Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master Dreaming Warforged

Bold and just adventurers exploring and settling the Stolen Lands.
Now at the start of vol. 5 - War of the River Kings
Map of Frieland.

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You could try for a DC 15 Heal check to provide long-term care(double healing rate) for the night. Of course no rest means you'll need to make a DC 10 Con check or become fatigued the next day until you get 8 hours of rest.

AC 24 (25) HP 30/30 AP 8/8
Mastermind wrote:

The small hours of the night are drawing close. Time for the party to rest. The bodies of their foes have been dragged to the broken down wagon and cleansed, as has the soil of the camp area, thanks to Lukasz' industrial magic.

Ox is lain out on a bedroll. His armor removed and attended to by Servayn and Janku. He appears to be stable and barely conscious, any strain would at all would do him in. The wounds show that even an ideal ambush can still end with a casualty. (Ox HP 0)

Of the bandits wounded in the fight only one is able to be saved. Corso cut the throat of a guard. Servayn's eagle destroyed the face of the other. Garick silenced a sleeping man permanently. Ember tore away another man's upper chest. Janku butchered the large bandit beyond repair. Kressle died before she fell to the ground.

The last, shot by Kalsgrim, suffers from several internal injuries including a punctured lung. The blessings of Gorum have stopped his march to death for now, but he is still unconscious and pale.

Since the casters need to rest and it's a short night perhaps Corso, Garick, and Kalsgrim should volunteer for watches. Feel free to have some campfire role-play before the night ends. Janku if you'll be healing in the morning let me know unless you guys would rather take the unconscious bandit back to Oleg's or something.

Janku will definitely heal his misled compatriots come morning, after sleeping and praying for spells.

Kal keeps to himself, keeping watch during the night. He quietly prays to Erastil for guidance in the current circumstances, and for wisdom for the days to come.

M Human Cavalier /1st

X.X <<<Ox

Noir will stand guard with Garrick nudging the ranger every so often to prompt him to do something about Ox at least until the dark horse falls asleep.


In a quiet moment, probably as they change guard, Corso will approach Kalsgrim: "Mylord Kalsgrim, this bandit situation is bad for morale. I find it's tearing us apart. We need to apply some rule for the bandits that we'll come across. The charter says unrepentant, no? I think we can work from that."

Making a small pause, he adds: "We need to discuss this before we set forth."

Male Human Ranger

heal check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Con check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Random Encounter check for the night
1d100 ⇒ 71
No encounter.

The cool forest night passes uninterrupted. The party breaks camp late in the morning.

Ox awakes feeling extremely stiff, thirsty, and hungry. His wounds are sore but only show with lines of pink flesh. His brother is sitting beside him weary but relieved. (Ox HP 1)

Where you go, what you do, it's up to you! Lead on and I will tell your story.

M Human Cavalier /1st

After a nights rest ox comes to with a groan. sitting up he moans again. Please tell me someone ran that woman through with a vengeance, another second and I would have killed her, I could feel it.

The big man rubs at the healed spot on his throat first and then looks at the scar on his thigh. bloody hell!

The war on the bandits was now quite a bit more personal.

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9

When Servayn wakes, he staggers to the remains of the bandits campfire and stirs up the coals, to get it burning again, muttering incantations as he does so, intoning in somber tones. "Let the fires of wrath once again be loosed to walk the earth. From ash and smoke I conjure thee, hot blood and the hunt do I promise thee, come forth and walk by day."

He then douses the fire, causing a cloud of smoke to arise, and from that smoke, Ember steps, shaking it's head and snorting smoke out of it's nostils. Ember is clearly still damaged from the woman's axes, and has visible scars on it's back and shoulder, clotted with dark blood. "You keep making promises, and never keep them." the creature growls in a rumbling voice. He sniffs the bandit who was saved from bleeding to death, "I don't like his smell. Find meat..."

Servayn moves to stand between Ember and the others, clearly embarassed by his companions demands, but the throaty voice carries and it's no secret who thinks himself the senior partner in this relationship...

His body stiff from the outdoor sleep, Corso gruffs loudly as he slowly stretches, washes his face and puts his weapons back on his person.

He watches with keen interest the appearance of Ember. Your regular couple, I guess.

Going back to Ox to see how he feels this morning, he takes a look at their prisoner. "Master Janku, would you say this man is ready for a little talk?"

Once the man is, Corso will repeat the scene from yesterday.

Trying to play with the man's fears and to comfort him at the same time, Corso puts, for a start, a slight pressure on the thug's bandage: "Hey! Wake up. You're dead already. You've been accused and found guilty of banditry. Punishment is death."

"But, you see, we need some information. If you cooperate, death will be swift. If you don't, I don't know, Janku here is intent on killing you in combat. Problem is, he's not that strong with the sword. I've seen him take at least five swings before his victim finally stopped twitching. Bad day that was... I'll always remember it..."

"So, anyway! We need some intel on a certain man, goes by the name of "Stag Lord". We need to find him. Do you know where he lays his cot? We also want to know what kind of person he is. Do you know him well?"

"Let us help you. Tell us what we need to know."

Intimidation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
I let you decide which roll is more appropriate.

AC 24 (25) HP 30/30 AP 8/8

Upon awakening, Janku performs his sacred ceremony and awaits for the holy might of Gorum to once again fill its mortal vessel.

He then approaches the still severely injured Ox. "Well, let's see if Gorum finds more favor with you this day". "Be still this might hurt". "The healing hand of Gorum is sometimes not a gentle one". (My visual of Gorum's healing is of ghostly weapons faintly appearing near the wounds, and moving in reverse healing up the wounds as they go. It's nearly as painful as taking the wounds in the first place, but he is not a gently god.)

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Cure Light Wounds

He then calls for a prayer to Gorum, setting up a makeshift alter of his sword, and helmet, and one of his Gauntlets, and invites all to gather for the prayer. He will channel energy to all who attend the service

1d6 ⇒ 2 Channel Energy

He will then attend Corso for the questioning.

1d20 ⇒ 14 +2 for Intimidate, or +6 for Diplomacy whichever is better served.

Male Human Cleric 1 (Unholy Barrister)

Lukasz rises last. Not accustomed to sleeping on the ground, he wakes with a grown as he rubs his back. Standing up, he stretches a little to work the kinks out of his neck and shoulders. Then, strapping his weapon to his body, the sorcerer reflects on yesterday's events as he seems to meditate on what fate may hold for him. Seeing the others gathered, he pleasantly declines the service, not particularly liking battle, just knowing that it is necessary for what they are doing.

Once Corso starts interrogating the prisoner though, Lukasz moves over to watch, aiding when and where he can.

Kal will discreetly Detect Evil on the remaining bandit.

He'll check on Ox's condition, but be pretty quiet for most of the morning.

Lunch break. Just hopped in to take a peak on what'll reply to tonight. Expect a post around 7:30 MTN

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox has received the favor of gorum several times before, but to be honest it never gets easier to see the retraction of the wounds that ailed you. the axe near his throat and the blade near his crotch just didn't settle well with him.

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9

Servayn leads Ember to the impromptu prayer session, so that he receives the benefits of Janku's healing.

AC 24 (25) HP 30/30 AP 8/8
Servayn Krolz wrote:

Servayn leads Ember to the impromptu prayer session, so that he receives the benefits of Janku's healing.

Servayn should be leading Ember to the prayer session to pray proper respect to the Lord in Iron, not just for the benefits of his healing embrace... ;-).

Male Human Ranger

Garick will grudgingly accompany Ox to the service. He will piously thank Gorum for healing his brother, and watching over them in battle. After the service he will claim one of the masterwork Hand axes, and a bottle of the liqueur if no one objects. He says I bet those furs belong to Oleg if not we should still give um to for all the lost stores he has paid to this lot. he continues In, fact I think we should head back to the post, and use it as our base of operations explore out in a radius from there. Dealing with threats as they pop up. Maybe we can rig him up some kind of bell or alarm where if we are out exploring we might still here the alarm.what kind of roll would you like to see if I know if it would be possible to rig something, or from what distance such a thing would be affective.

I agree with Garick. While we do need to deal with this Stag Lord as soon as possible, I'd hate to have another threat slip in behind us, either harming the good folks we leave behind or trapping us between them and the Stag Lord. Until we can establish our own permanent base, I think Oleg's is a good place to operate from.

Ugh, now I have Garick's internet demons!! The one time I set a deadline for when I'll post too :P

Each hex is roughly 100 square miles. 12 miles from side to side so setting up an alarm system is not very feasible, without magic.

I'm sneaking a post at work but will put up the interrogation tonight with luck. Sorry guys

Near the fire the prisoner lays on a camp roll, bound up and wearing only some old leather pants which have been carefully patched and a dirty cotton shirt. A large blood stain shows near the holes of Kalsgrim's arrows. His hair is blond and cut short on one side long on the other.

The bandit awakes moaning painfully when Croso steps on him. "Wh...*cough*....who are you people? All I remember is a tatzlwyrm in the camp and then someone shot me."

He stares blearily at the people around him. "You guys want to know who the Stag Lord is? He's the boss of all the bandits in the Greenbelt. If we don't report to him or one of his cronies, like Kressle, on a regular basis then he's got a tendency to make an example of you. The man's a bloody drunk, the booze under the platform was for him so Kressle would get on his good side.Maybe promote her to work in the Fort proper. Even s**tfaced though he's the most fearsome fellow around."

"Are you men really going to kill me? Even after tending my wounds and letting me rest the night? My names Tuck, and I'd rather keep my blood on the inside if you don't mind."

When Kalsgrim gazes at the man, eyes shining bright, he sees demons and shadows of thievery haunt him, he appears to be evil but an orderly sort. The bloody resonance of murder and horrible screams of assault are absent.

Lol, I just realized the irony that the Paladin can't use Detect Good to see the positive side of people.

Male Human Ranger

Oh, and I suppose if we let you go your going to be a good little lad and never thieve or hurt another innocent person as long as you should live eh? Garrick says as he comes over to the man Seems you lot are fine with your wicked ways when it's you being wicked, but we catch up to you and you all of a sudden realize the error of your path, or you wasn't the really bad one you just went along was all. Garick continues You see Janku over there? He is a priest to Gorum the bloody God of Battle, and to him if we kill you now we are the same as you, or bastard sons of Cheliax who worship Devils. He glares at the bandit waving his new axe back and forth But see my god is Erastil you heard of Old Deadeye haven't ya? He is the God of Farming. The God of Hunting, OF Trade and Community, and you know what bandits are to a frontier like the greenbelt here? They are a plague. Like locusts to a crop, or deer ticks on a good hunting dog. Bandits are a parasite on a community trying to take it's very lifeblood for themselves. Garick continues his impromptu sermon Now one day when that community has had a chance to grow and thrive, you would probably have a chance to serve some time. Work hard; and maybe even earn yourself a place in that community, but you see we have been sent to give that community a chance to grow. He looks right at the man no longer pacing or waving his axe. Right now we have to do what must be done so that down the way it is better for all. Sometimes when a field is infested you have to burn it, despite the fact that there may be some good produce lost with what has been tainted. Now you are a bandit there is no disputing that. Here you lie in a bandit camp, so I don't want to hear any of that poor me sot.Ever man must live and die with his decisions. You seemed fine living with um now it is time you die with um. Do you have any last words before you meet your end? Do you wish to unburden your soul of any foul deed, so that you might go before the goods in better standing. He stands over the man he will allow him his say if he has one. If he goes to pleading, or crying out he will get the grim task over with. If someone bade him hold he will listen to what they have to say. If not he will take the the man over by the lookout tree roll him over where he has a clean aim at his neck, and behead him. I will wait to post anything else, and will hold on the execution if the bandit makes an articulate argument for his life, or if anyone else is asking me to wait.

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9

Servayn looks to Kalsgrim for confirmation of the man's potential for redemption (or lack thereof). He seems quite content to leave the heady moral decisions to others, his own evil, albeit a tiny one, being that of being all-too-willing to stand aside and do nothing...

Using Garick's approach to give him some leverage, Corso presses on:

"Look, the law is the law. But as I said, there are many ways to go. I'm just trying to help here, but you have to help me too. Answer my questions and I'll make sure you won't feel a thing: Where is the Stag Lord's camp? Are there traps protecting it? How come you're just a few bandits here? Where are the others? What else do you know about the Stag Lord? Has he special powers?"

"Like I said, it's all up to you."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

When I look at you with Erastil's eyes, I can see the darkness and evil that still rule your heart. What proof can you offer us that your desire for redemption is true, or just convenient? If I ask Erastil to infuse my hand with power, its strike would only knock you unconscious if you were speaking true, or it would slay you slowly with each strike it you aren't.

Male Human Cleric 1 (Unholy Barrister)

Playing the opposite end, Lukasz steps forward and says, "You don't really have many choices here. These blokes are gonna do what they are gonna do. So what's it going to be? Go out like a man with a clear conscious or sit back, say nothing and stay loyal to a drunk who doesn't really care what happens to you. One who will most likely kill you anyway just for coming back with bad news"

Diplomacy roll to aid Corso's check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Tuck raises an eyebrow. "Well aren't you a righteous lot. You're right, I'm a thief I stole back in the city when my family was too poor to eat. I stole when the Swordlords taxed us into the ground. I stole when the collectors came and took my father when he fell sick and couldn't work enough. Sometimes I'll steal a look at a pretty lady, and sometimes I'll steal her heart. Is that evil?"

"I don't much care for the Stag Lord and his men. I'll tell you what I know. Perhaps if you cut the head of the snake the rest of the coils can relax. These men can go back to being hunters and trappers."

"He lives in some old ruins overlooking Tuskwater lake. There's a few watch towers that are always manned, but really only one way up the hill to his fort. You see the hills are haunted. Anyone who steps off the one trail is attacked by waves of undead. Mindless corpses who drag anything that steps on their soil into the ground. I saw the Stag Lord throw a man off the walls and be torn apart with my own eyes. I don't know about special powers other then he drinks like a fish and never takes his helmet off."

He pauses to cough, specs of blood showing on the ground in front of him.

"Bandits come and go from Kressle's I've seen as many as thirty here all at once but usually only a handful like tonight. We just have to check in once a month and turn over any spoils. She visits the Lord once a month as well. I could show you the way. Can't really draw it for you."

Male Human Ranger

I would like to sense motive on the bandits last post. Does Garick feel the man is telling the truth about the circumstances that led him to banditry, or is he trying to play the whoa is me card to escape execution.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Garick's attempts at reading Tuck's body language, expressions, and his own instinct yield no hunch in regards to the man.

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox sighs when he hears about how he stole for this and that.but is impressed with the knowledge he is willing to disperse about the stag lord. the last bit about letting the bandits go back to being hunters and trappers.

Did you trade at oleg's before you took to this?Ox waves to the camp beyond him.

The big man stands streching his muscles and looking at the loot, to see if there is anything he might take of it.

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9
Mastermind wrote:
Garick's attempts at reading Tuck's body language,

Ooh, he's got a name! He's no longer 'redshirt #23!'

"Oleg? He's that merchant up north isn't he? The guy Happs been hustling. Speaking of which he'll probably be showing up soon." He looks around. "Are you guys going to kill him too? He was kinda dumb, really licked Kressle's boots when they weren't shagging."

M Human Cavalier /1st

"Yeah, that Merchant. Kressle and Happs are already dead.[/b] He puases to see his reaction to this. You know any other places where good folks are getting shook down?" Ox, resolves to himself that this guy doesn't have to die, but he probably should be put to the rope or the sword.

Hesets a short sword back on the pile finding nothing thats worth his time.

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9

Servayn will attend to the leather armor retrieved from the bandits (currently on 'Clip Clop'), using magical means to mend the riven leather, and wiping it clean, so that any remaining blood does not attract flies and worse.

The others seem to have the questioning well in hand, and he takes the opportunity to give some trail rations to Ember, who seems well and truly disgusted at the offering, but eats them anyway.

"I could already tell Kressle was dead the way you laid into her with that lance. I thought for sure she took you with her. Happs is no loss, he was just a thug." He wheezes out a laugh, "Well there's always the traders who visit Oleg. Sometimes Kressle would have us meet them on the road. Occasionally she would send someone to shake down that crazy ass hermit, Bokken. There's a few dozen honest men in these woods that won't join but get strong armed."

Kal will work a few questions in as the discussion goes on. Are there any threats around here that you all had to avoid? What did you do for a livlihood before getting mixed up with the Stag Lord's men? If the Stag Lord no longer had sway over this area and you had your freedom, what would you do with it? Do you have any family left?

"Tons of people are left with nothing everywhere in this world and probably the next. That a man, of his own will turns toward banditry to fill his stomach or his family's his one thing, but something tells me you, Tuck, have turned to far worse... Tell me, man, have you killed an honest man to improve your lot?"

He still has a point... The Stag Lord is but a ruler that imposes a system where a certain behavior is accepted and favored. In this case, raping the land. We would just be a different face favoring different behavior. Can this man be saved and used for a greater good?

Sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

After Tuck's fate is decided, Corso moves to Lukasz: "Can you check the spoils of our last fight to see if any item is imbued with arcane power?"

"There's plenty of dangerous animals in these woods. I've heard of a boar, Tuskgutter, that's torn men to pieces. In the hills there's some fighting between kobolds and mites. Both groups of the little buggers have a tendency to attack lone men. I don't think that'll be an issue for you folk though..."

He listens to Kalsgrim and Corso before replying carefully, "My family is gone, one of the reasons I set out for the wildlands. I might head back to Restov, not to keen on sleeping under the stars turns out. I haven't killed anyone, I think it would be bad business myself. There's only so many people to steal from after all, especially here in the Greenbelt. It seems you're set on doing me in though. Keep in mind, not everyone working for the Stag Lord is happy about it."

Tuck lifts his chin to show his neck. "I don't know who you people are, but as a bandit, I've never killed a man in his sleep."

Male Human Ranger

And neither have I lad. Bandits ain't men there parasites remember. You say the Stag Lord left you no choice? You couldn't move on? You couldn't stand up to the man, and tell him what he could do with his murderous ways? See a man could do those things. A man dies honorably before he throws in with murderers and rapist. Looks like your ready to get on with it then. Garick looks around once at everyone. If no one tells him to hold he will take a knee next to the man and swiftly execute the man quickly and cleanly.

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox watches his brother prepare to apply the same ruthless law that the bandits have been a bidding by and sees the right in it. having his wavering belief in that the bandits were completely vile shaken by tuck was but a momentary inconvenience. Knowing in his heart that his brothers words were true.

the man before them was a parasite attempting to save its self another day, heck he had even confessed to wanting more people to steal from, that was unrepentant if he had ever heard it, and while banditry consisted of much more then merely stealing, it was at the heart of the matter.

The larger of the Nowicki brothers will fold his arms and watch over his brother.

Seeing Garick's intent, Corso looks intently at Kalsgrim, inviting him to chime in on the matter.

AC 24 (25) HP 30/30 AP 8/8

"Please hold a moment my friend", Janku intones. "I have another option to hopefully give this one another chance".

"Would you give me the responsibility for his life". "I can't believe we as intelligent, and resourceful men, can't come up with another solution". "I can't believe death is his only option". "Let us tie him so he can't escape, and at the first opportunity we will buy manacles to hobble him so he can't run away". "Let us return to Oleg's before trying to find this 'Stag Lord'.

"If you'll remember, Oleg mentioned there was supposed to be help coming from Brevoy". "Maybe they are there now, and might present more options"."Besides we need to return all this stuff, don't want to leave it here for anyone to find or cart it around with us". "Lets stay any decision till we see if the situation has changed. "I would even be willing to stay there and guard the prisoner until help arrives, then catch up with you later". "And though Oleg has no wish to hire this man, I'm sure for some coin he would be willing to lock him up somewhere, and keep him fed".

"Perhaps we could even give him an option for his life". "We could hire him as a scout, should he prove trustworthy".

Then turning to Tuck, "I ask you man, if we were to provide you with food, and shelter...and spare your life would you serve me for a year and a day"? "At the end of that time I will give you one gold coin for every month you have faithfully served, and you can decide at that time to either continue to serve our group, leave this area and never return, or travel to the Temple of Gorum, and devote your life to the god whom through his vassal has saved your sorry skin"? "You will not be asked to fight for us, and can in fact hide when conflict arises". "You will share with us what you know of this area, and care for the horses, set up the camp, clean and sharpen weapons (When you show your trustworthiness of course), and help bare our burdens".

"What say you friends, Janku says turning to face the remainder of his group, Is this even an option"?

Kal will gesture for Garick to wait, pending what good Janku has to say, and Tuck's response. He'll add Janku's offer is based on punishment for associate with these bandits. If we find further evidence that you have been involved with them to the extend of murder, new sentence will be issued, swiftly. And until service is completed to Janku, you would have to be imprisoned when we are at settlements.

Male Human Ranger

Looks like you have been granted a reprieve, but I warn you one bit of trouble from you and I won't hesitate to finish what I started. If you attempt to run away I will track you down. So heres your chance to prove yourself capable of being redeemed. Garick stands up. He slides his new axe into his belt loop, and begins to break camp and load the mule with the goods from that have been recovered.I think you had a good idea Kal with a missive. A warning of some sort that the law has come to the greenbelt and if you don't want to meet a bandits end you had better move on.

Does anyone have parchment and ink with them? And how shall we sign it? Do we have a name to refer to ourselves collectively?

M Human Cavalier /1st

He won't be laying a hand on Noir if he knows what is good for him. Ox says as the only complaint of this whole business of keeping bad pets. if Janku wants to be responsible for a bandits actions that is on him, I suppose that is the way of clerics, always trying to better somebody. Well, Kalsgrim I didn't bring any paper but there a few daggers and plenty of trees. I heard Garick mention something about the Talons of the Greenbelt.

The League of Justice, heh.

Nice my half-brother... Nice indeed. But what of the next bandits to surrender? Maybe we ought to start build our army...

"I'm OK with Janku's suggestion. As for a name for our endeavour, I don't know, Talon is a bit much, no? Especially since we eventually want to become the leaders of this new country... I would prefer something subtler maybe. But that's just my opinion."

"Hey Lukasz! Any news on the loot?"

(AC 18, hp 15 of 77) Summoner 9

As Lukasc appears distracted, Servayn will wave his hand in an arcane gesture and examine the spoils for anything with the glow of magic.

detect magic

Ember will skulk over to the bandit, having focussed with perfect concentration on the only thing said of interest to him, "Tell me more of this boar. Is it near?"

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