Keep Your Own Council (Inactive)

Game Master Nikolaus de'Shade

Solo Council of Thieves, with GM Nikolaus and Pendrak.

"Welcome... welcome to Westcrown, Heartland of the Greatest Nation on Earth, where shadowbeasts roam the night and your soul is a small price to pay to leave alive!"

Character Creation:

- Level 1, Gestalt
- 25 pt buy, max HP.
- Background Skills
- Max Gold
- Choose 1 campaign trait and 2 other traits. Drawback for an additional trait - as always, be fluffy!
- All published Paizo stuff is fine, anything 3PP feel free to ask :)

Just getting this up now so we don't have to slog through PM's all the time!

As I said earlier, if you'd like to invite someone else in I'm happy to run for two.

Campaign Traits:
Child of Infamy: Your family has long been in show business. Perhaps it was your parents, or an older sibling, or an uncle or aunt—whatever the case, one of your close relatives is, or was, a well-known and well-loved actor or actress. That this relation died in some compromising and embarrassing way has done little to alter your family’s name and fame—if anything, the unfortunate death has increased it. When folk learn your last name, they are quick to assume you live a wild life like your ill-fated relative, and whether you bask in this notoriety or do your best to hide your heritage, the years of association with the acting scene have had their effect. You’ve certainly inherited your relative’s talents, and are a larger-than-life figure, a melodramatic attention-hound, or a sly manipulator of emotions. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perform (act) skill checks, and the skill is always considered a class skill for you. Furthermore, you’ve inherited some of your relative’s funds, and begin play with a nest egg of 300 gp that you can spend however you wish.

Conspiracy Hunter: You’ve long heard rumors of dark deeds afoot in Westcrown. Shipments of valuable cargo that go missing with nary a trace or question asked. People who disappear as though they never existed. Lords of business and nobles who speak in veiled references and accidental slips of masters even they must obey. What lords rule the Westcrown underworld? Do the tales of far-reaching criminal organizations hold a hint of truth? Could the fabled Council of Thieves, said to have been purged from the city ages ago, have somehow survived or reformed? And what hold do they hold over the city today? You don’t know, but you’re determined to find out! Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Perception, Sense Motive, or Stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill and it is always considered a class skill for you.

Diabolist Raised: All your life you’ve lived within the grip of devil-possessed Cheliax. You care little for the religion of your country, but that is the way of life in the most magnificent empire in the world, and who are you to question the faith of the empire’s rulers? Certainly not a fool like some of your more idealistic acquaintances, possessed of bizarre ideals about personal freedoms and egalitarian rulership—who can say whatever happened to them? You know of Hell and the rigidity of its grim rulers, you’ve seen devils and how they might be employed to the betterment of those with the might to control them, and you know of the dark faith of your country. You might not be a devil worshiper yourself, but there are realities to living in Cheliax, and it’s always good to know what’s really going on behind the scenes. Your knowledge of diabolism grants you a +1 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks made against Westcrown’s nobility, and a +1 bonus on all saving throws made against mindaffecting attacks from devils.

Shadow Child: Westcrown has long suffered under a peculiar curse, a blight that rises every night, bringing with it fell beasts that hunt the shadows. No one can say from whence these night-horrors come—though some blame the mysterious wizards of Nidal, other claim that it’s some curse laid by fallen Aroden, while still others suggest some shadowy mastermind manipulates an ebon brood from the depths of Westcrown’s northern ruins. Whatever the case, the people of Westcrown have long feared the night, but not you. You’re goal is to reclaim the darkness from the beasts that hide within. You’ve acclimated yourself to the dark, and thus act with greater precision in the shadow than most. When attacking targets in areas of dim light, you do not suffer the standard 20% miss chance on attack rolls for being in the poorly lit area.

The Pathfinder’s Exile: Westcrown’s dilapidated Pathfinder lodge of Delvehaven has long excited your imagination. Forcibly closed by the order of the city’s diabolical rulers, the Pathfinders of Westcrown were exiled, forcing them to leave behind untold knowledge and the treasures of countless expeditions. Today, Delvehaven lies under the pale of fearful rumors and dark magic, and bureaucratic red tape has prevented trespass on the lodge’s well-protected grounds. Having secretly and illegally contacted agents of the Pathfinders, you’ve expressed your interest in aiding their ventures in Cheliax — with a particular eye toward investigating Delvehaven, the source of your long-standing adventuresome interests. To your surprise, some days ago you received a message back from an unnamed Pathfinder operating underground in the country. Along with encouraging you to investigate the lodge and report your findings to the Grand Lodge in Absalom, he’s sent along a battered and tarnished, yet still functional wayfinder. You’ve promised yourself to pay back your unknown contact the 500 gp cost of the item someday, but until then, it’s yours to use. A wayfinder is a magical compass that grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost, and can be commanded to emit light as the spell (CL 5th) as a standard action.

Westcrown Firebrand: There’s something very wrong with the world. Spouses were not meant to huddle at their windows hoping and fearing day after day that theirloved ones returned from work safely. Parents were not meant to hush their children when questioned about what happened to their neighbors. Citizens were not meant to avert their eyes and hurry by as guardsmen beat old friends in the street. The people of Westcrown have suffered long enough! It’s time for a change. But how? You’ve heard rumors of bands of free-thinking individuals meeting after the citywide curfew. Perhaps they might share your ideals? You are quick to react to opportunity, both physically and mentally, and know that it is with sudden and swift action that many conflicts are best resolved. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Initiative checks, and if you act in a surprise round, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls.

Happy to write one for you if none of these really fit, I also removed 'Infernal Bastard' because it's designed to de-power tieflings and that's unnecessary.

Male Human

I might have a real life friend who would be interested in joining. Let me see.

Male Human

Would a vigilante work in this campaign?

Absolutely - its very much a 'save the city, overthrow the existing powers' campagin. It's just that the existing powers are not the official government, hence why its not a 'slap House Thrune in the face' campaign.

Male Human

So, I think my friend may join us. We are thinking of both playing vigilante on one side. I think my other side will probably be wizard (race still likely halfling). He has been looking at the vampire hunter class (it is on the pfsrd, came on some Kickstarter), would that be okay for this? I know the campaign is probably not undead focused, and we might never even meet a vampire, but the class looks like it isn't entirely focused on hunting vamps.

Yeah I have no problem with Vampire Hunter. Halfling wizard sounds interesting too.

Is there any more information that would help you guys get a feel for the game?

Male Human

Hey, I just wanted to note that I haven't forgotten about this. I'm still mulling over what I want to play, and trying to get my friend to commit. I hope you don't mind terribly if we delay starting until I get everything sorted.

No worries - take your time. As for your friend, I'm happy to do it with one or two, so if he's not keen then it doesn't have to be a problem.

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