems to be a brawler and has a bad temper
Jade Female Grippli mixed with something aquatic, swims amazingly well, also a ninja.
Pyre Female Monkey Goblin Alchemist, has a giant bat she uses like a hang glider.

About Mivon:
The city looks like a mix of Roman and Gothic architecture with lots of decorative stone work but they also apparently have concrete. Mix in canal ways not unlike venice and you have a urban playground where a chase can be in the water, on the streets, or from rooftop to rooftop.

Tracy Belladame is a 16 yr old wizard heiress making her social debut which is to say she’s now open to be courted in high society. Her party is happening in the penthouse of the city’s nicest hotel the Grande. There are 4 balconey’s 4 stairwells and a roof.

You guys can start on assignment there’s private security as well some of which seem to be off duty watchmen. Valid actions include casting spells, information gathering, positioning, socializing ect.

Dark Archive

M Catfolk Bard (Archivist) 1/Alchemist (Mindchemist)1/ Oracle 1 Hp:17 Ac:15 FF: 14 Touch: 11 Fort: 2 Ref: 5 Will: 5 Init: 1 Perception: 1, Sense Motive:3, Bard Spells: 2/2 Oracle Spells: 4/4 Extracts: 2/2 Bardic Performance: 7/8 (Countersong +3/+3), Bombs: 5/5

Fluffball runs through his list of things he knows about the Rough and Tumble Gang. He'll grab a few Sunrod's, in case that's needed, and ready a Tanglefoot Bag nearest just on top of his backpack, for when one of the members come.

He first warns his teammates about Wheeler:

Wheeler had a heart like a nine-pound hammer
Think he even did a little time in the slammer
Rumor says he's got a real bad temper
Stay away from him!

He'll then take a quick look around the building, looking for any obvious entry points.

knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 Obvious entry points?
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Where's the quickest path from the party to water? He'd like to spread some caltrops around there, and ask that it be guarded off, discreetly.
knowledge Local: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28Anything else about the Rough and Tumble Gang members?
Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 What does the Belladame family do, in terms of finances and the like, connections to the Rough and Tumble gang

Anything learned will be shared with the group, of course

Fluffball asks to be part of the entertainment. He is an expert after all, and it will give him the cover he needs to help keep watch. He approaches the musicians.

Ain't got no trouble in my life,
No foolish dream to make me cry.
I'm never frightened I'm never worried,
I know, I know I'll always get by.
I got the music
Pretty music
I got the music
In me

Perform Sing: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Songs for the party include

16 Going on Seventeen

15 (Changed to 16)

As the night continues, he'll ask the musicians what they know about the Belladame family, and their connections.

What's their story?
What's going on in their mind?
What's the story
That they're leaving behind?

Gather information: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Gather info/Knowledge Local 30+:

Belladame family are displaced Jadwiga from Irrisen, having left after the event in Reign of Winter concluded. The family transitioned from witches to hexbound maguses to Tracey a 4th generation self described Utility Wizard.

She is rumored to abor combat magic as something that "belongs in wands and on scrolls and not cluttering the mind of a wizard." Many in her family adventured in their youth, it is not expected that she will.

But a well know highly magical family is bound to have baubles worth stealing and it being a birthday party the gift table seems like a really really sexy target.

There are rumors that the patriarch of the family Griswald Belladome has connections to some magical designer drugs but he's a bit odd and his family being Irissen may well be to blame for those rumors.

knowledge Engineering for obvious entry points DC 15:
There's the 2 stairwells up into the penthouses and 4 balconies.

knowledge Engineering for alternate entry points DC 20:

knowledge Geo for quick waterway access DC 12:
The Hotel's rear is facing a ornate bridge over One of the 2 Rivers that cross the city.
One could repel down to a get away boat or water rather easily.

knowledge Local on more rough and tumble 20:
The gang has rotated way more then the four members those are just the leaders.

knowledge Local on more rough and tumble 25:
They sometimes use humans for insider men.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries will have spent some time on the journey to the hotel trying to have a conversation with Tackleberry about weaponry, asking why he prefers the ones that make so much noise.

Once at the hotel She will begin by looking over the obvious entrances and exits, going to each of the balconies and taking a good look at the exterior walls of the hotel to see how easy she thinks they would be to climb.
How far up is the penthouse?

If things remain quiet, and the wall looks easy enough, She will climb up (20' climb speed, and a 25 climb check by taking 10) and have a look round the roof.

Male Human Arcanist 3. AC12/16(Mage armor). HP 20. T12. FF10. F +2. R +2. W +2. Init +3. Per +6

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Milo made all but the first Knowledge check.

Milo perks up when a party is mentioned, "A Wizard heiress? I'm sure we'll have much to discuss." He says dreamily.

Realizing his fantasies will not be looked on favorably he pulls himself together. "The Grande has two stairwells leading up to the penthouse. Four balconies, and skylights in the roof. The rear of the building backs on the a bridge over the river. That would be a possible escape route? The named gang members are the leaders as such, they will have more. Also they do use humans as insiders, so the waitstaff or guests might be part of this affair?"

A good textbook analysis, but Milo was good at that, it was the more practical matters that caused him trouble.

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

Diplo/Gather Info: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Perform: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Between the briefing and the party start, Alan spends a few hours making discrete inquires about the host, likely guests, the company providing security, the company providing waitstaff, and hotel personnel.

After his inquiries he briefs the rest of the squad on what he's learned, and inquires with the squad leader where he should be posted within. Unless he is instructed otherwise, he shows up in full dress Watch Uniform, over his gleaming full plate, adorned with a prominent silver holy symbol of a key, and that ridiculous oversized meat tenderizer he uses as a weapon slung over his shoulders. Merciful or not, getting hit with the business end is likely to ruin the day of all but the sturdiest law-breakers.

"Sir! Among other targets of value and opportunity in the persons of the guests, the gift table seem like a very likely place the gang will attempt to strike at."

At Fluffball's suggestion of using caltrops, Alan suggests an improvement.

"Perhaps instead of laying the caltrops before the party filled with many guests, they only be scattered AFTER the gang makes it's entrance? It wouldn't do to have some of the guests wander into it by mistake..."

Dark Archive

M Catfolk Bard (Archivist) 1/Alchemist (Mindchemist)1/ Oracle 1 Hp:17 Ac:15 FF: 14 Touch: 11 Fort: 2 Ref: 5 Will: 5 Init: 1 Perception: 1, Sense Motive:3, Bard Spells: 2/2 Oracle Spells: 4/4 Extracts: 2/2 Bardic Performance: 7/8 (Countersong +3/+3), Bombs: 5/5

Can I just point out that between Fluff and Alan, we got a 30 and a 29 on Perform Sing. This 16 year old got the best band ever!

Fluffball worries about having the time to spread the caltrops after they arrive.

Cause I need more time
Just a few more months and we'll be fine
So say what's on your mind
'Cause I can't figure out once they're inside

He then proposes using building a trap near the gift table.

Do you wanna build a trap?
Come on lets go and play

He holds up his Tanglefoot Bag as a suggestion.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The Grand is a technical marvel as it stands at 160 ft tall (16 above ground floors) and is the 3rd tallest building in the city. Most tenements are 8 story affairs.

Tackleberry proudly shows off his Cytillesh stun vial, his tanglefoot bags, his blunderbuss, and his stonebow. If you let him talk too much he'll go on about how he has a second job as a private guard and it is how he affords extra weaponry. Says he can put in a good word if you like.

If you get within earshot of Tracey you'll find she's not really happy about having a party and would much much rather be in the library. She complains about the fancy dress and fancy people a lot.

To Those Paying attention to the other officers.

-Ace Sweetchuck says he's going to find a good hiding spot to try and catch someone off guard.
-Valasca Callahan keeps getting cornered and basically asked stupid questions by a couple high society types.
-Ruth Hightower has taken position by the head table, she has a lucrine hammer and an intimidating look.
-Murtaugh seems to be positioned to be near the skylight he keeps looking up at it.
-Ellana Mahooney seems to have suitors
-Adrian Mulancy is patrolling around
-Tackleberry is in a carner fo the room that sort of lets his see everything.

Anyone trying additional skill checks (other knowledges, perception, diplomacy, intimidate, sense motive, stealth, ect) let me know.

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

For the next several hours, Alan tries to keep an eye on things, and fails miserably, getting caught up on his role as the obvious watchman in the room and songster.

Perception - Other officers: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (3) - 3 = 0

If possible, he tries harder to keep close to either the debutante and/or the gift table.

If appropriate he'll assist with other rolls as able, looks like he won't see Callahan getting cornered, or much of anything else for that matter...

Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7


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Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7

Gather info/Knowledge Local 30+: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

knowledge Local on more rough and tumble 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
knowledge Local on more rough and tumble 25: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Hoch is quiet during the trip over to the hotel. She watches the others out of the corner of her eyes, not wanting to make direct eye contact with any of them...just yet.

Sheesh...this is worse than having a partner. More like having 10!

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

That's quite a drop, but I bet the view is amazing

She Who Always Tries has a good look around the roof perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 and if she doesn't see anything unusual, she will climb back to the balcony with the best view of the rear of the hotel.

Sven trudges along to the hotel. Covered from head to foot in Living Steel armor and holding a spiked shield in his hands, he looked like he was heading off to war. Then again, perhaps he was.

”I’m more of a livin’ wall, ye ken?” He asked to no one particular. ”Not much for a chase. But woe to any tryin’ to pass me. Figure I could stand guard in a stairwell or on the bridge. These dandy fookers try to abscond, I leave ‘me spittin’ teeth.”

Male Human Arcanist 3. AC12/16(Mage armor). HP 20. T12. FF10. F +2. R +2. W +2. Init +3. Per +6

Gm_Solspiral. How many Skylights are there?

Milo wanders about vaguely, when he reaches She Who Always Tries (I see what you did there.) He quietly asks her. "If you see anyone coming in through the skylights let me know. I'll make them slippery which should make them take a fall."

He has a few quiet words with Ruth Hightower, who he's always found to be a nice person.

Once he's done that Milo will stick close to Tracy Belladame, acting like an admirer, but discussing interesting books when it's possible. Milo thinks a young heiress would be a target for kidnapping and ransom.

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia strides down the street toward the Grande and the party soon to be thrown there. Smiling to herself she checks her evening dress (she is not in her normal office garb tonight) as she walks slowly, making sure it is both covering, and not covering, just the right amount to be alluring but tasteful.

Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7

Hoch wanders the corridors of the grand hotel, keeping her eyes peeled for anything that looks out of place.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia enters the Grande a bit ahead of the start time of the young Miss Belladame's debut party kick-off, heads for the main bar, and orders a shot of Old Law whiskey.

Amelia talks at the bar tender, not really caring if he listens or not.

"This toast is to me, from me, for making partner" Amelia pauses thoughtfully before knocking back the shot, giving a long shiver. "Smooth...like the fire in grandfathers old iron stove."

"I doubt any perspective clients will be attending tonight, though it was good of the firm to get me an invitation. I should try my best to speak to the young Lady Belladame tonight, to at least test her regarding her father's need of legal council. I wonder who represents him now?"

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

about the map:
Added an imperfect fit for a map but the other option was for me to hand draw one which was going to be worse.

The rooms behind the bar to the lower left of the screen are bathrooms and the floor is very large. Basically the penthouse apartment is two floors one with bedrooms on the lower level and one with a massive entertainment area.

One big bar and a ton of tables is about right.

Someone asked about staff.
-There's the regular chef and his kitchen staff (total of 4 sous chefs.)
-The hotel is handling waitstaff (banquet waiters tend to be a small community but there's always a couple new folk, total 12 waiters, 4 bus boys.)
-The main bartender looks like he can handle himself, he oversees 4 bartenders making drinks.
-There's private security hired for the event (8 men total, look like bravos) the hotel made arrangements with a newer company.

Alan asked about how everyone was hired so he gets to know that the security company was hired based on coming in with the lowest bid.

Action scenes are coming but I want to allow for anyone that wants more RP to do so as well as snse motives ect.

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

Alan relays the following to the Watch unit as he is able, preferably prior to actually arriving at the Hotel, but will visit each of the squad during the event, when Fluff is doing a solo, or as he can discretely. He visits Callahan first with the information he's collected, potentially accidentally rescuing her from her throng.

"Excuse me, Commander Callahan, may I have a moment for Watch Business?" Alan uses the proper title, should Commander be incorrect.

"I did some digging, and the private security was picked up as the lowest bidder, I wouldn't wager against them being entirely made up of gang members. Similarly, there's usually one or two new faces in the wait staff. 8 'security', maybe 2 wait staff, the 4 gang leaders, and maybe a couple more as guests, we might have our hands full."

When I pull the map link, I see 3 potential buildings, a Happy Harpy, a Wafton's and a Dunjinni. Given that the one you had in mind is still only a rough approximation, which one is the closest to what you had in mind? The Dunjinni?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The Dunjinni was the intent yes as it has a large common area and bar and the windows (2) and entrances (2) can approximate balcony locations. Has 2 areas that can be considered stairwells

Female Lizardwoman NG Medium Female Lizardfolk 7th level cleric of Gozreh/1st level Skald

(Just using this for a Lizardwoman portrait Callahan is not 8th level!)

"Well done cadet Alan, Tackleberry does some part time security work see if he knows anything. Our first priority is the safety of all party attendees, then preventing theft of private property, then capturing members of the gang. In that order!"

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia rises from her bar stool, she checks the Grande's lovely water clock, as it would not do to be late to such an important event. A small smile comes uncontrolled to her lips from the anticipation of a entertaining evening, and the possibility of further enriching the firm, after all, she had to prove she deserved her promotion to full partner.

Not being the most imaginative of dwarfs, nor being appropriately dressed, Sven parks himself at the front door. With his full plate, large spiked shield, and watch tabard, he is an imposing sight. While he knows that the gang is unlikely to barrel through the front door, nothing said that it wouldn’t be an exit choice. Plus, it looked good for the city to provide such obvious security.

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia heads for one of the stairways leading to the penthouse, evening dress swishing faintly. She walks slowly and looks over the other arriving guests.

Speaking to herself.

"I want another drink, but I dislike drinking alone, lets see who is arriving and looks interestingly thirsty shall we."

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7

Hoch finds herself on the "party" level of the hotel. Staying in the background she looks over the people in the main room, looking for anyone out of place or who might be a trouble-maker.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


Tracey seems to fending off a more aggressive young male suitor brazenly wearing very rich cloths carrying a sword at his hip (it is peace knotted) trying as much as possible to talk up his fencing school rankings. He's a handsome guy who seems used to women falling all over themselves to hear him talk about himself.

perception 12:

She has managed to conceal a small book she's reading rather than listen to him. It's a critical analysis of goblin poetry as "outsider art." The poetry itself if you read goblin is a rather filthy limerick about lady longshanks. It's the source of her bemused smirk.


You notice a slightly loose panel on a wall near the enterence tot he kitchen.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries is attempting to stay out of the way of the party, spending most of her time watching the room from the door to the balcony, and the rest on the balcony looking over the river with a bit of attention paid toward the roof in case somebody's managed to get up there from somewhere else.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7

Hoch moves over to examine the loose panel by the door to the kitchen.

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

Alan makes his way first to Tackleberry, then Sven, and then back up to the party floor to visit the others, and then resumes his nigh Angelic choral work. Was I able to make the visits before or after arriving at the hotel? Either way it only changes the timeline, and maybe where Alan is when the fun starts.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

@Hoch go ahead and roll a perception and disable device if you beat a perception 15 and want to try the disable.

@She You catch something from a bit of a ways off if you have binoculars or a scope or some way of magnifying I'll give more detail.

@Alan Tackleberry mentions most of the private security types come form the same pool of bravo fencing schools and those guys don't really mix, so if you want to know more about them try asking one about his fencing school then ask a different guy about his should eb the same unless something odd is going on. Also fencing school guys love to talk about why their school is better.

Also yes you can get most of that done before the party

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia notices the guest of honor, the young Lady Belladame, and her pompous and clearly unasked for companion. A swift smirk reveales tiny white fangs. Tucking the gift the firm had provided for the Lady's debut under one arm she heads for the gift table, and closer to Tracy and her new "friend".

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia gently places the finely wrapped, and from the thud, solid package among the other gifts. She slips a business card under the expertly tied ribbon.

In a low voice to no one in particular.

"Even the wrapping is expensive, the firm did not skimp a bit, wish I had asked what the gift was. Then again, I suppose the young Lady likely would understand having people take care of things for her wouldn't she."

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

During a break from his devoted duties Alan wanders the party floor, and stops by one of the Bravo's that is out of line of sight from his comrades, perhaps in the stairwell, perhaps on a balcony.

"If you don't mind my asking, but could you tell me a bit about the Fencing School you studied at? What it's like as a student? I am curious how it might have differed from my own path from an Abadaran Temple, through to the Watch."

Alan listens politely, and asks questions. Later, he approaches a different Bravo in a similarly out of the way spot, and asks the same questions.

Sense-Motive: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (12) - 3 = 9. As normal, he takes the stories at face value, believing almost anything.

edit: assuming the stories are consistent

After talking to both bravo's, Alan swings by Murtaugh's post where he can watch the skylight's and asks his opinion of the stories collected, and his thoughts on the hired guards being possibly gang members.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries reaches into a pouch and takes out her Hunter's Sight. Fitting it over one eye she tries to make out more detail of whatever it was that caught her eye.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

@Amelia and Milo who was nearby:

Tracy spots you and uses it as an excuse to exit the very dull suitor's conversation.

"Oh is that from First and Basil! Give it here please, I can't wait on that one."

She mutters a couple words and the package unwraps itself and reforms into an origami frog which makes her giggle. Then waves her hand as the box opens and gingerly pulls out a gorgeous leatherbound book with gilded elvish lettering.

"Tell your firm I'll consider their offer and answer in a month."

@She it's a bat flying toward the building, has something in tow. You probably have about a minute.

@Alan both get into rather boring specifics to their fencing schools the conversations are similar enough where you cannot tell.

When you saddle up to Murtaugh he points up and in a surprising gravelly voice he asks in a rhetorical whisper:

"You see it don't you? They are gonna drop a bomb right there and all that glass is gonna rain down and cause a panic. Then all they got to do is fly by and grab whatever they want. We have got to come up with a counter fast."

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia, sure that her emerald evening gown is up to snuff and she is making the best possible impression lifts the solid and beautifully wrapped gift from the table and and offers it with a smile and a proper curtsey to the young Lady Belladame.

"Lady Belladame, on behalf of my employer, the Law offices of First & Basil, please accept this humble gift on this most auspicious of days. The day you present yourself as no longer a girl, but as a young noblewoman, ready to face the world on her own terms, and free to rise to heights yet undreamed.

Amelia realizes she never formally introduced herself to the Lady Belladame.

Pardon my lady, I should of course introduce myself, I am Amelia Rolshen Esq., a full partner of the firm First & Basil. It is of course my great pleasure to represent the firm at this most important of functions, and I do hope you find your gift to your liking.

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From his position at the doors, Sven looked around. Alan was right, there were too many potential hostages here. Too many people who would panic. Too much room for error. Time to fix that. He strode into the party, full of the confidence only possessed by a dwarf in full plate. In a voice as deep as thunder, he shouted out:

”Everyone, attention! The Grand has announced that they would like everyone to come to the Ball Room for dancing.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia gets an excited look, and with perhaps more familiar enthusiasm than is exactly proper asks Tracy;

"Lady Belladame, your public awaits you upon the dance floor of the Grande Ball Room, you could, and should, cause quite a stir by dancing your first dance as a fully recognized Noblewoman with a newly minted guard, this one here certainly is handsome."

Amelia cants her head in the direction of Milo, then throws the pushy noble with a sword and quick grin, very purposefully giving him a glance of small, but very sharp, white fangs when doing so.

"And this fine officer of the law is also clearly a gentleman, having very politely waited for us to finish our chat before requesting the pleasure of a dance with the guest of honor."

Amelia excuses herself from the Lady Belladame, withdrawing just enough so she can watch her little setup unfold.

"I will take my leave for now my Lady, but please, enjoy your party and your first dance, I will be sure to come see you and we shall chat some more before I head home for the evening.

Amelia winks at Milo.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

About 80% of the guests leave the banquet are to follow that posh commanding dwarf.

"Oh I like him he's so coMANding.

"I wonder if that means we're going to dance withthe guards, how droll"

"How does one get inside that armor"

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia walks onto the dance floor, emerald evening dress whispering softly like the scales of a hunting serpent. Hands held over her head she begins to dance alone, slow and sinuous, eyes closed as she lets the music flow over her.

Perform (dance): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

After dancing for a few minutes Amelia grabs a flute of champagne from a passing servant, draining the glass in one long pull.

"I really must dance more often, I think I am getting rusty"

Amelia continues to dance, eyes closed once more.

Perform (dance): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

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As immovable as a statue Sven watches...with distaste. What was the point of shaking one’s body? It didn’t seem to serve any purpose. Turning his back on the party goers, he stomps back towards the skylights.

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia claims another full flute of champagne, placing the empty back on the tray of a diligent passing wait staffer with a smile. Sipping at her drink, she takes a break from the dance floor and casts her gaze about, wondering if she can catch sight of anyone interesting, or at least with need of legal council. After all, who said business and pleasure couldn't mix on occasion.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


Amelia- Fort Save DC 15. Luckily none of you decided to drink.

About 3/4ths of the guests pass out after a minute or 2 of dancing.

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Fortitude save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Amelia goes to stand up, wavers unsteadily on her feet for a moment, and collapses on the floor, her half finished glass of champagne shattering.

"I used to be good at this in Law scho.....uhh...nnn..."

::sprawl and smash::

If sleepy time is in fact a poison effect, Amelia's racial +4 to saves vs. poison would render her in fact conscious. However, her snake senses are telling her to play along, happy to provide a Bluff, as needed, if needed :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Bluff away that's a sleep venom.

Seeing everyone fall, Sven scoffed. Humans. Couldn’t hold their drink. Then the thought hit him...even humans weren’t so weak to all fall at the same time. The drink was spiked!

”Oi! The drink be spiked. Likely gonna have visitors soon. Be on yer guard, everyone away from windows an’ doors!”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

A bonus for having already proven himself to be an authority figure, perhaps?

Silver Crusade

Intim 10/12 (demoralize), Dip 10/11 (Gather info), LoH 5/5 1/2d6 (+2/4 to self) AC/FF: 20, Touch: 10, F 9, R 6, W 7, Init 0 Perception -1, -3 vs Sight based Checks. Common, Sylvan, Dwarven

What sorts of folk are still up on the Penthouse Level when the bodies hit the floor? A General who's who/where of the conscious at that moment would be appreciated.

Heal, trained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Alan quickly checks the pulse of one of the closest convalescing comatose figures, to determine if they are alive, and then, while un-slinging that monstrous meat-mauler he carries, he looks around to see what notables and/or entrances need guarding, likely missing more than a few people. His priorities are the Guest Of Honor, the Gift Table, and then entrances, then anyone else.

Perception: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14 For anyone pretending to be a victim, such as Amelia, and/or the expected possibility of gang members already present.

Female Vishkanya Expert (criminal defense attorney) 4th

Amelia feigns unconsciousness.

Bluff: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries comes into the room to tell Callahan that there's something suspicious approaching, then tries to warn Milo that he might want to keep an eye on the skylights.
If she can't get to Callahan within a few seconds, She will simply call out to the nearest Watchman "There's a suspicious bat approaching!"

Her reaction to the drugged guests is a quick burst of Vanaran, then She unslings and heads back to the balcony.

For anybody that speaks Vanaran:
"Oh nuts!" and a single short curse-word

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