Mark Garringer |
The Vixis valley is located in eastern Numeria, and is home to 4 related Kellid tribes The plains are good, the woods are very light and the mountains can be quite dangerous. Many of the strongest warriors leave the valley to make their way to Starfall to become bodyguards of the Black Sovereign and the Technic League. Rumors from outside the valley suggest that the Technic League has been hunting Kellid warriors for sport, but at least in the Vixis, that rumor appears false. The inhabitants of the valley believe the legends of their own martial prowess to be a strong deterrent.
The four tribes of the Vixis are each descend from a proud Kellid warrior and take their name from him. They are collectively referred to as the Sons of Brelar or the Sons of the Valley. Their father, Brelar Darheek is regarded as the Founder and Progenitor of the Vixis, brining his sons and the tribes to live in this land over a hundred years ago. When the Vixis was first settled there were many Orc tribes who lived here. Brelar and his sons lead a genocidal cleansing, and in the span of 8 years the valley was theirs.
Today each tribe has an Elder (a bloodline descendant from their tribal progenitor) who serves as the leader, and passes that responsibility on to his son. The Elders respect and council each other, while still maintaining a warrior's comradery. A leadership problem has been brewing over the last several years as none of the current Elders have sons. Elder Kori'Meka has sired a daughter, much to his disappointment. Elder Kybor's (of Tekar) son was killed while hunting a grizzly bear at the age of 14. Each tribe has determined their successor to the Elder, and come the next Ritual of Stardust these 4 warriors (and any other men who wish to compete) will face a series of tests to determine who will be anointed the Lightbringer and the right to the hand of the barbarian princess Nirra.
The ideas explored in this campaign require a fairly specific player/character buy-in. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are creative enough to enjoy such a game even though it starts off on a fairly narrow focus. I am more than happy to answer questions or expand on details as required to dial in a character concept.
I will choose 4 characters on Friday 3/29/2013.
The following are the Campaign Rules for the Lords of Light Play by Post:
Materials allowed
Any Paizo published book for the Pathfinder RPG system.
Any third party published material may be included on a case by case basis with GM approval. Such approved items will be added to this list.
Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press
Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide by Dreamscarred Press
Character creation method
The Lords of Light Campaign will use the High Fantasy 20 point purchase as per page 15 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Characters begin at 1st level.
Starting gold for 1st level character creation is 100 gp.
Starting characters base Hit Points equal their full Hit Die for their class. Additional HP are added as normal after that (Con bonus, Toughness, Favored Class etc).
Starting characters must select 2 traits as per the Traits system rules presented on page 326 of the Advanced Players Guide. These traits can come from any legal source.
Because of the unique ecology of the Vixis valley, strong preference will be given to Human (Kellid) characters. Non-Kellid characters will be considered, provided they have a reasonable back-story which explains their presence in the middle of the xenophobic, Kellid controlled Vixis.
Characters will be members of the Gul'Farom tribe.
Character leveling
The Lords of Light Campaign uses the Medium XP track as per the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Whenever a character gains a level beyond 1st they will gain Hit Points equal 1/2 their Hit Die rounded down, plus 1.
Healing consumables
Healing consumables will be calculated for each die at 1/2 rounded down, plus 1 with any other static bonuses added on after that. IE: A CL1 potion of cure light wounds would restore 1d8+1 or 6 hp.
Dewur - The hamlet of Dewur follow an aspect of Desna represented by an elk riding huntress. Water and access to it is quite important in the valley, and the Lords of Dewur understand where to travel to gain access to that which is needed most. They are also plagued by the Witch of the Shiftless Mire who dwells in the nearby swamps. Tribal Elder is G'Vada.
Gul'Farom - The hamlet of Gul'Farom are the most warrior-like of the tribes, following the will of Gorum. They fight for the glory of battle and personal honor. Believing that fire best represents the soul of the faithful of Gorum, they are very ritual based having somewhat cooped the Ritual of Stardust into a grand celebration for the four tribes. Gul'Farom is also known throughout the valley for their harvesting of the pesh cactus which grows east of the hamlet. Consumption of pesh milk is common place, as is the use of refined pesh. Tribal Elder is Kora'Mol.
Irog - The village of Irog have the most civilized encampment in the Vixis valley. It is a walled compound which has been build, improved and expanded over the years by the followers of Irori. The compound includes a small market area for sale and barter of goods. Located in the mountains north of the compound is the tomb of the last Lord of Light - Brelar Darheek. Tribal Elder is Kori'Meka.
Tekar - The descendants of Tekar have long ago learned to work with the forge, trading with Dwarven merchants from under the nearby mountains. Many of the metal weapons and armor in the valley come from the great forge-tent of the hamlet of Tekar. Tribal Elder is Kybor.
Browman |
Fairly new to pathfinder, been playing since last september on and off. Looking at making a war-cleric of gorum. One question before I start to design a character, normal rules are you add your con bonus to health per level, but your character creation info makes no mention of that. Am I safe to assume that normal rules for this are in use?
Kydeem de'Morcaine |
How xenophobic? Would half-elves be considered acceptable by the locals?
Are there any non-humans the tribe is friendly with at this time?
I honestly almost never play straight human characters. But I'm willing to give it a try if that is what you are looking for.
I don't know alot about the Kellid. How primitive are they? Would a barbarian true pimitive be going too far or fit right in?
Does it pretty much need to be a barbarian or at least partial barbarian to be acceptable as a tribal leader?
Are all of the PC's competing against each other for the bride. Or could one be a friend of a competitor who is trying to help his friend win the girl?
Mark Garringer |
@Browman - fair question. Your assumption is correct and I've updated the wording to make it more clear of my intent hopefully.
@Kydeem de'Morcaine - The Tekar are friendly with some Dwarves that live under the nearby mountains. The Kellids in the valley would be deeply distrusting of a half-elf and likely mock his weakness unless he showed otherwise. If you give me an interesting background on a half-elf it's not off the table and I'm happy to help try and find an angle that does work, but straight human is the preference. The True Primitive reads like the right spirit for sure but may actually be a step too far. It is assumed, for example that metal weapons and armor are available to a degree for the PCs so bone weapons and armor wouldn't really come up.
@GM Gluttony - Great question. The 4 PCs are separate from the 4 chosen tribal representatives. All PCs will belong to Gul'Farom.
The Kellid are pretty much down on arcane magic but ok with tribal divine/druid magic. They are hunters and warriors, but as such will respect strength in many forms. The tests also speak to this, and it is open to all men of the valley for a reason. Brelar knew that strength can take many forms and it will take more than a strong sword arm to keep the bloodline moving.
In the beginning of the competition it would be every man for himself, but as people are eliminated where and how they lend their aid would be up to them.
Hope that helps!
Drake Somerset |
Are you okay with a Dread? I'm all for playing a Kellid human, probably from either Irog (to take the more civilized angle) or Gul'Farom (for the more "horrible pesh hallucinations made pseudo-real" angle). I can have a build up pretty quickly, as I know what I have in mind.
Any alignment restrictions?
GM Gluttony |
Found this little blurb online while doing some research, I think it's from one of the Pathfinder Companion books, it may be of some help to someone.
Languages: Common, Hallit
Favored Regions: Numeria, Realm of the Mammoth Lords, the Worldwound
Favored Religions: Desna, Erastil, Gorum, Rovagug
Female Names: Annik, Belka, Dagur, Fesha, Inkit, Jalket, Kala, Lesit, Nalket, Selka, Shelen, Valki, Varka, Yala
Male Names: Barek, Dolok, Dron, Ganef, Gannak, Gurog, Holg, Jokum, Kronug, Nonek, Roga, Takek, Zoresk
Appearance: Kellids are a brawny, dark-haired folk who bear the scars and weathering of rough lives spent in the open. Their eye color tends toward black, blue, or steel gray, and their flesh is generally deeply tanned. A Kellid who doesn’t have a story told in his body’s scars is a Kellid who has succumbed to the pleasures of a comfortable life, and is rightfully held in distrust by kin.
Mark Garringer |
Most regulars are probably familiar with this, but in case someone needs the information...
When your character is complete, please create a message board alias on your account (as the name of your character) and then post the stats on that profile. You access that by coing to 'My Account' and in the Messageboard Alias section click on 'Create new messageboard alias.' Once that is done you can edit the profile and paste/type in your stats and then when you post below the text box there is a Post As selection which you can change to your character name to post as that character. Sometimes I forgot and hit the submit post button, but you can always edit the post shortly afterward and change it :)
Yanick |
Ok, I would like to submit Yannick, a level 1 Witch.
Race Human
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Class: Witch (favoured)
Str: 8 (-2)
Dex: 10 (0)
Con: 14 (5)
Int: 20 (17) +2 racial
Wis: 12 (2)
Chr: 8 (-2)
Cauldron - gives Brew potion and +4 craft (alchemy)
Skills: 2 +5 +1 +1 = 9
Knowledge (nature): 1 rank +5 +3 +1 = 10
Knowledge (arcana): 1 rank +5 +3 = 9
Knowledge (History): 1 rank +5 +3 = 9
Profession (healer): 1 rank +1 +3 = 5
Spell Craft: 1 rank, +5 +3 = 9
Craft (alchemy): 1 rank +5 +3 +4 = 13
Fly: 1 rank +0 +3 = 4
Heal 1 rank +1 +3 = 5
Survival: 1 rank +1 +3 +1 = 6
Campaign -
choice - child of nature +1 knowl nature and survival (class skill)
Brew Potion (from hex)
Extra Hex (human free)
Scribe scroll
All 0 level cantrips
level 1: 3 +5 = 8
Cure light wounds, mage armour, burning hands, command, Enlarge person, Identify, comprehend languages, ear piercing scream.
Normal clothing, dagger, wineskin, backpack, [GM discretion - scrolls/potion]
Viluki |
Kaetr Bal knows the only way to become great is to crush all who dare stand against him. And reward those who stood as his firm allies, for that was the way of kings. Be an archdevil to your enemies and reward your allies with titles of nobility, wealth, magic and land.
Now he travels to the Vixis valley to win the heart or at least hand of the barbarian princess Nirra. He knows well of the xenophobia that the barbarians of the valley are known for. But like all things in life that have attempted to destroy him whether is was for his race or for his infernal magic Kaetr Bal will crush all that stand against him. And reward all who stand by his side for that was in truth the way of kings.
tiefling cleric LN, level 1 using the devil spawn feat at first level (you can find it on pathfinder SRD) which changes his stats in the following ways 2+ con and 2+wis and cha-2. Also darkness is replaced by pyrotechnics.
domains Leadership Subdomain and Law Domain.
traits Bully and Natural-Born Leader
feats Devil Spawn
dex 8 (reduced to 8 for points)
con 16 (14+2 race mod)
int 12
wis 18 (16+2 race mod)
cha 14 (16-2 race mod)
skills Intimidate (cha), Diplomancy (cha) and sense motive (wis).
spells orisons 4, Guidance, Stabilize, Detect Magic and Create Water. level 1 spells 3 (excluding domain spells) ray of sickening, Divine Favor and Doom, 1st level domain spell bless.
Channel energy postive, with variant channeling justice/law.
Devil spawn tiefling receive the following skill modifers which replace normal tiefling ones Diplomacy, Sense Motive
hp 11 (d8+con mod), Initative -2
Equipment gp 140, Morningstar (8 gp), shield heavy steel (20 gp) and scalemail (50 gp).
Lauguages common, infernal and dwarven.
Before you stands a mighty tiefling, his eyes pure unrelenting fire, he is both hearty of body and mind, he projects an aura of power which seems to demand obediance. He carries himself like a king and you indeed start to believe he is one. His skin the color of bronze, he has no hair but a series of horns on his head in a circle, like a crown.
GM provide your observations as you feel that are required
Mark Garringer |
@Viluki - I'm not trying to come across overly harsh, so take it with a grain of salt. I see some obvious errors you should probably look into. Also nearly every Kellid you encountered would be likely to try and kill you on there's that. It's an interesting choice, I'll give you points for ambition.
I will advise everyone that I will be judging submitted characters with a very lawful slant. Rules mistakes and not following the campaign rules will lose you points. I will not make my final selections until next Friday. I'm also not going to point out everything to everyone, but will assume that characters are 'final' next week before selection.
Mark Sweetman |
Placing a dot for consideration of a Kellid Psychic Warrior of some kind.
Mark - would you allow for the feat 'Tribal Scars' from People of the North to be taken? - I ask as it is regionally tied to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. If allowed - which tribe best represents the Gul'Farom?
Prerequisite: Member of a Mammoth Lords tribe or following.
Benefit: You gain 6 hit points. In addition, you gain another benefit, depending on which Mammoth Lords following you belong to.
Bearpelt: You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves and a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Greattusk: You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to make bull rush or overrun maneuvers and a +2 bonus on Ride checks.
Ice Chasm: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 bonus on Climb checks.
Night Hunt: You gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Survival checks.
Raptorscale: Your base land speed increases by 5 feet, and you gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Slothjaw: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
Viluki |
note if you are not for a tiefling cleric with the design ive gone for (the devil spawn feat) I have a witch left over from a previous recruitment ready for deployment and a bit of reflavoring. As for the point issue i'll kick cha down to 14. And if you are worried about this cleric popping the coffin to early a way does exist around the barbarians killing him on sight. The feat of unbelievable courage aka give this tiefling at the very start a trial of blood and fire.
Alex Mack |
I've been wanting to try out a Cavalier Huntmaster ( avalier-archetypes/huntmaster) and this game seems a fitting place for that type of character.
So as the boards are inconclusive on how some things work out for this class ruleswise can I have a word from you kind GM on the interaction between multiple animal companions and the huntmaster human racial feat ( and Boon Companion (
Mark Garringer |
Placing a dot for consideration of a Kellid Psychic Warrior of some kind.
Mark - would you allow for the feat 'Tribal Scars' from People of the North to be taken? - I ask as it is regionally tied to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. If allowed - which tribe best represents the Gul'Farom?
** spoiler omitted **
People of the North is a great book with a lot of flavor about Kellid society, however I would keep the Tribal Scars feet as it is. Thanks for the question. I believe you can still build an effective Psychic Warrior from Numeria though :)
Mark Garringer |
I've been wanting to try out a Cavalier Huntmaster ( avalier-archetypes/huntmaster) and this game seems a fitting place for that type of character.
So as the boards are inconclusive on how some things work out for this class ruleswise can I have a word from you kind GM on the interaction between multiple animal companions and the huntmaster human racial feat ( and Boon Companion (
Firstly if I'm understanding Boon Companion it is useless to a single class character. It supposed to allow you to take multiclass dips without loosing levels on your animal companion.
Secondly for the human Huntmaster feat, that would allow you to start with an effective Druid level of 2, so it would appear that you could have a level 2 AC or 2 level 1 ACs of the type chosen for the feat.
At least that is my, I just woke up, first thing in the morning, first time read through of the material :)
Mark Garringer |
These are the character which have been submitted so far. I will try to keep this list updated to give everyone an idea of what has been put on the table, so to speak, so far.
- Combat Character
- Skill Character
- Arcane Character
- Human (Kellid) Witch - Yanick - Eldmar
- Divine Character
- Tiefling Cleric - Kaetr Bal - Viluki
Ptolmaeus Arvenus |
Alex Mack wrote:I've been wanting to try out a Cavalier Huntmaster ( avalier-archetypes/huntmaster) and this game seems a fitting place for that type of character.
So as the boards are inconclusive on how some things work out for this class ruleswise can I have a word from you kind GM on the interaction between multiple animal companions and the huntmaster human racial feat ( and Boon Companion ( if I'm understanding Boon Companion it is useless to a single class character. It supposed to allow you to take multiclass dips without loosing levels on your animal companion.
Secondly for the human Huntmaster feat, that would allow you to start with an effective Druid level of 2, so it would appear that you could have a level 2 AC or 2 level 1 ACs of the type chosen for the feat.
At least that is my, I just woke up, first thing in the morning, first time read through of the material :)
Actually the Boon Companion feat is very potent feat for archetypes with multiple animal companions like Huntmaster.
Assuming he had two dogs and divided his levels equally between them, he could take Boon Companion twice (once and only once for each dog) to increase each of their effective levels by four. At 10th level he could have two 9th level animal companions. There will be some lag at higher levels but it is a pretty effective build.
Mark Garringer |
Actually the Boon Companion feat is very potent feat for archetypes with multiple animal companions like Huntmaster.
Assuming he had two dogs and divided his levels equally between them, he could take Boon Companion twice (once and only once for each dog) to increase each of their effective levels by four. At 10th level he could have two 9th level animal companions. There will be some lag at higher levels but it is a pretty effective build.
That is not what these words mean to me:
Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a maximum effective druid level equal to your character level.
So the maximum effective level for a level 1 caviler would be...1.
Digger Chandler |
Male Kellid Rogue 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Perception + 4
AC 15 (12 touch, 13 FF)
hp 9
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: switchbladed dagger +3 (1d4 19/20x2)
Melee: rapier +3 (1d6 18/20x2)
Melee: quarterstaff +0 (1d6)
Ranged: switchbladed dagger +3 (1d4 19/20x2, 10ft)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 13
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Traits: Mathematical Prodigy, Propitiation
Acrobatics 6 (2+1+3)
Appraise 7 (3+1+3)
Bluff 5 (1+1+3)
Craft Mechanics 7 (3+1+3)
Diplomacy 5 (1+1+3)
Disable Device 7 (2+1+3+1)
Knowledge Engineering 8 (3+1+3+1)
Linguistics 7 (3+1+3)
Perception 6 (0+1+3+2)
Sense Motive 6 (0+1+3+2)
Sleight of Hand 6 (2+1+3)
Stealth 6 (2+1+3)
Use Magic Device 5 (1+1+3)
Languages: Common, Kellid, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven, Orc
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack +1d6
Mathematical Prodigy
Mathematics has always come easily for you, and you have always been able to “see the math” in the physical and magical world.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Your knowledge tells you precisely which gods have jurisdiction over which aspects of your life, and you can call upon their help even if they are not your patron.
Benefit: At the start of each day, pick one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (pick one craft skill), Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Knowledge (local). You gain a +2 trait bonus on that skill until the start of the next day.
Studded Leather Armor
Dagger, switchbladed
Explorer's Outfit
a belt pouch
chalk (10)
flint and steel
grappling hook
iron pot
mess kit
pitons (10)
thieves' tools
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)
Bok was never as large as his brothers. Or his sisters, for that matter. He wasn't as strong, he wasn't as hardy, and he wasn't quite as willful, at least, so it seemed. As he grew up, he became fascinated by the mechanical devices and trinkets sometimes discarded when war parties returned. He'd take them apart and eventually put them back together. In truth, he was a rather gifted child, quick of body and of mind.
A man (by age, at least) now, he hopes to prove his skills as valuable as any raging warrior's.
Viluki |
Since the GM is feeling uncorfortable with the tiefling cleric (lets face it some other divine may come along) I present this more "comfortable" alternative.
str 16
dex 12
con 14
int 16 (14+2)
wis 8
cha 10
traits Auspicious Tattoo and Outlander (I know it was meant for runelords but it feels good for this campaign, exile so 2+ intiative)
feats 1 extra magus arcana and 1 extra arcane pool (question do you consider extra magus arcana feats to be viable for the purposes of selecting hexes since im a hexcrafter?).
skills 6 points per level Spellcraft (int), knowledge arcana (int), Intimidate (cha), knowledhe planes (int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Equipment gp 140, Chain shirt (100 gp), Longsword (15 gp).
spells lvl 0 mage hand, prestidigitation and detect magic. lvl 1 spells color spray and enlarge person.
Some seers believe that he is the being known as the "Once and future Tyrant". A lord legendary for his cruelity and power, striding forth in armor as black as midnight. His head bearing a tattoo just like Krell Varick's... Now Krell goes to claim the hand of a barbarian princess and unite the barbarian clans under his rule. With them he intends to live up to the seers dire predictions and take his place in history as a king...or tyrant.
Mark Garringer |
Since the GM is feeling uncorfortable with the tiefling cleric (lets face it some other divine may come along) I present this more "comfortable" alternative.
It seems unlikely that I would select a character I would have to murder in scene 1, act 1. Though it might be fun just to level set the rest of the PCs...
As for the hexcrafter...I guess I'm at a loss here. Let's see if more directed feedback helps.
Auspicious Tattoo is for a Shoanti human ethnicity, which is fine I guess but there is a requested strong Kellid bais.
Outlander is not a valid choice as it's a campaign trait for an Adventure Path (but not even the PFRPG reprint, but for the 3.5 release?). I'm glad you assume it's ok to use. It's not. There are plenty of other traits however that can give you a +2 trait bonus to initiative.
You cannot take Extra Magus Arcana as you do not yet have the class feature of Magus Arcana, but yes that feat would allow you to select hexes on the list instead.
You've listed 255 gp for gear.
You seem to be LN but worshiping some strange evil god-thing. Sort of doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Viluki |
remember instruction is different from worship, the Old Gods are like abberations given a boost to god like power. They may have taught him for their own inscrutable motives. As for gp the () after chain shirt and longsword represent their cost (115 gp)which means i have 25 left over. I was thinking outlander simply because well im an outlander but since you dont like it i'll take Second Tongue.
A question are you willing to say allow me to use the human bonus feat at a different level? As I have my eyes on two hexs at third lvl for my magus arcana. If you wont simply add an additional extra arcane pool feat.
Mark Garringer |
As for gp the () after chain shirt and longsword represent their cost (115 gp)which means i have 25 left over.
That would actually put you at -15 gp, since you are only starting with 100 gp.
A question are you willing to say allow me to use the human bonus feat at a different level? As I have my eyes on two hexs at third lvl for my magus arcana. If you wont simply add an additional extra arcane pool feat.
As I mentioned up-tread a bit, I've got a fairly lawful slant when it comes to the rules. It simply is not 'legal' for either of those options to occur. Even if I felt like making up my own rules to the game because I'm the GM (which I don't), I'm not sure why I would allow this.
I'm not exactly sure what it is you are trying to convey to me with these build submissions. I tried to be very clear and upfront about what I was looking for. I don't want to be rude, but we seem to be sort of talking past each other here. You seem to be looking for something much more 'out of the box' and I'm looking for something much more 'in the box.'