Legacy of Fire (Inactive)

Game Master mathpro18

I would like to see everyone's(returning players included) complete character posted here so I can look it over. Due to being rather busy I probably won't get the game thread up until tomorrow and won't be able to reply until Sunday(yay for real life games).

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them here.

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

Reporting in.

male Vudrani Human Monk, master of many styles lvl 1

Hello all, thanks for having me. I look forward to play this adventure with you guys.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Paladin (Undead Scourge) 2 [HP: 20/20]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 16; Touch: 11; Flat Footed: 15]; [BAB: +2; CMB: +5; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7; Reflex: +3; Will: +5]; [Initiative: +1]; [Perception: +2]
Smite Evil: 1/1; Lay on Hands: 1/3


Female Aasimar Cleric 1

I transcribed my character sheet to a stat-block in my profile here. Let me know if you spot any errors.

Excellent just waiting on Marossa to check in. Hopefully she'll do that with in a few days.

Let me get some of my other games updated and then I'll start up the game thread. With 4/5 of you reporting in I think its safe to start. I'll also look over character sheets and make sure everything works.

Oh I don't know if I mentioned this but I do story based xp for play by post games. Just easier to not have to keep track of xp between the pages of posts.

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

Anything's cool as long as we stay the right level at the right time, I guess.

Gameplay thread has been thrown up. Feel free to post as you wish. I started with a little rp opportunity...don't worry for those of you who have been playing this from the beginning we will soon get to the city and get things underway.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Paladin (Undead Scourge) 2 [HP: 20/20]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 16; Touch: 11; Flat Footed: 15]; [BAB: +2; CMB: +5; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7; Reflex: +3; Will: +5]; [Initiative: +1]; [Perception: +2]
Smite Evil: 1/1; Lay on Hands: 1/3

sorry, all. I've been in a programming class all morning and will be for the rest of the afternoon. Then tonight I have my wife's company party to go to. So this day is going to be shot for me. I wil get something up later.

Thats fine Nasir post when you can.

A bit of clarification if you would, Mathpro: The GM in the original campaign allowed us a pack animal at no charge. Do we have one here as well, are we able to store our own supplies on one of the wagons, or are we solely responsible for carrying our own gear?

You can store you're gear on one of the wagons for now. That will change later down the road but I don't want to give to much away since you guys didn't get to far ;)

Marossa here. Dm Mathpro, do you remember how we dealt with Marossa's pesh addiction? I would still like to make it a central part of her character if possible.

Sure do and go ahead and make me a will save when you post.

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

Ooh. A pesh addiction. Are we using the addiction rules from the APG?

There are addiction rules in the APG? *goes to take a gander at them*

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1


Just an FYI guys I'm going to be with out a car until tomorrow at the earliest and possibly longer so I won't be able to get online. Need to get some break work done. Feel free to role play as you wish and I'll get back as soon as I can. Sorry for this getting such a slow start...I promise I'll make it up to you.

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

I haven't stated my prepared spells yet. May I prepare Drench, or is that too meta-gamey?

EDIT: NVM. I just found out it's a rare cantrip.

Shadow Lodge

Mook lvl 12

Did we lost our Dm? Already?

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

I really hope not

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Keleshite) Paladin (Undead Scourge) 2 [HP: 20/20]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 16; Touch: 11; Flat Footed: 15]; [BAB: +2; CMB: +5; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7; Reflex: +3; Will: +5]; [Initiative: +1]; [Perception: +2]
Smite Evil: 1/1; Lay on Hands: 1/3

It's me, isn't it?

Shadow Lodge

Mook lvl 12

He is still active on his other threads. If we dont hear from him until tomorrow i will use the new message system to send him a pm. Lets see what happens.

Don't worry all I haven't abandoned you I was just hoping that our cleric and our pesh addict would post. But they haven't so I'm moving things along a little.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Paladin (Undead Scourge) 2 [HP: 20/20]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 16; Touch: 11; Flat Footed: 15]; [BAB: +2; CMB: +5; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7; Reflex: +3; Will: +5]; [Initiative: +1]; [Perception: +2]
Smite Evil: 1/1; Lay on Hands: 1/3

You know how Pesh addicts are.


Female Aasimar Cleric 1

I'm still here; I just don't have much to respond to.

someone wanted you to cast create water which would speed up the process.

Female Aasimar Cleric 1

Ah. I must have missed that. I suppose it's worth a shot.

Sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting for me to make a post. I figured Marossa would be busy healing the 3 men who are burning for the next while. :)

Sorry, I was waiting to see if Nasir would make a post before deciding what to do, or a description of the people nearby whom I could ask about the situation.

Hey guys, I wanted to post an apology for my absence recently. I can't get into why it happened, but I wanted you all to know I am sorry for it. If you all still have a place for me I'd love to hop back in.

there is always room for our pesh addict in the party.

male Vudrani Human Monk, master of many styles lvl 1

My diplomacy and sense motive sucks! Can somebody else please do the talking, lol.

The Exchange

Male Human (Keleshite) Paladin (Undead Scourge) 2 [HP: 20/20]
Character Information:
[Armor Class: 16; Touch: 11; Flat Footed: 15]; [BAB: +2; CMB: +5; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7; Reflex: +3; Will: +5]; [Initiative: +1]; [Perception: +2]
Smite Evil: 1/1; Lay on Hands: 1/3

Sorry all for the unexcused absence but work has been incredibly busy, but things have calmed down and I should be able to resume regular posting now.

Bump. Is anyone still here?

male Vudrani Human Monk, master of many styles lvl 1

I have been checking on this thread and I sorry to say it but I dont think this game is going to happen. Respectifully I am bowing out. Wish you guys all good luck.

I'm still here...sorry I've been so slow getting the info up for you guys...keep forgetting to do it. I should have it up by noon today CST. That way hopefully more people will start posting again.

Male Elf Wizard (Wood Elementalist) 1

I believe I shall quit as well. Sorry.

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