Korvosa Confidential 5E

Game Master Jam412

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Hey everyone! Why don't you finish fleshing out your characters here. You've all got access to the players guide, so feel free to use it to make deeper connections with Korvosa. You may also want to establish connections between your characters, though that is up to you.

I'm happy to answer any setting and system questions that you may have.

Look forward to gaming with you all!

Dark Archive

Hi everybody! =D

Great to be here! =]

Don't worry, even though we don't have a thief, I got all your stealth, stealing, and not-being-in-melee-combat fields covered! ;)

Okay, DM Jam, quick question: Can I do take advantage of the alternative starting equipment rules? No, wait, I'll do ya one simpler: Can I just swap out my Longbow, a 50gp martial ranged weapon, for a heavy crossbow, a 50gp martial ranged weapon?

All I want to do is put sniper rounds heavy bolts through a target at long range. Is that too much to ask from the universe?!?!?? =)

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

Woo Hoo. Should be fun. I'm fighting a head cold right now, but will definitely get things finished up before the weekend is over. I believe I have enough mechanically that I shouldn't slow down play... but need to flesh out my background a little more.

If anyone is interested Red Feather has spent much of the last 3-4 years in and out of the city drunk tank and jail... mostly for pick-pocket and shoplifting type things (His darker deeds have so far gone un-noticed), so if you're tied in with City Watch we might have a connection.

*** Oh and Red Feathers Criminal background has given him Stealth, Deception, and Thieves Tools proficiency, so he can help as well. ***

Dark Archive

As the gate is opened and the guard let's Red out -again-, Orion walks up next to him on his way out, and offers him a swig from his hip flask.

"You gonna try an' have a quiet night, now? If not, I'll be at the Sweet Doomed Angel later lookin' for ya."

Whether Orion means to stop some extra-curricular activities, or to try some, isn't always entirely clear.

Orion the Hunter wrote:

Okay, DM Jam, quick question: Can I do take advantage of the alternative starting equipment rules? No, wait, I'll do ya one simpler: Can I just swap out my Longbow, a 50gp martial ranged weapon, for a heavy crossbow, a 50gp martial ranged weapon?

All I want to do is put sniper rounds heavy bolts through a target at long range. Is that too much to ask from the universe?!?!?? =)


Don't worry about holding things up or slowing down play. I want to give it about a week before we start. Longer if people need it (including me).


Thanks for choosing me! Sorry about the length!

It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue, the clouds at a minimum, large, fluffy and white and Elegad was at Garrison Hill, laying on his back on one of many rooftops, staring up at the sky above, cigarette in hand.

Putting the stick to his mouth, the boy inhaled deeply as the calm Korvosan breeze washed over him.

Watching on as a small group of Sable Marines took to the skies, Elegad enjoyed the sight of their somewhat graceful presence. It was oddly comforting to the boy, seeing them so high up above the City, soaring high above, almost as if they were beyond worry, sadness and even the cruel nature of this world.

Continuing to watch, the group passed over Elegad's head, one of them swooping in a little close for comfort, sending a strong gust of wind across the boys body. It was only 10-15ft above him and the outstretched wings of the Hippogriff were truly impressive.

One day he thought to himself.

That could be me.

I'm good to start whenever. Everything is complete for me. :)

Dark Archive

Hey Elegad!

Hey, quick question: Can I ask why you went Half-Elf? That seems like an unorthodox pick for Barbarian, with the +2 Cha? I thought you were doing human to get some kind of brawler/punching-all-the-things feat?

Just askin'. =)


Hey Orion. :)

It's more just for the class. His Pathfinder interpretation was also a mixture of Barbarian and Fighter. He's not a Barbarian by nature or any sense of the word. It's more the abilities the Barbarian offer that suited his style. He's a commoner living in the slums visually. Nothing more, nothing less.

The +2 Charisma wasn't a problem for me. Sure, it would have been nice to have it in Strength or Con, but I don't like having negative stats, so just keeping it at a 10 was fine for me. I'll always place a concept above what stats I'm given and just make my concept work.

In my head he's always had to fight with angst, he's been good at surviving against all odds and he can take a hit. In Pathfinder terms that meant I had to go with the Barbarian Class (not an actual Barbarian) primarily for damage reduction, Die Hard, Endurance and a whole lot of health. His Barbarian abilities represented his ability to survive, while his Fighter abilities represented his ability to fight, once he'd learned how. It just so happened that the mechanics had a similar enough vibe that Barbarian suited him at first level. Next level I'm going Fighter (Champion) and taking the Pugilist fighting style.

The character himself was always a Half-Elf. That was the first thing I decided on before anything else and really wanted to play up the whole Half-Elves are shunned thing. I don't play them often, but they're my favourite race - Not due to their abilities, but just the theme they have. If Elves are attractive and humans are attractive, I see them as usually taking the best elements from both parent races, unknowingly becoming the most attractive race out there with the most potential to change the world.


He acts on impulse and Rage and until he can control that properly, he'll be jumping between the two Classes, eventually falling more on the fighter side than barbaric side. It's all about the transition. His class and personality will dynamically evolve with the story.

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]

Hello everybody! Let's nab us a Dickensian orphan exploiter!


I'm looking forward to starting this and hopefully it won't fizzle out before it's begun, like so many PBP's on here! :)

Dark Archive

It won't fizzle. DM Jam was honest when he said that he's a good poster. He may takes his breaks, but he won't flake. =)

Hey, DM Jam, would you be able to open up the Gameplay thread so we can get these on our Campaign tab?

M Human Cleric 2 (AC 15, hp 14/16, Percept +3, Invest +1)

Seconded. And looking forward to starting!

Dark Archive

While we're waiting, do we want to establish character connections?

Like, do we all know each other?

I'll go first. =)

It seems fine to continue with the first idea that Orion and Red know each other from bumping in to each other in the seedier parts of town. In fact, Red, since you're a criminal, and I'm street urchin, what say we grew up together?
Hell, you're even a druid. Perfect!

Saulden, I'm feeling something similar. Maybe we knew of each other, and thought we were never close, ...*something something, possible romantic story with your sister Iris?*

Paddy...we recently met here and there on our tours with the city watch. We swap similar stories about the city, and are surprised how much it's gone downhill. The good parts arn't good anymore and even the bad parts have somehow gotten worse.

Elegad...I'll let you go first. =)

How's that for a start? =)


Well with Elegad, due to his current way of living, his forced criminal activity and not so distant Shiver addiction, you might have seen him in the street or for some reason caught sight of him on the Garrison Hill rooftop Shingles, but he wouldn't have approached any of you. He was very much a slave of Gaedren and is very much a lone wolf. Nobody alive cares for him that he knows of and he trusts nothing but his own judgment. That should hopefully help or give you something to go on.

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]

Yeah, we can figure out how we know each other. Saulden's been out of Korvosa for the past year, trying to teach the Shoanti about forgiveness.

Orion, I see Iris as being a 10-11 year old kid with an attitude problem- not romance material. But she may have run away from the chapel fairly often in the time I wasn't there and it may have fallen on you to either bring her back or assist the other priests in finding her. Or you may have consulted on the route taken for the Mission and we met that way.

If Red Feather has been sobering up, I may know him through the Shiver Addict Outreach Program. It's a nondenominational addiction counseling service put together by the church of Saerenrae.

I love everybody riffing off of each others backgrounds! I'm going to come up with some additional questions regarding some of your back stories, probably tomorrow.

I'll ping Archdevil pretty soon about checking in too.

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

Hi Guys. Many of these sound good. I hope to have some time this afternoon to Flesh out Red Feather's background, and attempt to either tie him to some of you, or leave such dangling delicious morsels that you can't resist tying yourself to him.

Alright, I've got some general questions for you all about your characters. Feel free to answer them in whatever depth you like or skip some altogether.

  • What is your ethnicity? In Korvosa, the most prevalent are Chelaxian, Varisian and Shoanti. Probably in that order. Doesn't have to be one of those though!
  • For some of you this will be obvious, but what is your religion? What is your relationship with your church? The churches in Korvosa are almost their own political entities in some cases.
  • What is your day job? Again this is obvious for those of you who are employed by the Korvosan guard. But even so, maybe you have other side jobs? Up to you.
  • What is your family situation? Any sibling or parents in the city? How is your relationship with them?
  • Who are your friends? Are you mister popular or is your only friend Mr Squeaky, the rat that lives in the basement of your apartment building?
  • Speaking of apartment buildings, where do you live? In a hovel nestled in the shingles above the city? maybe your church provides you shelter. You could live in a nice house in The Heights that you inherited from your family, but how do you pay the taxes? This could tie in with your day job situation.

All I've got for the moment. More to come eventually..

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

Will reply later tonight or tomorrow. I second you starting the Gameplay thread, so that we can dot it for our campaign pages. PITA to go and find this thread.

Alrighty. I'll just put up something generic.

Dark Archive

Question the First: Orion is originally from Varisia. He grew up the middle child in a large family of woodsmen. His kin had no hand for farming, so they made a living trapping wild game and selling the meat and skins.
A land-rights dispute with a large group of powerful, influential (for Varisia) Chelexian settlers caused a minor land war, and his parents and two oldest brothers took up arms to "defend their way of life." They all died impotently on the battlefield, and the family was scattered. Most of the younger children were taken in by an uncle who was a mildly successful farmer, while Orion felt ejected from the land, and, in a series of decisions made from either naivete or boredom, wandered into the gravitational pull of Korvosa.

2) Orion's family were casual followers of Cayden, but after the disaster, Orion turned away from so empty a belief. Arriving in the city he floated amongst the great bounty of temples, but eventually settled on Calistria. At his heart, Orion is...angry. And in Calistria he found a compassionate voice.

3) When Orion initially got here he tried his hand at trapping and skinning, but the remoteness of any untouched breeding grounds made such work slow, and the many and varied temptations of the city pried such coin away from him as fast as he could make it.

In time his reveries brought him into contact with the City Watch who, recognizing that he wasn't evil, just without direction, offered Orion a small amortization in return for running over-watch on some dangerous raids, and assisting to run down a den of bandits in a local woods. Liking the relatively easier pay and easier hours of the city's employ, Orion has gradually taken on more and more work with the watch, though he swears it's only for the time being until the herds "thicken up a bit."
Only he knows what that exactly means.

4) Orion lost contact with most of his kin when the family was broken up. On occasion he'll exchange letters with a younger sister, Allison, who married a wealthy farmer.
He always got along well with her--and if he ever gets around to taking his revenge, he'll need a base of support.

5) Orion has never made friends easily. Jaded from a childhood cut short, he has trouble opening up to people, and takes kindness to be a veil for hostility.
Red is a good drinking buddy, but alas the man enjoys the fruit of the vine even more than Orion himself, and it seems for every night they close a tavern, there's a night that he has to haul Red off to the gaol to sleep off a debauch.
He met a kid named Elegad once or twice while traipsing the High Road*, but the lad struck Orion as even more than a loaner than himself, and that seemed a dangerous thing.

*To move from place to place across the dense-packed rooftops of some areas of the city is often called "taking the High Road" by those that have need, and capability, of such a thing.

6) Orion had thrown up a brief hut in the woods outside of town, but since the coin and need of the Watch have grown, he's taken to renting a room in a low-rent inn. The rooms of The Sweet Doomed Angel might not be the most luxuriant, but they're free of bugs, don't have too many rats, and the brothels nearby are the most cheerful in town.

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]
DM Jam wrote:

Alright, I've got some general questions for you all about your characters. Feel free to answer them in whatever depth you like or skip some altogether.

  • What is your ethnicity? In Korvosa, the most prevalent are Chelaxian, Varisian and Shoanti. Probably in that order. Doesn't have to be one of those though!
  • For some of you this will be obvious, but what is your religion? What is your relationship with your church? The churches in Korvosa are almost their own political entities in some cases.
  • What is your day job? Again this is obvious for those of you who are employed by the Korvosan guard. But even so, maybe you have other side jobs? Up to you.
  • What is your family situation? Any sibling or parents in the city? How is your relationship with them?
  • Who are your friends? Are you mister popular or is your only friend Mr Squeaky, the rat that lives in the basement of your apartment building?
  • Speaking of apartment buildings, where do you live? In a hovel nestled in the shingles above the city? maybe your church provides you shelter. You could live in a nice house in The Heights that you inherited from your family, but how do you pay the taxes? This could tie in with your day job situation.

All I've got for the moment. More to come eventually..

  • Saulden is Chelaxian by birth, but having spent a lot of his life under the care of Keleshite priests he tends to have more of an outsider's perspective on life in Korvosa.
  • The church of Saerenrae is Saul's life and the Redeemer's teachings are of prime importance to him. He wishes that his faith was shared by more Korvosans, but spending time ministering in the Cinderlands has taught him that being pushy about it is a bad tactic. Now he seeks to plant a seed wherever he can that there is more to life than order and profit.
  • Now that his missionary work has ended, Saulden is focused on helping out in the church- usually by providing security in the temple or watching the orphans at the affiliated orphanage. He wants to preach more and he's a good speaker, but he tends to lose the finer points of religious instruction as he's not the brightest guy. He's looking for ways to get more involved- after all, change starts at home.
  • Saulden's parents died when he was pretty young and he never had any siblings. But he has a large adopted family, both in the temple and with his many friends throughout the city. He looks up to the Revered Mother the most but he is devoted to the children in the church's care since he knows all too well what life in an orphanage is like.
  • Saulden has acquaintances all over the place and knows people of various backgrounds. His closest friends are the other missionaries that made it out of the Cinderlands Mission- Karrel, Padma and Amir.
  • Saulden has a bed in a shared space with three other male priests adjacent to the temple- a meager space that he's getting more and more tired of, especially with Gavrel the Groundskeeper's snoring. But he can't help it, it's not his fault.


- El's birth mother was Taldan, while his real father was from Kyonin. As such, he's a mixture of both.

- Though not religious himself, a Priest of Shelyn once took pity on Elegad during his roughest time - The time he was heavily addicted to Shiver. The priest successfully weaned him through it and got him off of the drug. Though thankful in his own way, Elegad didn't really show it, didn't take note of the priests name and left without exchanging many words, but has since then taken to knocking drugs/syringes out of peoples hands whenever he sees someone on the stuff. Perhaps one day when he's a more respectable guy he'll seek out Priest and thank him properly in whatever way he decides is appropriate.

- No day job. Being homeless he just finds what he can to survive on, stealing food unnoticed if he has to....which, is usually the case.

- Family situation is in my backstory (you're all welcome to read it). His birth parents are in the City but have nothing to do with him. Whether his birth father tried finding him or not is unknown, but Elegad has never met his birth father and knows nothing about him, while his birth mother has a family of her own and wants nothing to do with him, abandoning him twice in his lifetime.

- Elegad has no friends. He was once one of Lamm's Lambs and has since then managed to leave that life, but now just fends for himself on the street. He's bitter towards Lamm and wants him dead and sees Lamm's Lambs as slaves to the guy who once controlled him. As such, his issue isn't with them. If anything he can relate and so takes pity on them.

- El lives on the Rooftop Shingles of Garrison Hill. If another member of the party saw him, he wouldn't have spoken to them. He trusts nobody right now and hasn't for a long time and not long ago was so junked up on Shiver he wasn't even aware of his surroundings for a good few years. He spent most of his time in dream like states, vividly imagining a better world that during this time, felt more real than his own existence to him. To onlookers, he was just another Junkie on the streets and perhaps one that many thought the world could do without.

Dark Archive

While we're waiting for Paddy and Red to answer ye the questions three...

Hey, DM Jam, would you allow for a little pre-prequel gambling? I assure you this is all part of the master plan, and all parties have agreed to it.
IF you like it not, we need not include it in the narrative, but, if it pleases you....


Orion sat in the common room of the Sweet Doomed Angel nursing a spiced rum. He'd hiked out to the woods today, paying homage to his past, but neither fluffy skin nor fresh game had heeded his desire, and he plopped himself down on a barstool empty-handed.

At least the quality of his companions was better than his day. Red had managed to not pass out yet, which was good for him. And joining them was the rare visit by paladin Saulden himself! He was a good people for a paladin. Always had good stories and every other word wasn't loud salutations to their diety. Best you could hope for.

"Alrighty gentlemen the ante is 8 gold. Pirate Dice. You know the rules.

I'll start."

No, srsly, we're not looking until the game is over.:

Dice: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 4, 4) = 14

"One 1," Orion says, starting low and boring.

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]

Saulden shakes his dice cup and flips it onto the table.

Secret Dice:
5d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 5, 3) = 18

He peaks under the lid and takes a swig of his ale.
"Two threes, matey."

Female Half-Elf Wizard 1 || HP 7/7 | AC 12 | Saves S-1, D+2, C+1, I+5, W+3, Ch+2 | P.Perception 13 || Spell Slots (1st) 2/2 | Spell DC 13 || Conditions none

Ethnicity: Alexa's human family is of Chelaxian descent, but have been in Korvosa for several generations.

Religion: Alexa is one of those people who doesn't devote herself to one god specifically, and is not very religious but will casually offer prayers to anyone in the pantheon when appropriate. The deities she favors more are Nethys and Calistria.

Day job: Im thinking that after she left the Academae, Alexa has been supporting herself with a job that she doesn't enjoy and considers somewhat beneath her. Working at an inn/tavern? I am open to suggestions if this could maybe tie in to another character.

Family: Alexa no longer has any contact with her father, who was formerly very distant but still provided for her mostly to keep her away from his family. She's only briefly met her stepmother and human half-siblings and doesn't really think about them.

Friends: She had a reasonable number of school friends at the Academae, but after the arrest and dropping out, most of them quietly stopped talking to her. The exception is a young man named Dask who she was fairly close to, and he's the person who helped to get her out of the charges as well as finding out that Lamm was most likely responsible for her being framed.

Dark Archive

Hey Alexa!

Ya wanna work at The Sweet Doomed Angel? =D

(You could even play in our Pirate Dice. I'll PM you the rules if you want. ;)

Female Half-Elf Wizard 1 || HP 7/7 | AC 12 | Saves S-1, D+2, C+1, I+5, W+3, Ch+2 | P.Perception 13 || Spell Slots (1st) 2/2 | Spell DC 13 || Conditions none

Sure! I don't know if I'd join the dice game, it seems like gambling on the job might be frowned upon, but I can observe

Dark Archive

Sure thing!

Rules PM'd! =)

(P.S. Do you spend a lot of time in bars? O, many are the times that I've rolled bar dice with bartenders. The idea is it doesn't matter what you do, just keep them drinking! =)

P.P.S. You could've just gotten off a shift...?

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

Secret Dice


5d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 5, 2) = 20

The Shoanti has been carefully and nervously avoiding the strong drink, and settling for water. He is anxious to make his substance abuse avoidance stick this time.

"And I have two 5's

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

I've still gotta finish up Red Feather's story, but time keeps getting away from me. I'll at least answer the questions...

Ethnicity: Red Feather of the Sklar-Quah Shoanti

Religion: Red Feathers particular sect tends to embrace ancestor worship, though the Great Spirit Horse is also honored, particularly before travel or battle.

Day job: Red Feather was only released from the brig yesterday, so hasn't thought about picking up any work. He knows that he must however to keep from returning to a dishonest way of life.

Family: Red Feather has been ostracized from his tribe, and is no longer welcome to its hospitality. In fact no member of his sect is allowed to speak to him, and must avert their gaze when he is encountered. He has a ritual scar on his forehead which leaves no doubt to a member of his sect as to his social status. He does have a little sister who was a newborn when he left the tribe, that certainly doesn't remember him or what he did.

Friends: Red Feather really doesn't have friends. He has party buddies, cell mates, guards he is acquainted with, and a limited number of citizens who take pity on him. He finds it hard to trust, as he's been burnt in the past... but when he's not under the influence of substances he can be a friendly and dryly funny man. Perhaps making some friends will help him to find a purpose in life. One thing he must not allow himself to revert to however is working with Lamm... again

Dark Archive

Orion nods. "Three ones."

This was obviously a low-ball follow up. The odds that amongst all the dice throwers there would be a total of three ones were pretty good. Things hadn't gotten crazy yet.

M Human Cleric 2 (AC 15, hp 14/16, Percept +3, Invest +1)

1. Ethnicity is Chelaxian, I guess. Vaisians are the Romany ripoffs, right? And Shoanti are like Plains Indians or something?

2. Paddy is an ordained priest of Pharasma. However, within the hierarchy he’s viewed as borderline heretic – instead of taking up duties at the Graveyard Cathedral, he sees to them on his beat patrol. He looks for signs of the goddess’ will at the time of death, rather than during the funerary rites. Other clergy of Pharasma view him with amused contempt, pity, or outrage, depending on their own preconceptions. For quiet prayer and meditation, Paddy prefers the autopsy room to the church.

3. Member of the City Watch (if that’s the same as the Korvisan Guard, although from the name the latter sounds like military rather than law-enforcement). His job feeds his hobby and his obsession – looking at death close-up, studying it, predicting it, trying to understand it. He currently sees violent death as particularly enlightening in that regard, viewing death by disease (for example) as being a trivially-obvious expression of Pharasma’s will that requires no real study (although that opinion may change).

4. As noted in his background, Paddy initially took his watch job trying to prove to his rougher older siblings that he’s as tough as they are (they mocked him as a sissy for becoming a priest), and trying to set a better example than they do for his younger siblings. His father is a drunken ex-laborer, who mostly sits in a rocking chair now – Paddy feels a mixture of contempt and pity towards him. His mother is a laundress and picks up any other odd jobs available; Paddy adores his “sainted mother” and gives her money, admonishing her not to spend it on his no-good older brothers and sister, who mooch off of her when they run out of ill-gotten (or, occasionally, legitimate) gains.

5. His best friend is his partner (I’ll let you provide a name and description – one of the other PCs or an NPC as you see fit), who shares his fascination with the streets. He is also friendly with the coroner/medical examiner. He is sympathetic and lenient with petty crooks, and especially to orphans and runaways, who are always happy to hear his honeyed voice instead of those of the more brutal police; often prostitutes and drug addicts seek him out for help and advice. For dealers, pimps, and murderers, all of whom Paddy sees as attempting to circumvent Pharasma’s will, his usually-polite language masks a seething, infinite hatred, and burning insistence that they be themselves sent to the goddess as quickly as possible.

6. Paddy lives in a shack in the slums, among his “people.” Part of the reason is his fascination with the rhythm of the street, but largely it’s because police don’t earn a lot, and he donates most of his earnings to his mother and two younger siblings.

M Human Cleric 2 (AC 15, hp 14/16, Percept +3, Invest +1)
Orion the Hunter wrote:
Paddy...we recently met here and there on our tours with the city watch. We swap similar stories about the city, and are surprised how much it's gone downhill. The good parts aren't good anymore and even the bad parts have somehow gotten worse.

"Indeed, and, although amicable, we always do end up disagreeing on whether "downhill" is all bad. In my mind, it makes the will of Pharasma stand out that much brighter -- only near death is one close to the goddess, and truly able to appreciate life."

Orion the Hunter wrote:
In time his reveries brought him into contact with the City Watch who, recognizing that he wasn't evil, just without direction, offered Orion a small amortization in return for running over-watch on some dangerous raids, and assisting to run down a den of bandits in a local woods.

Despite his polite conversation, Paddy suspects that Orion is in essence a "hired thug," paid off by untrustworthy police brass to beat confessions out of suspects and "clean up the streets" through brutality and violence. Paddy's sympathy for the plight of prostitutes and his consuming hatred of pimps leads him to automatically dislike anyone who frequents a bordello, another strike against the hunter. Paddy works hard to show none of this, though, because it would be very impolite.

M Human Cleric 2 (AC 15, hp 14/16, Percept +3, Invest +1)

Paddy sits alone at the bar, watching the gamblers. His eyes narrow when he spots Orion, but he also sees Red Feather (whom he's seen on the street) and, despite the latter's secrets, assumes he's basically okay. He leans forward to the barmaid, a half-elven maid who's also watching the gambling [Alexa], and looks at her with great candor and sympathy. "Verily, this is not the worst place a person could work, but surely one of your intelligence and skill could do better, among a higher class of people?"

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]
Orion the Hunter wrote:

Orion nods. "Three ones."

This was obviously a low-ball follow up. The odds that amongst all the dice throwers there would be a total of three ones were pretty good. Things hadn't gotten crazy yet.

Saul scratches the light beard on his chin. He's not the best with gambling, but maybe he can make a good guess.

"Arr, I bet four threes ye salty dogs!", he says with a delighted smile.

Thanks for answering the questions everyone. Lots of good stuff. Let me process them and I may have some follow up questions, we'll see.

Alexa- Would you mind if I tweaked your background a bit to fit in with part of the plotline? You will of course have final veto power.

Dark Archive

"Five fours, and curse you for a yellow-bellied land lubbar!"

Orion wasn't sure why he was talking this way, but it sure was fun!

Alexa, here are some additional details for your backstory. I tweaked some things, I hope that's alright. Let me know if it isn't!

The night of.:

Alexa and Dask were out with friends one night blowing off steam at a college bar type establishment close to the Acadamae. After a few too many drinks, they all stumbled back to their respective dorms. Alexa doesn’t remember seeing her roommate Jessica, that night. Jessica never really went out much and spent most of her free time studying. When Alexa woke the next morning though, she found Jessica on her bed, splayed open in a gruesome display. Her organs were draped out of her body, over the sides of her bed and a sharpened key was driven into the center of her forehead.

Help came quickly at the sounds of Alexa’s screams, and soon the Korvosan guard came to investigate. With no signs of forced entry, and an apparent gap in Alexa’s memory, she quickly became the prime suspect and was jailed, awaiting trial. The only piece of evidence that was found, was a crumpled scrap of paper that had a crudely drawn diagram of human anatomy on it and an apparent surname... Lamm. During her brief prison stay though, another murder occurred. The victim was found in a very similar state. Vivisected, with a sharpened key driven into their skull. Alexa was quickly released and cleared of all charges.

Once out, Dask helped her to find a place to stay and confided something to her; he knew of a man named Lamm. When he was young, his little brother had gone missing. The guard was unable to locate the boy, but his parents, well to do merchants with deep pockets, were able to hire a bounty hunter, who tracked down the boy to an old fishery. A man named Gaedren Lamm had set up shop there, using children as pickpockets. His parents alerted the guard but by the time they got there, Lamm had moved on. It seemed this man was slippery indeed. This was proven again, as when pursued for Jessica’s murder, Lamm had an alibi, and the scrap of paper just wasn’t enough evidence to convict the man. So again, he went free.

Dask has told you that his little brother saw Gaedren do many ghastly things to child and adult alike during his time as a captive. There is no doubt that Lamm is capable of what was done to Jessica.

This all happened six months ago. The “Lock Key Killer” as he has come to be known, has struck three more times since then and the Guard is no closer to proving that it is Gaedren.

Male Human - AC 13, HP 17/17(23), PROF: +2, SPD 30',STR+1, DEX+2, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+5,CHA+0; INSP 1/0; Wild Shape 2/2 Druid / 2 (Circle of the Moon); Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5

Hi Guys. Still want to keep up with the game, and should be able to post daily, but work has suddenly slammed me and not sure when I can finish up my detailed background. I'll post some bullet points, and really will write up a suitable story when time allows.

  • Red Feather as a young man fell asleep while on guard duty, and allowed an enemy of the tribe to approach and kidnap the chief's young son.
  • He was a bit intoxicated at the time, having crept into the tribes shaman's tents and sampled some of his wares.
  • He was abolished from the tribe, and made his way to Korvosa, where he eked out a drug hazed existence for the next few years.
  • Lamm found him on the streets, and gave him a purpose, a full belly, and for a time a warm place to sleep. He continued to give the young Shoanti the pesh he so strongly cherished in return for helping Lamm carry out his dastardly deeds.
  • Finally Red Feather work up one morning with fresh blood on his hands, and realized that he had taken things too far. He had helped murder someone for Lamm. He couldn't remember the details due to his drug addled state, but both Lamm and the others told him that he had committed this heinous crime, and if he didn't do what they said they'd turn him in.
  • Needless to say things got progressively worse, and Red Feather was caught breaking and entering, and sentenced to time in the stockade.
  • This began a long series of petty crimes committed just to feed his habit. Not only was he on the run from the city authorities, but also from Lamm and his minions, who were determined to silence him once and for all.
  • Things seem to have changed... maybe for the better, but that is still to be determined. His Cell mate on his last incarceration was a wizened and elderly Dwarf. They had many conversations well into the early hours of the morning, and for some reason what the Dwarf had to say seemed to stick with the young Shoanti. Maybe this time I can resist the temptation... Maybe this time I can turn my life around... maybe this time I can do something about Lamm...

Dark Archive


Red? Saulden? Someone wanna either up the bet or call my bluff? =)

Dm Jam? How's the ETA look for kickin' off? =3

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]

Call it, friendo.

Not sure exactly of the ETA just yet.

I'm just now checking Red's background and I would like to get confirmation from Alexa that she is cool with the blanks that I filled in for her backstory.

Dark Archive

"I'm as honest as the day is long," Orion retorts to Saulden's accusation that there are not would not could not be five fours amongst all dice present. "Why high Father Joakim himself came before me last night and said, 'Orion, how is it that the priests of The Order of Honest People and All Good Folk can be as honest and pure-hearted as you?'"

Orion grins widely as he exposes his own dice, confidently displaying a pair of 4's, assured that among the 10 other dice there must be three more.

But his grin turns to shock as not another four is revealed!

"Ach! Looks like you've the devil's own luck, Saulden, and no mistakin' it!" he says as the paladin collects the winnings. "No use seeing Miss Kitty this night as all the ladies of good reputation shall be engaged by one lucky dog I reckon!"

Orion takes a sparing sip of his ale, nursing the drink, unsure when he'll be able to afford more.

Saulden, +16 gp to you! Red, remember to take off 8 gp.

HP 11/20, AC 17, Saves: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4, Initiative 0, Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 9, Inspiration [X]

Saulden is delighted as the money is slid toward him.
"I won the pirate game!", he beams. "Who's 'Miss Kitty'? Am I supposed to go on a date with this money?"


If you want to run the start of the game straight from this bar game so any winnings people have are legit, Elegad will be in the process of investigating where Lamm's hideout is out on the street, so feel free to put him wherever, or let me know and I can type an official gameplay post and then transition it into the start of the game. :)

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To answer El's question, but also as a general statement, how much of the dice rolling game you all want to carry over is up to you, but the game won't be kicking off from there.

I'm going to assume Alexa is cool with the contents of the spoiler and I'll start putting things together on my side. I'll give you all an advance warning before we start.

I put this in my recruitment intro, but I'm going to put it here again just as fair warning. I'm going to change a bunch of stuff in this AP. If you are looking for a "pure" Curse of the Crimson Throne experience, this isn't going to be it. I'm going to be home brewing somethings and pulling things from other adventures. Again, fair warning.


If it was entirely different, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have stuck with calling it Curse of the Crimson Throne, though being honest the only thing I saw saying it was different was the fact it was using 5E rules instead of Pathfinder and would have "some" changes.

How much you're changing I don't know, but I'm happy to continue whenever we end up starting. Lamm and the Sable Marines are pretty much El's only ties to this AP, so hopefully both things will be resolved there, but not knowing what you have planned, I can't comment on much else. Still kinda hoping the more notable characters are here though!

Ileosa etc.

I kinda like homebrew, though. It gives you more as a GM to work with, to enrich player experience. I also think the 5E system isn't as restrictive, so you can end up with more diverse characters than those of Pathfinder builds, even though it's a simpler system.

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