Servayn Krolz |

Servayn will stand over the prone bandit, waiting for Kalsgrim to make his judgement as to the man's chances for redemption, the blood of the last bandit still slick on the end of his spear.
Ember will sniff the bandits face and snort, clearing his nostrils of the man's smell, before growling, "Not for eating."

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I don’t think we should leave any horses or the mule here with Oleg. I am deeply concerned that more bandits may come that we fail to intercept, and that would be proof that these fellows were here.
Amazing Kal murmurs, seeing Lukasz clean the area with his magic, nodding in approval.
Let’s let Ox, Servayn and Lukasz interrogate this survivor. We’ll deal with sentencing him after that. The sentence for unrepentant banditry is death. Kal wants to see if there is any sincere repentance arising during the interrogation before carrying out a sentence.
When Oleg says there’s no place nearby like a river or peat bog, Kal will ask Does anyone have any ideas on dealing with them he asks, gesturing to the bandits.
Oleg, it is our sincere hope and aim that these bandits will be no further bother to you and your family, and none of us doubt your courage or hers. My fear is that if they come in our absence, they may carry out their unsavory plans for your wife if they come, and what they would take could not be replaced in the same way as a few furs and coins.
Is our plan to rush to their camp and try to take them unaware, or do we wait for another grouping to come here? If they come here, they will be wary for certain.
Kalsgrim would love to have that composite bow. Is there anyone else that it would be appropriate for? One of us should certainly have that amulet with us as well.

Servayn Krolz |

Servayn motions to Ember and drags the prisoner off of the path in front of the trading post towards the right side wall. He does not allow the man to get up from the ground, but remains looming over him, with Ember flanking the man, regarding him through serpentine eyes.
Servayn mutters a quick incantation Guidance, +1 to next skill check , but makes no threatening gesture at the man at this point, leaning in to speak,
"If you answer my questions true, I will not take your life. Be calm and certain in your answers, or my magic will detect the lies as they fall from your tongue. I have no wish to kill you, not like some here, and would see you face some lesser judgement for your crimes, as these are uncertain times, and not all are blessed with ideal families or comfortable upbringings."
Diplomacy, to be the 'good cop.' 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Supposed to be 1d20 +TEN, but the dice roller decided that 1d20+10 means to roll 1d20 plus 10d6, so I had to reroll as 1d20+1. Just add 9 to the result...
"I need to know the following things, if I am to plead for leniency;" he says, counting off with his fingers,
"How many yet remain in your band?"
"Tell us of this woman who leads you."
"Where is your encampment?"
"Who is this Stag Lord?"
"Does he have any unusual powers? Tell me what fearsome reputation he possesses."
"Do many other groups of bandits report to him?"
He'll pause between questions, and obviously stop / change tack if the situation warrants, but I thought I'd save posting time and list out the general line of questioning Servayn has in mind.

Mastermind |

"Hey, hey, I can be your friend! No need to get rough here, buddy," he looks back over to Oleg who is glowering at him. The man is wearing thread bare clothing roughly patched in several places. It's a bit sweat stained from the leather armor he was wearing. His hair is shaggy in need of a cut.
"I dun know how many of us there are we come and go, sometimes there's four at Kressle's camp, sometimes twenty. She's our boss, but her boss is a lunatic named the Stag Lord. I've only been to his fort way down south once, I couldn't find it again if I tried. Wouldn't want to if I did." He keeps rambling on, answering the questions Servayn puts to him, "Our camps about ten hours on horseback straight across the plains and through the forest. If you hit the river just travel along it to the crossing where our camp is at."
He draws a map in the dirt showing some of the terrain on the way to the camp and the river he spoke of, along with an x for the camp. Tonight I'll update the map of the Greenbelt to show the hexes he described with the location of the Thorn River camp. It's 1 hex of plains, 1 of forest, and just a bit into the next one.
"I don't know nothing about the Stag Lord other then he's a powerful drunk. I could smell him the liquor on him from fifteen feet away. Not too right in the head either. I saw him punch a horse for spittin' in the fort. Happs told me he beat a man senseless for takin' a sip from bottle of whiskey. Ain't got no face either, just a helmet made from animal skulls with a pair of great antlers."

Lukasz |

Lukasz watches the summoner as he takes a diplomatic approach with his questioning. However, when the man starts going on about the Stag Lord, he decides to speak up. Time to play the bad watchman, he thinks to himself as he says, "Come on, how stupid can you be. Doesn't have a face? Of course the man has a face, otherwise how could he be drunk all the time!" Then turning to the others with the interrogation, he adds, "I say we just kill him now and dump him with the rest of his men." Then turning to the prisoner once more, with mean look, "Unless you stop feeding us bandit superstitions and give us some info that we can really use, like how the camp is laid out, or more on this Kessle woman."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Garick Nowicki |

Garick looks at Lakasz in amazement at the work he has saved Now that is handy Lukasz! He turns to Kal seeing the cleaning up of the battle is no longer a problem Well no bogs or what not round here best thing to do is take um off over a couple hills and bury or burn um. I figure burying is the best take a pretty big fire to burn all these bodies, now I have a spade with my gear so thats not the issue I just would like a hand or two ta share the work. He looks to the last bandit guess we got a bit of time to see how big a hole we need he will go over and aid another in the interrogation.

Mastermind |

"I promise I don't know anymore, I only saw him once when Kressle dragged me down there with a load of goods. Our...I mean.. the bandit camp. I don't want no business with that anymore. I just wanna hunt deer again," he's curled up in a ball on the ground afraid for his life, "Kressle's a thief and a killer through and through. She's got no qualms about stringin' a man up for trying to lay their hands on her. Cept for Happs who she's a little sweet on."
"There's two watch towers 'bout twenty feet up a tree on the west side of camp and the east side. We just got a clearing with a big bonfire that we setup tents and bed rolls around."
The pitiful man has started crying, "Happs...he usually he...he would take an extra day to get back to camp. To kinda celebrate...you know...let us relax on the way back."

Ox |

Ox stops turning dirt over after a moment of Lukasz's spell. oh sure do it the easy way mate. He says with an appreciative smirk. I say we let Oleg & Svetlana bar and hold the fort, We can leave a couple of bows, the extra arrows, the alchemy fire. And be back tomorrow, if they are the closest camp then we will be in-between them and the fort anyhow, I don't doubt that they came out her without being able to defend themselves. Also to survive out here, you have to be a decent shot with a bow to hunt, right?
I'm going to start digging holes around back if its ok with you Oleg. Actually, do you have a shovel? He glares at the remaining bandit. You let them know if I need to dig another one.shaking his head at the man who is know crying for his misdeeds.
He'll chastise the man on the ground and put in his two cents.This man would have been happily taking a day's trip back right now with the rest of this filth, I say we let him continue his trip where they went. The big man will walk off with a shovel muttering.
Ox will dig a mass grave; they don't deserve as much respect as he's giving them now.
He'll put his back into and all those muscles to work.

Janku Tolliver |

Janku walks about a bit, while the others question the captive. He has lost interest now that the heat of battle is over. What is in A5?
After dodging the work of digging graves, Janku wanders back to the group.
"I know it might sound disgusting, but what if some of us were to don the outer garments...you know cloaks, and armor and such from the bandits, and disguise ourselves as the bandits returning to camp, riding their horses as well". "It might cause them to keep from raising an alarm".
"If we leave tomorrow morning, we should run right into any party sent to look for the raiding bandits, and we might be able to get close enough to them to get a surprise attack". "Especially if we arrange things to happen close to dark".
"The more stealthy of us could flank the party when we get close, and use ranged weapons to start the ambush".
"If we don't meet the party en-route, the disguises still won't hurt in allowing us to get closer to the outpost". "In that case the quieter members could sneak in and scout out the base, before the rest of us attempt our ruse".
"I would guess any party sent to look for this lot would not be suspicious unless they don't run across them on the way". "The key thing would be to keep word from getting back to their base that they were in danger of being attacked".
"If their camp is in the forest as this one says, sneaking up on it shouldn't be too difficult, and besides we could always use the river somehow as well".
"I'm really not familiar with guerrilla tactics, but in some classes we had to learn some basic techniques, so we would know how to counteract them".

Lukasz |

Turning to Ox, Lukasz says, "Well, the man says he doesn't know anymore, so why don't you take him along, he looks like he can handle a shovel, and his aid might make him feel what it's like to do a bit of honest work." Gripping the man by his collar, he grimaces as he says, "After today, I had better not see your face in the company of bandits again. If I do, I will make sure that you become just as faceless as the Stag Lord." Lukasz says this as acid begins to form on the tips of his fingers before he drops the glob into the dirt of the courtyard next to the bandits boot, allowing it to sizzle as he starred straight into the bandit's eyes.

Ox |

Sounds like a plan. If Ox is allowed to take him along and remains alone, He will let the man help dig the hole big enough for five and then do the dark task of putting a bandit to the sword. He can see it on Kals face that the man is evil and so Today will be his last, so long as no one comes back and intervenes. If the man tries to talk to him he'll punch him and tell him to shut his mouth and get back to digging.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
If Servayn would indulge us and have Ember guard our prisoner for a few minutes, we should move out of earshot and discuss our plans.
When it is just the party gathered (and perhaps Oleg or Svetlana if they wish), Kalsgrim will start the discussion. The charter says the penalty for unrepentant banditry is death. This man surrendered immediately from what I was told, and he has given us information that, if truthful, would serve us well in our mission. To my mind that would warrant a penalty lesser than death. I would be inclined to put him back in his armor, but without weapons and bound, and take him with us. If he has told us the truth, we can work on a lesser sentence; perhaps imprisonment up north or indentured servitude to Oleg.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
If he did lie, then it is proof that he is unrepentant and we can carry out the sentence immediately.
What are everyone's opinions on our next course of action? Should we wait here for a force to come and check on this first group, or shall we take justice to them. I am inclined to move quickly against them. They are unlikely to be alert where they are comfortable, and their numbers may be low at the camp now. We could even take control of the camp and set an ambush there for any returning bandit groups.

Janku Tolliver |

If Servayn would indulge us and have Ember guard our prisoner for a few minutes, we should move out of earshot and discuss our plans.
When it is just the party gathered (and perhaps Oleg or Svetlana if they wish), Kalsgrim will start the discussion. The charter says the penalty for unrepentant banditry is death. This man surrendered immediately from what I was told, and he has given us information that, if truthful, would serve us well in our mission. To my mind that would warrant a penalty lesser than death. I would be inclined to put him back in his armor, but without weapons and bound, and take him with us. If he has told us the truth, we can work on a lesser sentence; perhaps imprisonment up north or indentured servitude to Oleg.
"I do not care if the man lives or dies, but what you are considering is Murder, which makes you as evil as any of them". "Search your souls, before you commit this act". "I will not stop you if that is what you wish to do, but I will have no part in it".

Ox |

Ox Heaves the man back to the ground and waits for ember to take up guard again.before crossing over towards the group, and slinging the shovels over his shoulder.
Ox crosses his arms throwing an odd look to Janku. We have a charter that charges us to , stomp out banditry, and not only is he a bandit but a would be rapist. With all do respect M'lord, He wasn't repentant until he had a blade at his throat. When he got here, he was ready to take Oleg's goods and his wife, He still hasn't apologized, He has only wept. I think it only takes a moment of thinking about what the day of relaxing would have been like for Svetlana to Realize the right thing to do here. I apreciate your true heart, but at the very least I think we should let Oleg have a say in it, If he wants to give the man Mercy and allow him to be a sevant, then so be it, but I wouldn't blame the man for wanting the sword's justice for him. I have no qualms with being the swords arm, If we want to give him the luxury of trial by combat then so be it. If Gorum judges him innocent then He will stand true.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
If the players for Garick, Lukasz, Servayn and Corso don't believe their characters want to weigh in either on the man's fate or the group's strategy, could you please just give us a post expressing their disinterest in the subjects. Otherwise I'm assuming people have RL going on and will post their opinions when they have the ability to log on tonight or this weekend. Thanks!

Lukasz |

Joining in on the decision, Lukasz adds, "I have to agree with Kal on this one, everyone deserves a second chance and I don't care how the man surrendered, he still surrendered. That means killing him is murder. At the same time, I don't think he should we working here either or going with us to the camp, if that is the plan that you want to do. I for one don't want to be heading into a camp of still unknown numbers and fighting them when they might have more than fifteen men waiting for us, we would be outnumbered and on unfamiliar ground. However, if this Kressle did have a fancy for the poor slop that just died, then I have a feeling she'll want to find out what happened to him. I say she come to us than have us go to her. So in short, this man lives for I have no problem in roughing up a bound man, but I am no murderer. And as for marching on the camp, I say we thin out their numbers first."

Mastermind |

The bandit looks up at Sevrayn and Lukasz with tear streaks on his grimy face, "I promise I'll tryin' be good. I just thought it'd be easier you know. I didn't really want hurt no one. I even asked Happs if I could stay outside while they got the lady. He said Kressle wanted make a gift of her to the Stag Lord."
"If it helps at all, when we left there was only four men at the camp with Kressle. I knew a couple where gonna come back here in a day or so. There was at least one group making a trip to the Stag Lord's."
Kalsgrim did see this man as Evil when he first viewed him, and no single act of repentance will change that. He likes to grovel though!

Corso Gaczi |
Back from RL!
Corso stands a little on the side, thinking. Humm... Can a man turn to good when confronted with superior numbers, and for how long? Of course he surrendered, but because he had Ox and Ember on both sides of him. He sounds more like "the one who will say whatever is needed to save his life". Would make a great politician indeed!
Sense Motive on the "reformed" bandit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Listening to Janku, he asks: "Master Janku, what do you mean murder? Doesn't Lord Kalsgrim want is to give this man a shot at redemption? Please explain to me as I can be somewhat slow on the cognition."
Waiting a little after Janku's reply, he adds: "As for me, there is no show of good faith when one is outnumbered. The true test comes when confronted to temptation. This man has shown time and again that his heart is dark. Today, confronted with armed man, seeing his comrades defeated and slain, he shows his true face??? Brothers, let us not fall prey to his deceit, for the man will act according to its nature when pressure is gone."
"And this land here does not provide with means of punishment other than swiftness and efficient. There can be no leniency if we are to succeed. As much as we wish there would be a jail nearby, or a tribunal even, we must instead rely on our conviction and take matters of Law into our own hand, as is warranted by our charter, and as is our goal."
Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Janku Tolliver |

Back from RL!
Corso stands a little on the side, thinking. Humm... Can a man turn to good when confronted with superior numbers, and for how long? Of course he surrendered, but because he had Ox and Ember on both sides of him. He sounds more like "the one who will say whatever is needed to save his life". Would make a great politician indeed!
Sense Motive on the "reformed" bandit: 1d20+4
Listening to Janku, he asks: "Master Janku, what do you mean murder? Doesn't Lord Kalsgrim want is to give this man a shot at redemption? Please explain to me as I can be somewhat slow on the cognition."
Waiting a little after Janku's reply, he adds: "As for me, there is no show of good faith when one is outnumbered. The true test comes when confronted to temptation. This man has shown time and again that his heart is dark. Today, confronted with armed man, seeing his comrades defeated and slain, he shows his true face??? Brothers, let us not fall prey to his deceit, for the man will act according to its nature when pressure is gone."
"And this land here does not provide with means of punishment other than swiftness and efficient. There can be no leniency if we are to succeed. As much as we wish there would be a jail nearby, or a tribunal even, we must instead rely on our conviction and take matters of Law into our own hand, as is warranted by our charter, and as is our goal."Perform (oratory): 1d20+6
Whoops! I replied to the wrong thread. Meant to reply to Ox's when he was going to 'axe'him.
"Perhaps his mother should have bashed out his brains then when he stole his first apple at 9 years old", or the guard executed him when he stole his first kiss". When we start judging men, and passing sentence upon them for what they "Might" do we walk a line of danger". "It is but a short step to find reasons to do anything we want". "Many a Tyrant has walked the line of good intention, but when given ultimate power they are ultimately corrupted". "And while we have been given a charter to do what we want with these bandits, in truth, who has the authority to pass this judgement". "Is this land within Brevoy"?
"I question, who game them the right to grant us these goals"? "Are we but privateers"?, and how far are privateers removed from piracy"? "We have a chance here to make a difference, to shape the future of this country, and I only suggest that we carefully consider our options before judging".
"We must be wise and temper what we want to accomplish with how we decide to do so". "If a land is founded in Tyranny, and harsh judgement, then chances are that is how it will be ruled".
"We must not lose site of our goal here, which is to protect the innocent here, and make this land safe for settlement and trade". "Stopping the banditry does not necessarily mean we have to kill every bandit we come accross".
"Many are the souls who turn to banditry because they have no choice". "Many have the souls of true blackness". "But, as men it is not our lot in life to pass judgement, that is the Provence of the gods".
"We have neutralized this particular bandit". "Let us lock him up here somewhere, and when the guards arrive from Brevoy, then can determine his punishment".
"Care not to tread in footprints meant for the gods".
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Sense motive on the prisoner.

Servayn Krolz |

"I have no fancy words for this debate. We have a mandate to reward bandits with the rope or the sword. I am unconvinced as to his sincerity, and if Oleg doesn't want to retain him here, our only practical choice is to follow our legal mandate from the crown of Brevoy and execute him for banditry, as we were deputized to do."

Corso Gaczi |
"Friends and colleagues. As I hear everyone's take on the matter at hand, Janku's words reverberate and bring me to the point where I will make this suggestion: That we, as a group, decide what this new country will turn out to be, and provide punishment accordingly."
"For example, this man here, though his heart is dark and I still believe will turn to evil if let loose, could mayhaps redeem himself given time, AND PURPOSE."
"So I put this forward: That this man be kept under Oleg's watch in the midden pits at the back of the trading post, and that small jobs be given to him, so that with time, he can decide if he wants to go in a jail, or earn an honest living in the New Greenbelt."
"What do you say?"

Servayn Krolz |

"Oleg has already made it clear that the man will not work in his post. I have no desire to kill the bandit, but I have no intention of being responsible for giving his life purpose, either, nor will I take the blame when he returns to his warn his allies, or continues a life of lawlessness. There are doubtless many in these lands who deserve a second chance. I do not believe this man is one of them."

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
We are not the lawmakers here. We are explorers, and we have the leave of Swordlords to enforce the law. The punishment is proscribed, and as well as I can judge it is just. If we put an end to this man now, I do not believe it would be murder, but an execution. The only question is if he sincerely repentant or not, and therefore deserving of lesser punishment. Having gazed into his heart with the sight Erastil has granted me, I harbor serious doubts of his sincerity because of the blackness I saw there. By his own words he committed banditry. By his own words bandits came and went from the camp with some regularity, and so he had opportunity to leave the life behind him. As hard as it is for those of us who have much mercy in our hearts to accept, the right and just course may just be to execute him by the law.

Mastermind |

Starting to panic at the words he hears the bandit turns to Oleg, "I promise, sur, I didn't want anything to do with your wife. Most of the men thought it was a rotten idea. If'n you knew Kressle though," a shudder passes through him, "It's really terrible out there."
Oleg steps up to him and puts his large, ham-like hands on both sides of the man's head, "You say it's terrible out there."
He nods a little under the merchant's grip.
"Yet you would have taken my wife there. I live on the border of civilization to mind my own business. I have no wish for a kingdom on my doorstep, nor marshals of law, pieces of paper that say a man has a right to kill another or rob them with taxes and fines. I did not know this was the edge that your kind lurk beyond."
There is a shine of tears in the stern man's eyes and his voice grows cold addressing the group, "Your charter says you may punish banditry with sword and rope, for those men have already given up living their lives for their kingdom, and the Swordlords consider them dead already. Men like this...who beg for mercy only at the edge of a sword and follow behind rapists, claiming no choice, have already chosen to give up their lives altogether."
Giving the coward's head a quick twist, Oleg snaps his neck.
"He was dead when he fell off the horse."

Garick Nowicki |

Garick comes out from the stables where he had his own shovel stored with his other gear to see Master Oleg take the deed on himself. Seeing the man in turmoil he rushes to his side. Let me take care of that Master Oleg no need for you to dig this mans grave. I'll put him in the ground where ever you wish. If Oleg lets him he leads the mule over a hill or two far enough that Oleg and Svetlana won't have to wander past it every day. He hollers back to Ox after he takes the lead of the mule Brother bring the rest. We aren't going to bury um where they have to be constant reminders. If Oleg will not hand over the reins and the duty then Garick will go with him and see the deed done.He had heard the discussion going on outside but didn't get outside quick enough to put in his two coppers.

Servayn Krolz |

Servayn grunts to see Oleg's rough frontier justice, but only turns to the others, "This decision has apparently been made by the injured party, and whether we agree with it or not, it is done. We should begin making plans to either secure this place, or move quickly to the bandits encampment while there are only a half-dozen men there to defend it. I prefer the latter tactic, as Calistria grants her fortunes to the bold over the hesitant."
"A benefit of seizing their encampment will be that we can ambush those who have gone to pay tribute to the Stag Lord when they return, as well, from the security of their own holdings."

Mastermind |

Current Map of The Greenbelt
This map includes the hex with the described bandit camp in it. As well as it's location. Each hex is 12 miles from side to side. Please remember, travel by horseback is 3 hours/hex for a plain and 5 hours/hex any other terrain. If you travel through a hex with a river I will make individual swim checks for the party to cross, unless it is a hex with a bridge/crossing. The result of those may delay travel.
If the party does not have a clear destination ie. (let's go to the bandit camp) then I'm going to have one person pick the route to travel for exploration. This will change after the hex is explored and described I'll include the next "guides" name in the post describing the exploration. The first player to decide which hex to explore and thus get the first assisted (+8) Perception check to search it will be Corso. Exploring a hex takes the entire day and will include camping within the hex. If you choose to explore a hex please include the Perception check in your post and I will describe what is found and/or encoutered.
This is so we don't have to get a 7-way agreement to figure out where you go every single hex. Cause unless you have a destination, rather then just out mapping, it doesn't really matter.
Kalsgrim it does not appear that anyone else would like to take the composite longbow so you may add it to your character sheet. It might be a good idea to claim the amulet as well while you're over there. Any items not claimed before nightfall/departure will go into Oleg's stock. When you guys are in the field I will post the party's inventory on a special alias "Clip Clop" and you may claim what you like from it. If you would like an item to just be sold to Oleg when you return, leave it on Clip Clop the pack mule and the funds will be divided after sale.
Oleg thanks Garick for offering to do the chore. Then he climbs the ladder to the battlements and leans on the wood wall for a long time staring across the plains with the sun high overhead.
Svetlana gathers up the gold coins from the tarp and makes 7 small packs each with 10 gold and two wrapped trail rations. Moving about the fort she delivers each one and thanks the party member. 10gp and some trail rations for everyone.

Corso Gaczi |
As he watches Oleg, thinking at first that the trader found it in his heart to give a chance to the bandit, he realizes, only too late, the man's intention. Looking at the limp body crumbling, he thinks about the new government he's hoping to establish and wonders: If a trader takes the law in his own hand, only because it is not swift and vengeful enough, does it mean that only tyranny can come to the Greenbelt? For sure, its heavy history is covered in thick blood! I think only through the new blood of settlers can a good government be establish. I must be strong and impose Justice with a steady hand and a steady heart. For now, it will be swift, it will be merciless, if only because the situation demands it.
"Master Oleg, you chose that man's fate as he had offended you repeatedly. I can understand your hate. You have been the hand of the Swordlords on this day, but I pray you come back from it with a settled heart."
"I'm with Servayn. Let's bring the fight to the bandits. Let's go straight to their camp."
Perception (I'm not sure it is requested as we are going straight, but in case: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Later, he will suggest: "Master Oleg, as these catapults are useless now, do you have the skills to repair them? If not, would you be able to make them look as though they are operational?

Servayn Krolz |

Servayn surveys the loot and muses aloud that the longbows are worth some fine coin, but takes instead the two flasks of Alchemist's Fire.
"Garrick, Corso, if one of you would like a flask, let me know. You both also appear to have strong throwing arms."
When Svetlana hands out the parcels, he smiles and bows his head to her, "Thank you, milady."

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I believe I have learned a truly harsh lesson this day. We came here to bring justice and law so that these lands can be settled, but this is not yet the land we desire it to be. This is indeed still a savage frontier, and I must be mindful of that. One day this may indeed be a land of much happiness and prosperity, a nation championing righteous causes. Now, it is the farthest thing in the world from that. But it is only going to become that through years of painful efforts. It is best we get started right away.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I am in favor of taking the fight to them this very day. Are there those among us that need rest first before we engage more enemies? Do we leave this noon, or first thing in the morning?
Since no one else has mentioned an interest in the composite bow, Kalsgrim will take it. Fitting, to use the bandit leader’s weapon to help bring an end to the rest. He’ll also take the stag amulet. He’ll replace his used arrows from those taken.
Corso, will you take the coins for now? Perhaps later we will divide them amongst ourselves with other that we find, or perhaps we will use it for purchases that benefit us all. Are you comfortable with that responisibility?
Does everyone have everything they want from the bandits’ gear?

Lukasz |

Reflecting on the events of the past couple minutes, Lukasz comments, "I believe you have a point there Kal. why it is all nice and good to follow your own nature, sticking too that nature too much can lead to disaster, especially in an environment as lawless as the Greenbelt is. Maybe the future will hold more order, but for now we must learn to live by the law of the land."

Garick Nowicki |

After he and Ox see to the burial of the bandits. no thanks to Janku;P I'm guessing from your first post about dodging the work you stood by and let Garick and Ox dig the graves. He will come back take any remaining arrows to put with his stockpile. 40 arrows unless I missed someone else grab some if so please let me know. When the missus hands him the bundle he will thank her. He also quietly tries to reassure her out of the hearing of the others. Thanks mum, I hope you have seen your last troubles from these bandits; but don't fret I know some of this lot seems like they belong in manor houses and not out here, but they mean well and do want to do what is best. Just think one day you ans Oleg may have the premier trading post and roadhouse in the region and I for one will never forget your kindness of taking us in and feeding us proper. with that he gives her a smile. He takes the mule to the stable combs it down and checks the other horses as well. He then comes to where the group seems to be mostly gathered Well we have plenty of light left and with those extra horses I bet we could be at their doorstep before dark if we wanted. If we are going though we better hop to it.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
If none of the players object, we'll leave within an hour of burying the bodies. We'll take the horses that the bandits came in on; I believe that is enough for everyone. We'll be mindful of the directions the last bandit gave us, but we'll rely more on Garick's vast experience as a huntsman to keep us on the right track. Whatever gear the PCs don't take, we'll have Oleg clean up for his inventory. But again, I'll recommend that he keep it out of sight until he is sure we've succeeded and bandits won't come looking for their fellows.

Mastermind |

You're right Corso she already split it up for you guys. Also right that there was no need for a Perception check while traveling, only when doing a full explore of a hex.
As the sun progresses through the sky the group meets in the yard. Ox has checked over the horses making sure all of their tack is in good repair. They are of a sturdy breed, a calm disposition not easily spooked. The pack mule wouldn't blink an eye at a fireball. Once everyone has organized their packs and stowed away Svetlana's gift you head out.
It takes a little under three hours of travel across the plains before the group reaches the edge of the forest. Corso and Garick lead the way. Lukasz, Servayn, Ember and Ox travel together. Janku and Kalsgrim follow shortly behind.
The forests of the Stolen Lands are densely vegetated, the woods are crisscrossed with game trails and random clearings. The trees here consist of oaks, beech, rushleaf, and smaller scrub.
Night falls on the charter members as they make their way through the forest. It's nearly midnight when the group comes to the Thorn River. Looking farther up-stream a shallow crossing can be spotted with a large bonfire flickering through the trees on this side of the water.
I'll let you guys approach at your own discretion. For now it is too dark and you are too far away (300 yards) to make out any details.
Current Map of the Greenbelt, party path included