Kingmaker Part 1

Game Master GM Trav

Kingmaker: Stolen Land (1 of 6)

First, a little about me: I've been playing pathfinder for about a year and a half now and I've played 3.5e for about 3 years before that. I currently play with a local group, but I've decided to take up the charge of GMing. I heard about PBP through a friend and it seems like a great way to be introduced to GMing. From what I’ve gathered, it provides some breathing room to look rules up and figure things out which can be challenging during a face-to-face game. I know, Kingmaker is a long AP and perhaps not the best starting AP or campaign for a new GM, but I am very interested in the setting and the kingdom building. My local group and I have been thoroughly enjoying it. Without further ado, here are the details:

Character Creation:
• Races: Core
• Classes: Everything from paizo on the pfsrd is allowed. (Take careful note here: exotic weapons like firearms, eastern weapons, etc will be non-existent unless crafted by the character from that particular region. Also, a strong back-story (why you are here, how you are going to progress through the levels, etc.) is required to play non-core and non-APG classes (e.g. Samurai, Ninja, Gunslinger, Magus).
• Alignment: All spectrums of Good and Neutral, except no Evil alignments.
• Level: 1
• Abilities: 20 Point Buy Character Creation Outline
• Traits: 2 – One must be from the Kingmaker Player’s Guide . The other can be from any paizo source but make it fit your background.
• Starting Gold: Average starting wealth by class. Starting Character Wealth
• HP: Max at level 1. (Half hit die +1 when leveling.)
• Feats: Everything from Paizo on the pfsrd is allowed. (Item creation feats and spells may be re-worked at my digression. Just don’t abuse them and you should be fine. For the most part my solution is that during kingdom building and the time-span between adventures you will only have 1 day per week to allocate to crafting. The rest of the days will be consumed with the maintenance/building of the kingdom.)

Players who do not have a current campaign and are newer to pathfinder have priority. My posting requirement is at least once a day. If the group is in combat and you do not post something within 24 hours, I will GMPC your character for that round to move things along, and then you will have another 24 hours to post. I will post at least once a day but, most of the time, my posts will begin in the late afternoon on the weekdays (US-Pacific Time) and throughout the weekend. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Submitting a character made for Kingmaker that didn't make it into another Kingmake campaign. It respects all your requirements. Backgroud, motivations and goals are in the profile.

This does sound the ideal game for me, I must say. If I'm honest, I have no experience of round-table gaming whatsoever, but a great deal of experience in PbP games that concentrate on character development, inter-character relationships, and dialogue. I've only recently been made aware of Pathfinder, all my other games having been D&D3/3.5 and rather having despaired when 4.0 came out, I'm delighted to discover the game I love is still, in effect, being played.

I should be grateful if you would contemplate letting me join up.

Silver Crusade

I've not played in a Pathfinder PbP before but am anxious to try.

My concept:
Davok Beastkin - Half-Orc Ranger 1
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 7
Feats Keen Scent
Traits Deadeye, Pioneer: Survival
Skills Acrobatics +0, Appraise +2, Climb +5, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Perception +10, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +7, Swim +5 Modifiers Scavenger
Languages Common, Orc

If this is okay I can add his background and more details.

Here's my submission, Human Sorcerer 1 (Red Draconic Bloodline). The background information is in there but still fine-tuning the crunch on it. I'll reply back when It's done (probably tonight or tomorrow morning).

I did want to make sure it's okay to take the alternative favored class bonus for human sorcerer's (Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.)

Ser Huxley Salduie, human cavalier, at your service. I'm in a couple campaigns now so I understand I will not be given priority. Wanted to submit him anyway since I really want to play kingmaker

Gunther - Thanks for the submission. I've read the initial background and it looks good. If you are selected, I want to make sure you know how difficult it will be to use your firearm. Blackpowder is something you will have to make with craft (alchemy), or find someone that can. I may let you use craft (firearms) to create the powder but at a +5DC. Mundane crafting is brutally time consuming and you will be relying on it quite a bit. EDIT: Just read the gunsmithing feat. Nevermind on the blackpowder and the crafting time-constraints. 1000gp per day is awesome =). It actually looks like your character wouldn't have much problems at all. Excuse my ignorance ;)

Scargoth - Thanks for the interest. Please put a character together with a background, it doesn't have to be much, and I'll review it.

Mr. Hunter - Rangers are always welcome in the stolen lands =). Toss up a background and I'll look it over. Keen scent is a really cool feat.

Deanarth - Yes, you can use alternate favored class features.

I have to say, though, I'm a bit concerned by your character's motivations and personality. It kind of goes against the spirit of what I intended and borders on the evil alignment. I just have this strange feeling that anyone that BBQs their entire family on accident and seeks more of that power may be evil. Just saying.

Ser Huxley Salduie - Great backstory. I'll keep you in mind. The Ser thing is throwing me off a bit though ;). Dragon Age?

Based on the initial interest, I will allow people to keep applying until 2000 PST today. After that time I will make a decision on the group. Thanks to everyone who has shown interest so far.

GM Trav:
I re-read the background and did come off a little strong without any discussion of character development, so I understand your concern.

From an RP perspective, the desire for power comes from both the Red Dragon blood in his veins as well as coping for the loss of his family. He's avoided any connections with other people for the past two years and has lost some of his humanity. My goal for the character is to start off harsh and unforgiving, but as he stays with the same group of people (the other PCs) to soften his demeanor abit. That's also why I don't like the Dragon Disiple. I feel it's giving in to the Red Dragon aspect too much, in an RP sense.

I don't plan to go (or justify) crazy evil, like killing people in their sleep or murdering innocents and smearing their entrails on buildings as a warning to others. My motiviations might be a little self-centered, but a kingdom built on trust and good faith goes alot farther than one built on fear.

If you feel I'm still a little too dark, I can adjust the background as necessary or even submit a new one. This is just one idea

Here's a character I had submitted for a previous Kingmaker campaign and was not selected. I need to double check on his stat buy and starting wealth, but otherwise he fits the rest of your requirements.

He is a rogue with the Knifemaster and Scout archetypes. He loses trapfinding, so that will not be his focus. His goal is to engage in melee and get into flanking position with his allies in order to gain sneak attack damage.

Rylus is a member of House Surtova, growing up in an environment where politics and scheming are the norm. Rylus has always shrugged off politics, however, which has earned him some disdain from his family. Instead, Rylus focused him time on something he found more entertaining, playing with knives. His older brother Tarith taught him from a young age how to defend himself with knives, and Rylus took this skill and perfected it into an art, making a name for himself with his family and close friends. Rylus grew increasingly more and more tired of the usual politics within House Surtova, and when an expedition into the Stolen Lands was announced, he jumped at the chance to finally use his skills for a purpose other than pleasure, and to finally get away the politics of home.

Rylus is good-natured and easy to get along with. He has a great sense of humor and is steadfastly loyal to those who have shown him friendship and trust. He does have his flaws, however, including a penchant for speaking bluntly and with brutal honesty about how he feels. This quality has made him unsuitable for the life of politics that House Surtova is known for.

Check out his character sheet, but note that it is currently incomplete. I still have to pick traits and purchase equipment other than weapons and armor. I also would like to go over all the numbers and double check everything before we play, as well. During that process I may make a few changes.

Let me know if you would like any more background information.

Dotting for interest

Scarogoth wrote:

This does sound the ideal game for me, I must say. If I'm honest, I have no experience of round-table gaming whatsoever, but a great deal of experience in PbP games that concentrate on character development, inter-character relationships, and dialogue. I've only recently been made aware of Pathfinder, all my other games having been D&D3/3.5 and rather having despaired when 4.0 came out, I'm delighted to discover the game I love is still, in effect, being played.

I should be grateful if you would contemplate letting me join up.

Do you know how to make an Alias?

To create an alias;
1)right click on account at the top (so you don't loose this page),
2)sign in
3)in "Messageboard Aliases" click on "Create new messageboard alias"
4)put in the alias' name in alias name field
5)under avatar image, click change, select an avatar that matches the character concept as close as possible and click on it.
6)click on "submit changes" and the alias is created, but is blank.
7)in "Messageboard Aliases" you'll now see your new character alias, click on it and you'll be taken to the profile page,
8)click on create profile and fill it in will all the needed data, you can use Anna above as a template, just click on her name.

I don't know whether those instructions were intended just for me, but they're very helpful, thank you.

Scarogoth wrote:
I don't know whether those instructions were intended just for me, but they're very helpful, thank you.

Yes, they were for you.

Deanarth -:
That's fine. I just needed a little clarification.

Rylus - Sounds good so far. Once I select people, I will give everyone a chance to finalize their characters. I'll be verifying all the characters before we play.

Anna - Thank you for the helpful post.

Everyone, I will be picking a balanced group. So far it looks like there has been quite a bit of submissions for, I hate to say it and categorize characters, but 'strikers.' For now, the outlook is good for anyone that makes a support-type character to get into the campaign. Especially a divine caster.

I can come up with a divine caster character

I would like to playtest an ARG race, I created
Link Found: here

If you say no, I understand and will pick Half-elf or Human (If assimar is OK, I may take it after I crunch some numbers.)

This was a character I created for a Kingdoms of Kalamar game that never quite managed to get off the ground. I think he would be a good addition to the party presently, and a good fit for the game.

I haven't created the "crunch" for him as yet, but will happily do that if his addition is approved. I'd like him to have the "Bastard" trait, even though he's mixed race -- what do you think?

Azure - I'm going to stick with my initial race restrictions and say no. Half-elf and Human will work fine.

Melismar - Let's stick to the race restriction in the guide. The Noble Born could fit just as well. Not sure if you are still working on the crunch, but I couldn't live with myself if I let you run around in the stolen lands with a 7 constitution. I highly recommend you change that to at least 8. The back story looks great.

Here's a char I just made. I'm pretty new to this whole business, but trying to get into it. I'm in one other campaign that started... yesterday. While I dont have any experience with tabletop gaming, I do have quite a bit with RPing in general.

Anywho, Oropher is an elven fighter. Backstory and motivation included in the profile, I'll put up all the details off the character sheet I made in a little bit.


I would love to try a PBP game. Count me in!

Human Fighter
Str: 18
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Con: 14
Dex: 13
Cha: 10

HP: 12

Backstory: Born and raised on the streets, this city boy is profoundly unpolished in social situations. Never backs down from a fight because he is usually the one to start it. He has been forced to live by his wits for much of his life as his mother made it clear he was an accident. His father isn't in the picture.

GM Trav wrote:

Azure - I'm going to stick with my initial race restrictions and say no. Half-elf and Human will work fine.

Melismar - Let's stick to the race restriction in the guide. The Noble Born could fit just as well. Not sure if you are still working on the crunch, but I couldn't live with myself if I let you run around in the stolen lands with a 7 constitution. I highly recommend you change that to at least 8. The back story looks great.

Aww, OK, will do. I've been messing with the crunch a bit, so very happy to tweak it. The Noble Born thing could work equally as well, and I suspect it will be Orlovsky family [Diplomacy]. He was a very sickly child, though, but I'll raise the Constitution on your advice. ;-) Pleased you like the concept in general, I think he could be fun to play, and I hope he'll be accepted.

I'm not quite sure where to get other "traits" from. I have the most marvellous Excel spreadsheet, which seems to have a lot embedded ones in it from various Adventure paths (Someone's Excelerator?) and I thought "Historian" might be a fun second one to have, but is there a better list of them you know somewhere?

I'm interessed, here's a draft of a Dwarven Fighter.

Barin Orcbane

As for his backstory I'd ask you to wait one day, I created the character for another APG and I need time to reinvent his story. I checked the traits for KM and none fits my initial idea, I'm going for a Rostlander Dwarf, he left his clan because he was tired of their defensive stance on things. He wanted to make a name for himself, not to stay back home guarding a village were nothing ever seemed to happen! So, when a mercenary company passed through his village he left the town watch and joined them. Unfortunately his new camerades proved less than trustworthy and seemed more intent on plunder than to find employment. He left them after he saw them plan to rob a merchant caravan. Dishearted he found himself in a tavern, drinking over the very likely possibility of having to go back home covered in shame. Fortunatley it was then he learnt about the stolen lands charters and he had the perfect solution for his dilemma... or so it seemed at that time...


Anyway since this is a Kingmaker campaign I could create a Human fighter too (an Aldori fighter with ambitions of becoming a swordlord). I'll need some more time though.

hope its not too late to sign up thinking half elf cleric will crunch numbers now

backstory: Caleb was found washed up on the shore of the Lake of Mists and Veils as a young boy. With nothing to identify who his family was or where he even hailed from, a lesser noble of the House Lodovka having no family of his own rescued the boy and invited him into his home. as the boy grew he took an intrest in the local church (will finish after character generation)

Krallek wrote:

I would love to try a PBP game. Count me in!

Human Fighter
Str: 18
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Con: 14
Dex: 13
Cha: 10

HP: 12

Backstory: Born and raised on the streets, this city boy is profoundly unpolished in social situations. Never backs down from a fight because he is usually the one to start it. He has been forced to live by his wits for much of his life as his mother made it clear he was an accident. His father isn't in the picture.

Had to do a few edits to make it work in the 20 point buy system. Will also edit my alias.

Str: 17
Int: 9
Wis: 9
Con: 15
Dex: 12
Cha: 10

Melismar wrote:
GM Trav wrote:

Azure - I'm going to stick with my initial race restrictions and say no. Half-elf and Human will work fine.

Melismar - Let's stick to the race restriction in the guide. The Noble Born could fit just as well. Not sure if you are still working on the crunch, but I couldn't live with myself if I let you run around in the stolen lands with a 7 constitution. I highly recommend you change that to at least 8. The back story looks great.

Aww, OK, will do. I've been messing with the crunch a bit, so very happy to tweak it. The Noble Born thing could work equally as well, and I suspect it will be Orlovsky family [Diplomacy]. He was a very sickly child, though, but I'll raise the Constitution on your advice. ;-) Pleased you like the concept in general, I think he could be fun to play, and I hope he'll be accepted.

I'm not quite sure where to get other "traits" from. I have the most marvellous Excel spreadsheet, which seems to have a lot embedded ones in it from various Adventure paths (Someone's Excelerator?) and I thought "Historian" might be a fun second one to have, but is there a better list of them you know somewhere?

Here: Traits

Looks like a good mix have applied. I'm going to stop the recruitment here and let those who have posted interest finish up what they wanted to give me. I'll push the decision back until 2200 PST. That'll give all of you about 4 and half hours from now to provide a background and a general character overview.

Hrakar - Rostlander would be a fitting trait for your dwarf.

Character + Crunch + Background:

Evangline Valerius Abia


Deity: Kurgess

Alignment: NG
Hit Points: 9/9
Init: +2

Melee: +1
Range: +2
Cestus 1d4, 19-20*2, B-P
Dagger 1d4, 19-20*2, 10ft, S-P

AC: 16

[spoiler=Skills] Cleric = 2+INT+FC= 4
ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP
Acrobatics: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
Appraise: 1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Bluff: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Climb: 1 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Diplomacy: 7 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +1(Trait);
Disable Device: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Disguise: 2,12 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0 +10(Human);
Escape Artist: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Handle Animal: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Intimidate: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Know(Arcana): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Histor): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Nobles): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0 +3(SF);
Know(Religo): 5 = 1 + INT Mod + 3;
Linguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Perception: 5 = 1 + WIS MOD + 0 +2(KS);
Perform (Sing): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Profession(Seamstress): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Ride: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Sense Motive: 6 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3;
Sleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Stealth: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Survival: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Swim: 1 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

[spoiler=Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits]
Class features:
Channel 1d6
Focused Domain(Ferocity)
->Ferocious Strike (+1/2 cleric to damage, wis+3/day)

Pass For Human

Noble Born(Orlovsky)
Armour Expert

Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision
Adaptability( Skill focus (planes))
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses
Multi Talented (Cleric and Monk)

DC = 10 + WIS + Level
Level-0: Unlimited use
Level-1: 3 + 1(WIS)

Spells Known:
Level-0 (3):
Create Water
Purify Food and Drink
Detect Magic

Spells Known:
Level-1 (2):
Cure light

Domain Spells:
1:Enlarge person [1]
2:Bull's strength
4:Spell Immunity
5:Righteous Might
6:Bull's strength(mass)
7:Grasping hand
8:Clenched Fist
9:Crushing hand

[spoiler=AC, Saves, Attacks]
AC: 16 = 10 + 4(Armour) + +2(Dex);
Touch: 12 = 10 +2(Dex);
Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour);

Fort: 3 = 2(base) +1(CON);
Ref: 2 = 0(base) + 2(DEX);
Will: 5 = 2(base) + 2(WIS);

Melee: 1 = 0(base) + 1(STR);
Range: 2 = 0(base) + 2(DEX);
CMB: 1 = 0(base) + 1(STR);
CMD: 13 =10 + 0(base) + 1(STR) + 2(DEX);

Cestus 1d4, 19-20*2, B-P
Dagger 1d4, 19-20*2, 10ft, S-P
--Weight:2.0, 7gp

Chain shirt
--Weight:25.0, 100gp

Adventure Gear:
Back Pack
Bed roll
Chalk * 10
Flint and Steel
Pouch, Belt
Sewing Needle *2
String/Twine (50) * 2 (armoury)
Soap * 2
Water skin
Trail Rations * 4
--Weight:20.0, 9gp,3sp,4cp

Special Substances and items:

Tools and Skill Kits:

Peasant (Red skirt, white shirt, Red bodice, White kerchief)
Travelers (See description)
--Weight:7.0 1gp,1sp

Weight Total:54.0
Light: 50, Med: 100, Heavy: 150

Cash: (140gp)
135 gp -117 = 18
47 sp -3 = 44
30 cp -4 = 26

You see an Half-elf or an Ulfen Woman of about 6 foot 3 and around 235 pounds. She has a curvy human build with comely heavenly features and pale skin. Her face looks human, but is more heavenly. She has Sapphire blue eyes and lose Golden Blonde Hair that ends near her waist.

Travelers (combat clothes)
This add shorts (to mid thigh) and a bust bodice underneath chain shirt goes between the clothing and the bust bodice.

She is wearing a Red mid Calf length skirt, a white short sleeved shirt, a Red bodice that assists with her figure. A white kerchief on her head.

[spoiler=Data and Background]
Name: Evangline Valerius Abia, (Eva for short)
Race: Assimar
Job: Cleric (Theologian) of Kurgess
Age: 16
Likes: Helping others, friendly fight tournaments,
Dislikes: Seeing Injustice, Undead, Greed, insect and Arachnid swarms (she can handle one or two)
Personality: Motherly, kind, polite, slightly tomboyish, brave.
Favorite: foods: Meats, potatoes, eggs, Milk, Honey, syrup, Fish, various veggies and fruits
Hobbies: Training, singing, sewing, helping out at a local orphanage or church.
Physical Description: Long Golden blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Voluptuous/Athletic hybrid build, white skin
(Bust_Rib_Wai_Hip H: X’x” W: XXXlb)
(44.2_32.6_30.4_44.2 H: 6’3” W: 235lb)

Background Info:
Eva was born a bastard child of Duke Titan Aurora, (an Ulfen blooded noble). His one time mistress (Luna). Titan was married to his wife, Heather and they had no children. When Eva around 4 years old her mother died and was adopted into the Aurora house, since she was of the Dukes blood and was better liked then Heather (a scheming b****). It was also decided at that time, that Eva would inherit everything, since Heather had not produced an heir. Heather did not take that well. Heather tried to produce an heir for 2 years, but to no avail. When Heather was found plotting against the Eva when she was 6 years old. Heather was sentenced to death by the Duke, but Eva stopped it and had Heather exiled. Some 3 years later the Aurora house fell (some say Heather sold her soul for revenge on the house). Eva later was being looked after in a temple, whom were friends with the Aurora family and had an agreement with them. When she turned 14 she was told to find her position in the world from the head of the temple, as their obligation and agreement to the Aurora house had ended.
During her time at both Aurora house and the temple she was being trained one on one with a cleric, named Alkaid. Alkaid was known for her beauty and skill, but also in how she fought and defended herself. Alkaid taught Eva the Clerical arts, but also the basics of martial arts and how to keep the mind body and soul fit and beautiful.After Eva left the temple she went wandering the land. One day she was attacked by a vampire spawn and she only survived in part to the professor's help. Since then she and the professor remained connected by sending letters about ever month. After the vampire spawn's attack, Eva been training in melee anti-undead combat fighting.

Family Background:
Mother: Luna Abia
Race: Half-Elf (with Ulfen blood)
Class: Cleric (Theologian) of Kurgess
Job: Running an orphanage
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 6’ 0” W: 200 lb, Voluptuous build, Blonde hair, white skin, blue eyes
Persona Description: A gentle and caring woman, whom cares for the people, and her daughter.
Luna was a Cleric running a local orphanage, she was very popular with the locals and the children, Then one day she was invited to cure the Duke, since his physician was ill, and she was the only cleric nearby. The Florence Nightingale effect kicked in and an affair happened. A month after he was better their emotions cooled to what they were before. Luna gave birth to Eva 8 months later. A year and 3 months later the Duke dropped by the the orphanage to leave a donation. When he saw Luna caring for a baby of about 2 years, asked a few questions in a non-rude manor about the baby and was shocked to learn is was his daughter, as she could not tell a lie. The Duke promised Luna if anything happened to her, he would take care of Eva and see to it, the orphanage get a great person to take over and watch the other children. The duke kept it quiet until Luna died 2 years later.

Father: Titan Aurora
Title: Duke
Race: Human(Ulfen)
Class: Aristocrate
Job: Duke, lord of the land in is ward
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 6’ 6” W: 280 lb, Muscular build Blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes
Persona Description: Very energetic, charismatic, serious, thoughtful, stubborn and kind.
Titan ruled over his bit of land with a thoughtful heart and was married to Heather, During the first 4 years heather was resistant to the idea of children. He fell ill one day and since his physician was ill, and he call the only cleric nearby. The Florence Nightingale effect kicked in and an affair happened. A year later he remembered the Cleric who cured him and embraced him, and wanted to thank her, but he had to leave to a meeting with some high officials that would take a week of his time. The next year though he made a trip to the orphanage to leave a donation and found out about Eva. He promised Luna if anything happened to her, he would take care of Eva and see to it, the orphanage get a great person to take over and watch the other children. And he kept quiet about it for 2 years. When Luna died he kept his promise, and spilled the beans to the house, Heather was not pleased with the news. Eva grew to be like a lot by everyone for her good nature and it was decide that on the Duke death, Eva would inherit everything. The Duke and heather were “busy” for 2 years, and with no child. When Titan found out that Heather was going to kill Eva and with proof, A court session was quickly held and Titan ordered her death, But Eva entered the court room and was able to get Heather exiled instead. The Duke sensed that Heather would try something and made an agreement with a friend in the Orlovsky household, that is he dies to watch over Eva until she is an adult. And to let her find her place in the world. Three years later a terrible disease speads in the manor killing all, Lucky Eva and her teacher Alkaid were visiting the old orphanage of Luna's. As messanger soon arrived at the orphanage telling Eva and Alkaid to not go back to the manor, as a mysterious disease was infecting all the residents and killing them and also eating the items of value.

Step mother: Heather
Title: Duke
Race: Chilaxian
Class: Aristocrate/Sorcerer
Job: Duchess
Age: Unknown
Status: Deased
Physical Description: H: 5’ 9” W: 140 lb, Average build, Black hair, white skin, and brown eyes
Persona Description: ??
Heather married Titan using looks, words, and some magic. She was waiting for Titan to die with out an heir and then marry another Chilaxian to increase the influence of Chilax in Bevoy. She waited for a good day to give a deadly disease to Her husband and his physician, and be away for the following week or two. But fate had a different plan. When Eva entered the house and Titan explained the whole thing to Heather and the staff. Heather was shocked at the turn of events, but confident that things could still go her way. Eva over time gained the love of the staff and all those around her, Heather got more nervious about the plan, and was devastated when It was decided Eva would inherit everything. Then Heather changed the plan to producing her own heir, and worked at it for 2 years, after which she plotted to kill Eva. But was caught with proof of the plan, and was going to be sentenced to death, but Eva intervened and got Exiled. With hatred, shame and embarrassment in her heart, she plotted revenge. She went so far as to make an agreement with a devil for her
revenge. Her agreement in the contract though unexpectedly spared Eva and Alkaid from death. As she said destroy and kill everything on
the grounds of the Manor.

Teacher: Alkaid
Race: Human(Ulfen)+ 1/2 Succubus
Class: Cleric/Monk
Job: Cleric(Theologian) of Kurgess
Age: Unknown
Status: Alive
Physical Description: H: 5’ 9” W: 160 lb, Voluptuous build, Red hair, white skin, and Golden eyes
Persona Description: Motherly, kind, polite, slightly tomboyish, brave
Alkaid was dropped off on at a temple of Cayden Cailean. The head priest noticed the demon blood and used an old forgotten ritual, that purifies the souls of evil outsiders. It worked and she was raised in the temple and got clerical training, but was picked on a bit. This lead to her being disciplined by a Clerical Martial Artist, whom taught her the clerical arts and the martial arts. She travels helping people out, and one day was offered a chance to privately tutor a child in the Clerical arts, she took the job and taught Eva the basics along with a few other things. When the training was done she said her good byes and left to help others in the world.

Thanks everyone for the interest! It was a tough choice, but I had to stick with giving priority to those without a game and without much experience in pathfinder. The one exception was Ser Huxley; he gets the first alternate spot because I really enjoyed his back story.

The Group:
1. Melismar – Bard
2. Deanarth – Sorc
3. Nasserath – Cleric
4. Krallek- Fighter

1. Ser Huxley
2. Oropher

Those of you who were selected, please make an alias with your character. Once you have done this and filled in all the details, you can begin to post on the discussion forum (use the tabs at the top of this post to navigate to it). I'll review your characters as everyone introduces themselves to one another.

Silver Crusade

Oops. Just missed the deadline, I guess.

Scrapping my post then.

Very excited to try out pbp. ive wanted to add another game but couldnt find another night to fit it in. Pbp sems like a great fit. I will finish off my character sheet first thing in the morning.


Thank you very much for this opportunity. I'm looking forward to the game. I shall tweak my character sheet and make him feebler, but less sick. Traits aren't mentioned in the Core Rulebook at all -- did they come in with the Advanced Players' Guide? I have now ordered this, and should have it soon. :-)

Doesn't matter too much, I've found the perfect one: "Focused Mind". Seems to be written with Melismar in mind! I quote: "Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (whether musical, academic, or other) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate task at hand." Perfect. +2 Trait bonus on Concentration checks.

Bummer. Is there any way to open this up to six?

If not, ill keep an eye on how you guys are doing!

Mr. Hunter, I had debated putting you in the group, but I hadn't seen anything from you. Wasn't sure if you were still interested and I needed a background by the extended deadline. Sorry about that.

Melismar, I posted a link to traits above (its the blue word "Traits"). Did that not work out for you? Focused Mind is a great trait. I've used it on a couple of my characters. Glad you are excited. I am too =).

Oropher, I'm sorry, I really wish I trusted my skill to open it up to six. I've seen the conversion, but I just think it may be a bit too much to handle for my first GM experience. Maybe as things go on and as I get more comfortable I can open it up to two more.

If I don't see anything from those players I added into the group by Sunday evening I'll be dipping into the alternates.

The discussion forum isn't linked atm. Do you want us to introduce ourselves in the gameplay forum in character instead? First pbp for me so just want to make sure I have the etiquette right for this.

Deanarth wrote:
The discussion forum isn't linked atm. Do you want us to introduce ourselves in the gameplay forum in character instead? First pbp for me so just want to make sure I have the etiquette right for this.

Ah yeah, you got me. Please introduce yourself 'in-character' in the gameplay forum. I'll put up the discussion forum in a bit. RP in Gameplay tab and OOC in Discussion.

No worries. Like I said, ill keep an eye on you guys.

Have fun!

GM Trav wrote:
Deanarth wrote:
The discussion forum isn't linked atm. Do you want us to introduce ourselves in the gameplay forum in character instead? First pbp for me so just want to make sure I have the etiquette right for this.
Ah yeah, you got me. Please introduce yourself 'in-character' in the gameplay forum. I'll put up the discussion forum in a bit. RP in Gameplay tab and OOC in Discussion.

I believe I have created Melismar in a suitable fashion for this campaign, and have uploaded the most significant stats to his profile, I hope. I've also created a post in the Gameplay section -- I'm not sure whether that's enough to make me a "player", though. Presumably, that's something our esteemed GM does? :-)

EDIT: Oh, apparently not! Now I've posted, I'm a player and character. Yeay!

Sorry Nasserath, its just taking too long. The rest of the group is itching to go and waiting on a fourth. Good luck out there. Hope you find a game.

Ser Huxley Salduie, if you are still interested, there is a spot with your name on it.

Put me in coach... I'm ready to play, today.
Look at me... I can be, centerfield.

Haha, just saying that I'll keep a lookout and if our Brave New friend doesnt show, gimme a yell.

Oropher Helyan wrote:

Put me in coach... I'm ready to play, today.

Look at me... I can be, centerfield.

Haha, just saying that I'll keep a lookout and if our Brave New friend doesnt show, gimme a yell.

Oropher's got the spot. Go ahead and post in the game play thread. Krallek may have a friend that is joining as a cleric. If he does join I'll just throw an extra bad guy in... or two =).

The recruitment thread is now closed.

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