
Gunther Danthermann's page

25 posts. Alias of Pixel Cube.




Musketeer 1

About Gunther Danthermann

Gunther is the third son of a minor Ustalav noble, from the Danthermann family. This family is not one of the most powerful in the Kingdom, so to strenghten itself it made political and blood alliances with other noble families of the reigns of Razmiran, Galt and Brevoy. Gunther's mother is a Orlovsky from Brevoy, and taught him the value of diplomacy and compromise.

While he was still young, his father sent him around Golarion to improve the diplomatic relationships with the his allies, and so Gunther it at ease in political discourses and etiquette. He travelled a lot, even reaching Garund: in Alkenstar, he was appointed "Cavalier of the Great Duchess" and was gifted with a prized musket: he learned how to use it during his journey back home, when his father called him back to give him a very important task.

To secure their relationship with Brevoy's nobility, he has to help them to create a whole new State, in the harsh regions of the River Kingdoms. He accepted this call to arms, hoping that securing the wilderness east of Ustalav will make the whole Golarion a much more stable and peaceful place for everyone.

Guther is a tall, slender man with very pale skin. He wears an ornamental armor with Brevoy's coat of arms over it, and carries his decorated musket strapped to his back. He wears eyeglasses to compensate for his not so good eyesight, and talks with a thick Ustalavian accent.

Gunther knows that compromise is the key to success, and that mindless violence and aggression doesn't bring anywhere. Although he's a noble, he's not snobbish: he has travelled to very far places with people of various origins and ranks, therefore he appreciates cooperation and teamwork with other people.

If Gunther will ever manage to create a kingdom, he will be sure that the relationships with the close nations are strong and reliable. He plans to make alliaces with Brevoy, Ustalav and Galt above all. He doesn't plan to be one of the main rulers, but he will try to be in charge of diplomatic relationships if he can.

LG Human Cavalier (Musketeer)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 ft
Melee heavy flail +3 (1d10+2/19-20)
Ranged musket +4 (1d12/x4)
Special Challenge 1/day (+1 attack, +1 damage), Grit 1
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Attack +1; CMB +3, CMD 17

Feats Amateur Gunslinger, Duck and Cover, Gunsmithing, Precise Shot
Traits Noble Born (Orlovsky), Ustalavic Noble
Skills Bluff +6, Craft (firearms) +4, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Ride +2, Sense Motive +5
Special Order of the Blue Rose, Gifted Gun, Tactician
Combat Gear parade armor of Brevoy (+2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate vs Brevoy nobles), musket, 5 bullets and 5 black powder doses, entangling shot cartridge, heavy flail
Other Gear gunsmithing kit, powder horn, eyeglasses, combat trained light horse, 7 gp