Azami Ito |

Bel--is there more to your action? What exactly does that do? Are you still flying overhead? Just trying to get a sense of what's happening before I post. Otherwise I will assume Bel is just talking for his turn and not affecting Azami or Kyras.

Kyras Erodal |

Can we be clear on Initiative? I can't tell if it Round 1, Initiative 18 (in which case only Belsarious and Livain could have acted), or if we are in Round 1 with a later Initiative and they held their actions until after Azami and Kyras came out, or if we have rolled all the way back to Round 2... Any of the above is a possible interpretation of the posts we have so far. (The one thing I know we can't have is Belsarious casting a hex, then immediately casting a spell at the same Initiative.)
Also, Belsarious: please at least make an attempt to post in anything resembling everybody else's style? It is jarring every time. The post in first person was especially bad.

Belsarious II |

Can we be clear on Initiative? (The one thing I know we can't have is Belsarious casting a hex, then immediately casting a spell at the same Initiative.
Why not? Kyras approached from who knows where originally. And no one gave DRA the opportunity to set the stage in anyway. I thought you skipped ahead to where you wanted to be. So why bother.
Also there is no reason to assist in calculation of saves. Everyone knows EK is not written to increase the saves on hexes. Instead of making that calculation just post an optimized re-build of my character (swap out some of those 3pp classes I have no time to go through) with whatever works and then go with it. And i'll use EK not as a class but as a title, the point is it can be done......

Azami Ito |

I'm confused as to what is unclear, Bel. The scene is clearly set in the art district alley behind the shop, halfway between Clan Sera and Clan Shoto. I read Kyras' post as rolling the save and role playing the reaction to it. I dont know what "aproach" you are referencing. That was all last round, round 1, right?
Then, round 2: Bel is doing something with the void somewhere-where is he? On the ground? In the air? On the roof? And what exactly is happening with the void thing?

Min Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |

Because we rolled initiative to avoid clashes like this by overzealous posting Bel. So lets keep to the initiative. Also if your dc is incorrect then fix it yourself. Don't take it as an attack on you or your character and why are we dragging out 3pp stuff all of a sudden?
Here is the stage. DRA believes we can act our age and if you have already acted Bel then please have he good sense not to post again unless your burning a hp to beat someone's actions next round.
Right now Azami and Kyras are the same initiative to make things easier. They were both in the shop which an average shop is at best 30/30 so Kyras could easily double move out an open g%~~@&n door. Everyone else is where they were rolled initially. If you don't like it then b~@%$ at me since i was the one who suggested it. Does Dra have to set the stage for a back alley escape? besides if he had an issue he would fix it Bel come on man.
Now please fix your dc and if you want a better dc then revamp to be a full witch after this chase is over until then expect to be corrected. I do every day as i am in 7 games and one i dm and i get things wrong all the time. So just chill and lets enjoy this chase scene with some mature dignity.

Belsarious II |

Oh you know me complaining about the past......referencing my first encounter with Kyras.
The way I was setting up was that when he approached to ask him to stop far enough away and talk. Making the move in and grab it up immposible to do in a single round....you know roleplay as opposed to turn based combat.
Now certainly in this case DRA set the stage wonderfully. In the first one it was like Kyras and I were sharing the same pair of pants. ..and him winning initiative meant he could do anything just saying it.

Min Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |

Yeah i understand that point hence why i suggested in this encounter we start with initiative and rp while having actions being measured. As honestly if i had followed with half my threats Min would be in jail and or worse because he shot someone in the street.
Apologies as my comments above were way immature but damage done. All i am saying is lets not fight over an encounter or dcs we can fix or whatever and have fun chasing Kyras and Azami besides DRA stated that it would be hard to hit them do to the cover provided by the alleyway.
AZAMI however has been trying very hard to get your approximate position and whether your flying, on the ground and what not. Please let her know as i too have had some difficulty figuring that out. I think one post said you were flying alongside mail and living but we don't know if you maintained that or landed in the alleyway.
I wasn't trying to drudge up the last encounter just avoid repeating a possibly bad... Err.. Encounter? Something or other.
Thank you have a good night.

Aylaeth Brely'an |

Bel, I realize by now that your style is more RP than mechanical, and sometimes that works great. But in times like these, during PvP encounters, it is, as has been stated several times, essential to state things as clearly and exactly as possible in our posts. You've been in this game for a long time now, so you should be very aware of how DRA likes battle posts to be formatted. I know it's been a Looooong time since we in Mariansu have actually had a battle though, so, just as a refresher, it usually is supposed to go something like this:
Aylaeth runs out from the back of the shop till she has the criminals in sight. Sighing in resignation, she uses her never before available until right now power to instantly fly up into the air. She then unleashes her unbelievable arcane might in a devastating blast of supreme magical power, obliterating the murderer and his red haired hussy on the spot. (I mean, imagine running around like that with your hair all out of control!! Doesn't she know what a brush is??)
Round 4, Init 6, Altitude 40'
AC 22, HP 54
Special: Electricity Resistance 10, Acid Resistance 20
Arcane Pool: 7/10
Spells: Lv1:5, Lvl2:6, Lvl3:3
Swift Action: Use special imaginary power to instantly fly as much as she wants. (Just being silly, to show altitude in the combat stats ; )
Move Action: move 30'
Standard Action: Cast- Lightning Ball.
Electrical Damage: 30d6 + 400 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 6, 6, 5, 6, 3, 6, 5, 6, 1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 1, 5, 5, 4, 3, 6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2) + 400 = 523; (Ref DC200 for half)
See? Easy! ^-^ Hope that helped

Belsarious II |

Kyras. Good to see you here.
My plan, a very passive and inactive one (and just the opposite of your take charge character) was.
Begining at X distance we began shouting to each other. (distance irrelevant).
You are moving towards the abomination (and by extension me) distance starts to become relevant.
From X distance the intimidate thing (a good idea) but distance irrelevant.
From X distance you in your post finally establish where you are in relation to me "reaching". Though at that time I had you further away.
Now had timing been established in some way whether rounds or distance we would have been fine.
I was "imagining" this as about 3 rounds of interaction (or that you were 2 rounds from arriving).
You had intiative
Round 1
You: Coming in hot and heavy
Me: attempt to parley
star trek
Round 2
you: No response other than still coming!
Me: Call the void
star trek
Round 3
you: decide to Enter the void or actually come to a stop
Me: talk some more! ;)
Round 4
no round based combat and lots of talking!
either with or without the void (a topic of discussion for sure!)
Then of course on round two we would have had the dominatrix come in and spank me for being bad. I am just laying out my "plan".....
As you can see in this reactive passive methodology initaitive matters alot less as the action of round 2 is for round 3!
The most critical element for me is how long (how many rounds) do I have before he actually gets here?

Azami Ito |

I guess I'm wondering why we are rehashing a past scene? Clearly, that scene was RP until an action that was taken that might provoke a reaction. Maybe things got unclear and it didn't turn out how we wished. I know I was uncertain from some descriptions about where people were standing.
However, it is the past, and now we have this Other scene. Kyras has the abomination, Azami is with him, they are running in an alley through the art district. Livain, Mai and Bel are in the air and Aylaeth and Damian are in pursuit on foot.
Can we leave the previous scene behind now and deal with the scene we have here?
Bel. I need to know from you where you are and what you are doing this round. I have asked for this for some time now. If you do not clarify, I will assume Bel is flying in the air, at a distance, and with the void around you and it doesn't do anything to affect Kyras and Azami.
If you clarify, I will respond in kind by amending my character's action IF there is a significant affect to take into account.
If you do not clarify, then it is Kyras' response I am waiting for, which will affect Azami's action, as her action is basically held onto his.
I am also assuming that Livain is now held to Mai's action, so the Initiative is as follows:
Belsarious: 26
Azami: (18)
Kyras: 18
Livain: (15)
Mai: 15
Aylaeth: 8
Damian: 8

Min Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |

Do you want me to post for Damian or is Dra handling that still Captain? ;) i may not write as awesomely commanding bad ass as you do but i sure could try! However Azami can keep Kyras as he is scary. ._.;
Just thought i would offer as i am back at work and have free time. Two kids is a lot of work! Lol

Belsarious II |

Once DRA confirmed I saw him, I did clarify that I was flying down and trying to get within 30 of Kyras.....in order to hex him....
So how you need clarification or will otherwise assume up in the great blur yonder is beyond me.
A good assumption would be chasing Kyras and within 30 of him somewhere (otherwise no hex could have even happened). Damn that ambiguous distance!!!!!

Azami Ito |

Ok. Let me show you what's on the board:
Round 1, Bel says
After taking flight I tried to track the abomination as I have done in the past and hope that I would find Kyras and "reason" with him some more.
If I find him and were within 30 I would be attempting to hex him with the misfortune hex.
DRA says
Belsarious is not able to locate Kyras yet, but keeps his sharp eyes open.
Livain and Belsarious: if you two are holding your actions, please say so, otherwise I am going to assume you're just doing nothing on your turn. Since this is PvP I want to be super vigilant against "casual actions", like "oh, yeah, I totally would have done [some thing], I just didn't mention it."
Bel did not respond about holding action
So that means that you didn't do anything that turn, OR you held your action till you were notified at around Mai's initiative.
If you did nothing round 1, on round 2 Bel can fly down (100' away, I don't know whether he can fly 70' in one move action or not) and cast a hex, which fails.
If you held your action on round 1, you can have Bel fly down and cast the failed hex on round 1, but your initiative has changed to being AFTER Kyras and Azami, and cannot open the void until after they take their actions.

Azami Ito |

Um, the point is that YOU need to choose one, based on the rules. I don't play your character.
I said I didn't know about distance possible to fly because I don't know--I don't play a flying character.
So, if you could choose ONE of the above two options, that would be helpful.

Min Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |

That's all cool with me. Just tell me when I can and can't do something, if it takes two rounds to fly down or three to get in range I am cool man......
@Belsarious: We just need to wait until you decide to cool off and act reasonable because you're totally not cool man and no one is gonna run your character for you. Your pissed off and being unreasonable for whatever reason.
So let's just wait until everyone returns from their respective duties and we can have DRA hash this out because at this point nothing is gonna get done.
Until then I am out as well, officially tired of this s#++ after the two weeks I've battled through. Have a good one god bless.

Belsarious II |

Belsarious II wrote:Yah got any munchies man?.....@Belsarious: We just need to wait until you decide to cool off and act reasonable because you're totally not cool man and no one is gonna run your character for you. Your pissed off and being unreasonable for whatever reason.
The main problem is we are not even discussing the same situation. Nearly 3 hours ago I posted how I saw the original thing going down.
Which is clearly rules correct, and how Kyras saw it (also rules correct). My question was how do we resolve that the assumptions we are making match up? It has not come up before because we usually have a map/DRA confirmations.The stand-off was occuring:
2)at 20 paces
3)at 40 paces
4)well even further than that
5) none of the above
Unfortunately Kyras and I were on opposite extremes of our assumptions and we were trying to make something happen correctly.
As an aside face to face with Kyras, subject to penalties (that would have been the worst plan ever!)
I swear I am not trying to be argumentative or difficult!
Seriously! Min stop laughing! ')

Azami Ito |

This can be resolved very easily for this current combat situation.
DRA said that if they did not indicate they were holding their action, they do nothing during Round 1. Bel is still at 26 initiative.
So, round 2, Bel flies down at 60' per round. That does not bring him within 30' of Azami and Kyras, so he cannot cast the hex that turn. His initiative is still 26.
We are in Round 2, Azami has asked Kyras to keep following her. I will post that they run, which is 4x30 speed, 120 feet, which brings them to 10' away from the door of the Sera.
So then we have Livain and Mai up.

Belsarious II |

This can be resolved very easily for this current combat situation.
DRA said that if they did not indicate they were holding their action, they do nothing during Round 1. Bel is still at 26 initiative.
So, round 2, Bel flies down at 60' per round. That does not bring him within 30' of Azami and Kyras, so he cannot cast the hex that turn. His initiative is still 26.
We are in Round 2, Azami has asked Kyras to keep following her. I will post that they run, which is 4x30 speed, 120 feet, which brings them to 10' away from the door of the Sera.
I love this gal!

Min Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |

Roger that. Hopefully everything is going alright with him. :/ i will keep him in my thoughts also hopefully you enjoy pigeons. ;)
But i'm just chilling out on pbps for a couple days need a mental break as rl kicked my ass as well.
Good luck in your games Kai! :)

Azami Ito |

It is my understanding that it is a visible complex of a noble house. Last round it was 130' from Azami and Kyras, so I would assume its visible to anyone on the ground where they were. Given that Kyras just slammed into the door, I think it is obvious where they are. I don't know if the complex is visible from the air though.

Belsarious II |

It is my understanding that it is a visible complex of a noble house. Last round it was 130' from Azami and Kyras, so I would assume its visible to anyone on the ground where they were. Given that Kyras just slammed into the door, I think it is obvious where they are. I don't know if the complex is visible from the air though.
So are you guys there (at the door) or 10 feet away from the door?
Although I am flying I am not up in the air, I am pursuing......
and still need to know if I can see the door.

DM Downrightamazed |

Good heavens.
Pardon my brief absence; due to some circumstances too silly and convoluted to bother recounting here, I'm really really swamped through the 22nd, plus the ol' day job is strangely busy, so fitting posts in is gonna be very difficult for me until the 23rd. I will at least untangle all this spaghetti above me as soon as I can, though. I don't want any fragging incidents getting hidden in the chase scene. ;-)

DM Downrightamazed |
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Also also; I just spun up an official wiki for this erstwhile campaign setting, and all the games in it. I'll add as I'm able, feel free to contribute things in the meantime.
Kudos to Dave for the suggestion.