Kingmaker- A New Start (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

Kingmaker - Stolen Land

Roll20 Maps

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok will double move you towards Kessler. You are now at the fork in the stream, just a little behind Svetlana.

Kessler, growing more and more angry with her inability to strike these invader. She shifts to stand beside one of her bandits (5' step), then aims one ax at the woman (Brigid) and the other at the man (Damen)in the hopes of disabling one or the other.

Attack-Melee (Brigid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Her ax just catches an unarmored portion of Brigid's body, cutting deep into her unprotected flank. The second ax swings towards Damen.

Attack-Melee (Damen): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Not expecting this move and still settling his buckler to his arm, he is not prepared for this attack, which lays open a deep cut across his skull, laying the scalp open to the bone.

Leorn is up next!!

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

Whoa, that damage was brutal. Kessler's no joke!

Male Human Chelaxian Bard (Archaeologist) Lvl 2

Okay got a tricky movement to complete.

First, five foot to the square beneath me.

Second, 5-10 foot move down, right diagonal

Third, move 5-10 foot due right towards the bandit.

Finishing my move there should have me within the 15 foot range of my whip at the most, 30 feet of movement.

So my standard action is a trip attempt. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 + any additional modifiers if they exist. This number vs. targets CMD, if I hit, he drops prone.

EDIT: Hmm, maybe I should have just attacked him. *Shrug* oh well*

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

@Leorn: Which bandit are you trying to get??

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

It looks like he went for bandit #4 by his movement description.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Map Update...Bandit #4 is long gone...he ran away on his turn. He is now 120' south, so here is the map to show where people are as of Leorn's turn (his move is still pending). Sorry for the confusion...I wish there was an easier way to update the maps quicker...

Thorn River Combat 4a

Male Human Chelaxian Bard (Archaeologist) Lvl 2

Huh, well that bites. I'll follow Ulryk and do nothing again :p

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I messed up Leorn's positioning so I have PM'd him with a possible solution....check your messages Leorn

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

don't feel bad. With my enlarge person and your dancing lights I think that Ulkyk might be able to take on this bandit camp all by himself.

Male Human Chelaxian Bard (Archaeologist) Lvl 2

Okay my alternate action is to go after the bandit in the "blind" I only assume that is the next closest bandit. If difficult terrain isn't an issue I will move to within 15 feet of him and attempt my trip there.

I would like to use the roll I made earlier. There is no need to confirm as all I need to do is score a hit. Which I do automatically. So, the target should be prone.

If I cannot reach him then I will simply move closer to him.


Again, sorry I haven't been keeping up. Spring break has started so I have a bit more free time.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Leorn moves up under the blind and cracks his whip at the bandit above him. The end wraps around the fellows ankle and with a hard pull, he tumbles off the perch to fall 10' to the ground. A sickening crack can be heard as the bandit lands and his leg is bent in a most improbable way.

Bandit #9 again attempts to hit Damen with his spear...

Attack-Melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 see it deflected by the buckler Damen has just placed on his arm.

Bandit #2 moves forward until he can get a clear shot at the 'giant' and fires his bow...

Attack-Ranged: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

...and also missed.

Brigid your next!

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid winced as the axe cut into her. A slight look of uncertainty crept onto her face, followed by a hardness and set to her jaw. Either these bandits were lucky, she was unlucky, or they were better than she anticipated. Too much blood was flowing for her to keep up the fight in such close quarters. She doubted she would be able to withstand another strike.

Trusting Damen to do the same, she chose to withdraw, stepping around her ally to avoid the bandits' reach, and pushed her way through the brush out to the edge of the creek. Once in the clear, she could easily see the massive form of Ulryk and immediately turned her bearing toward him. She let her hood fall back as she moved swiftly, trusting that the polearm-wielder would identify her as friend. Taking refuge under Ulryk's sweeping halberd, she turned, and nocked another arrow, waiting to cover Damen as he emerged.

Full withdrawal. I'm down to two hit points, so I'm double moving up and away from Kessler and her buddy, then down along the stream to move up alongside Ulryk, so if anyone wants to close with her, they'll have to risk an AOO from the enlarged fighter.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

You make it with no problems and are now standing beside Ulryk. Next up is Damen!

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

Damen glared at Kessler and her companion, blood streaming from his head. He shook his head and blinked to clear his vision, but no longer dared to distract himself for even a moment to wipe away the blood. Dimly, he saw Brigid withdraw from the bandit leader's brutal strikes, but for him retreat was not an option. Not yet at least. Ulryk, he knew, wasn't far away.

He bounced a bit on his feet, a feeling of euphoria creeping over him, and ducked away from Kessler behind the other bandit. In a fit of boisterousness, he cried out. "Svetlana! See to Brigid!"

As he spoke, he lashed out at the bandit with his morningstar. If he fell, then it would just be Kessler. He could handle Kessler.

5 foot step SW around bandit 9, then attack him.

To hit (BAB, STR, weapon focus, favored enemy, bless): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Confirm Crit (BAB, STR, weapon focus favored enemy, bless): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Crit Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 5) + 4 = 12

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Your quick footwork seems to have confused the spear-wielding bandit for a moment, but that is all it takes for you to swing your morningstar around his guard and crush his left arm and chest. He falls to the ground; bright red blood frothing from his mouth as he attempts to either speak or scream.

Ulryk its your turn!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ulryk, you out there?? Your turn!

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

Seeing his ally in trouble, Ulryk sneered down at the little bandit that hoped to abandon him and with a word of warning, pushed past and began marching up along the stream and closer to the bandit camp.

"Throw down your weapon now little man and live." He snarled down at the man, then stalked away from him as if he made no difference to the rest of the combat. He gets an AoO on me if he wishes

Moving into a position where with his formidable reach he could strike both the bandit he had just stalked away from and Kessler (likely somewhere within that small area of trees) he set his focus on the bandit leader that Damen fought.

Spinning the massive ranseur over his head once, he gripped it in both hands and then thrust forward when his companion created an opening, seeking to drive the deadly weapon into Kessler's exposed flank.

Ranseur Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 3) + 7 = 16

Add an additional +2 to hit if I could get into a flanking position. With my reach, bandit number 7 and Kessler should both be considered threatened by me, as I believe I threaten 10' 15' 20' (though not 5' currently.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Bandit #7 does take a shot at you...mostly out of fear/reflex

Attack-melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

The massive ranseur strikes the bandit leader just below the ribs and punches straight through. Her hands spasm and her body jerks, like a speared fish, but only for a moment, then she slides limply off the end of the weapon.

Seeing their leader dead, the remaining 2 bandits drop their weapons and surrender.


Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

As the eastern sky brightens to dawn, the party finds itself gathered at the old bandits campground. Stirring the fire to life, the group takes stock. You have 3 prisoners, one with a broken leg who might not live much longer if not cared for, and two unharmed bandits. You are pretty sure at least one bandit escaped, but without questioning the prisoners, you are not sure.
What do you do next?

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid glowered. Her breath crystallized in white clouds as she looked across the campfire at the bandits. The pain of her wounds keen reminders of her errors that night, so she embraced their steady throb.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

"so once again we have the prisoner dilemma. At least one factor is gone in that one has gotten away meaning that there is no keeping this secret."

Can't wait till next level when I learn how to detect thoughts. That should cut though a lot of the dilemma

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

The end had come quickly. No sooner had Svetlana darted away from the bandit that had spotted her than Ulryk's temporarily massive pole-arm nearly disemboweled the bandit leader. Kessler had done her damage though; the priestess first saw a bleeding and nearly staggering Brigid round the corner first. The red-haired warrior looked as determined as always but the even paler color of her skin told the extent of her injuries. Svetlana had just made it to her as the battle ended and Damen came into sight. Head wounds always bleed the worst, and the ranger looked a mess himself. Those two took the brunt of the combat as the "run away and circle back" aspect of the plan failed to do what it was supposed to. But victory is victory, she reminded herself.

You three see to tying up the prisoners. Brigid, Damen, I need to work on the two of you a bit. Gathering up the two wounded, Svetlana first places her hand over the tall woman's deep puncture wound and speaks a few words in prayer to Calistria while gripping her holy symbol in her off hand. A rush of pure life, pure living rushes into Brigid, pulling at her mind as her wound quickly knits. The effect was clear, but so was the extent of the wounds as well as Damen's still untreated ones. With a nod, Svetlana continued and seconds later a wave of emotion, passion rode over the group. Those healed by the priestess before recognize the effect, an exhilarating sensation that nearly takes one's breath away. Those damaged felt it the most, and it pulled at memories the greatest, but all those in the area felt something, unless the priestess willed them not too. Notably, she seems to have not excluded the wounded bandit, and the bones in his shattered leg knit as well. Reviewing the results, Svetlana purses her lips and nods with hands on her hips. She inspects Brigid with a friendly grin, then Damen with a wink and a quick run of her finger under his chin. All better? she asks the ranger in a rhetorical and flirtatious fashion.

Assuming we are out of combat so doing multiple rounds of action. First spontaneously cast Murderous Command for CLW on Brigid, then channel however many times needed to get them both up to full. I *think* just Brigid and Damen were injured, but her channels will fix anyone else up too. She does not excluded the injured bandit, so he'd be healed up as well.

CLW Roll: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Channel 1: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Channel 2: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Channel 3 (if needed): 1d6 ⇒ 4
Channel 4 (if needed): 1d6 ⇒ 5

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

Ulryk assisted with the binding of the prisoners, being especially rough with the one who struck out at him even after he warned the man not to. The bloodied conditions of Brigid and Damen did not put Ulryk in any particular mood for mercy. The broad side of his buckler was used more liberally than usual while corraling the bandits.

At this stage he spoke little to the bandits. They would have a chance to offer up things of use to save their lives, but clearly this camp needed to be searched. First however he set up three nooses which he hung from one of the stronger branches of a towering tree. He wanted the bandits to know what their fate would be if they did not cooperate.

While Svetlana tended to Brigid and Damen and Kent and Leorn looked after the prisoners, Ulryk used his formidable strength to do the grunt work, dragging the corpses of each of the fallen into a pile where they could be identified, examined, and eventually, in due time, buried.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok loot time!! Here is a list of all the items found on the bandits, as well as those items you found in the camp!

7 sets of Leather Armour (Poor condition)
5 short swords (Average Condition)
3 spears (Average Condition)
1 set Studded Leather Armour (Good Condition)
2 Hand axes (Masterwork)
4 Short bows (Average Condition)
60 arrows (Short Bow-Poor condition)
Metal vial with mint smelling liquid
a wooden music box
pair of silver earrings
3 crates of firs and hides
polished wooden case with 8 bottles of a clear, licorice-smelling liquid
8 daggers (average condition)
120 man-days worth of trail rations
1 keg of weak beer
1 keg ale
3 barrels of water
Various camp gear (cooking irons, tarps, bedrolls, etc)
Money- 275gp, 321sp in mixed coinage (Taldan, Brevoian and some Numerian

Oh and a wagon...

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

good thing we have a wagon to carry all that. Anyone want any of this stuff? Or is it all sell material? What about those incredibly good decoy bandits.

apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

What are you appraising Kent? Need a separate roll for each item. I already gave you the conditions of some of the items, as they are easily discerned.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

She wanted to beg off, to protest the gift of healing from Svetlana, and indeed, she met her eyes with a challenging stare. But the Calistrian priestess smiled that coy smile of hers, and proceeded undeterred. Her caress was as potent as before, if not moreso, because her wounds were deeper.

It was too early; the cold bite in the air still refused to be warmed by the spring sun, but Mother had insisted. She stepped out and into the village, hoping the burning in her cheeks would be attributed to the cold air which also caressed the bare flesh below her neckline. The Songbird's gift had arrived during that long winter, and she was a gangly stick of a girl no longer. Mother had stuffed her in this low-collared dress and sent her out to pick the first of the snowdrop buds for her kitchen.

She had nearly filled her basket of the white petals on the southeastern slope when she heard a noise. She looked up from her task and saw him -- Bron, the chieftain's son, obviously just returned from the winter's lodge, laden with a heavy pack. His long blond hair had grown several inches, and the scruff of hairs along his chin were new. His ice-blue eyes were fixed on her, and her breath caught. Then she suddenly realized her stooped posture, her dress, and his gaze. She--

--draws in a sharp gasp, and brings her hands up and spins away from the cleric, eyes blazing.

When Svetlana raised her Calistrian symbol and sent forth wave after wave of healing mixed with sensation, Brigid yells at her, Ætlarðu að skera það út?!? She falls to one knee, eyes moist and a near tormented look on her face. She turns her back to everyone, facing the darkened west, and takes a long time to compose herself.

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

apprising from top of the list to bottum
7 sets of Leather Armour (Poor condition) apprise 25
5 short swords (Average Condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
3 spears (Average Condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
1 set Studded Leather Armour (Good Condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
2 Hand axes (Masterwork) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
4 Short bows (Average Condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
60 arrows (Short Bow-Poor condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Metal vial with mint smelling liquid apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
a wooden music box apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
pair of silver earrings apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
3 crates of firs and hides apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
polished wooden case with 8 bottles of a clear, licorice-smelling liquid apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
8 daggers (average condition) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
120 man-days worth of trail rations apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
1 keg of weak beer apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
1 keg ale apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
3 barrels of water apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Various camp gear (cooking irons, tarps, bedrolls, etc) apprise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Money- 275gp, 321sp in mixed coinage (Taldan, Brevoian and some Numerian

Oh and a wagon... apprise might as well: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator see.
Everything with a condition is as it says

Music box - 90gp
Earrings - 75gp each
furs and hides - 50gp per crate
polished case with bottles - 25gp per bottle

anything specific you want to know about??

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

Did they have cold weather gear?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

You do find a few sets, but not as many as you would have thought...say 4 sets, all mismatched

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

Alright if noone wants to claim anything from the pile (leon you should get a bow even a short bow is better then nothing). Then tomorrow I'll calculate the spilt. Good night.

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

In an instant, Kessler was dead, impaled. Damen looked at her crumpled form on the ground. With a grunt of disappointment at not getting to finish the bandit chief himself, he nodded to the massive form of Ulryk. "Good show," he said with a slight grin that was no doubt lost to the darkness.

He walked over to join Svetlana and Brigid, stumbling a bit now as the energy of the battle left him. His head was beginning to throb, and as far he could tell the wound still oozed blood. He didn't want to know how bad it was.

Happily, Svetlana's ministrations were not long in coming. He closed his eyes to focus as he feels the sensation of her magic coming over him.

A memory:
He crouches in the underbrush alongside a trail. Summer is nearly past. The day is warm but giving way to a chill. Animals go about their business in the woods surrounding.

A small muffled box sits beside him. He has been here for more than an hour. He has scarcely moved, just waiting. Weeks had been spent in healing, in careful observation, in study, in planning. Now it all would come together, or fall apart. He feels the exhilaration of the moment. Eagerness fills him.

Not far away, his quarry crashes through the wood.

Damen keeps watch as the prey comes closer. At the crucial moment he slides open the box. The cat inside snarls and dashes out across the trail, outraged at its captivity. The quarry turns to follow the small animal's movement. In an instant Damen is up to exploit the distraction.

His fist slams into Dmitri Orlovsky's kidney, catching the bear of a man unawares. As he reels, Damen's hand goes the man's hair and smashes his face into Damen's knee.

Something crunches. Blood streams from his nose. He collapses to the ground. He is clearly dazed. Damen leans in close. He speaks with menace, not much above a whisper.

"Never again, Orlovsky. Never again touch a Medvyed."

With a vicious smirk, Damen kicks the other man in the stomach.

Later, his father is outraged. He accuses Damen of loving beasts so much he wishes to become one. He reminds Damen of his responsibilities to House Medvyed - such as not actively antagonizing the other Houses. He falls back on the family's most fundamental dictum: "Some things you must simply endure. Not forget, but endure. Endurance will overcome all, in the end, boy."

He returned to himself an instant later, rejuvenated, to find Svetlana caressing his chin. He found the experience less unsettling now that he knew to expect it. He smirked. "Thank you. It's almost worth the injuries to have your healing touch."

He turned to address Brigid, but she was already turning away, radiating anguish even in the dim light. He closed his mouth and started to leave, to see what help he could give to the others. After a moment he thought better of it and approached the northerner.

"What I said outside of Oleg's still stands. Whatever you need. Let me know. My family says endurance overcomes all, but that doesn't mean we have to endure alone," he said to her back. "You most likely saved my life tonight. Think of it as just balancing the scales, if you wish."

He glanced at Svetlana. With a shrug, he left to see what help he could give the others in tending to the bandits and the camp.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid remains silent and still, the only movement a slight trembling in her shoulders. She stays that way for a time, and just when Damen is about to walk away, her head turns ever so slightly. It's the only sign she gives that she heard.

When she returns to the group, her face is as hard as it's ever been. She stares daggers at the captive bandits.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Although a Calistrian temple in Restov can at times become a violent place; jilted lovers, trickery and revenge tended to foster such, Svetlana had rarely used her healing for much past bruises and black eyes. She realized that in the midst of soaking in the passion and vibrancy of real battle that she also was experiencing healing her first truly serious wounds. Damen's reaction fit her expectations: he went a bit glassy-eyed for a moment but came to quickly and was bantering right back with her. Brigid's.....something was more there. The woman was obviosly a serious, focused creature but her reaction hinted at the very real pain she was hiding. She watched with curiousity, chewing her full lower lip a bit as Damen approached the archer and said something out of earshot. But the ranger's look back to priestess told her he didn't get much of a reaction. As he left Svetlana walked slowly over to where the woman had sequestered herself. Memories can be powerful players in the game of life. I can see you want to walk your path alone right now, so I ask for no revelations. But know that you have those at hand who you can open up to safely if desired. With a wry smile to lighten the mood she added. And you could even pick between a woman such as myself or a man. Damen does seem interesting, yes? She gave the woman a wink and added before leaving Take your time, we'll be here a while as Ulryk goes through his trial-and-execution routine. She had hoped to both comfort and cheer Brigid, but she was realistic enough to know that such may take a great deal more time. She equally suspected that more healing opportunities would come.

Walking back over to the main group, she approach Kent. Is there any sign of a ring? I was hoping to find Lana's wedding ring that the bandits took. I know she would love it returned. Surveying the rest she went on, perhaps we should put it all on the cart and return it to Oleg. If any of it was his he should get it back. The rest we can hopefully sell to him. Svetlana then found Ulryk busily going about his tasks. She put on her more usual flirtatious style, hips tilted to one side, watching the man with a finger to her lips. Darling, what are you planning with the captives?

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

Ulryk had glanced over the assembled gear and belongings between the dragging of corpses and the adjustment of nooses. He had not a lengthy time to examine anything, but he did comment on it to Kent and Leorn.
"We should search that wagon. If it is still servicable we can take it back to Oleg's. If any of this is his stolen property, he will have it back. We can divide up whatever spoils remain." The music box, camping gear, and alcohol all caught the warrior's eye, but he said nothing of it for now. The magic of the enlarge spell faded from him then, and he felt his form shrink, weapons and armor returning to their normal state. He could not deny the tinge of disappointment that gripped him, for he enjoyed the power of his enlarged state.

Busying himself near the prisoners, he sheathed his ranseur and drew out the guisarme. The whetstone's early work was still apparent on the curved edge of the weapon. "Leorn, can you can keep your glowing magic torch light active? It'll help in the search."

He looked back to the prisoners, his jaw set and his lips cast downward in a severe frown. He turned away from them to converse with the priestess, but did not hide his words from them. They should know what lay ahead for them.

"I would see them given trial and judgement for their past crimes." He recalled the appearence of Brigid and Damen bloodied in the dim glow of the magic lights. The blood that still stained Kressle's handaxes. He found his lips curling into a snarl, but he drew in a breath and let his features return to something more impassive. "Execution by the hanging seems likely for them, unless they can provide us any useful information about their organization and the Staglord. Then they might receive a lesser sentence."

But first... He said and waved Damen over, his own eyes surveying the ground and following the imprints of bandit footsteps in the morning glow of the sun. "Some should go back for our horses and bring them here. I would like to follow any that may have escaped, hunt them down and bring them to justice. With the horses, we will be able to eventually overtake those that escaped."

Tracking: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

He crouched down near a pair of tracks and picked up a broken stick which was embedded in the dirt, crushed underfoot. He then gestured toward a small tree and the broken branch hanging by a thread at waist level. "This one for instance wasn't accounted for. Damen, Leorn and I can probably deal with them." The tenor of his words indicated fully that he did not intend to take additional prisoners.

Going to assume I can track them as checking the modifiers the Dc should probably be 15, but likely no more than 20.

Male Human Chelaxian Bard (Archaeologist) Lvl 2

I approach the others coiling my whip. I listen to the others talk about their gratifying victory over the bandits and then I notice more prisoners. "Damn these guys are high on death and judgement. They act like gods or something."

I listen to the request to keep my dancing lights going and nod. I then gander to the others. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

Damen looked over the signs Ulryk pointed out, nodding. "If we're going to go after escapees, we'll need to move quickly. They will already have a head start, and keeping to their tracks will slow us down. I'll get three horses and rejoin you and Leorn, if he wishes to join, in a few minutes."

He hastened off to match action to words, taking a moment to recover his bow before getting the horses.

A handle animal and a ride check in case you want one, Daniel, for leading extra horses.

Ride: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

male Humen wizard(foresight)
Init +7 // HP 23/23 // AC:11/T:11/FF:10 // Percep: +4 // F +2/R +3/W +5 // CMB +2 - CMD 13 // Speed 30

sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

I notice Leorn's dark look and say "I personally don't don't like this trail ether, but we have to do something with them. I sort of wish they wouldn't surrender and save us time and energy. Of course it is possible that 1 or two of them is actually truly repentent and was just in bad company. I just don't think we have the resources so far to properly detect that. I'm working on a spell that will do it."

to the tracking party in general "if you can't find them in 4 hours come back it's almost dawn and we could all use some rest in fact I think I'm going to turn in right now"

Putting actions to words I go lie on one of the bandit's hammocks.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Damen you are able to fetch the horses and bring them back to the camp. You have a little trouble getting the two to follow on such a narrow track, but other than taking a little more time than you expected, nothing untold happens.

You will be able to follow the tracks to the edge of the forest, then I will need a roll..and you will need to walk your horses until that time...the woods are too dense here to facilitate riding.

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

Brigid remained sullen and silent when it was decided that she would remain with Kent and Svetlana as Damen, Leorn and Ulryk chased down the fleeing bandit. She could track as well, but it made sense. She had been injured. She was unfocused after the healing ministrations. And someone else with skill at arms should stay with the captives. She voiced no complaints.

She stared after Damen for a moment as he left to retrieve the horses, but refused to follow despite him possibly needing the help. Instead, she watched the captives closely, hanging onto her raw emotions rather than let fatigue catch up to her.

When the hunters left and Kent turned in to catch some rest during the few scant moments before dawn, she was forced to be alone with Svetlana.

For a long time, she refuses to look at the priestess. She busies herself, checking the prisoners' bindings, stoking the fire, watching the surrounding woodline. Eventually, she realizes that she is fuming. So she fixes a look at Svetlana, and asks, Vhy vould your goddess heal one vound and at the same time open an old one?

Male Human Ranger 5
Init +3 // HP 31/45 // AC:20/T:14/FF:16 // Percep: +10(+4vHuman, +2vMag.Beast/Forest) // F +4/R +7/W +3(+1vFey,+2vFear) // CMB +7 - CMD 20 // Speed 30

The trio led their horses to the edge of the woods following Ulryk's tracking. "Kent had a good point about calling off the pursuit if we haven't caught the bandit by mid-morning. I don't know about you two, but I can't keep going forever. I estimate it will take us about two days to get everything back to Oleg's with that wagon, if it's functional. I figure the odds are even that bandit will simply run off and disappear instead of telling the Stag Lord or... whoever about the attack."

He lapsed into silence, but as they emerged from the trees and could use the horses, he remained alert for signs of the bandit's passing.

Tracking: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

26 PHARAST 4707 A.R.

The sun is still low in the morning sky when you clear the trees of the Greenbelt and look over the broken plains of the Kamelands. The path you have been following is still fresh, and Damen has no problem finding the tracks. In fact, now that you are out of the wood, you can tell that these are the tracks of a single person, roughly 145 lbs and probably standing 5'6" tall. By the stride, you can tell your quarry is tiring, and does not seem injured. At most you feel he is an hour or so ahead of you..maybe less.
A strong south wind blows warm air across the rugged lands before you, banishing the cold of the night like a bad dream. A strong smell of fresh, growing plants rides this southern wind, and more than ever before, you feel the touch of spring in the air.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Earlier: Clearly focused on the captives and the escapee, Ulryk answered her question about the fate of the captives in his serious, matter-of-fact way. Sensing that it would be more trouble than it was worth to try to veer him off this course, she simply nodded and watch the man for a moment until losing interest. In truth she cared little what happens to the captives, but found the whole trial-and-pronouncement aspect a little silly.

As Damen, Leorne and Ulryk dashed off after the runner, Svetlana busied herself straightening up the camp enough for the three left behind to feel comfortable. Kent was already nearly dosing, and Brigid's wounded-wolverine glower at the captives gave the priestess ample reason to believe they wouldn't try anything. I'd almost feel sorry for them if they did, she thought to herself with amusement.

As Svetlana straightened what used to be Kessler's (at least she assumed, it looked a bit nicer) hammock to relax herself, Brigid spoke her words. It wasn't totally unexpected, and priestess had wondered whether it would be herself or Damen she opened up to first. A wound that is opened up by virtue of Calistria's blessings was never truly healed in the first place. The words were spoken with a sympathetic look and a warm smile. She leaned forward a bit and continued. You continue to carry a great burden of pain, something that no magic I know of can fix. The one thing I do know is that simply burying it, ignoring it, won't make it forever go away. Consider my Goddess' menstrations as just a reminder of the fact. Serious words spoken, Svetlana returned to her light demeanor. Know that I'm always available if you want to talk. We girls need to stick together, yes? Who knows what silliness we would end up in if Ulyrk, Damen and boys ran everything!

Female Human Fighter 5
HP 52/52; AC 20, T: 14, FF: 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+3 vs fear, mind affecting) CMB+7, CMD 21, Perception +4

You mean ministrations? :)

At first, her face showed little but that she was absorbing the priestess's words. Small creases at her eyes belied the pain Svetlana alluded to. When she tried to lighten the mood a bit, however, Brigid's expression became flat and she soon turned away.

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

Ulryk clasped Damen on the shoulder and then let the other man fetch the horses. He then turned to Leorn and gestured for the other man to follow. "Leorn, are you up for hunting down the last of these men?" Ulryk asked in genuine question. If Leorn did not wish to do so he would not force him, still the man would be a welcome addition to the tracking party.

Rubbing at his bearded chin, he glanced back to the others and then set off, hoping that Leorn would follow. "We will return shortly.

26 PHARAST 4707 A.R.

When they broke through the trees he allowed Damen to take up the lead in tracking, studying the ranger's techniques and aiding where he was able to. Patting the flank of his steed, he drew in a deep breath of the spring air.

"We should ride hard now and catch the man before he gets too far. He's likely been without sleep and has had only fear and panic to give him strength. Our steeds give us the advantage, but stay alert. We do not know these lands or what dangers lurk in them." Ulryk said to his companions.

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8

Arghh...damn spell auto-correct! Pretty humorous error though.... Svetlana just smiled and leaned back again as the red-haired woman's expression went flat. Clearly she was now disengaging. Suit yourself, but the offer stands.

The priestess appeared ready to relax on the hammock for a moment, but then bounded up and walked over to the prisoners. She kept a friendly, even slightly amused demeanor. I must tell you, you've been captured by just the wrong sort of persons; one's a complete "hang 'em high" type and the other has a great dislike of banditry. If they come back and you are all here....well, I don't give a lot of hope for your survival. I've been surprised before, but I think your best chance is with me. Information seems the only currency you have left. So, who'd like to try to save their neck? Svetlana looked at each with a placid smile.

@DM: Not sure if it would be more Bluff or Diplomacy, but Svetlana would like to "good cop" the captives under the idea that by talking to her and revealing information they'll have a better chance of surviving. I'll roll it as Diplomacy, but take one off the result if you think Bluff's more appropriate.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

EDIT: Well...looks like that didn't work. Bummer.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The older bandit, a scarred and weathered man of indeterminable age, just keeps looking down. The wounded one moans softly, lost in his pain-induced world, and the younger man looks up in some hope, but then sees the lies in your words and looks away.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ulryk, Damen and Leorn

You venture into the rugged Kamelands, Damen following the very clear path the escaped bandit has left. For about 10 minutes you ride across the windswept countryside, they suddenly a blood curdling scream sound just ahead of you, followed by a deep throated growl.

Please make a ride check (DC 5)to keep your mounts from shying at the sounds

Male Human (Brevoyic) Fighter (Polearm Master) / 4

Ulryk runs a free hand along the side of his steed's head, leaning in close a hushing in the animal's right ear to calm the stallion. He had a good deal of skill with animals and though he had only recently taken up the practice of riding, it was clear he was a natural in the saddle.

First he made a circuit around his companions, ready to lend any assistence needed with controling their mounts. Then he tried to peer ahead. Neither the scream nor the growl was comforting and he wanted to be prepared for the worst.

Ride Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Handle Animal check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Handle Animal check to aid my allies in controling their mounts or if they lose control in wrangling the horses so they don't bolt.

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