Brigid auf Whitehelm |

For her part, Brigid ignores the livery and heads straight to the inn. Once inside, she removes her cloak and prepares to relax for the evening. If she can, she'll listen in to local gossip, paying close attention to anything relating to bandits, the Stolen Lands, or Oleg's Trading Post.

Areanna Delante |

I approach the stableman. "Please good sir. We are travalers in need of steeds and you seem to have more than you can handle. I hope we can help each other out in this. I offer you forty gold coins for a light steed. What say you my good man?"
Diplomacy check:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

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The ostler looks the group over and nods his head.
"Well that be a fair price for one of these beasts, sure 'nuf, but the problem being the soldiers dinna leave me any o' their tack. And I only have a small selection left. So heres what I'm gonna do. I'll sells ya as many horses as ya want fer 40 gold crowns, but I only have the tack fer 3 o'them and it will cost ya 20 gold each. How does that sound?"
He looks over at Ulryk and shrugs, "Fer a few silvers, I'll have tha boy watch yer animals, but thats all. I ain't got the feed nor time to do more."

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Within the common room you notice several people enjoying an early dinner. There are still plenty of tables free, and you plunk yourself down at one, sighing with some relief to be off your feet. The barman send a wench over to ask what you would like to drink, and if you wish anything from the kitchen.
Please make a Diplomacy roll to gather information.

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Svetlana, Ulryk and Nubs leave the others to barter with the stabler and, following the mans directions, head a short way into town in search of a map. The building you were directed to stands at the end of a short alley. The other buildings crowd around it, and only a bright blue door and a single window with white lace curtains show.
As you open the door, a bell overhead rings, and someone from further in the building calls out.
"One moment, if you please. Just finishing up my dinner. Will be with you shortly."
The large room that you walk into has a number of shelves and display cases. Most of these are packed with a variety of basic gear that you would find in a chandlers shop, but here and there are some more exotic equipment, as well as a few pieces of armor and weapons.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Brigid scans the crowd looking for any that might be the sellsword type or local militia. After ordering whatever is prepared in the kitchen, she'll attempt to strike up a conversation with them,if there are any.
Vhat is said about the road to Oleg's? Is there much banditry on the road this time of year?

Kent Unsaid |

"I have 10 gold to buy tack with. Is there any work I can do to make up the difference Landry things you need lifted from one place to another, translation work? I'm a fair alchemist"

Kent Unsaid |

"Cleaning is one of the first tricks I learned"
Prestidigitation can clean or soil one cubic foot per spell so cleaning up the horse muck should be just as easy and take just as long as cleaning any other part of the stable

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Earlier: Svetlana looked both pleased and grateful at Ulryk's acceptance to store food in the future. That is more than kind. But please, call me Svetlana, I see no need to be on a formal basis with those we will be close with, yes?
The priestess accompanied Ulryk and Nubs in search of a map, and waits patiently for the man to finish his dinner and assist the group. As they lingered she looks to her companions and says, sometimes I have a way with, ah, words, so perhaps it is best for me to do the talking when the man comes out. Maybe I can fetch us a discount on that map, yes? She looks around the room briefly and adds, Perhaps I should buy a horse as well? Riding is not something I've gained expertise in, but I certainly wouldn't want to hold us up. Since Kent and Areanna and obtaining steeds, perhaps the next stop after this one should be to those stables.
I *think* I'm correct that Svetlana would be only one without a horse if Kent and Areanna get them. Basically don't want to be one slowing us up.

Kent Unsaid |

Ulryk Lebeda |

Ulryk also does not have a horse. He has his mule Ragnaris and the cart the animal pulls, but he has been leading the mule by the reins on foot. I think the only person who has been riding thus far is Ol'nubs on his pony.
Ulryk nodded his head at Svetlana's suggestion. He had hoped she would talk with the man, as he had a feeling a woman of her disposition might be able to get more information and perhaps even a discount out of the villager.
"Be sure to ask about a map of the area leading to Oleg's trade-post and any maps he might have of the land south of Oleg's trade-post. If he has spare equipment for making crude maps for our own purposes, that could be of use as well."
"Concerning horses, I do not have one either. I can't really ride Ragnaris, armored as I am. It wouldn't be fair to the mule." That of course was only part of the reason, Ulryk wasn't about to be known for riding a mule. "The steeds the Hostler had didn't look particularly wellbred, but if you think we should all be on steeds I can purchase one if he has spares." Ulryk didn't sound all too pleased with the prospect though, as he had doubts he had the coin.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana nods at the warrior's suggestions regarding the maps and making equipment, as well as the horses. Walking is certainly fine with me, the priestess says and then playfully adds with a wink, I'll just stay right next to you so I don't get onto any trouble! In a slightly more serious tone she also says, but I would like to get some more food for the road before we leave town.
Since not everyone is going to have horses, I'd prefer to keep Svetlana dismounted. She'll only get one if she'd be the only one without

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Ulryk, Svetlana and Nubs finally her the sound of someone shuffling from the back room. It is not until the figure steps up on a low platform behind the counter that they get a look at him.
The proprietor is a well dressed halfling. This particular halfling has a shaved head and a set of truly awe-inspiring mutton chops of a flaming red hue. He wears a dark green vest over a linen shirt, and short cotton breaches. He is a barrel-chested figure, with sizable biceps and the air of a man how know how to take care of himself.
"Good evening fine people. Please excuse me for not attending you earlier, but I was just finishing dinner. Now how may I be of assistance?
His voice is a rich baritone and an easy smile spreads across his face.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana smiles warmly at the man's arrival. No trouble at all, dear sir! We're here in fact to offer you a bit of business. Our little band is traveling to and beyond Oleg's trading post, and we seek maps to this effect. Specifically, we would be interested in any leading up to the trading post and to the lands to the south beyond it. Also, any map-making equipment you may have could be of interest to us as well. You would be willing to help a lady in need, yes
Not sure if you want a Diplomacy check or not, but adding just in case 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Kent Unsaid |

I walk out of the sable's covered in muck. As I walk back I chant by the time I am with you again I am once again perfectly laundered.
"I have cleaned some of the worse places in the stable's. However, According to my calculations it would take me 18 hours to properly clean everything and I am not willing to put forth that sort of time for someone I hardly know without some substantial payment. You have more horses then you are able to take care of. Right now they are a finely tuned machines for turning grain into s**%. I am willing to clean out all the s~!# in this place until the place sparklies and take 6 s++~ machines off your hands and you won't get a better offer than that"
the censor makes what I said seem worse than it is I just said s h i t in it's proper context

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Svetlana smiles warmly at the man's arrival. No trouble at all, dear sir! We're here in fact to offer you a bit of business. Our little band is traveling to and beyond Oleg's trading post, and we seek maps to this effect. Specifically, we would be interested in any leading up to the trading post and to the lands to the south beyond it. Also, any map-making equipment you may have could be of interest to us as well. You would be willing to help a lady in need, yes
Not sure if you want a Diplomacy check or not, but adding just in case 1d20+9
The halfling smile and winks at Svetlana. "Well lets see what we can find for a pretty lass like you, then!"
He moves over to a large cabinet and opens the doors. Within are shelves filled with various pieces of parchment and scrolls. He spends a few minutes looking through this stack, then holds up a worn piece of parchment."Ah, here it is. Not too much information, but gives you a bit of an idea of what is out there." he says as he hands it over.
He also sets out a flat leather case. He unhooks a toggle at the bottom and the whole thing opens up. Within is a flat surface with several sheets of vellum attached by a clip to the inside of the case. At the bottom is a leather flap, which when opened revels a small case which holds several charcoal writing sticks.
"Is this what you were thinking about when you said you wanted some map-making equipment? It is an artists portfolio, but I think it might do the trick"
Look in the campaign info tab for the map

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I walk out of the sable's covered in muck. As I walk back I chant by the time I am with you again I am once again perfectly laundered.
"I have cleaned some of the worse places in the stable's. However, According to my calculations it would take me 18 hours to properly clean everything and I am not willing to put forth that sort of time for someone I hardly know without some substantial payment. You have more horses then you are able to take care of. Right now they are a finely tuned machines for turning grain into s$+@. I am willing to clean out all the s~&+ in this place until the place sparklies and take 6 s*&% machines off your hands and you won't get a better offer than that"
the censor makes what I said seem worse than it is I just said s h i t in it's proper context
"Oh,aye lad, that sounds like a fair bargain. And tell you what, I will throw in a free night at the Inn for you and yours. Deal?"

Kent Unsaid |

"Areanna would you care to join me in magical cleaning? It should be good practice even if it does stink a bit"
"You know it's times like these that make me wish I had mastered the unseen servant spell kept putting it off"

Areanna Delante |

I nod at the agreement. "Very well, I shall assist in the cleaning and cover the difference." I join Kent is presdidizing the stables.
I nod to the stable master. "Well, we're done. Here is the rest of what we owe." I had over the difference so long as it isn't more than 40gp. That's all I have. "Thank you again good sir. If you'd like, I plan on performing in the inn, feel free to come and listen."
I head to the inn with a pep in my step. "Now I have a horse, the next problem is to learn how to ride it." I say cheerily. "Now that I am starting to get used to it, this life is getting more exciting by the day."
--In the Inn--
I nod to the keeper and take my position. I prepare my lute and set up to perform.
I clear my throat and strum my lute.
"Can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water?
We just keep dreaming of the land 'cross the river.
We are always on the way to find the place we belong.
Wandering to no where, we're paddling
down the raging sea
Who can cross over such raving wind and water?
On the rolling boat we sit, shivering with coldness
come by an island, come by a hillock,
it's just another place, we paddle on
down the raging sea.
But in one morning we'll see the sun
bright shining morning dew singing
they who will search will find the land
of evergreen
Can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water?
we just keep paddling down the sea, up the river
no destination, but we are together
in the silent sadness we're paddling
down the raging sea
down to no where."
Perform Sing:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Perform Lute:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Perform Dance:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

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Actually the horses and tack were free for you guys, for cleaning the huge mess that was the stable! You will still need tack for 3 of the horses, and there is a leather-worker in town who can outfit them for 10gp each. So you could use 30 of your 40gp to pay for that if you wanted Areanna.

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Again your music brings in a large number of people to listen. Food and drink are provided to you and your party free of charge, as well you personally collect 24sp from appreciative listeners. You all head to bed, well fed and ready for whatever the next day will bring.
Ulryk Svetlana and Nubs go ahead and continue your turns, this will occure once you return to the Inn. Just wanted to set the stage for moving forward, but don't feel rushed, do what you want, then we can carry on!

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana beams with gratitude as the halfling presents the items. Why that looks just the thing to me, wouldn't you both agree! The priestess does pause to give the warrior and gnome a chance to introject, on the assumption that both know considerably more than herself about effective maps and map-making implements. Assuming they agree with her assessment, Svetlana then adds, But sir, we are but just begun on our travels and while we aspire to great success have but meager means at this time. I'm very much hoping that such an obviously successful man as yourself could offer us a discount on such items. We can do business, yes? The priestess' big, deep green eyes looked sweetly at the man with more than a few eyelash bats as the words were spoken.
Following the negotiated transaction (assuming nothing else happens in the meantime), Svetlana looks to buy two weeks rations and after doing so places them in the mule's bags. With another thanks to the warrior, she accompanies Nubs and Ulryk back to the tavern. As with the last inn, Svetlana makes an effort to get to know the locals, other travelers and tavern help in an effort to gain information that may be of help to the group while Areanna performs. The priestess plans nothing else of note for the evening, preparing herself for another exciting day of travel.
Diplomacy/Gather Info Check in Tavern: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18, only +8 with women.
Nothing else for Svetlana until the next event happens

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Nope, Brigid doesn't have one either. So you won't be the only one at a walking pace.
Any response by the inn patrons?
You are able to speak with several people. The owner of the Inn, who happens to be the brother-in-law of the ostler, tell you about where all the horses came from and a little about the path before you.
"It was last Lamashan that they all showed up. The entire garrison from Fort Serenko. About 50 or so soldiers, all told. The were being reassigned by their commander back in Restov. It seemed that the Swordlords were worried abut possible in-fighting with the Issians to the north, and wanted to have extra troops on hand, just in case. As traffic out west was almost nonexistent, they were not worried about moving the troops. What they did not take into account was the growth in banditry. In the several months since, the number of bandits has steadily grown. Now it is rumored that some sort of adventurers are being sent to help out. Like that is going to help! Anyway, when the troops left, they were marched out. For whatever reason they sold us their mounts, at an incredible rate, but they kept most of their saddlery. It was very strange, but that's the military for you."

Ulryk Lebeda |

Ulryk agreed with Svetlana, asking the man with the Map only a simple question about what he knew about Fort Serenko, before going about with the Priestess on her other errands about the small town. When that was done, he went back to the stables only to discover that Kent and Areanna had commissioned their time for quite a lengthy job. Realizing that they would need to stay the night after all, Ulryk made himself comfortable and enjoyed a few steins of beer, some dark bread and fresh cheese, whilst listening to the talk of the locals in the establishment.
Later, after he ate dinner, he would have another beer while Areanna performed. Her lute playing was much better this time, though the effort of her labor showed by the slowness of some of her dance steps. Still it was a highly enjoyable performance.

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Just waiting for Nubs to give his actions, then moving on to the next day. The map and mapmaking equipment will cost you 30gp.
Svetlana are you buying rations just for you or the party (2 weeks for 1 person, or 2+ days for the group? It will cost 5sp per person per day for regular trail rations. The town can supply 100 man-days of rations.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

She's more buying it for herself, but would certainly share as the need arises. She is very "group-oriented" and wouldn't horde anything. On an IC level, she simply hasn't done this kind of adventuring before and didn't realize the potential need to stock up prior to heading out. On a metagame level, she frankly didn't have the strength to carry more! I'll mark off 7gp's for the food.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Being Issian herself, Brigid mulls over the situation quietly, a light frown forming at the corners of her lips. She thanks the patrons, and buys an extra round in thanks for the rumors Let me know what that costs. She doesn't offer confirmation of the rumor about the hired adventurers, though she expects the next round of rumors being speculation if she and her companions are, in fact, those same adventurers. A light smile touches her face. Far be it from her to prevent such a topic from giving the locals days worth of gossip.
Later, when the group descends upon the tavern for food and entertainment, Brigid calls Svetlana, Ulryk and Nubs over to her table (since Kent went to bed and Areanna is on stage) to discuss the rumors.
It appears Fort Serenko is emptied. The Svordlords have called up the garrison to the north in case of other troubles. Vhich means the bandit activity in this area has vorsened. Ve must be prepared that the fort is already occupied, and that Oleg's Post may be in trouble.
At the news of the horses, Brigid appears pleased, and inquires if she owes anybody anything. The rest of the evening, she broods over the rumors of Issian troubles and listens to Areanna's entertainment, extremely impressed.

Ulryk Lebeda |

Having accepted Brigid's offer to join her at the table, Ulryk seated himself and mulled over the situation. He was dressed more simply now, having left his rabbit pelt cloak upstairs along with his armor. He was one his third or fourth stein of beer, though he still seemed to be keeping it together.
"If they, by they I mean bandits... If they have taken the Fort Serenko we will be in a lot of troube. However, I would think that the good folk here would have been a bit more fearful and a bit more worried were that true. More likely, I would make a guess that the bandit activity is centered more around the trade-post and the lands beyond it. I guess we will find out come morning. I hope you have your bow ready when we come in sight of the fort."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana had stopped flirting, talking and dancing for a few moments and arrived a the table in response to Birgid's call. She listened for a brief time as the gist of the concerns were laid out, but said nothing. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow, won't we? she thought to herself. Not long after coming to the table, a rugged farmhand the priestess had been dancing with a bit earlier grabbed Svetlana by her slender waist to pull her back out to the dance floor. With a smile and a wink for the man, she giggled as she said to the party Oops! Gotta go! and was quickly swept back in the festive mix as Areanna played on.

Ulryk Lebeda |

Ulryk shot a hard look at the farm hand that grabbed the Priestess and dragged her away, but quickly looked back down into his cup. Drinking down the last of the beer, Ulryk then muttered under his breath something about low-born men who should know their place when dealing with noble born ladies, but did not take action to discourage the festivites going on within the Inn.
He turned his gaze back to Brigid and the currently low-key Ol'nub. He suspected that both of his current table companions would be more comfortable outside of the town, in the rough wild places beyond Oleg's trade-post. "What do you expect we will find when we reach the lands of our charter? I know a thing or two about the wild places and how to hunt and track, but I suspect you both have a little more knowledge in that field. My experiences are confined to family hunts within our woods or other hunts I participated in as a guest of one house or another."

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid watches Svetlana's abrupt departure from their meeting with an inscrutable expression, and catches Ulryk's own reaction. She shrugs once at Ulryk's question and finishes her drink, calling for another.
These are known as the river lands, no? It vill not be like the hard hills of my home. Ve had no use for horses in the highlands, but here, everybody vants one. Harder to hunt vith horses. But probably better to explore. I vould vatch out for boar and bear. Deer, no doubt, and fowl. Ve should hunt vell. And as for bandits? I alvays have my bow ready. She raises her newly filled cup.

Ulryk Lebeda |

Seeing Brigid's own raised cup, he waved one of the serving girls over to refill his stein with more beer and then lifted his to hers, in a toast.
"Here's to bringing law to the lands of our charter and vanquishing the stain of banditry. To good hunting in all things."
Ulryk may not have been quite as tall as Brigid or Areanna, but he was a good deal broader of shoulder and arm. Few men had the strength he did, yet for all his strength it had never been tested in anything but mock combat, hunts or chores. He had never killed before though and the prospect of putting his life on the line did unsettle him some. A scowl returned to his bearded visage and his chesnut hued eyes drifted toward the stage. He drank in silence for ten minutes or so, before rising from his chair slowly.
"I'm to bed. In the morning that empty fort and maybe that tradepossst as well." He slurred one or two words a bit, but his balance had not left him and he made his way to sleep without much difficulty.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid wears a faint smile the rest of the night, retiring to bed shortly after Ulryk. Though she indulged a bit, she nursed her few drinks slowly throughout the evening and avoided inebriation.
In the morning, she is up early as usual, checking her gear and eating the morning repast. Not overly familiar with horses, she watches the ostlers intently and tries picking up on their cues.
Ride (untrained): 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 - 2 = 17
Despite her lack of formal training, her confident grace more than makes up for it, and easily takes to the saddle.

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Ok, well I have waited a few days for Nubs to post, so I am going to forge ahead. Hopefully he will catch up on the ride to the fort, otherwise we might have to find another player (I really hope not!)
12 Pharast 4707 A.R.
Another frosty morning greets you as you wake and get ready for the trek ahead. After a quick breakfast, you head out to the stable yard to find your new mounts ready for you. You pack your new purchases and head out the eastern gate just as the sun is cresting the nearby hills.
What is your riding order?

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Nub appears to have the best Perception, followed by Areanna, so Nub should ride close to the front, if not point (if he objects to point, Brigid will take it). Areanna should watch the rear, not that much danger should come from that direction, unless they're really clever.
Everyone else can wander in the middle somewhere. I'd suggest the order goes: Nub, Brigid, Ulryk, Kent, Svetlana, Areanna. I didn't forget anyone, did I?

Kent Unsaid |

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana alighted into the common area of the inn for breakfast a bit later than most of the party, which was congruent with her somewhat later arrival in the room the women shared the prior evening. She had turned down both of her handsome suitors last night, something a bit out of the norm for the priestess, as she found her mind preoccupied with the exciting travel ahead. Besides, she didn't need trouble from jealous lovers just now. Following a light breakfast and a quick check-in with the others regarding their well-being, Svetlana hopped up onto her horse as the rest of the group did the same. Agile but lacking in any more than the basic horsemanship training anyone would have, the young woman did well-enough as the party headed out for the day.
Riding two abreast sounds best to me. Likewise, I'd agree that healing in the middle is a good idea. So how about Nubs/Birgid, then Ulryk/Svetlana, and last Kent/Areanna?

Ulryk Lebeda |

Given our strengths and weaknesses, I propose the following riding order:
Vanguard 2: Ol'nubs and Ulryk ( Nub's has the perception and tracking, Ulryk is a front line fighter )
Center: Areanna and Kent ( Magic and ranged, can support the van or rear )
Rear: Svetlana and Brigid (Perception in case they try to strike behind us, healing, plus likely ranged combatant)
Come the morning Ulryk dressed groggily in one of his more muted travelers outfits, sporting dark browns and tan for the most part. He found one of the local boys to help him afix his armor, mostly for the boy's benefit, as teaching the boy removed any time saving the assistance might have provided. Over his armor he doned his heraldic tabbard and he finished the outfit with a heavy brown wool cloak.
He fixed a saddle to a even tempered sorrel with white boots and a two white splotches atop his face. He smoothed his gauntleted hand across the horses mane and got carefully atop the saddle. He'd only ridden three or four times in his life.
"I will take point with Nubs, unless there any objections?"
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
The above roll is my animal handling check to try to pick the best mount of those still remaining. I will be taking 10 to my ride check, which comes out to 7 after my armor check, but since staying in the saddle is only a DC 5, I should be fine. If possible, before leaving I would like to buy a Military saddle from the Ostler if he has any available? Normally that is 20 gold. That should give me a +2 to my ride checks for staying in the saddle. Let me know.
PS - I hope Ol'nubs player is still with us, otherwise we should PM or make a post looking for recruits (either ranger, rogue, or even both

Svetlana Orlovsky |

I'm fine with Ulryk's proposed riding order, though I'd like to reconsider that when we get to the point of discussing a good 'ol fashioned boots-on-the-ground marching order. In that situation Svetlana really would be best in the middle of the group.
I really hope Nub's player hasn't bailed either as I really liked where he was going with his PC. He hasn't posted since Thursday night, which is a long time esp in this game. If he is gone then I'd agree we should look for a replacement. A ranger or rogue are good ideas, but I also very much think we need another melee combat character. Aside from Ulyrk, nobody in the group really seems inclined that way.

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As you prepare to depart, you notice that the gnome is nowhere to be found. You check the stable and notice his pony is also missing. The ostler notices you looking and comes over.
"Ah, pardon me sirs and ladies. Are you looking for your gnomish friend. I am sorry to say he departed early this morning. He was quite jittery and was saying something about having to get away from 'civilization' and back to his burrow. I am sorry for your loss."
It is with a heavy heart and chilly bodies that the party leaves the town, minus one. You hope that this is not some omen of things to come.
A strong wind blows from the west and the heavy cloud cover scuttle across the sky like waves upon the sea. The weather never gets really warm, and this makes for a long and cold trip. The few people you see are travelling from local farms towards Nivakta's Crossing. The further away from the town you get, the fewer farmsteads you come across, until just past noon, you no longer see any signs of settlements. The road begins to deteriorate to a rutted track, and that into a simple trail. By evening you will be travelling over untouched hilly grassland, with the trail you are following the only sign of civilization.
Ok post anything you would like to do during the day, or if nothing I will take you to evening, which will be spent in the open