Mastermind |

(19) A rough looking female bandit comes around the tree to the west wielding a pair of wicked looking axes. She steps up to Ember and swings for it's neck. "I'll take care of this."
Handaxe; 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Damage; 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
The blow hits home, splitting scale and flesh.
(15) While bleeding from Ember's small bite the man scrambles to his feet, taking his eyes off the beast for a moment.
Ember AoO; 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Damage; 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
He barely avoids another bite and unsheathes his short sword.
Another bandit stands and draws his sword as well stepping up beside his friend.
The one closest to Garick leaps to his feat with his bow looking around for a target unsure what's happening.
(13) Ox moves up beside the eastern watch tower and dismounts from his horse getting ready to climb the rope.
(12) Dodging over rocks and leaping the small stream Corso works his ay through the underbrush and comes to the edge of the firelight. Kressle stands with her back before him fighting Ember.
(12) Servayn continues to advance forward, readying his longspear and standing a pace away from the closest bandit. He loudly proclaims to the bandit on the ground, "Do not attempt to flee. The law of Brevoy has come to these lands, and there will be no escape."
The celestial eagle, with feathers that shine white in the moonlight and beak and talons that appear cut from solid gold, tears at the bandit before him. A veritable explosion of blood washes away from it's feathers, refusing to sully it's perfect whiteness as it shrieks during it's frenzied attack. The torn body falls from the tower.
(7) Janku moves forward beside the ranger.
(6) Now that the armed bandit has trained his bow on Servayn, Garick replies with a deadly shot.
(6) Lukasz advances cautiously.
(6) Kalsgrim strides forward, taking careful aim this time and hitting his mark. The bandit grunts as he's struck in the back with an arrow.
Kressle, Healthy
B1, slightly bit
B2, arrow to the side
B3, slapdash tracheotomy (unconcious)
B4, arrow to the chest
B5, birdtality (unconcious)
B6, dripping blood down a tree (unconcious)
If you all post in the day, I should have the next round up tonight. Ox, if you're curious you can go under the watch post.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Round 2
To Hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
If a PC is knocked out earlier in the round, he'll target the enemy closest to that unconscious PC.
If a bandit has closed to melee distance of him, he'll drop the bow and longsword attack, two handed.

Ox |

fast mount1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
not quite making it d=fast enough he mounts the horse a little bit slower than he would have liked. ( used a move action)
Once mounted however Noir bolts into action rounding the tree and closing on the ax weilding bandit leader. Noir stops at lance distance away and waits for OX to strike.
look ma no hands(Ride dc5):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Ox whips his lance forward at the she bandit.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
confirm crit1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 262d8 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6

Servayn Krolz |

Round 2
If Ember isn't dead on Init 15; Servayn attempts to send Ember back to the place of smokeless fire from whence he came before he gets killed standard action to 'un-summon'. Ember's short-lived action will be to maintain Total Defense.
If Ember is chutney; Taking advantage of his longspear's reach, Servayn stabs at the closest bandit. b4 He then steps back one pace into the shadows beyond the campfire, hoping that the fool steps forward after him.
longspear 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
The celestial eagle dives charging again to attack the nearest bandit. b4, not the one I would have chosen for it to attack, but hey, it's an Int 2 bird I can't communicate with!
bite 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 counting +2 for charge
damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 no more smite
Another round where I could have rolled a d8 for my attack rolls... :)

Lukasz |

Round 2
Unsure of my distance from the camp now, I think I am missing thirty feet still. If it is only thirty feet to get into the camp light, then I will move another thirty feet and take a total Defense action. If it is more than that, I'll take a double move action to get into the camplight.

Corso Gaczi |
Cautiously, Corso slips behind the axe-wielding lady, drawing his bow while keeping his dagger between his teeth.
He lets the arrow fly, aiming for the small of her neck.
Shortbow: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage 1d6 ⇒ 6
Sneak Attack damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Critical confirm: Shortbow: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Extra damage 1d6 ⇒ 5

Janku Tolliver |

Not sure who the ranger is, but assuming it is the woman with the axes. If so...
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Greatsword attack
2d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 1) + 5 = 12 Damage with destructive smite
By the way is there a reason everybody is spoilering everything. Didn't read them, but if they're round 2 actions, I would think we could see what is happening

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I'm just using spoilers to keep the thread cleaner and easier to scan. By doing it this way, the DM should be able to tell at a glance what the post is about and find it when he needs it to compile the round. It can get lengthly especially since I'm low in the initiative and many of my actions are conditional (i.e. If so and so is still up, if someone closes distance, etc.). Other players can certainly read it if they want, but its not strictly necessary since the DM will take the action that applies to the circumstances and put it in his end of round summary.

Mastermind |

(19) "Hahahaha, die beast die!! I'll have your steaks for breakfast with eggs!" She laughs madly taking a step to flank and attacking with both axes in a deadly twining strike.
Main-Handaxe; 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage; 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Off-Handaxe; 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage; 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
The first blow cleaves Ember's skull and the second lands on his neck. Wisps of flame flicker from the cut and spread to consume the beast.
(15) Having just had his throat torn out a moment before the bandit is standing gurgling through the hole as his lungs fill with blood and he collapses.
"Kressle, I been shot! This thing has friends?" says the frantic wounded man as he swings for Ember.
Shortsword; 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Damage; 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
It is deflected by the burning scales.
After tearing the arrow from his chest the burly bandit growls stepping back from the spear and firing straight at Servayn.
Longbow; 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Damage; 1d8 ⇒ 8
A clear miss.
(13) Seeing that his target has landed beside him in a gory mess Ox instead spins and swings himself into Noirs saddle. He pulls his lance from his back as horse dashes around the tree through the underbrush past Corso. Once in the firelight he spots a new threat and swings the lance straight for her back driving the deadly weapon through her chest. Amazingly she still stands when he pulls it free.
(12) Corso steps beside Ox for a clear shot on the surprised woman. His arrow takes her takes her through the liver and she screams in pain, a savage, tearing noise continuing from when Ox attacked her.
(12) Servayn grits his teeth at the vanishing of his companion and takes on some of the wounds himself, feeling a trickle of blood flow down his scalp. His spear thrust is side-stepped fairly easily. [ooc]I'm unsure how much HP Ember currently had left, but take the difference in damage.[ooc]
Wings of white reflect the campfire when the eagle darts down towards the man in front of Servayn it's shining beak gauges the leather of his armor.
(7) Janku strides forwards beside Servayn burying his greatsword halfway through the chest of the large bandit. Finishing him off.
(6) Garick steps up and takes aim at the bloody woman screaming in pain. While ready to put her out of her misery he is careful to avoid shooting his brother or his horse. Unfortunately too careful and the arrow goes clear.
(6) Lukasz jogs into the firelight read for a fight.
(6) Using his impeccable aim Kalsgrim finishes his target with a second shot to the side.
Kressle, double penetration and still standing somehow, barely
B1, took a moment to die there (unconcious)
B2, arrowx2 to the side (unconcious)
B3, slapdash tracheotomy (unconcious)
B4, arrow to the chest, cleaved in twain (unconcious)
B5, birdtality (unconcious)
B6, dripping blood down a tree (unconcious)
Commence with the Round 3! Unless you guys roll terribly I got a feeling this is the end for Kressle. (weird, I can't make this line OOC)

Servayn Krolz |

Round 3
It appears that Life Link doesn't take hold until the Eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to it's home plane, and Eidolon's don't return until at negative hit points equal to their Con score. So Ember drops to -8, and Servayn can't do anything to stop that. Only when it takes damage that would drop it to -13, can he choose to sacrifice his hit points to keep it present.
Ember stabilization check, 10%, on a 1 in d10 1d10 ⇒ 3
As Ember fell last round, Servayn would have attempted to send him away, and the fallen creatures flashes into smoke and embers, soaring away into the sky.
There are no rules for what happens now. Does it stabilize at home? Does it die at home and come back as if it died here, at half hit points tomorrow? Only the playtesters know for sure, and, as written, it's *WAY* more efficient to let the creature die than to save it with Life Link or un-Summoning it the way I did, since a dead Eidolon comes back the next day at half hit points, while an injured one comes back with the injury it left with, making it basically only a role-playing option if you feel bad about letting your Eidolon get ganked, since it's mechanically *worse* to save it...
The celestial eagle attempts a furious assault on it's target, golden beak and talons flashing in the firelight.
2 talons, 1 bite
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Servayn advances on the bandit leader with his longspear, standing over the body of one of her fallen companions b3 , face contorted in fury.
longspear 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Mastermind |

Wow, you're right. I read the line about when it "dies" and thought for sure it was when it hit 0. That's rather bizarre. Makes life-link a little "meh." Although if you wanted to keep it for the rest of the day you certainly wouldn't want it slain.
I'd say that considering you can't summon it back until the next day (dismissed or slain) it should come back with either it's current hit points, or half health. Which ever is higher, regardless of being slain. I don't remember a firm call on that during the play test, but this makes much more sense to me.
The bird's target (B4) got killed dead by Janku last round.

Servayn Krolz |

Eidolon jibber-jabber spoilered;
Wow, you're right. I read the line about when it "dies" and thought for sure it was when it hit 0. That's rather bizarre. Makes life-link a little "meh." Although if you wanted to keep it for the rest of the day you certainly wouldn't want it slain.
Started a thread in Pathfinder general asking what the heck was up with that. I suspect that something changed (like the halving of HD from 1st draft to 2nd) and utterly messed up their intentions. If the critter was meant to 'die' at 0 hit points, that would be a much more sensible thing...
I'd say that considering you can't summon it back until the next day (dismissed or slain) it should come back with either it's current hit points, or half health. Which ever is higher, regardless of being slain. I don't remember a firm call on that during the play test, but this makes much more sense to me.
Awesome, I like this much better, him coming back at 5 hp than him coming back at somewhere between -8 and -12, depending on where he Stabilized! Thanks.
The bird's target (B4) got killed dead by Janku last round.
Doh, change to Kressle then, and only one bite attack!

Corso Gaczi |
didn't move last round, so I should be five feet north, still in the shadows.
Using the shadows to keep his intent unclear, Corso tries again to profit from the ranger's helplessness. Cool, she's still busy. Thanks Ox!
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 to sneak attack and keep her FF against me.
Sneak attack attempt with my shortbow: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage 1d6 ⇒ 6
Sneak Attack damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Critical confirm: Shortbow: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Extra damage 1d6 ⇒ 6
Question, did I sneak last attack?

Ox |

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
confirm crit1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 212d8 + 4 ⇒ (4, 7) + 4 = 15
After the woman is down, by who evers weapon finds here first. Ox will slide from his horse and look around.
what are we going to do with all these bandits? alot of em are still breathing and we don't have Oleg around to put them in their place? Ox normally isn't so ready to pick an arguement but he wants to get this one out of the way as its going to make for a long campaign for the river kingdom if it isn't settled one way or the other now.

Lukasz |

If Kessle is still standing when Lukasz responds, we will move in, not wanting to unintentionally harm his friends.
Once Kressle is down and the others are deciding the fate of the bandits who are still breathing, Lukasz says, "I'm not going to argue one way or another, but I would recommend seeing what we can learn about this Stag Lord and his fort from one of these survivors. Because I would assume that once this Stag Lord bloke finds out what we did here, he is not going to be too happy and the more information we can get, the better prepared we will be."

Janku Tolliver |

They are bandits. The law is clear and just. We put them to the sword. Kal will look around to see if anyone else has a different opinion.
"Yes, you are correct". "We should put to the blade everyone we...as final judge, jury and prosecutor, even suspect might be guilty of doing something against the 'law'..."
"In fact when we leave here we should stop by the trading post and execute Oleg, for he executed a bandit without the proper paperwork"...
"Boy this new land is going to be a joy to live in". "I think I might as well move to Cheliex and live under the rule of Asmodeus". "I don't see much difference".
"If anyone needs healing I have a bit left, Janku says walking away towards the abandoned wagon.

Ox |

"stay." Ox pats Noir on the flank and the horse stays where he is. Ox turns toward the wagon as well, with a bit of a smirk on his face. Heaving his lance from the woman's chest. and continues to the same area as Janku.
"Oh I don't know about Oleg, the man was defending his home and wife, business and goods, his pride and honor. Tell me you would have done differently in his position. I'm a bit confused I thought Gorum was about strength before all, battle, War, Glory! Please don't tell me you feel pity for these criminals."
"I suppose you are right though, I am terrible for wanting to slay these lawless extortionists, who showed in mass to terrify and harass an honest pair of folk. if they were orcs and goblins would it be different?"
Ox can't seem to help himself the war priests of Gorum back home, wouldn't have hesitated to slay these wayward scum, at least he didn't think they would have. Maybe he missed the Gorumskagat that talked about banditry being okay.
Just to make sure I'm not stepping on toes, let me know if I need to tone it down or reel it in, my purpose here is rp not just to cause trouble and pick on you, Janku. If I take it overboard feel free to let me know.

Janku Tolliver |

"stay." Ox pats Noir on the flank and the horse stays where he is. Ox turns toward the wagon as well, with a bit of a smirk on his face. Heaving his lance from the woman's chest. and continues to the same area as Janku.
"Oh I don't know about Oleg, the man was defending his home and wife, business and goods, his pride and honor. Tell me you would have done differently in his position. I'm a bit confused I thought Gorum was about strength before all, battle, War, Glory! Please don't tell me you feel pity for these criminals."
"I suppose you are right though, I am terrible for wanting to slay these lawless extortionists, who showed in mass to terrify and harass an honest pair of folk. if they were orcs and goblins would it be different?"
Ox can't seem to help himself the war priests of Gorum back home, wouldn't have hesitated to slay these wayward scum, at least he didn't think they would have. Maybe he missed the Gorumskagat that talked about banditry being okay.
Just to make sure I'm not stepping on toes, let me know if I need to tone it down or reel it in, my purpose here is rp not just to cause trouble and pick on you, Janku. If I take it overboard feel free to let me know.
No your doing great this is fun. Same here if I'm stepping on anyone's toes
"Oh so now you are a cleric of Gorum are you"? "Gorum is not the god of murder, or slitting the throats of unconscious fools". "He is instead the god of battle, of conflict or death by combat". "Should they die in combat, or die from bleeding out due to wounds they suffered in combat there would be no shame, but killing one who surrendered, or whom is running away is not honorable". "I would expect no place beside Gorum in the afterlife, if I spent my time slaying those who no longer opposed me".
"As far as Oleg goes...he murdered the man". "The man had surrendered, and was rendered defenseless by us, and Oleg stepped in and snapped his neck". "Oleg was a coward who sit behind his walls, and gave these bandits whatever they wanted, then when they were defenseless he steps up and kills them". "Had he challenged him to combat and slain him he would have honor". "He did not so he has no honor". "Oleg is not the kind of man to populate a new land"
"I would not have to make the decision that Oleg did, because I would either die with honor in combat, or defend my house and home by my own hands". "You ask if I feel pity for these bandits...no...of course not they chose their lot in life...I do however despise the way we chose to end their lives". "You are free to chose as you want to...but you do not need either my approval or assistance".
"And I am not a judge". "That is the Provence of the gods" "I do not judge you as evil, but I find no honor in killing a defenseless man". "I suppose your code of honor, whatever it may be says that that is OK". "Mine does not and never will". "Should these bandits choose to continue their ways they deserve what they get...in combat".
"Cut all the throats you want, slay all the bandits you want." "I will not stand in your way, but will indeed fight by your side, and I will heal your wounds when you are injured, but I will not find honor in your methods". "I find honor in this", and with that Janku licks the blood from his greatsword, and smiles at the impulsive man.

Servayn Krolz |

Servayn bristles at the commentary flying back and forth, but waits to make sure that Kressle is fallen before joining in.
*If* she has fallen, he attempts to stabilize one of the bandits at random, so that we can ask questions of him.
Heal (untrained, DC 15 to stabilize) 1d20 ⇒ 16
"Janku! Less talking, more bandaging, or the entire discussion is pointless!"

Janku Tolliver |

Servayn bristles at the commentary flying back and forth, but waits to make sure that Kressle is fallen before joining in.
*If* she has fallen, he attempts to stabilize one of the bandits at random, so that we can ask questions of him.
Heal (untrained, DC 15 to stabilize) 1d20
"Janku! Less talking, more bandaging, or the entire discussion is pointless!"
"You seem to have done fine", Janku says looking at the bandaging. "And for the record, he suffered those wounds in combat, so I don't care if he dies".

Garick Nowicki |

Alright sir, I say enough you have stepped over the line here man. Garick says obviously agitated. First you compare us to a bunch of Devil worshiping Chelish dogs. Then you want to say that Oleg is a murderer who has no honor and is a coward. That man has more courage in his little pinky.. He bites his lip not wanting to go to far takes a breath then continues He is out here in the middle of nowhere making a living under these criminals thumb and I tell you what if Oleg hadn't done what needed to be done then I would have. I think you need to take a realistic look at the situation at hand and step down from your high horse sir. Because I will not stand for your backhanded insults that you are somehow superior to us because your honor would allow these men to trollop off to come kill us at a later time. He looks at Janku sternly trying to maintain his composure.

Lukasz |

Seeing the argument that was starting to happen, Lukasz taps into his arcane talent and mumbles off a few words as the sound of 4 shouting men sounds from in the middle of the arguing group. Letting it continue until it got everyone's attention, Lukasz will then end the spell and say, "Would you all just cut it out! I've had enough of this! Enough of this pressing beliefs on to other people, of vague accusations and angry defenses. We are in the middle of a bloody camp and you guys are arguing about the best way to take care of these bandits? But both suggestions lead to their deaths, so what is the point in arguing! Let the ones who survived bleed out, save one for questioning and let's clean up this mess so that we don't have to worry about predators sniffing around."
Having had the chance to speak his mind, Lukasz then goes about checking the bodies for anything useful. Once that is finished, he starts to drag any bodies away from the camp so they wouldn't have as much to fear from predators.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I left a message in the OOC thread asking for a little more info regarding the overall perception and guidance on bandits.
Kal will go to each surviving bandit and do a Detect Evil on them. He'll assist Lukasz in checking the men for anything valuable or any clues we might be able to use.
Lukasz is right. If anyone leaves the immediate area though, make sure someone else goes with you. There could be more bandits or other predators nearby.

Ox |

Ox opens his mouth to let more words fly. and then closes it as Garrick says what he was thinking with quite a bit more tact. after a second reprimand, one from Servayn and a second from Lukasz and tidily ending Ox's thoughts on the matter Kalsgrim agreed.
Ox turns away from his provoking destination and lays a hand on Servayn's shoulder, I'm sorry about Ember,I got there as fast I could. Not knowing how Eidolon's work, he has no Idea that what appeared as Ember's death is only temporary.
Ox starts cleaning up and looting as he goes.He starts with the mad woman Kressle.
perception1d20 ⇒ 19

Janku Tolliver |

Alright sir, I say enough you have stepped over the line here man. Garick says obviously agitated. First you compare us to a bunch of Devil worshiping Chelish dogs. Then you want to say that Oleg is a murderer who has no honor and is a coward. That man has more courage in his little pinky.. He bites his lip not wanting to go to far takes a breath then continues He is out here in the middle of nowhere making a living under these criminals thumb and I tell you what if Oleg hadn't done what needed to be done then I would have. I think you need to take a realistic look at the situation at hand and step down from your high horse sir. Because I will not stand for your backhanded insults that you are somehow superior to us because your honor would allow these men to trollop off to come kill us at a later time. He looks at Janku sternly trying to maintain his composure.
Janku stares for a moment at the ranger, then looks around at the rest of the group, without a sign of anger at all, and puzzled why the rest are angry. He then simply shrugs and mumbles "As I said who am I to judge".

Corso Gaczi |
Wow! Priest takes it seriously... This is life, not church. I wonder how he'll cope.
Thank you Master Krolz.
Trying to play with the man's fears and to comfort him at the same time, Corso puts, for a start, a slight pressure on the thug's bandage: "Hey! Wake up. You're dead already. You've been accused and found guilty of banditry. Punishment is death."
"But, you see, we need some information. If you cooperate, death will be swift. If you don't, I don't know, Janku here is intent on killing you in combat. Problem is, he's not that strong with the sword. I've seen him take at least five swings before his victim finally stopped twitching. Bad day that was... I'll always remember it..."
"So, anyway! We need some intel on a certain man, goes by the name of "Stag Lord". We need to find him. Do you know where he lays his cot? We also want to know what kind of person he is. Do you know him well?"
"Let us help you. Tell us what we need to know."
Intimidation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
I let you decide which roll is more appropriate.

Mastermind |

Round 3 (final), Bandit Camp
(19) Kressle turns on Ox, and a grim vengeance is set in her eyes. "No man'll touch me with his 'lance' again, boy!" She comes at him with deadly intent.
Main-Handaxe; 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Damage; 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Off-Handaxe; 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Damage; 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Main-Hand (Crit Confirm); 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Extra Damage; 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
The blade of her larger ax finds the gap under his helm and nearly takes his head. Her off-hand draws a line straight up through Ox's inner thigh, severing muscle and artery. He slumps in the saddle. (Ox HP -8)
(13) Ox Stabilization DC 18 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 (Ox HP -9)
(12) Despite the carnage wrecked on Ox the rogue remains calm and finished off this woman with another arrow. [ooc]You got sneak attack last round, this round though with the -20 Snipe penalty it was a no-go. Although certainly enough damage to knock her out.[/oc]
Corso and Kalsgrim search the bodies while the others tend to wounds and discuss what to do with the bandits. They find;
50x arrows
6x longbows
6x short swords
6x leather armor
20x trail rations
-on Kressle
studded leather armor
2x masterwork handaxes
4x daggers
potion of cure light wounds
silver amulet of a skull with antlers (20gp)
-stashed under the eastern tower
two weeks worth of food for ten people
two weeks worth of firewood
four tents
silver earrings
wooden music box
3x crates of fur and hides
a polished wooden case of potent greenish herbal liquor (8 bottles)
An Appraise check will be required for valuable items.

Servayn Krolz |

"Hells!" Servayn says, rushing to his fallen allies side.
Servayn would like to modify his bandaging-bandit action to bandage Ox instead! Can I keep the same roll, since it's the same action (just on a different target)? :)
Huh, just noticed with Ox's stabilization roll up there that Pathfinder changed the stabilization rules... 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 Ember still didn't stabilize. :)

Mastermind |

You're previous 16 does the trick, it's a DC 15 to stabalize. I said DC 18 for the wounded person rather then -8 penalty just cause that's what we usually end up saying at our table, lol.
"Hells!" Servayn says, rushing forward. He lowers Ox from the saddle and tends to his wounds stopping the bleeding and any immediate threat. (Ox HP -9)
Ember is in magical Eidolon land of milk and firey honey, he'll return at half health. For some reason I think of Eidolons kinda like Drizzt's panther...

Corso Gaczi |
Ouch! I'll be then trying to stabilize a bandit first, asking for a hand, while the discussion happens.
Heal to stabilize: 1d20 ⇒ 5
"Someone give me a hand!"
And Appraise in the aftermath: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
After the argument settles, and before starting the interrogation: "Speaking of taking care of the bodies, don't forget the horses back there."

Janku Tolliver |

Janku runs towards the fallen warrior...and fellow worshiper of Gorum, placing his hands on his wound, and calling on the power of Gorum to infuse the warrior with his healing embrace.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Obviously Gorum is unhappy with this one for some reason ;-)
"Please help me move Ox over here away from the bandits", Janku pleads. "And if you must bring one of those bandits as well, as I pray for Gorum's blessing once again".
2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 Final two channels of the day. that's it for healing for the day folks

Mastermind |

The small hours of the night are drawing close. Time for the party to rest. The bodies of their foes have been dragged to the broken down wagon and cleansed, as has the soil of the camp area, thanks to Lukasz' industrial magic.
Ox is lain out on a bedroll. His armor removed and attended to by Servayn and Janku. He appears to be stable and barely conscious, any strain would at all would do him in. The wounds show that even an ideal ambush can still end with a casualty. (Ox HP 0)
Of the bandits wounded in the fight only one is able to be saved. Corso cut the throat of a guard. Servayn's eagle destroyed the face of the other. Garick silenced a sleeping man permanently. Ember tore away another man's upper chest. Janku butchered the large bandit beyond repair. Kressle died before she fell to the ground.
The last, shot by Kalsgrim, suffers from several internal injuries including a punctured lung. The blessings of Gorum have stopped his march to death for now, but he is still unconscious and pale.
Since the casters need to rest and it's a short night perhaps Corso, Garick, and Kalsgrim should volunteer for watches. Feel free to have some campfire role-play before the night ends. Janku if you'll be healing in the morning let me know unless you guys would rather take the unconscious bandit back to Oleg's or something.

Mastermind |

Looking through the loot Corso is unfamiliar with most of the items and can only take a rough guess as to the worth of the items.
wooden music box (290gp)
3x crates of fur and hides (10gp each)
a polished wooden case of potent greenish herbal liquor (8 bottles) (20gp each)