Legacy of Fire

Game Master Megan Robertson

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Congratulations everybody for being selected to join me in this adventure. will be starting on Thursday or Friday depending on how busy I am so you can spend this time to get to know each a little better and clear up any questions.

There are also some things I need cleared up:
>Your timezones
>Your preference on hitpoints gained each lvl will be using the method for all npcs and monsters as well to keep things simpler.
>how you came to meet Garavel and joined the expedition.

Thanks glad I could have you all

male Elf Witch 5

Thanks for the selection, I look forward to the game.

Timezone: US Central

HP preference: I've seen a lot, personally, as DM, I allow the choice of average+1 or roll, no rerolls. This allows those who want to be safe to feel satisfied, but also makes it so that those who want to roll really feel that there is something to gain from it.

How I met Garavel: contacts within the Society informed Samuel of the pending caravan, and he sought out Garavel as a representative of the Pathfinders seeking to contribute his knowledge and experience to the success of the group.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Thanks for the invite! I'm jazzed.

I am tied up for most of the day, so I won't be able to write up my tie-in to Garavel until tomorrow.

My time zone is Pacific Standard Time (-8 hours GMT).

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

Thursday? Good. Gives me time to purchase/read the players guide and famil with everybody.

BTW. Don't anybody mention my bloody ears!!!
When a doctore slave master calls your name, you bloody well answer. Had my ear lobes cut off to learn that one

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

Time Zone: Australia GMT+10
HP preference- Max Dice +con at 1st level and roll after.

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

Garavel approached me. I'm well known enough among men of vice as a damn good gladiator, until SHE freed me (whatever means was used is up to you, since she may be a further part of the story given, there is a trait linked to her).

I had made a living as a freelance bodyguard since then, my reputation being enough to sway most away from my charge. Since Haleen disappeared, I've begun to move part that, taking bounties on petty criminals.

I sounded like a perfect candidate for this job...

I'm so glad I made it! Thanks a lot for the invite! :)

Time Zone: GMT+2 (Europe)
HP preference - Max HP at first level, avg+1 thereafter.

I was sent to the town of Solku as part of a group by Pathfinder Society. (I guess we could make all players with the Seeking Adventure trait part of the same group?), so finding Garavel was an easy task for me. It was not so easy for my fellow Pathfinders who had to spend a lot of effort making sure I wasn't left behind the group as I have constantly felt the urge to investigate the countless curiosities of Katapesh. They've been more than happy to give me under Garavel's command, whose attitude has given an immediate boost to my discipline. Unable to overcome the overwhelming excitement, I eventually settled on writing down everything I see around me in my notepad.

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

Havkand I must know each other from Finding Haleen trait. Ideas?

Male Elf Ranger 1

Thanks for the invite wareagle, looking forward to Thursday!

My timezone is GMT-6 (US Central). As far as HP is concerned, I'm a fan of taking the average or rolling, no rerolls, along the lines of S.W. I'm cool with the average plus one as well.

As far as how I met Garavel, I had imagined he sought me out from a growing reputation I had gained as a caravan guard, I'll have a write up for it either later this morning or tonight.

M Hobgoblin Druid 1

First, thanks for the opportunity to do play in Legacy of Fire.

@Calain:It seems that by your backstory you met her just before she disappeared. After she disappears we both become worried and we combine our efforts to find her. One of us hears a rumor of her whereabouts, and an advertisement asking mercenaries to go to the same area. We both jump at the chance. <---quick idea.

>Your timezones-EST
>Your preference on hitpoints gained each lvl will be using the method for all npcs and monsters as well to keep things simpler. I can accept average if it is rounded up. Actually I can accept it if it is rounded down, but I prefer to round up. Example a D8 gives 5 hp since 4.5 would round up to 5.
>how you came to meet Garavel and joined the expedition.--->I heard about his expedition and seeked him out. If you need something longer I can try to come up with something if Calain does not do so first. I am assuming one of passes the information to the other.

male Elf Witch 5
Raulzig Turfoodle wrote:

I'm so glad I made it! Thanks a lot for the invite! :)

Time Zone: GMT+2 (Europe)
HP preference - Max HP at first level, avg+1 thereafter.

I was sent to the town of Solku as part of a group by Pathfinder Society. (I guess we could make all players with the Seeking Adventure trait part of the same group?), so finding Garavel was an easy task for me. It was not so easy for my fellow Pathfinders who had to spend a lot of effort making sure I wasn't left behind the group as I have constantly felt the urge to investigate the countless curiosities of Katapesh. They've been more than happy to give me under Garavel's command, whose attitude has given an immediate boost to my discipline. Unable to overcome the overwhelming excitement, I eventually settled on writing down everything I see around me in my notepad.

I could see us as being part of the same group of Pathfinders who came to Solku, and were assigned to the caravan after Garavel specifically requested assistance from the Society.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

S. W. wrote:

I could see us as being part of the same group of Pathfinders who came to Solku, and were assigned to the caravan after Garavel specifically requested assistance from the Society.

Excellent, I think we can go with it then :)

Also to clarify, by Avg+1 I actually meant average rounded up, so d6 becomes 4, d12 becomes 7 etc.

Male Elf Ranger 1
flykiller wrote:
Also to clarify, by Avg+1 I actually meant average rounded up, so d6 becomes 4, d12 becomes 7 etc.

So like PFS progression? I can dig it.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

I am fine with just about any HP policy, though I guess the stability of 1/2 HD or 1/2 + 1 appeals to me.

Wareagle, did you get a chance to check out the link that Denji posted in the recruitment thread concerning clerics of Irori and whether or not they receive Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat (unarmed strike is Irori's favored weapon)? I will take the feat either way, but I'd like to know your ruling so I can pick up a replacement 1st level feat if needed (it would likely be Toughness).

Looking at Raulzig's ability, Archeologist's Luck, I noticed that it grants a luck bonus. This should stack with the competence bonus from Pashaj's Sermonic Performance. Yay, synergy!

I picked up the Legacy of Fire Player's Guide and am giving it a quick read this afternoon between meetings/rehearsal/class. I'll have some details on Pashaj's relationship with Garavel, but the short of it is that he traveled to Katapesh specifically because he heard of plight of the ruined town.

Ugh, I am terribly sorry, but unless I'm reading it wrong, it says:

D20PFSRD wrote:
an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus

So basically an archaelologist trades bardic performance for personal rogue-like abilities.

Still, there is synergy in it for Raulzig :D And also in the form of non-overlapping abilities. We don't have a dedicated rogue, so Raulzig will be the one to check for traps, including magical (at 2nd level).

As far as I know a cleric gains prof with favored weapon improved unarmed strike would make up for that I think that he would have that feat due to it being his favored even if not I will alow it :)

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6
H'vok Brinestone wrote:

First, thanks for the opportunity to do play in Legacy of Fire.

@Calain:It seems that by your backstory you met her just before she disappeared. After she disappears we both become worried and we combine our efforts to find her. One of us hears a rumor of her whereabouts, and an advertisement asking mercenaries to go to the same area. We both jump at the chance. <---quick idea.

>Your timezones-EST
>Your preference on hitpoints gained each lvl will be using the method for all npcs and monsters as well to keep things simpler. I can accept average if it is rounded up. Actually I can accept it if it is rounded down, but I prefer to round up. Example a D8 gives 5 hp since 4.5 would round up to 5.
>how you came to meet Garavel and joined the expedition.--->I heard about his expedition and seeked him out. If you need something longer I can try to come up with something if Calain does not do so first. I am assuming one of passes the information to the other.

Ok, My release was recent. So My concern is more about a dept of honour

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1
Wareagle wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Right on. Thanks. I think I will grab Toughness as a replacement then, though Selective Channeling is also attractive. I'll make a firm decision tomorrow morning.

And yeah, Raulzig, Archeologist's Luck is personal. Sorry, I didn't clarify; I meant that Sermonic Performance would stack with your ability, giving you a benefit from both. My comment sounded like I regarded them both as group abilities, though. My apologies for any confusion.

Trapfinding is a pretty nice trade off, I think.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

I will take Toughness as my replacement feat.

My character sheet will be cleaned up and more presentable by Thursday. Any questions about my crunch before then?

Pashaj's temple in Niswan periodically sends an envoy to the harbor city of Okeno to purchase slaves at the Fleshfairs. These slaves are selected by the priests and become indentured servants on the temple grounds upon returning to Jalmeray. Eventually, they are given the opportunity to become priests (and may then enter the temple), or to leave and find a new life.

Because of Pashaj's background, he has a unique perspective on this process, and was brought along on the most recent trip. One of the slaves the temple purchased told a story of a burning oasis near Kelmarane. This caught the immediate attention of Pashaj and his superiors as this is a specific image in one of Irori's parables. The priests felt it was a sign from the Master of Masters that Irori's steady hand must be brought to that region, and so they sent Pashaj to Katapesh while they sailed back to Niswan with their newly acquired servants.

Pashaj arrived in Katapesh and immediately sought word of any expedition to Kelmarane and the surrounding area. He was directed to Garavel, and he requested the right to accompany his band to the ruined settlement. He told Garavel a story of Irori planting a Mumbi tree in the Anzu Desert (a part of the story related to the burning oasis) as his explanation for wanting to come along. He was unconcerned about whether or not this made any sense to the man.

After securing permission to travel with Garavel and his company, Pashaj retired to the Hall of Irori in the section of the city known as Dawn Gate. There he waits for the appointed departure of Garavel's expedition.

One thing about your last post Garavel raised the call for assistance in Solku not Katapesh forgot to tell you earlier the capital and region are called Katapesh

Hvok and Calain:
would like to know more more about how you two know each other and Haleen

Raulzig and Samuel:
were you two part of the same group on your way to solku if so do your characters know each other just wanted some prior information before we start on thurs

Am using the medium level advancement path to let yall know 30th pg of core rulebook

male Elf Witch 5
Wareagle wrote:

Raulzig and Samuel:

were you two part of the same group on your way to solku if so do your characters know each other just wanted some prior information before we start on thurs

I would say probably, especially if Raulzig is as bouncy as his background describes.

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6
Wareagle wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I have read the players guide now.

How About:

Havok's story is unchanged.
I was fighting and forging a reputation in the Grand Coliseum as a Gladiator and Ruk player.
Haleen, 'a swashbuckling adventurer' saw me fight in the final of a games to celebrate the coming of the annual rains. The fight.was.against a visiting champion from Tian Xia. I was not expected to win, in fact the superior warrior allowed me to recover from obvious errors to give the crowd a show and to afford me some honour before killing me.
Then, late in the match, with me suffering numerous small wounds and knowing my death was coming, the Sun reflected off something and temporarily blinded my foe long enough for me to land a gut stab with my Falchion. As he fell to his knees and I raised my Falchion in triumph, the signal was given to kill him.

The Tian was the first man I'd met in the areana, who had afforded me so much honour, I did not want to kill him. He looked me in the eye and handed me his Naodachi, asking only that he die on HIS own blade and that I cut off his head, rather than.stab him.

After too long a moments hesitation, I screamed in regret and ended his life. I have held the blade of the bravest man I've killed ever since. Haleen saw my anguish from her seat and understood.
As I was taken from the areana, my sorcerous master had my ear lobes cut off to 'help me listen when given an order'.

That was when Haleen arrived. My master seemed to know of her and they spoke away from me. I know not what was said or promised, but I was handed over to her immediately. When we returned to her home she told me I was free and removed my collar. I soon met Havok, but the Hobgoblin's frequent wanderings kept our talk to a minimum and I was not ready to trust a spellcaster. After a few months of allowing me to find my feet as a bouncer for the Sand Dragon Inn, Haleen disappeared. My new job and search formy sister would have to wait. Haleen had given me freedom after 28 years of slavery and blood. She spared my life after Sarenrae had saved me from the Tian. I needed to find her. I owed her.

Crack enough skulls around every tavern in Katapesh and you can start to find answers. I heard Haleen was last seen near Kelmarane. Garavel was hiring and so I approached him for work as a guard. He'd seen me fight and so I was hired. I told the Hob. I didn't like him but I could tell he cared for her and he might come in handy.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

My mistake, DM. It shouldn't change much, but I'll tweak it as needed.

Male Elf Ranger 1

Finally got my 'Meeting Garavel' write-up done. Sorry it took so long wareagle, work has been a pain the last couple of days. Spoilered for length

Garavel ducked slightly as his business partner led him into what appeared to be a tavern. It wasn’t all too unexpected, considering his request, but once inside, he began to reconsider his guide’s motives. The relatively short entryway made more sense now, as did the rather abysmal lighting of the interior; this tavern seemed to cater almost exclusively to dwarves, and from how well dressed the majority seemed to be, was more of a businessmen’s environment than that of your typical adventurer.

“I told you I was looking for a tracker, a hunter, not a trade deal, Durrag.” Garavel said good naturedly, as the pair took a seat and Durrag motioned for a server. “I fail to see how we’ll find either here.”

Durrag chuckled gruffly. “You told me you wanted the best, a professional. He’ll be here, alright.” Durrag dropped a couple of silvers on the waiter’s tray for drinks, then gestured across the room where it appeared a group of four dwarves were having a disagreement over the particulars of a deal with a second pair. Garavel leaned back with his drink and listened in.

“The deal was two-hundred Thurrin! You try and rip me off, I’ll see that smithy of yours sold off as slag!” an older dwarf snapped, pointing at a piece of parchment on the table with enough force to rattled their plates.

“Yes, yes, it was.” Thurrin agreed, his hands raised in supplication. “However, we can both agree that further…complications arose. That would be covered in the ‘additional expenses’ clause.”

“His job was to keep the caravan safe! Why am I paying him more to do just that?”

Garavel blinked in surprise as a distinctly non-dwarven voice spoke up. “You are correct, Forger Belegar. My job was indeed to guide your trade caravan safely, a job that was disrupted by your train leader’s insistence that we travel through a stretch of desert contested by no less than three gnoll tribes. This led to two separate raids, more than a fair amount of repair work to the wagons, largely done by myself, with supplies that had to be raided in turn from gnoll camps. When I am allowed to do my job, then the price sets itself.” The second speaker then reached into his belt pouch and slapped a severed paw near as large as a dinner plate on the table, obscuring most of the contract. “When I have to drag your idiot driver from the lair of a flind, expenses begin to mount.”

Belegar glared at the apparent driver, who to Garavel’s amusement seemed to have shrunk down to the size of a small child. “This true?”

Another dwarf laughed. “I’d hardly say ‘dragged’. More like ran with a tucked beard while this lad,” he gestured to the other dwarf’s second, “held off a flind and two gnolls on top of that. He’s asking for another two Belegar. He was worth another five.”

Belegar scowled, then turned back to Thurrin. “Fine. Three-hundred for…expenses incurred. That do you?”

“That does me well. Always, a pleasure.” Thurrin replied graciously, and after money exchanged hands, Belegar and his group left. Thurrin then turned to his partner and grinned evenly. “So, after that display, I say the drinks are on me. Shall we?”

Two tables away, Garavel laughed quietly, and turned back to Durrag. “Alright, you’ve sold me. As has this fellow. If there are going to be gnolls in the number I’ve been hearing, I imagine he’ll be a more than worthwhile addition to the group I’m putting together. What kind of rates does he look at?”

Durrag nodded in his direction. “Make an offer. I’m sure he’ll hear you.”

“Anything else I should know first?” Garavel prodded, leaning over his drink to speak more quietly. “I’d rather not go in unawares of any particulars. Sounds like he drives a hard bargain.”

Durrag opened his mouth to reply, then stopped, his eyes locked over Garavel’s shoulder. Garavel turned to see the dwarf Thurrin and his second standing quietly behind him, the dwarf grinning with amusement. “It’s as you man said, friend. He’ll likely hear you.” Turning to his second, Thurrin shook a small sack of coin. “I’ll go get this taken care of, son. Why don’t you handle the particulars?”

The other nodded, and as Thurrin made for the exit, removed his helmet and took a seat at Garavel’s table. Garavel’s eyebrows rose in surprise, as Durrag smiled knowingly. “Well,” Garavel smiled, “I guess that explains your apparent attentiveness.”

The elf across the table grinned back. “It can’t be helped. So, gnoll-hunting are we? I must admit, you have my interest. When would you like to depart?”

Male Elf Ranger 1

As a side note, is anyone else going for any of the achievement feats? As you may have guessed, Urdaan will be going for 'All Gnolls Must Die', and was wondering if I would be competing with anyone for it. If so, may the best dwarf-raised elf win! :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Well I sure aim for the 'Gifted Mesmerist' but 'Graverisen' or 'Stood in the Fire'... erm, I meant 'Flame-tested Survivor' will probably find me sooner :)

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

I'm not clear on achievement feats. Do you get them for free, when you complete the challenge? or do you use your normal feat slots?

Male Elf Ranger 1
Calain wrote:
I'm not clear on achievement feats. Do you get them for free, when you complete the challenge? or do you use your normal feat slots?

As far as I can tell, you get them as regular feats, and the various goals serve as requirements. So for example, once I've killed 20 gnolls and gnoll substitutes, I qualify for selecting AGMD.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Okay, if we're in Solku, I'll strike that business about the Fleshfairs in Okeno (I'm not sure it made sense anyway).

Instead, Pashaj and his fellow priests heard about the burning oasis from a merchant that had seen it while his caravan was lost in the desert:

This merchant, who had been transporting goods between the cities of Sothis and Katapesh, caught sight of a "conflagration in the sea of sand". Upon further inspection, he determined that it was an oasis that was on fire, but the flames showed no sign of abating. Haunted by the sight, they hurried past it. Shortly after that, their guide realized from the mountain formation that they were near the ruins of Kelmarane. They quickly corrected their course before they chanced to run afoul with the gnolls that were known to inhabit the area.

It was only later that the merchant, a Vudrani, remembered the ever-burning oasis from a tale about the god Irori. When he arrived in Niswan weeks later, he mentioned it to the Iroran priests he saw in the marketplace, one of which was Pashaj.

The priests met and agreed that this was a sign from the Master of Masters, and that one of them should be set to investigate the region around Kelmarane. They chose Pashaj to go, and so sent him on to Quantium, in the nation of Nex. From there, he has taken a boat up the Elemion River to Solku, where he sought to find an expedition to Kelmarane and the surrounding area.

When he met Garavel, (as specified earlier) he told him the story of Irori planting a Mumbi tree in the Anzu Desert (a part of the story related to the ever-burning oasis) as his explanation for wanting to join him on his trip.

Achievement feats use regular feat slots you do not just gain them else you all will have all gnolls must die by the end of the first book or sooner :)

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

My character sheet is cleaned up, and I am good to go.

M Hobgoblin Druid 1
Calain wrote:
Wareagle wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I have read the players guide now.

How About:

Havok's story is unchanged.
I was fighting and forging a reputation in the Grand Coliseum as a Gladiator and Ruk player.
Haleen, 'a swashbuckling adventurer' saw me fight in the final of a games to celebrate the coming of the annual rains. The fight.was.against a visiting champion from Tian Xia. I was not expected to win, in fact the superior warrior allowed me to recover from obvious errors to give the crowd a show and to afford me some honour before killing me.
Then, late in the match, with me suffering numerous small wounds and knowing my death was coming, the Sun reflected off something and temporarily blinded my foe long enough for me to land a gut stab with my Falchion. As he fell to his knees and I raised my Falchion in triumph, the signal was given to kill him.

The Tian was the first man I'd met in the areana, who had afforded me so much honour, I did not want to kill him. He looked me in the eye and handed me his Naodachi, asking only that he die on HIS own blade and that I cut off his head, rather than.stab him.

After too long a moments hesitation, I screamed in regret and ended his life. I have held the blade of the bravest man I've killed ever since. Haleen saw my anguish from her seat and understood.
As I was taken from the areana, my sorcerous master had my ear lobes cut off to 'help me listen when given an order'.

That was when Haleen arrived. My master seemed to know of her and they spoke away from me. I know not what was said or promised, but I was handed over to her immediately. When we returned to her home she told me I was free and removed my collar. I soon met Havok, but the Hobgoblin's frequent wanderings kept our talk to a minimum and I was not ready to trust a spellcaster. After a few months of allowing me to find my feet as a bouncer for the Sand Dragon Inn, Haleen disappeared. My new job and search formy sister would have to wait. Haleen had given me freedom after 28...

Nice save. I am tied down with running a game, and planning two other games, one real life, and one online.

This story works for me if it works for the GM.

M Hobgoblin Druid 1
Urdaan Einalf wrote:
As a side note, is anyone else going for any of the achievement feats? As you may have guessed, Urdaan will be going for 'All Gnolls Must Die', and was wondering if I would be competing with anyone for it. If so, may the best dwarf-raised elf win! :)

I won't be going for any of them, but I will keep track just in case I do meet the requirements.

edit:I know I won't be getting Healer’s Touch.

Calain and Hvok:
Good glad you managed to work your backstory out

Just a habit I picked up all add 2d100 xp. no real reason for it each roll separately :-)
almost forgot to include it

2d100 ⇒ (32, 72) = 104

for hp: I will allow the choice of 1/2 HD or roll, no rerolls.Character will choose each lvl which method to use

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

By average do you mean, say, alternating between 3 and 4 on a d6 each level? Or rounded up/down?

d6=3 d8=4 d10=5 12=6 meant 1/2 HD

male Elf Witch 5

2d100 ⇒ (12, 18) = 30

Male Human Invulnerable Rager HP: 50/50 AC18/12/16, F6/R3/W2, Perception: +6, Survival +6, Init:+2; CMD:18; CMB+6

2d100 ⇒ (37, 67) = 104

Yay Thursday!

Male Elf Ranger 1

2d100 ⇒ (70, 58) = 128 Can't wait till tomorrow!

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

2d100 ⇒ (66, 36) = 102

I'm stoked!

M Hobgoblin Druid 1

2d100 ⇒ (32, 53) = 85

Any XP is good XP.

Gameplays now open

Please all record your own xp preferably on character sheet just thought I'd let you know beforehand.

any can make knoledge local checks no others but local

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