Gobo Horde |

...be weaker than some of the others (that I end up giving my uber weapons to :P) but oh well :)
The other idea I had was Nico Bolas, the king of dragons. He would have the Law (Athourity, Rulership) and Dragon (Dragons, Scallykind, Lisards, Reptiles) Domains. He would be intent on gaining power and influence, both on the mortal plane and the divine plane.
He would start out making a dragon race, and then try and grow from there. Note, I will NOT be trying to one-up every one else, although it is a secret dream to bend all the gods to his will and be the one Supreme Ruler, he keeps this to himself and moreso bides his time (that kind of boasting and bullying will probably get you killed, even if you are a god).
Aside from that, I had a neat backstory about how he was a newly born god (probably birthed from the god of chaos? Started out as a demigod, just recently came into true godhood?) and that drives his desires to be the ruler of all and his desires to create a mortal race after his own image that would rule the mortal realms (historical fiction often has them as the rulers, at least for a time and how man overthrows them, something like that :). Depending on how things go with the rest of the world building, this can quite easily not happen :)
There was a lot more, but I dont feel like re-typing it all right now. Bah! Ill do it later :)
Lastly, I had an idea for the Forgemasters divine decree. The Decree would be:
Forgemaster Supreme
Any artifact, relic or monuments (and possibly sanctums?) created by the Forgemaster on his forge that give at least a +2 bonus give an additional +1.
The idea here is that it would encourage "trading" of equipment created by the forgemaster for favors and other such things as the forgemasters creations are superior and sought after.
Your thoughts and input?

Oenar, the Winter |

Honestly, I feel either concept is fine; both fill a niche we do not have. Nico Bolas would have an easier time roleplaying though, being both less tied to a single space and more interested in intrigue.
If I were to make one of those, I would have made Nico Bolas. Having a lawful god being birthed by Chaos is an interesting thought too, and could probably have some interesting twists and turns.
I do very much like the background of the forge lord though.
I've personally thought of having Oenar create dragons as divine servants of her icy world after watching these12 beautiful pictures of feathered snow dragons (in general, Apsaravis makes beautiful dragons, and feathered dinosaurs that look kinda dragonlike). But now I'm thinking of having creatures similar to these as divine servants instead (also by Apsaravis). A bit more disturbing, but I like them and they make me think of the Thestrals of harry potter.

Oenar, the Winter |

Fan of MTG, Gobo?
Hah! I knew I remembered that name from somewhere. I had the old card back in the days when I played. Really really crappy, but really really cool. I love their chair.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

Hey everybody! I hope I am not too late to the party?
Name: Nes, the Kingmaker, Father of Fey, Lord of Civilization
Played By: Stephen Rowe
Domains: Nobility (ambition, civilization, honor) and Trickery (cunning, manipulation, truth)
Theme: Honorable Trickster
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Attack: 1d6
Defense: 7d6
HP: 20
Nes saw the end coming an eon away.
Kingdoms rise and fall. Dynasties are forged from death. The dance of power continues until no minds are left to care. As long as two beings persist, there is always envy.
His most cherished children slowly left the world long before it died, secreted away in realms beyond his reach. This was good. Babes are born to outgrow their parents.
When the war began in earnest, Nes retreated to a safe haven and watched the final glorious moments. All he had built fell into chaos and then destruction. For the Kingmaker, it was like observing a symphony performed only once. He cherishes the memory, and yearns for a repeat performance.
He returns now at the dawn of a new dance, as the surviving gods plot anew. At his touch arise civilizations for the canny to control, and the violent to destroy. He is the friend with the answer, the ally with the plan, and the eternally amusing enemy.
Nes never lies, but the truth is a fickle thing. Nes never cheats, but only he knows all the rules.
His next symphony is sure to outshine the last.
The Father of Fey often appears as one of his now dead or departed children, with flawless skin, almond eyes, and long pointed ears. It is rare for his face to lack his trademark smile, like all life is a joke, and only he knows the punchline.
Mod: I am willing and capable of acting as a moderator.

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

Well .. for one, this would be a god more on Jezebelle's page.
Also... if he is willing to rework his story I could very well see him as the offspring of Jezebelle and one of the more Lawful deities.Ambition and manipulation sounds like things coming straight out of her womb.
I would wait for the approval of the mods, but if you get approved you should consider the possibility since I do believe I'm close to provide you with a father.

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Well we were talking about it lately. I would wait for Mod's ok but I believe we are open. there has been a cry for a tough selection though and I agree. we should strive to pick quality players.
(there is also quite a few "holes" in the current gods concepts. I think gods we are lacking right now will have a better chance).
That being said, I will leave it to the mods.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

I think our characters would have a very... interesting... relationship. XD
My goal is to make an interesting relationship (for good or ill) with darn near everyone!
Well .. for one, this would be a god more on Jezebelle's page.
Also... if he is willing to rework his story I could very well see him as the offspring of Jezebelle and one of the more Lawful deities.Ambition and manipulation sounds like things coming straight out of her womb.
I would wait for the approval of the mods, but if you get approved you should consider the possibility since I do believe I'm close to provide you with a father.
I would be willing, but would prefer to start autonomous rather than the child of existing gods. I am open to compromise if necessary.
Well we were talking about it lately. I would wait for Mod's ok but I believe we are open. there has been a cry for a tough selection though and I agree. we should strive to pick quality players.
(there is also quite a few "holes" in the current gods concepts. I think gods we are lacking right now will have a better chance).That being said, I will leave it to the mods.
I attempted to target one of those holes, but can twist the concept if need be.
I am also happy to provide some references! I'm Steve Helt (Azdan's) lead writer on his design team (Four Horsemen), so I am sure he'll be willing to vouch for me.
If you'd like to read an example of my writing, I'm a short story finalist for the Ley Lines contest by Kobold:

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't think every new entrant needs to be a child of a an existing player. I do think that would be neat for some, but then the birthing god would need a story and the new godling would be defined by that role in part. Child of Aeon and a pious mortal follower? Offspring of Jezebelle and a random dalliance with no certainty as to his mom's opinion of him? Love child of two established deities? These all make a difference.
I certainly vouch for Nes. Rowe is a good writer and has great taste in games and brings the fun with style. Nes' portfolio is pretty much untouched so he's not competing as a fourth god of death/afterlife/nothingness.
I am not the only mod, but we have talked about adding a fe players. I thin we should be really selective, and I vouch for Nes and his palyer on that mark. Any other mods have an opinion? I stick by the idea of new players needing three green lights, so moderator or no, he still needs two thumbs up.
Kita: the taken portfolio are light/goodness, paradox, love/lust/beauty/misbehavior, winter, moon, heroism and stories, afterlife and judgment, darkness/shadow, death/undeath, and "nothingness". I may have forgotten a few, and a few of us are expanding our portfolio as the game goes on. If Nes is going to be about nobility and trickery, that leaves a lot of room open for you. We don't have much else represented. Just remember, your initial description is your audition and the game and world changes as you enter it with your spheres of influence. So, pick things that are fun and keep you active. We're looking forward to seeing what you bring.

Kita Misun |

I unfortunately do not really have any writing samples read to go; however, I would be more than happy to write a sample for an example of how I RP/write in general.
That being said I will get to work on an alias to submit a god for review.
I've read through the game play thread and I must say that I am impressed and excited to get to working on something!

Yir, The Maelstorm |

Name: Yir, The Maelstorm, Lady of the Sea,
Played By: Kita Misun
Domains (Portfolios): Open Water(Oceans, Seas), Weather( Wind, Lightening, Clouds, Rain)
Theme: Goddess of the Ocean and Sailors
Alignment: CG
Attack: 5d6
Defense: 1d6
HP: 40
Description: Yir can be more volatile than most gods. Her temper seems to flare abruptly over seemingly minor offenses, yet rapidly cool before apologies can even be uttered. She is also unrelenting in her pursuits, wearing downing the opposition steadily until the opposition finally surrenders. Despite her seeming rough and harsh demeanor, she does genuinely care for the safety of those traveling across her domain, and takes it upon herself to give smooth sailing to all she can.
That being said, she is a pure destructive force when angered.
Every structure is leveled, every ship torn apart on the rocks of the harbor that once sheltered them. Any island unfortunate to feel the wrath that earned her the name The Maelstorm is washed from existence.
Then, she becomes calm and rebuilds.
She is not proud of her power, she is not proud of the lives she has cut short, but sometimes it is necessary.
Might change her to CN, not 100% sure which will fit her better. She can be destructive and unmerciful; however, it takes a lot to get her to that point

Ilja |

I want to approve of both Nes and Yir. Nes seems like a social god that would play well (or bad heh) with others, and I can see him hanging out with most of the various gods. I generally trust Steven's judgement but before approval I'd like to see a little more about the backstory/role of Nes, and perhaps even something of a goal from a player perspective - what does the player want out of the role and what does ze aim to do? (in broad strokes/themes I mean, not specific actions)
This also goes for Yir - she fits a slot not taken, she brings some needed interest and care for the physical world apart from living beings, and she does even out the gender distribution a bit, which is a nice bonus. But there too I would prefer a little more written, similar to what I specified in the last paragraph, before giving approval.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

I want to approve of both Nes and Yir. Nes seems like a social god that would play well (or bad heh) with others, and I can see him hanging out with most of the various gods. I generally trust Steven's judgement but before approval I'd like to see a little more about the backstory/role of Nes, and perhaps even something of a goal from a player perspective - what does the player want out of the role and what does ze aim to do? (in broad strokes/themes I mean, not specific actions)
This also goes for Yir - she fits a slot not taken, she brings some needed interest and care for the physical world apart from living beings, and she does even out the gender distribution a bit, which is a nice bonus. But there too I would prefer a little more written, similar to what I specified in the last paragraph, before giving approval.
Nes is a driving force for novel, interesting, and amusing structure. He plans to stir drama and conflict as a means of creating unity. For, example, creating villains, because outside threats promote teamwork. A hero is defined by their nemesis. Patriotism strengthens when rival nations polarize and make virtues of their differences.
He likes to set beings against each other in civil (or more rarely, not so civil) competitions that encourage creativity. In extreme cases, war brings desperate growth and advancement. Most importantly, he wishes to (and has successfully to date) do so subtly. In the old world he was every king's vizier, pushing for critical thinking, education, and ambition. He is a consummate manipulator, but always for ultimately noble goals.
As a god of ambition, his goal is nothing less than playing chess with all the universe as a game board. However, he does not care about wining. He would rather lose, and it be a beautiful game.

Yir, The Maelstorm |

I want to approve of both Nes and Yir. Nes seems like a social god that would play well (or bad heh) with others, and I can see him hanging out with most of the various gods. I generally trust Steven's judgement but before approval I'd like to see a little more about the backstory/role of Nes, and perhaps even something of a goal from a player perspective - what does the player want out of the role and what does ze aim to do? (in broad strokes/themes I mean, not specific actions)
This also goes for Yir - she fits a slot not taken, she brings some needed interest and care for the physical world apart from living beings, and she does even out the gender distribution a bit, which is a nice bonus. But there too I would prefer a little more written, similar to what I specified in the last paragraph, before giving approval.
Yir is not a nation builder, she never has been, nor wants to be. She is more focused towards providing areas that allow for people to grow and improve naturally, but not the creating people themselves. Probably the best way to describe her is as a protector of the sea who wields the weather as a way to defend it from those who wish to damage it, or abuses her kindness. That being said she will not try and take followers from other gods, a simple word of thanks before the ship sails is enough for her.
As for how she will likely interact with other gods, she will be reserved and not readily seek them out just to chat on a regular basis. The only issues she might end up having with another god is if ships that have her blessing are attacked.
Goal wise, I plan to have her "set them up for success" by making natural harbors and some sort of safety net for sailors lost at sea. She will not have followers up on land intentionally, nor will she use her divine powers on those people unless absolutely necessary. She is focused on the sea, and its inhabitants. I can see her adding trade, nature, and life to her portfolio.

Ilja |

Nathas, I don't believe there are any tieflings, goblins, half-orcs (or orcs), drow (or elves) or duergar (or dwarves) for that matter. Or balors. Think you'd better read the play thread before applying!
AFAIK, the only sentient species currently existing are humans, griffons, polar bears, dragons, tree people (kind of like Ents if I've understood correctly) and changelings.
The world is three quite small continents and a sea, except for those things there is nothingness.
There is a moon and stars, but no sun.
But yeah, read the play thread. This is not in any way related to D&D/Pathfinder, except being some kind of fantasy.

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Let's give first crack to the lord of light guy, since it's more appropriate that way. If he doesn't want to invest in a sun, I say moons and eternal dusk. Spend your points on things that help your portfolio.
So...we have clear approval for Nes and Yir. Get in the game and start making stuff!
Nathas, the only issue with the scorned champion thing I see is the overlap with Jezebelle and Nico's hero schtick. I'm not worried about the races, becuase I am already creating drow and because any races we create can have half-breeds, which feeds your outcast hero demesne.
What are your thoughts? Can you expand the portfolio to help fill the world out a little more?

Tsiron Ragmar |

Name: Lagdorn, the Great Inventor, the Steamwright
Played By: Tsirion Ragmar
Domains (Portfolios): Genius (Invention, Intelligence), Advancement (Technology, Ideas)
Theme: The Great Inventor
Alignment: CN
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 40
Description: Lagdorn, unlike many of the gods of this unnamed world, was not there Before.
He was spawned of the pure, creative energies being slung around, and thus has an appropriate portfolio: Invention and Advancement.
To most, Lagdorn appears a tall, broad man with much muscle and a massive, bushy beard. Wearing his apron, Lagdorn forges new things and ideas, taking a more active role in shaping the world than most other gods. Likewise, Lagdorn doesn't care for their power struggles and arguments as long as they don't interfere with his creations.
Lagdorn is a pleasant and friendly person to be around, though all the ideas going around in his head make him somewhat... distracted.

Lagdorn, the First Inventor |

As Erande would say, every god story needs a villain. So here's one for your consideration.
Name: Nerun, the Dark Reflection, the Ebon Lord
Played By: Tsirion Ragmar
Domains (Portfolios): Evil (Hatred, Psychosis), Destruction (Demons, Daemons, Demolition)
Theme: The Great Destroyer
Alignment: NE
Attack: 5d6
Defense: 2d6
HP: 30
Description: To all mortals who behold the Destroyer, he is ever shifting, always their greatest fear. But to the gods, he appears as a balor of massive proportions.
Nerun did not exist before. Or, at least, not until the last moments. For all the destruction that 'twas being thrown about, it began to manifest a will. It had one wish: to propagate itself.
Yet the final stages of its becoming did not come to pass until Aeon shed us divine radiance to create his Heaven. The small, unused bits floated until they reached the last, small bits of Nothing, and then found the conscience of the destruction and gave it form.
Since then, it has been watching, waiting, biding its time as it learned It became a twisted, dark reflection of the deity who spawned it. It had become Nerun.

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I'm interested in the others' opinion about these two concepts, Tsiron. Both have a little overlap with one or more deities, but not so much. You've got the civilizing effect of advancement you might share/compete with some, and we have an evil god (or aspects of that god). But there's no reason you can't compete/cooperate with either of those approaches.
Also, I wanted to say it's certainly not up to me as far as the multiple pantheons thing. I think I still like the idea, but we should definitely talk about it and make sure we have some level of consensus.
I will say that since the rules didn't exclude us from multiple pantheons, if we agree a god can only be a part of one, I think the northern pantheon ought to be able to buy their points back and take time deciding on the single pantheon to join. We'd also then need systems for how to get someone excommunicated from a pantheon, or what's required to get a new person in.
The rules of this game are very light, and if we like it that way we don't want to bog down the free, cosmic feel of the game. But some things might need some defining and it seems like with today's discussion, pantheons are part of the package.

Lagdorn, the First Inventor |

I feel like Nerun doesn't have a lot in common with Asdan. While Azdan is death in all its forms, Nerun is evil in its purest form-a twisted reflection of Aeon.
All that he wants is for the Cycle to end.
The reason I forwarded this concept is because this game badly needs a villain-something to unite the squabbling gods. I wouldn't mind at all if he was destroyed, as long as he spawned a decent story arc.
For this reason, I want him to be an Intermediate God so that the Only reasonable way to defeat him would be by banding together.

Ilja |

Not sure about either concept. Will have to mull things over a bit.
As far as pantheons go, a simple solution might be that you can be part of any nnumber of pantheons, but only get points for one of them (the largest).
Or that you add upp the people in all pantheons you are part of and gain that amount divided by three. So you dont get points for the same members twice. Because i can see multiple pantheons risking to become a lot of points very very quickly.

Ilja |

Afther thinking it over, both concepts seem fine to me, Tsiron.
If you play Nerun; as a suggestion for gaining power, to become a challenge to the other gods, before the three months of gameplay required (minimum!) to become an intermediate god, consider abilities like Bathed in Blood, or creating a monument of some kind.
Just remember that conflict is to be between characters, not players ;)

Ilja |

Yeah, I have to condition my approval unfortunately. Did not think of Nihil and how those might clash. So, my approval is basically only if no other player (including non-mod players) feel you're stepping on their toes; if so is the case I'll have to withdraw the approval.
Sorry for being shifty and perhaps instilling false hope. I do believe either of your concepts will fit fine, at least with a bit of tweaking. My impression was that Nerun is kind of a more "direct" destruction god - more taking matters into their own hands than waiting for the slow, unescapable withering away of creation.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

For my 2 cents (as a guy that just got approved), I prefer Lagdorn the Inventor. I don’t think he’d be stepping on Nes’ toes as written. It looks like he’d fit an excellent niche in the forge-god area we are lacking.
I agree that he could be twisted to more evil purposes if the Tsiron wants to make a badguy. Advancement can efficiently come from questionable morality… animal/human experimentation, pollution, slavery/exploitation, etc.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

Read over the entire rules section. Should I read the gameplay and discussion before posting concepts? I have several.
I'd recommend it, but maybe just go ahead and post some concepts so you can catch up while people give advice? Reading everything was pretty useful for me when I was trying to figure out how to best work myself into the game.