Svetlana Orlovsky |

Actually, I had thought to place Svetlana right behind what I *think* is the guest house. So she would be 4 squares north of Damen, she will stealth as soon as the bandits are approaching the gates. Her intent is get off a Charm Person on one of the generic bandits as a "first salvo" (i.e. before combat is actually declared) which would make this the "go" sign for the ambush.
@DM: If possible, you might want the map to have coordinate grids on the x and y axes. This makes it a lot easier to say where our PC's are moving to.

Kent Unsaid |

I think I'll go on the right wall. I think the plan is to invite the bandits in close the doors and kill/capture them all. If they have people stay outside them we still close the doors but the focus become to not let the ones outside get away. Also I would like to set up ladders on both sides of the gate just in case we need to come down quickly

Ulryk Lebeda |

Since the plan has been changed from the original idea. Ulryk would like to move the wagon North a hex or two from its current position. I would like to have him hide in the wagon beneath furs and possibly an illusion placed by Areanna. That way he can strike from surprise and still be near enough to defend Oleg or the PCs.

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Svetlana Orlovsky |

Looks good to me, just a reminder that Svetlana will be in stealth and is planning to cast Charm Person to kick things off right after all the bandits are inside the gate.

Damen Medvyed |

I'm at ground level behind the door, ready to slam it shut. I'll be charging into melee at approximately round two. While I'm sure close range is helpful for you, I'm not sure that's quite what you had in mind.

Damen Medvyed |

Key words: ground level. I really can't occupy any other square and still be able to both hide effectively and close the gate. Why not be one square to my right, which is the edge of the wall?

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The day dawns cloudy and chill. There has been no frost for the last few mornings, but the ground is still quite damp from the thunderstorm a few days ago.
On the quiet morning air you can hear in the distance the sound of horses. From the walkway around the stockade, Kent and Areanna can see a number of riders approaching the Trading Post. They signal down to the others, and you all take your places. It does not take the group long to dismount and march up to the gates. There are six in total, all dirty and unkempt. The man you take as the leader seems to be slightly cleaner, and also seems to possess better arms and armor. The regular bandits wear leather armour, and each is armed with a short sword and bow. The leader sports a fine looking longbow. His only melee weapon seems to be a dagger at his belt.
The group swaggers into the Post like they own the place, not evening showing the most basic precautions. They spread out as the Leader and his doxie head towards where Oleg is standing in plain sight.
Ok you guys have 1 round of surprise. Go at it – roll those initiatives and good luck!

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Initiative Roll 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Svetlana nodded at the high sign from Areanna and hid behind the wall of the guest house. Listening for the sounds of the bandits entry, she was not disappointed not even trying to make it subtle, are they! The priestess waited as she watcedh the leader and one underling approaching, then jumped into action. She began the spell before whirling around the corner to see the 2 approaching bandits. Targeting the underling, Svetlana reached out to the man's mind via her magicks. Her large blue eyes locked on to his for a few seconds, compelling the man to see her as his closest ally.
Since we have surprise already, it looks like you don't need a stealth check. Svetlana casts Charm Person on the bandit approaching with the leader. If it works she will try to use Bluff or Diplomacy (I've seen DM's handle this differently) to try to convince the bandit to defend her and otherwise stay out of the fight. DC for the spell is 14.
Bluff or Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Ulryk Lebeda |

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Important questions that will impact my action. Is Ulryk behind the cart or in the cart? If I am in the cart, if I attack from within it am I considered to have the high ground (I'd assume so since being mounted gives high ground)? Can Oleg run away once the trap is sprung and allow Ulryk to move through his position?
PS - is there one bandit who is still outside? If so, people better make sure they take him out.

Kent Unsaid |

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Cast grease on those 3 bandits that have been so kind as to bundle up. (reflex save DC 16)
I don't have single target spells someone else is going to have to take out the one outside

Svetlana Orlovsky |

@Kent: I *think* that one of the three guys you are planning to grease spell include the one Svetlana is trying to charm. Based on initiative rolls, Svetlana would go first. I'd recommend not getting that guy in the grease if he fails the save vs. Charm Person.
@Areanna: Since Kent is saying he has nothing to take out the bandit outside the walls, you look to be the best one to do that.

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Clarifications - The three at the front are the Leader, his doxie and another bandit (just behind those two) So the one you are charming is actually a woman Svetlana, or do you want to go for the guy following the leader. As Areanna goes first, all of you now have a +1 save vs. fear, and a +1 to hit and damage. Next Ulryk you can be either in or behind the wagon, your choice...I had thought you said IN the wagon, but I will leave that up to you. Finally, Kent you can easily get all 3 people in your spell...just decide with Svetlana what you want to do. OK, only waiting for Damen, who I assume is doing the same as Brigid, but I will wait for his confirmation.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

OK then, the other bandit behind the two, if that's a guy. I know it doesn't matter much for Charm Person, but for Svetlana, a guy makes so much more sense.

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@Kent - how would you know??? It is a surprise round, the soonest he could act would be next turn, so you would have to wait and see what he did, and by his actions then judge if he was charmed or not.
Alright the surprise round will run like this - Areanna gives everyone a +1 bonus, Svetlana attempts to charm the guy behind the leader and his girl; Brigid and Damen slam the gates closed and Kent casts a spell (grease) at the leader and his doxie.
Bandit#2 save vs. charm: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 SAVE
Bandit Leader save vs. Ref: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 FAIL
Bandit girl(#1) save vs. Ref: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 FAIL
RESULTS: The leader and the girl beside him go down in a greasy mess. The man following them stops for a moment, shakes his head, then narrows his eyes at the half-hidden Svetlana hiding partially behind the bunkhouse (you need line-of-sight to cast the spell). Now just need to know what Ulryk is doing then we can move onto turn 1 and update map.

Kent Unsaid |

in the next normal round I take a look into the future.
Prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Seeing that the omens are bad I don't use my crossbow and instead use my bounded object to cast grease on the bandit outside. reflex save DC 16
I know this is out of turn but I am putting stuff up for my turn it has been a day

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Ulryk uses his ranseur to strike at the nearest bandit(the one in front of the wagon).
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12
The thrust goes wide and misses the bandit.
Bandit Leader

Areanna Delante |

I pull out an arrow taking aim as I continue my war song. I look for a target that is uninjured. I aim steadily and focus. I charge my shot Arcane Strike and release my arrow.
Attack:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 +1 More If within 30 feet. For:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Damage +1 if within 30 feet.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana shoots the bandit she targetted a quizzical look, as if surprised the man maintained his wits. But then she quickly shrugs and refocuses. With a crack of her whip, an identical image of the beautiful blonde priestess stood next to her. Svetlana then again locked her eyes onto the bandit and with a quick motion of her hand and a few enchanted words brought her magic to bear. If you don't want to be my friend, perhaps you would be willing to kill your leader. Suddenly, the bandit's mind was overwhelmed with the thought that he, not the bandit leader, should share of a bed with the doxie. He'd only need to kill the bandit leader to put things right....
Move action to Copy Cat, the whip cracking is just for flare. Then standard action cast Murderous Command on the bandit who made his save last round.

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@ Areanna- Which target do you want to shoot at...sorry I do not have numbers on these ones, but just describe the bandits location by grid.
Bandit#2 Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
The bandit following the leader and his woman suddenly stiffens. A look of such hatred comes over his face it shocks you, however it is not directed at any of your party members, but rather at the leader of the bandits. Drawing his short sword the bandit moves to strike at his leader.

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Bandit #3, surprised by the sudden attack from the wagon, stumbles back out of reach and fires his short bow at Ulryk.
Attack-Ranged: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
The arrow flies from the bow and glances off the shoulder pauldron of Ulryk's armour, causing no damage to the warrior.
Kent gets a far away look in his eyes for a moment, then he spins and casts a spell. A large greasy area forms under the bandit outside the gates, making the ground treacherous to stand upon.
Bandit #4 Ref save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
The unfortunate boy does not know what hit him, and down he goes into the slick puddle of grease.

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Bandit#5, almost being bowled over as the gates swung shut, is now face to face with Brigid. With a snarl he moves to attack her.
Attack-Melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Crit COnfirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Surprised, Brigid barely has time to defend herself. The bandit's short sword whistles through the air, and just misses lodging itself in Brigid's neck. As it is, the sharp sword makes a ragged cut along her chest.

Damen Medvyed |

With the gates closed, everything happened quickly. Damen had forgotten how chaotic combat could be. Afterward everything would make sense... hopefully. He felt invigorated, charged by Areanna's music.
He paused to take a deep breath, and realizing the folly of trying to rely on his bow he dropped it and drew his morningstar as he engaged the bandit closest to him. A thousand calculations, the minute understanding of the human form and all its weaknesses - now the domain of muscle memory more than anything conscious - came into play as he lashed out at the bandit. Damen's face was a mask of grim emotionlessness. Bandits deserved no quarter.
Dropped bow at T18, 5-foot step to T17, attack bandit at S16. Hopefully this isn't the one Svetlana targeted, but I'm not sure Damen would notice either way.
Attack on bandit at S16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
To confirm a crit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Crit damage: 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 7) + 5 = 13

Svetlana Orlovsky |

@Damen: You're killin' me here....are you sure he wouldn't have noticed this bandit about to take a swing at his leader?? You could have just as easily used your bow to attack T15.

Damen Medvyed |

For your information, what I am killing is bandits! Look at that! Max damage! MAX DAMAGE! You have a valid point about the bow. But even if the bandit took a swing at the leader, that's still an optimal moment to strike. I'd have no clue what compelled him to do so.
You can castigate me IC if you'd like, though. :)

Svetlana Orlovsky |

The bandit is *about* to take a swing at the leader. He hasn't yet though.

Damen Medvyed |

Okay, the other option I see is to move S18-R17, then attack R16. I don't think that would provoke an AoO and given that my original plan was to drop the leader first anyway, it seems sensible. It also lets me threaten the temporary turncoat if he runs off to attack Brigid. Provided Daniel's okay with it, I don't have an issue with making the switch.

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Welll...that is kinda meta gaming, but for this once I will give you guys a break. I would suggest you use your bow and shoot at the fellow attacking Brigid. That way you do not have to worry about provoking an AoO, and it allows the little inter-bandit conflict to proceed uninterrupted.
I will take you attack roll...just re-roll damage, or are you using a longbow?? If so I will take the 8 for damage.
How does that sound???

Damen Medvyed |

Firing into a melee carries such a large penalty to hit that it's probably not worth doing. Especially since I'm meant to help tank. Considering the metagaming aspect I'll just stick with what I originally posted. I wasn't paying close enough attention, I guess. I'll have to be more alert in the future.

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I rule firing into melee if your arrow has to pass another creature before it strikes its target. As this bandit is only 10' away and no one is between you and him, then this would not be classed as firing into a melee. But we can go back to the original action, if you want.
Swinging his morningstar to gain momentum, Damen steps forward and lands a solid strike on the back of this bandit's head. A sickening crunch resounds throughout the battlefield, as the poor mans head is crush under the spiked iron ball. He falls, twitching, to the ground.

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OK, I PM'ed Ulryk but I will take his turn this round. I hope all is well and he will be back playing soon.
Ulryk again tries to strike at the bandit before him.
Attack-Melee: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
Unfortunately he fails to connect once again.

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The female bandit(#1) attempts to gain her feet in the slippery goo that Kent has cast upon them. Once up she attempts to move out of the grease area and back to the now closed gates.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
She starts to get up, but the grease is too much for her, and she lands right back down onto the ground.

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The bandit (#4)outside the gates is having a similar problem in the grease. He also attempts to get up, but rather than trying to help his friends, he flees back towards where the horses were left.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
He is able to get up and move outside the area of effect of the grease spell. He starts to make his way away from the Trading Post. (he is now 20' south of his last position (off the map).