Turvijagal |

Turvijagal will turn and attack the nearest thug with both his shortswords
short sword (primary-hand): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
short sword (off-hand): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 191d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Bard's Inspire Courage included
He'll then move back 5 ft at an angle to stand by Ulfgard. To make flaking for them less likely. He hopes.

brvheart |

Ulfgard's blow strikes home putting the thug off balance momentarily. Turvijagal hits with his second attack. One thug is down and three are wounded.
Initiative Round Two
Top of order is up.

brvheart |

Shandar moves up and casts another force missile on the wounded thug on Hagrym
force missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Jarvis Ward |

I dont see a map its just a sewer? d/c 15 regardless
Moving into position on my last turn, this turn casting Color Spray in such a way as to not hit my allies but as many enemies as I can.
"Stay down!"

Naomi Chadwick |
did I totally miss the first round? Well second round it is ;)
Naomi, continuing her song, swings to the south to prevent the thug from escaping and imbuing her sword with a fraction of her power, attacks him
so 30 ft. move, and attack with dueling sword, arcane strike, inspire courage
attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 1 = 15 for damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6
We are the protectors of Bard's Gate...

brvheart |

I dont see a map its just a sewer? d/c 15 regardless
Moving into position on my last turn, this turn casting Color Spray in such a way as to not hit my allies but as many enemies as I can.
"Stay down!"
You have somehow got into my Razor Coast map. Exit and re-enter Roll20 through the link. Roll20 does that sometimes if you just hit refresh. Anyway, I moved you to color spray the rogue moving around to the north.
will save: 1d20 ⇒ 4The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round.
unconscious, blinded and stunned: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
blinded and stunned: 1d4 ⇒ 2

brvheart |

did I totally miss the first round? Well second round it is ;)
Naomi, continuing her song, swings to the south to prevent the thug from escaping and imbuing her sword with a fraction of her power, attacks him
so 30 ft. move, and attack with dueling sword, arcane strike, inspire courage
[dice=attack]1d20+4+1 for [dice=damage]1d8+1+1+1
We are the protectors of Bard's Gate...
The thug with the big red X is down so I moved you to the next one north. Sorry if Roll20 is somewhat confusing for everyone.

brvheart |

Galerio reloads and fires his cb with gravity bow
cb: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 1 - 4 = 20
damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3) + 1 = 10
to confirm crit: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 - 4 = 19
extra damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4) + 1 = 11
Galerio hits that thug between the eyes and his head spatters across the ground!

brvheart |

Their leader down, two dead and the rest wounded the remaining thugs withdraw. You can pursue or let them flee.

"Lucky" Cyrus |

Looking down at the rock in his hand and then at the men fleeing for the woods, Cyrus drops it and wipes his hand casually across his pants leg.
"I am willing to bet they did not think they would be paying the house the final debt today. Are you all ok?"

brvheart |

Sorry was on the line with Microsoft to no avail. One is dead, the other is at -4 and slipping. The rogue is just unconscious from the spell.

brvheart |

Footsteps in the dirt lead to and from Lessef, evidence of Gerlach’s nightly visits to the town to steal the poultry. Twelve six-foot-tall stone blocks sit outside a tunnel that leads into the knoll upon which the bethel to Freya sits. The thugs used oxen to pull the stone blocks from the tomb.
Two oxen and a cart of mining tools sit nearby. A horse is tied to a tree. Chicken bones and refuse lie around a fire pit.
The thugs had crow bars they used for clubs. On each: dice, mining pick, shovel, hammer, chisels, 100 ft rope, 4 sp, 3 gp.
On the rogue: Leather armor, short sword,
Other Gear mining pick, shovel, crowbar, hammer, chisels, 100 ft rope, 9 sp, 6 gp.
New map is up.

brvheart |

The earthen tunnel descends at an angle through 50 feet of unstable dirt to a stone wall. Newly cut pine posts support the walls and ceiling of the entry tunnel. Split logs covered in thick grease line the floor. Following the tunnel requires a DC 10 Acrobatics check to avoid falling because of the grease and unstable floor.
Someone demolished one of the blocks, leaving behind mounds of crumbled stone. Stagnant air wafts up the passage from the empty tomb beyond the opening.

Hagrym |

Will anyone volunteer to be the treasure keeper for the group? If someone keeps track of what we find and how much, it makes it easy on everyone.
"Can anyone stop this one from bleeding out? I don't enjoy letting someone die when the battle has long since been decided. Lucky, are you trained at healing or stabilizing the injured? I studied swinging the axe, not stopping the damage from it," he says with a grin.

Naomi Chadwick |
I didn't study healing, not sure I'd waste my time if I had
Naomi, abruptly stops her song and sheaths her sword as she answers Hagrym; walking over to the unconscious thief.
I studied music mostly, and quality communication!
smiling, kicking the unconscious thief in the ribs, to demonstrate her communication skills; she waits for him to wake up.
edit, assuming the color spray knocked at least one out

"Lucky" Cyrus |

"Can anyone stop this one from bleeding out? I don't enjoy letting someone die when the battle has long since been decided. Lucky, are you trained at healing or stabilizing the injured? I studied swinging the axe, not stopping the damage from it," he says with a grin.
Walking quickly over to the bleeding man, Cyrus was about to begin his examination as Naomi began kicking the downed man who looked asleep.
"Do you want to get some extra practice on this one as well? I don't want to start patching him up if it will just be a waste of time."
{Assuming Naomi gives him the all clear to stabilize the bleeding man.}
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Working quickly, Cyrus wraps the axe wounds with a steady hand and all prior traces of shaking hands or uncertainty disappear as Cyrus does something he is well practiced with.
Sorry, sick baby tonight, so my posting will be light while we get her to settle down.

Naomi Chadwick |
kicked, singular, :)
Naomi looks shocked at Cyrus
Oh no Cyrus, please help him. I just wanted this one to know there is a penalty for stealing from the poor, no reason to let him get off scot free. I won't kick him again, unless he asks for it. If we don't want to talk to him we can just leave them here and explore the cave.
do we want to ask questions or go on?

"Lucky" Cyrus |

Glancing at the oxen, the horse and the collection of tools, Cyrus did not know if these were all the men hired to come to this area, or how many more were inside the bethel. What he was willing to bet though was that these men had been idle for far too long.
~Busy men do not have time to shoot dice, but perhaps they can come in handy as well later.~
"I for one would love to see what these men know and I feel that Hagrym will as well. While I am no expert on dwarven law, I have heard it is a removal of the hand and beard for the first offense of those caught stealing and an exile for repeat offenders. Zors has a bit more tolerant policy on those who gainfully acquire possessions, but even with the Hanged Man there are limits. Should we offer one to Hagrym and one for us and see who can gather the information the quickest?"

Jarvis Ward |

"Well they shouldn't have been stealing, in some places the punishment is worse then what they got, as far as that goes I wanted one alive just to tell us what there were doing and to be punished, I just wish I could have stunned more of them."
Looking down the tomb then to Hagrym
"What do you see down there master dwarf? My eyes are not as keen as yours, we should probably see what these hoodlums were up to."

Hagrym |

"I'll look further in a moment, Jarvis. We need to deal with these thieves first. I'm up for taking their gear and warning them if they come back to this area again, it'll be their last visit. Unless there's an authority figure we can get them to for trial."
Is there a 'Sheriff or Jailer' type in these parts?

brvheart |

You can go back to Arendia or on to Bard's Gate. Both are close to a hundred miles.

brvheart |

After about 30 seconds the rogue regains consciousness and starts to stir in his bonds.

shandar milsap |

interesting what are we looking at what have they been up to no good i expect

Naomi Chadwick |
clear as mud, men, seven women would have had this figured out and a quilt sewn by now
Listening to her new friends jibber jabber as the rogue wakes up, Naomi sighs and grabs him by the collar and hoists him to his knees
No Hagrym, were not going to cut his hands off, I'm sure he's really sorry and he didn't want to bring starvation and pestilence to those poor people in Lessef. He'll be more than happy to tell us everything he knows, won't you?
shaking the mans collar, she quickly turns to him and whispers in his ear
that dwarf there is a law-dog and paladin to boot, he can tell if yer lying and he's ready to let that other one with the axe dole out some quick justice on yer hands, you need to give 'em something quick or yer going to be holding your fork between yer toes of ya get my drift
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

brvheart |

"Rayne D’Anzeray hired us to dig out and guard the entrance. He and three followers disappeared into the mound three days ago, leaving us behind."

"Lucky" Cyrus |

"Rayne D’Anzeray hired us to dig out and guard the entrance. He and three followers disappeared into the mound three days ago, leaving us behind."
~Three days. Yet these men have been stealing the livestock much longer by the look of things.~
"Did they take the provisions with them as well? Three days is a long time to be fending without food and water."

brvheart |

"Yeah, they had water and rations but I got tired of eating dry rations so I decided to look for something more filling. I only took a few chickens...."

"Lucky" Cyrus |

~Which means they expected to need the oxen afterwards, as why else would they have kept them instead of slaughtering them once the path was open.~
"This man, Rayne, was he a speller like those I travel with, or was he a priest seeking something in this burial ground? I do not expect you to know the secret's of this man's heart, but I know you would have noticed a spellbook or holy medallion."
~I know I would have. It is always harder to con those who shield themselves with gods and to take a purse from a man who can ward it from any touch but his own.~

brvheart |

"Didn't say, don't care. We planned on mugging him when he came out, but he never did.'

"Lucky" Cyrus |

Nodding his head, but sighing inwardly as black robes could mean anything, Cyrus looked to Hagrym.
"Free him, or not, as your god and heart demands, as a three day head start has given them all the time in the world to find what ever they sought."
~And has been almost as long as the Black Dog has been sending me these visions.~

Naomi Chadwick |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
how many thugs are still alive and present?
Naomi looks at Cyrus and then Hagrym, then shakes the mans collar again
the deal was he wouldn't get his hands cut off not freedom, only freedom he might get is freed from his mortal coil.
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 for fear of death
looking up at Hagrym
What do you think fine sir, should we execute them or let them work off their debt back in Lessef for as many days, let them help out to pay for their crimes. Cyrus could place a curse on them if they left early or stole anything.
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 for fear of curse
shaking the criminal again
what say you thug you willing to work three days for your life?
sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 9
crap my sense motive sucks

Ulfgard Strongarm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"You think 3 days is enough for depleting livestok of a famished village. Well the oxen might help a lot, it would be a good start, but an oxen does not lay eggs. And you can butcher him but once. But then... I guess those that run left some rations, but still. I think 3 years would be better, but we have to ask the villagers first, what they think!"
Ulf is a dwarven and for a dwarven 3 days are way less than for a human. But still 3 days is laughable as a punishment. Usually it was cutting off the hand if someone was stealing in those circumstances. Went to an old dungeon in Nuernberg, with many explanations about the punishments.