KC's Age of Worms

Game Master Kobold Catgirl

The Library of Last Resort is your last chance to find the resting place of Dragotha's phylactery. But you aren't the only people looking for it.
Loot Sheet.
GM Notes.

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Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
Carina Viera wrote:

True, but we ARE going up against a mind flayer

That rapier might end up being more valuable as a weapon we can use instead of as gold.

The glamered enchanted chain shirts can go though. Easily.

Considering how rarely Astraden mixes it up in melee, I doubt it'd be that much US. But it's up to her.

And for the record, we can sell that +2 chain shirt I'm wearing. I'll wear my +1 one until I can afford a Mithral Breastplate.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Uh, where did that chain shirt come from?

Edit: Oh it was Gattel's. I think we're just going to give that back to him after he's raised.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Surely he wouldn't mind if we sold his gear to cover his own resurrection?

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

That seems like kind of a dick move.

Maybe we should get Astraden to do a speak with dead first to see if he even wants to come back.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

It'd be a good idea for folks to start claiming stuff now to move this process along. I knocked 3000 gold off the top to cover Astraden's reincarnation and the cost of her restorations (which I assume she'll be casting on herself).

Just as a heads up, taking that rapier or the quicken rod will take out most if not all of the cash you have coming in.

Action Points: 10/13|Bombs: 11/23|Female Undine (Formerly Yugoloth-Spawn Tiefling) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 16|HP: 85/85|AC: 22(36)/14(23)/19(26)|Saves: +15 Fort (+20 vs. Poison), +18 Ref, +12 Will (+1 vs. Enchantments)|Initiative: +3|Perception: +21

Dibs on the +1 crossbow!

Also hoping to build myself a pepperbox pistol and get it enchanted at +1...

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11


With the weird 'between' status the worms seem to have, would the periapt of health protect the wearer from them?

*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 119/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 3/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 33/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 13/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3
Tanith wrote:

Tanith's brow furrows as Carina tries to explain the brain-gems.

"Are these copies or someone's actual mind?" he asks. "Maybe Gattel's in one of these and that's why he was a nutcase."

Or, y'know, maybe somebody ELSE that was kidnapped and actively duplicated by a doppelganger might be in one of them...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

As far as loot, unless anybody else wants it (it would be arguably more useful for Astraden), the quicken rod could be good for me. (And might be the only thing I can claim, because I think that's actually going to put me in debt to the party.)

Female Kobold
Tanith 'Kordson' Creed wrote:


With the weird 'between' status the worms seem to have, would the periapt of health protect the wearer from them?

No. I already answered this question earlier—they aren't disease.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11


Can we chug another identify infusion to identify more of this stuff?

Farrukh do you mind IDing those potions?

Female half-orc cleric 10/soul warden 5 | affected by:wind walk, air walk, good hope, haste, inspire courage, aegis? | HP56/123 | AC25/24/13| Fort+15,Ref+10,Will+18 | Init+6 | Perception+17
ActionPoints5/12|Channel0/7|Touchofchaos7/7|Copycat5/7|Channeldamage7/7|Orc ferocity1/1|Chaosblade2/2|Master'sillusion15/15|RVeil0/1|RInsanity1/1

I'll take the rapier, regardless of what it is (haven't checked Gameplay yet). It's my godfather's (and this is probably the only rapier upgrade I'm going to get for like 10 levels).

Liberty's Edge

Male Underpowered Warrior 1

Also, Astraden has enough cash on her to pay for her reincarnate and her first restoration. Then I heard someone saying the thieves' guild would pay for another? If not, I should be able to scrape together another 700.

Gattel's still got a bit less than 3k so we can use that to defray costs for his raising. Might already be being counted but I haven't had much time to look at the sheet.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

This is assuming we split Cuetzpalli's share, donate his current gear, and pay for Astraden's reincarnation and restorations.

Post Dopplepocalpse Draft #1


merciful light crossbow +1
8,932.50 gold


13,082.50 gold


lesser quicken rod
-4,417.50 gold


13,082.50 gold


keen aberration bane rapier +1 (The mask of Olidammara is crudely carved into the pommel)
3,932.50 gold


Potentially nice stuff in the vendor pile

ring of sustenance
periapt of health
spell storing longsword (touch of idiocy) +1 - Draconic word for "memory" is etched along the blade
frost greatsword +1 ('Frozen Heart' in Undercommon)

Stuff to be IDed still

shiny, very thin ring of mithral
large leather bag
Elaxan's healing wand (unidentified)
Eight unmarked potions
spellbook spattered with what seems to be old blood
spellbook with a drawing of a bird skull on the cover

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Carina, you should see if there's anything in those spellbooks you can filch.

Are the braingems valuable? I saw a 2000 in one of the columns but I thought that might have been leftover from the previous item that was in that slot.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Sweet, I can totally afford new armor now. All aboard the medium armor train. Choo choo!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Pretty sure the braingems do have value, at least as gemstones, but selling them might be a bad idea. (Or at least Eben's, if he can't get his copied mind out of there.) If it winds up in the wrong hands, then any potential recurring bad guys out there suddenly have a us-tracking device.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Yeah, we definitely want to 'format' them before pawning them if they're valuable.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Can anyone cast detect thoughts? Might be worthwhile on a non-adventuring day to investigate what other brains are stuck in the rest of them.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Carina might be able to. Maybe we'll luck out and it'll be in one of those spellbooks we've got.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Gark the Goblin wrote:

Also, Astraden has enough cash on her to pay for her reincarnate and her first restoration. Then I heard someone saying the thieves' guild would pay for another? If not, I should be able to scrape together another 700.

Gattel's still got a bit less than 3k so we can use that to defray costs for his raising. Might already be being counted but I haven't had much time to look at the sheet.

We negotiated the guild into paying for one raise dead and one restoration. If we use the restoration on Astraden and the raise on Gattel (which KC rather strongly hinted was the entire point of having the guild agree to that in the first place), well, dude can buy his own restorations whenever.

As far as paying for the reincarnate, I got the impression that Tanith deducted the gp for the components from the loot sheet before doing the tallying he's doing now. Is that the case, Tanith? If so, I'm fine with the party splitting the cost of your reincarnation. (I think Carina & Tanith paying the lion's share of her reincarnation & restorations are why they're both behind on WBL now; splitting the costs among all of us might help alleviate that in the future.)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Oh, and on the loot sheet, the 'One blue vial marked "Healing"' was the leftover vial of deathblade venom from Ixiaixian. Farrukh used it fighting Telakin.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Yeah, I took the cost of Astraden's reincarnation and two restorations out of the payouts. If we're getting one for free as a 'favor' I'll add that back in.

Gotcha. I'll remove that.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Oh, and the magic mirror. I assume it's back at the inn, so we can identify it later. (In case it has any other properties aside from revealing illusions.)

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

I totally forgot about that.

I don't think it reveals illusions. It reveals true forms.

Female Kobold
Tanith 'Kordson' Creed wrote:

Carina, you should see if there's anything in those spellbooks you can filch.

Are the braingems valuable? I saw a 2000 in one of the columns but I thought that might have been leftover from the previous item that was in that slot.

All the gems are worth 2000 gp. Several of them, however, are mind clones. The only way to de-clone them is to break them in half, which will lower the total value to 1200 per pair of pieces.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Sounds like a good deal to me. Let's get smashing!

If the spellbooks don't have detect thoughts in them we should get Carina a scroll of it should she can learn it as an extract and see who's brains we've got.

Which gem was Eben's? I'll go ahead and mark it as smashed.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

The blue one.

Female Kobold
Tanith 'Kordson' Creed wrote:

I totally forgot about that.

I don't think it reveals illusions. It reveals true forms.

To save time, I'll confirm (this is pretty easy to determine scientifically)—the mirror can be activated once per day, at which point it reveals all illusions and "falsehoods" for ten minutes. Because of its nature, it's mostly a flavor item, more attractive for a stationary NPC than a traveling adventurer. Unless you have Nodwick in your employ.

How much it's worth more-or-less depends on the ever-dreaded Appraise check.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

The campaign's true mastermind reveals itself again!

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Hrm. Are we waiting on anything specific? I think we need a bit of a time skip.

Female half-orc cleric 10/soul warden 5 | affected by:wind walk, air walk, good hope, haste, inspire courage, aegis? | HP56/123 | AC25/24/13| Fort+15,Ref+10,Will+18 | Init+6 | Perception+17
ActionPoints5/12|Channel0/7|Touchofchaos7/7|Copycat5/7|Channeldamage7/7|Orc ferocity1/1|Chaosblade2/2|Master'sillusion15/15|RVeil0/1|RInsanity1/1

Astraden can look at the spellbooks with read magic around 8 pm, once she's prepared new spells.

Female Kobold

If we're going for a time skip, what are you guys doing in the meantime? It's noon now.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Afternoon To Do List:

*Taking Gattel to be raised by Eben’s friends

*Selling off loot


*Picking up some cheese cloth or something to try straining those cloudy potions


*Start gathering info on the fire at the Kord shrine

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

I love the life of an adventurer.

-Go grocery shopping.
-Bring back an acquaintance from beyond the grave.
-Eat lunch.
-Investigate the destruction of a temple.
-Take a nice hot bath.
-Fend off ninjas in the bathhouse.
-Eat dinner.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

I didn't really have any major plans once stuff was sold off and whatnot. Though at some point we should do something with our drow prisoner one way or the other...

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

We keep forgetting about her.

That settles it. Eben's in charge of interrogation.

Action Points: 10/13|Bombs: 11/23|Female Undine (Formerly Yugoloth-Spawn Tiefling) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 16|HP: 85/85|AC: 22(36)/14(23)/19(26)|Saves: +15 Fort (+20 vs. Poison), +18 Ref, +12 Will (+1 vs. Enchantments)|Initiative: +3|Perception: +21

To Do:

--Get started on building a mwk pepperbox pistol with my share of the loot

--Give Tanith a hand with ensuring Cuetzpalli's body is given a proper funeral & ensuring Gattel is raised from the dead

--Share a nice dinner with the party

--Find someone who can enchant weapons so I can get a +1 enhancement to my eventual pepperbox pistol

--Make more bullets

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

As for Farrukh's to-do list

-Buy/commision a +1 Mithral Breastplate, and perhaps some other gear (once loot is sold off).

-Assist with the interrogation of the prisoner. He may not be charming, but he's not averse to "advanced interrogation" techniques either. Fun part is, I add my Favored Target bonus to Intimidate checks now, so I'm at a +0!

-Show up for the funeral.

-Winner winner delicious dinner.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Tanith 'Kordson' Creed wrote:

We keep forgetting about her.

That settles it. Eben's in charge of interrogation.

"Tell us about the mind flayer or I will PULL THIS COIN OUT OF YOUR EAR!"

Aside from whatever interrogation results my rather negligible Intimidate can achieve, after that's done I think we should let her go and have Farrukh and Rodrigo (or, rather, Sombra, who we haven't met as of yet) track her. (We can stage it so I 'accidentally' let her go while adjusting her ropes or something, or else Rodrigo or Astraden, who she hasn't seen, can come into the stable mid-shakedown and pretend to be an innocent bystander and free her.)

Female Kobold

I'll post later today—catching the bus now. It's been a long week of 3.5-hour bedtimes.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'll post later today—catching the bus now. It's been a long week of 3.5-hour bedtimes.

Yeah, 1st edition had the best bedtime rules.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Sad Farrukh realizes he has been gypping himself out of 1 AC for quite some time because Sad Farrukh forgot he had Shield Focus.


Female Kobold

That probably explains why I have so much trouble working out your AC sometimes.

Female Kobold

By the way, in case it wasn't clear, the pearl necklace is not worth 2,000 gold. As Eben initially assumed, it's fairly valueless thanks to its damage.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Hmm. I went to edit it but I don't see that on the sheet. Is the pearl necklace the "necklace bearing a large cracked silver pearl" that Carina determined contained someone's shattered mind?

Female Kobold

No, it's the other necklace with a pearl on it. ;)

The reason I'm clarifying this is that it's one of the mind clones, so someone could conceivably assume it'd be worth as much as the others.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

Your snark wounds me sir.

I’d preemptively marked that one as worth 1200 gold – the value of a smashed braingem.

Female Kobold

Exactly my reasons for the clarification.

Sorry about the snark, I just had to chase the dog around in the mud to get her to leave the sheep alone.

Male Suel Sacred Fist/Godling 15 | 161/161 hp, Init +0, AC 32 (39 presently) [touch 23, FF 24], Fort +20*, Ref +12, Will +21; Perception +7
Active Buffs:
Blessing 8/8 | Fervor 9/9 | Smites 6/6 | Rage 15/15 | Ki 10/10 | Action Points 6/11

I jest. I’ve got resistance to snark from reptilian humanoids.

I didn’t know you guys have sheep. I haven’t had to deal with barnyard animals in years now.

I don’t miss it. At. All.

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