Oropher Helyan was born in the non-traditional city of Everlund, in the Silver Marches. Growing up, Oropher was outgoing and tried to do his best to live up to the code of morals taught by his father, a follower of Torm. Thought of by many to be a "suck up", he took pride in the knowledge that he was doing what was right and best for others. Oropher's family's devotion to a non-elven deity caused a lot of contention and distrust from the others. His pride suffered when this distanced him from other children, who preferred to spend their time not in the company of someone they thought might get them in trouble.
Oropher's father saw that his son was meant to fight for others. He purchased a used, and somewhat battered, longsword for his son to learn. Oropher began practicing with the longsword as a diversion, and soon became obsessed. Not a traditional Elven weapon by any means, Oropher practiced with it for years, gaining some skill, and growing to be able to handle the heavy weapon. Without a master to teach him, Oropher was forced to rely on forms and lessons from books, and soon found his skills stagnating.
Oropher got word of a need for help in some distant city named Phlan. A passing bard mentioned that there was a city besieged by a warlord, and its citizens needed assistance. The chance was too good to pass up. Oropher set off, the desire to prove to his father and his community what kind of person he was, and perhaps gain in the process.
All Elven and Fighter Abilities
Improved Initiative
Warrior of Old (elf)
Fencer (+1 AoO)
Race Stuff:
Low-Light Vision
Elven Immunities: Immune to magic sleep effects. +2 to saves vs. enchantment
Elven Magic: +2 to caster level checks vs. spell resistance. +2 to Spellcraft (magic item properties)
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Weapon Familiarity: longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows. Any weapon with 'elven' in its name is treated as a martial weapon.