Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid dismounts and leads Zelter into the courtyard, turning him over to the guards. She hangs back away from the group, appraising the keep and its walls while unstringing her bow and checking her gear.
When it comes time to peruse Fort Serenko's supplies, she plinks down a few coins, and takes up a length of rope, some additional trail rations, and blankets. If there are some saddlebags available (or if it can be said she bought them at the last town), she'll store the new items, then move inside with the others. (4 gp for the items enough?)

Areanna Delante |

I smile. Listening to the others. I look at Damen. "Well my good man, I had not prepared for this journey as well as I had hoped. I sorely overlooked many obstacles and I have slowly been resolving each new obstacle and today I hope to overcome another. I am in need of a blanket and a bed roll for the road. If that is my payment, then it will be enough."
I nod to the fort. "It is nice fort. Very poetic. I will put it in my book." I pull out my Journal and start writing.

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Brigid - Yes you may get all those items and they do have saddlebags for you to store them.
Kent - Unfortunately the only cold weather gear belonged to one of the three still stationed here, and they are not willing to give them up.
Areanna - Blankets and bedroll are easy to arrange. One of he guards shakes his head and with a shy smile says, "Tis free M'lady" before he shuffles off to whisper with his counterpart.

Ulryk Lebeda |

"How well do you know the lands of the charter, Damen? Did your two companions here decide to accept regular pay or will they be joining us as well?" Ulryk spoke as he unstrapped his helmet and after taking it off his head, cradled it beneath his right arm.
"If you wish to accompany us to Oleg's trade-post in the morning, you are welcome to." He held out his gauntleted hand to the man.
"I am sure we will have a chance to talk later." Ulryk gave a curt nod to Damen and decided to check on the supplies. He would want to be prepared before relaxing and while the previous night did not leave him in too bad a condition, he knew that part of that was due to luck.
Moving about the store rooms, he sought out a weeks worth of trail rations and three of the heaviest blankets he could find. Two only needed to blanket his animals, so they didn't need to be the most luxurious or clean. He of course had coin or trade - offering up some of gallon barrel of ale to the soldiers if that was more appealing then gold or silver.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

As long as the night is quiet, Brigid remains unobtrusive. Before last light, she walks around the palisade, and studies the surrounding lands from the roof of the keep, if allowed up there. Once night descends, she joins the group around the hearth, though she sits, brooding, and studying the fire.

Kent Unsaid |

I don't mind. In the future in the interest of maintaining pace feel free to say time has passed if we had wanted to do something at that time will will post what we did.
dropping my mage armor spell for grease and dropping ray of frost for flare

Damen Medvyed |

I'm fine moving things on. Agree with Kent, it's probably simplest for you to move us along when we've had a day or two to post and then we can just post what we did if we need to do something from before the jump.
"I've been a few days' ride from the fort, but not deep at all into the Stolen Lands. I haven't been out there since before the snows fell, either, so I doubt I have any helpful information about them. We'll just need to be alert and think on our feet."
He shook Ulryk's offered hand. "Plenty of time to talk on the road. We'll have to watch each other's backs. I don't much much about magic, or music, or... ah, high society." He paused as he coughed in the brisk evening air. "But fighting, yes, I know something about that. It's good to have someone else who's obviously the same."
As Ulryk left, Damen mounted the wall again. He stood and looked out over the countryside, particularly the south. He shivered in expectation. Another chance to wander! To fight! To forage! He knew he would have his share of hard nights, might even be killed, but somehow that was part of the wonder and magic.
He spent a few minutes just walking the walls. He wouldn't do it again, at least not any time soon. As he did, he couldn't help but notice another figure doing the same. A woman, one of his companions, but her name escaped him if he'd heard it before. In fact... had she spoken at all? Deaf? Mute? No matter.
He raised his bow in greeting, and smiled broadly. Stepping to restring his bow, he smoothly drew an arrow and fired it out from the wall, south. The gathering darkness made it impossible to see where exactly it had landed, but it didn't matter. Tipping a wink and a grin to the woman, he strolled casually from the wall to gather his last possessions in eager anticipation of the morning.

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The evening passes enjoyably for the group. Though the two guards try to drag you into some argument about wild animals and which are the most ferocious, the evening is spent planning and preparing for departure. With so much extra room, everyone has no problem finding a bed to sleep in.
14 Pharast, 4707 A.R.
The morning dawns cold and cloudy. A fresh layer of frost covers the ground in a delicate sprinkle of silver. While cool inside the tower, the fire has kept the worst of the cold at bay, and only take a few logs to warm up the common room. The two guards have been up early (or did they go to sleep?) and have all your requested gear ready, as well as provisions for 1 weeks travel for each of you. Further they have cook a wonderful breakfast of oatmeal, bacon, eggs and wild tubers of some kind. The whole things smells delicious and you all eat your fill.
As you ready your mounts and store your good, the guards approach Damen.
"Well looks like you will finally be back out into those wilds you love so much. It was nice to have another set of ears to chew over this winter, and we both appreciated it. Here is something I hope you will not have to use too soon, but that we think you should have."
He hands over 3 metal vials. You recognize them as from the medical stores; potions of curing. A rather surprising gift, as you thought all such items had gone back with the other troops.
You mount up as the guards open the gates and ride to the far side of the fort. Soon you are on a barely discernible path leading into a set of low rising hills. As you turn back, you see the last visages of 'civilization'; ahead only the wild unknown.
Ok..next stop, Oleg's Trading Post!! Now a quick question on XP. Do you want me to track it and just tell you when you level, or do you actually want me to give you the points as you earn them?

Kent Unsaid |

I'm fine with you tracking it so long as you let us know what sort of activity is getting us exp I mean if all exp come from beating stuff in combat then we have to fight everything.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Earlier, to Damen: My apologies, I didn't even introduce myself! My name is Svetlana, a faithful priestess of Calistria. As we face the wilds of the Stolen Lands I will endeavor to keep your wounds healed. I'm very glad you waited for us to arrive. I would have been, the priestess' eyes run up and down the ranger's form, disappointed to have missed you. The last was added with a knowing wink as Svetlana left Ulryk and Damen to their conversation.
Svetlana arose to the smell of the delicious breakfast, and allowed herself the indulgence of eating before engaging in her morning prayers. The men remaining in the keep had been more than welcoming, but the priestess found herself ready to move on. While the others busied themselves with new supplies and such, Svetland found a quiet spot in an unused room to offer prayers to Calistria. Goddess, provide your faithful servant the full experiences of life. Do not hold back any sensations for all hold the essence of what living IS. Immediately after completing her prayers, she casts her climate protection spell on herself and prepared her horse and modest supplies for the travel ahead. Still looking a bit out of place, considering her dress would be as appropriate for a hot summer's day as the wintery grasp the group was in, the priestess nevertheless appeared excited (even anxious) to get underway.
Cast Endure Elements as usual. DM keeping track of xp works best; just tell us when we level. As long as you're basically going by RAW as far as what gives xp, I don't really need to know even what gives xp.

Ulryk Lebeda |

After breaking his fast in the morning, he bid a warm goodbye to the two soldiers who would remain to keep the fort. After giving his weapons a quick sharpening and polishing the four plates of his armor, he suited up and saddled his stallion.
"Damen and myself will take the van, leading our trek to Oleg's. I would then recommend that Lady Orlovsky and Kent be placed in the center of our formation, with Brigid and Areanna covering our rear." He knew that both women claimed to be excellent archers, so it made sense to put them in the back, while keeping the more magic reliant in the middle. Turning back to Kent and Svetlana he added. "I apologize if you must ride in the wake of Ragnaris's cart, but the mule needs to trail behind me."
Pulling out his compass, he checked the hand as they exited the fortress, determining whether they would have to veer from the path or not. With that done, the directional instrument was put aside and pulling his mule along behind him he began to ride at a steady pace, letting Damen take a bit of a lead to him. The man was more familiar with the terrain after all.
You tracking our experience points is fine with me. I've used my whetstone on my bladed weapons.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

--That evening--
Brigid nods her head to Damon as the meet upon the walls. She raises an eyebrow as he fires an arrow randomly into the evening, and looks at him quizzically. She returns a light smile to his grin, and continues her walk.
--The next morning --
Brigid eats well and is quickly prepared for the journey. Resaddling Zelter and riding out with the rest of the group, she wordlessly assents to Ulryk's suggestion of the progression. She hangs back until the other riders and wagon get moving, then takes up position alongside Areanna.

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Ok..I will track your XP. Just so you know I will periodically give points for good role playing and such. Like NOW!! 100xp to all of you for getting into character and reaching this point in your journey!!
The days warms and melts off the thin layer of frost by midday. The path also leaves the banks of the Shrike and strikes off slightly northerly. By midday you are descending the rolling hills and entering an area of flat grassland, dotted here and there with small copses of trees.
The sun remains an indistinct glow in the sky and the fresh westerly wind blows the sweet smells of spring into your face. By evening the warmth of the day slowly evaporates and the evening chill settles in.
Whoever is looking for a camping site, please roll against you survival skill. A DC-12 gets you a nice spot in the lee of some trees with a small spring close by for watering the animals.

Kent Unsaid |

I ride along with the others.
ride: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 I fall off on first try. However looking at the ride skill again I only have to do ride checks when it the horse starts

Kent Unsaid |

I'm not good at survival but I'll give it a roll may I will point something out to someone that can properly identify it 1d20 ⇒ 2
During the trip I irritate my companions by pointing out patches of Poisson ivy as possible camping stops.
knowledge nature check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Luckily on taking a closer look I realize my mistake before anyone touches it.

Ulryk Lebeda |

Rabbit fur cloak whipped out behind him while he road the Sorrel horse he named Rynel. As they first ventured out he noticed Kent having difficulty staying in the saddle, he wondered what Damen might think. While not all of them were as ineffectual, it was clear that most of them were not used to riding, Ulryk included. Turning in his saddle and focusing his gaze on Kent, Ulryk calls out with mirth in his voice. "Perhaps you should sit in the back of the cart and lead your horse along behind until you get the hang of staying in a saddle."
As the day wore on and evening crept in, Ulryk decided it might be best to keep his gaze out for any good location to make camp. The protection tree's might provide from the wind and any place near a small stream would likely be ideal. Gesturing to a location some distance away, he called back to the others.
"What do you think of making camp over yonder? It looks a fine spot for a tent and bedrolls, with plenty of grass for our steeds to graze."
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Of course unbeknownst to Ulryk, a small grassy ridge obscured a proper view of the area he selected, which in fact was swimming with excess water from the stream, making it damp and almost a fen. He turned the group in that direction, unaware of his error.
Sorry, bad roll. Ulryk has more to learn about the great outdoors.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana rode along with the group as the last remnants of civilization disappeared behind them. Already happy to be seeing new sights, the priestess' mood was further buoyed by the comedy that was Kent's riding and plant identification skills. Between laughs she said, After all your difficulties so far, the fates MUST have it that you will truly shine with your wizardly talents later. Throughout most of the day she rode in thoughtful silence however, taking in the rolling landscape one moment and next pondering new wardrobes. High, sturdy boots seem necessary, but no reason that they can't be a bit fashionable. With the cold no longer an issue, praise Calistria, perhaps just a short skirt to go with this armor would work. Hmmm.... Svetlana also named her horse at some point on the trip, taking to calling him Tordurbar and feeding him random apples found along the way. As darkness began to fall, the priestess happily followed Ulryk over to the area he pointed out to stop. As the group got closer however, a pensive look crossed her face. Looking at the warrior she said hesitantly, Um, sweetie, are you SURE this is a good place? There seems to be, um, quite a bit more water here than I think we should like to sleep in. Looking hopefully at Birgid and Damen she adds, would either of you have any other ideas?

Damen Medvyed |

After saddling his horse and packing his gear, Damen bade farewell to the two men who had been his only companions for the past several months. It was perhaps slightly more fond than he would have expected a few days before, but the prospect of never seeing them again had put him in a better mood than usual.
Riding: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
His counsel he mostly kept to himself through the day, relishing the feeling of being in the saddle again, of the warm spring day, of the start of something new. His place in the front of the group felt natural. The winter months hadn't diminished his comfort with his riding, although he couldn't help but notice the same was not true for everyone he rode with.
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Once or twice he spotted game and went after it, catching a few hares to complement their dinner before rejoining the group. Time and again, the wizard identified the worst possible places to stop... but to his credit would catch his error.
"Your skill cannot help but amaze me, Kent! You have reliably identified half a dozen stopping points that are precisely the opposite of what we want." Damen held up one of the rabbits, grinning good-naturedly. "For example, this appears to be a hare, something potentially delicious... but if you were the one to tell me so, I'd keep watch in fact it turned out to be a sleeping troll, something potentially deadly."
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Later, he looked over the site Ulryk had selected. "The Lady has the right of it, I am afraid. The river's swollen with the melting snows, but in a few months this site could well be fertile and comfortable ground for travelers."
Riding atop the ridge, he pointed down a bit closer to the river in the distance. "You can see the stand of trees there. The run-off has cut a stream for water, the trees will shelter us from the wind, and the ridge will help hide us from the road. I'd suggest we make our stop there."

Kent Unsaid |

Kent is unskilled, but works with a will to help set of camp
aid another 1d20 ⇒ 18
"It seems to me that we should set up a watch tonight. Sense I need 8 uninterrupted hours to prepare my spells and I need to wake up early anyway to study my magic I will take last watch."

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid occasionally puts a hand to her mouth to hide a smile at the antics of the others, most notably Kent and Ulryk.
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
She seems content to try Ulryk's selected campsite, though it did appear rather marshy. However, Damen's suggestion was far better, and before she undid her pack, she rode to the copse he pointed out.
Já, this is a fine site. I can keep the first vatch, if you like.
Brigid begins helping set up camp, starting a fire, and assisting others. Taking 10, netting me a 15.

Ulryk Lebeda |

Ulryk was quiet when he realized the error of his camp selection, but did not let foolish pride get in the way and abandoned his chosen site when a better one was recommended. He clearly had a few more things to learn before he could truly be comfortable in the wilds and decided to study Damen to better perfect his knowledge of the wilds.
No jest was made at Kent, and in fact, when he saw the wizard aiding in setting up the camp he found himself offering the other man a smile and a nod of respect. At least he kept trying to be of help.
He pitched his tent, though since none had taken his offer the last time, he decided to make use of it for himself this night. Soon after he brought his horse and mule to the stream to drink and then returned, tieing them to a tree and covering them in their new blankets.
"I can take the second watch I suppose. Keep the fire high enough and I should have no troube, though if any carry lanterns that might make things easier. I would recommend Areanna for the darkest watch, as I have heard it told that Elves can see with but a silver of moonlight in the night sky."
He remembered he had bellows in his cart, so if need be it would not be too difficult to get the fire burning brightly again should it dim during the passing of the night.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

After Damen's more secure camp site was approved by the group, Svetlana joined Kent in doing what she could to aid the set up of camp. She tried to do her part and more in the evening, aware that her morning prayers prevented her from being as useful than in the breakdown of camp. Any watch is fine by me, the priestess answered, but perhaps we should arrange ourselves in a way that best complements our abilities, yes? With a glance over at the stoic archer she adds, I'll take the first watch with Brigid unless there are objections.
We have 6 PC's, so 3 watches of 2 PC's each seems right. How about this: 1st Watch: Brigid and Svetlana, 2nd watch: Areanna and Ulryk, 3rd watch: Kent and Damen. Sound good?
Also: though we've had much fun with Kent over it, you really don't need to make Ride checks at all for normal riding. It is a DC5 check to guide with your knees but even a failure on that just means you can use both hands for other actions. You also need a DC5 to stop abruptly, but that hasn't happened. Just sayin'

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid nods to Svetlana. Three shifts, three hours each. I suppose Kent can sleep some on his vatch, if Areanna doesn't mind.
While the rest of the party settles down, Brigid stalks the perimeter of the camp. Once the camp is quiet and those in their bedrolls have become still, she returns to the fire and takes up her watch. Much of her attention will be turned toward the path the party made reaching the site, and she is ever-listening to the horses as they whinny and nicker in case they become alarmed.

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The evening passes without incident. It dips below freezing again, but the combination of a warm fire, good campsite and heavy blankets and bedrolls keep you from suffering any ill effects.
15 Pharast, 4707 A.R.
With morning comes the now familiar tasks of breaking camp, storing all your equipment and readying the mounts. Soon you are mounted and back following the train.
By mid-morning a light drizzle falls from the cloudy sky. The gentle west wind brings a hint of warmth with it, however by noon you are all quite wet and uncomfortable. After a quick, and cold lunch, you are back in the saddle.
A few hours after lunch you ride around a large copse of trees to find the remains of two mules and 2 humans lying on the path. Four small, green humanoids are rummaging through the remains, while another hods a leash attaches to a large, scaly dog-like creature. Both groups seem surprised.
Roll initiative.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Our first combat! Svetlana's initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Kent Unsaid |

Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 You say that both groups are surprised I am able to act in surprise rounds
"Goblins I've been waiting to let louse"
In the surprise round: If I act before the goblins I will cast a grease spell under the goblins. I use my false focus to replicate Alchemical Grease and Acid which I add into the spell This raises the DC of the spell to 17 and the grease deals one point of acid damage each round to creatures in the area.
In the normal first round I will start to cast enlarge person on Ulryk

Areanna Delante |

----Summery of previous events----
I will perform at the local hall of the fort. I enjoy my night and cherish all the luxuries it offers. I send us off with a song and simply spend the day reciting tales, our own included and writing in my journal. At the night I volunteer to do first or third watch.
The next day I awaken commenting about how grateful I am to have a blanket for the night. I am in a much better mood. Better than I have been at any point on the road past.
----At the Goblins----
At the sight of the grotesque scene I let out a shriek. "Eee! Little monsters! Goblins! They've killed those poor people." I glare. "You little beasts! How dare you hurt innocent travelers! Prepare for battle!"
Int:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Ulryk Lebeda |

Through much of the day the fifth son kept counsel with himself, a sullen sort of silence dripping off of him like the droplets of rain that fell from his helmet and soaked his clothes. He was looking ahead, beyond the copse of tree's when Areanna's shriek brought him to attention. Danger triggered in him his combat reflexes and at the sight of the diminutive green skinned party, Ulryk reined in his horse and readied his buckler.
He might not be the quickest to act, but when he did act, he hoped it would be decisively.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Damen Medvyed |

Suddenly things are moving quickly! I'll roll initiative now, and a fuller post later on.
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
The party readies for combat! Meanwhile, Damen stares at his feet.

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Ok..init. as follows
Goblin Dog
Goblin #2 releases the leash to the goblin dog, then unsheathes its sword.
Goblin #1 brings up its shortbow and aims at Ulryk.
Attack-Melee: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
The shot was wide of its mark.
Kent, you are up next.

Kent Unsaid |

Hiding safely behind a wall of muscle Kent starts to work to make the wall of muscle more massive.
In that case I will start casting enlarge person on Ulryk.
"Ulryk you asked what magic can do get a load of this!"

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Ok Kent, your spell take 1 round to cast, so it will take effect next round
Kent begins to mumble and wave his arms about, throwing some sort of powder on Ulryk.
Meanwhile another of the goblins has his bow ready and fires at Damen
Attack-ranged: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
This time the arrow flies true and strikes the ranger on his lightly protected thigh.
Svetlana your up next

Svetlana Orlovsky |

As the scene unfolds, Svetlana brings her horse to a stop to the side of the group and dismounts. Her friendly, almost serene demeanor melted away as she took in the marauding goblins. In its place came a determined, even grim focus. Calistria, revenge be your name, grant me strength to lay these creatures low! Her whip in hand, the priestess lashes out with the weapon in an attempt to entangle one of the foul creatures.
Move action to dismount 10' from Goblin #4, then use whip to try to trip the creature. Combat Maneuver Check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

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Goblin #4 jumps back up, cursing and swearing, and takes a 5' step towards Svetlana.
Brigid, your up next.
Just in case you are wondering, I am basically giving you a pass on your ride skills and dismounting. Usually you would need to roll and dismounting is a move action. For this battle I am letting it slide...but remember if you are not trained in mounted combat, and your mount is not battle trained, then all heck could break loose!!

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid quickly sends two arrows flying at the goblin that hasn't acted yet.
Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 - 2 = 11
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 5 - 2 = 23
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 5 - 2 = 12
Damage: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 8) = 14