Torcan Starcloak |

Sanar, the only problem is that, where would we store our weaponry and such? Other than that I have almost no qualms. Steward, full this flask please.
Torcan hands him a decorated Holdalls with intricate gold inlay, the emblem is the same one that is on his ring. Along with 2 gold peices.
Ellis, maybe we shouldn't go where that is,
He's a bit buzzed.

Sanar "Sawtooth" Orchraul |

"Well, you would be in a wagon, which would also be carrying your weapons. The weapons would just be stored separately from you, as makes sense for slaves. Like I said, just a suggestion. It would require a lot of acting on my part, which is doable, but it isn't exactly what I would prefer."

William Kazzar |

Then we ride to Mirgilaura then on a boat to Evansilvia. How long do you need to be all ready, with food packed and a traveling mount?
Tocan by the way are you hiding the summoner symbol on your forehead? and can you describe the one on starmauler's?
Sanar since apparently you are the only one who has traveled and lived in Gilunaural i am sure you can tell us all about it during our travel.

Quee Greenriver |

"Then you surely must accompany me to find some cheddar - sharper than any ridiculous swords you might need to hide on this trip. While you won't cut yourself, you'll feel as if you won a battle proper after your first bite!"

Arazni |

Buy what you need to, remember that prices in the capital city, except for trade goods, are 12% higher than normal due to coin inflation. On the good side of things, practically everything and anything you could possibly wish for is available. You may try Appraise and Diplomacy skill checks to try to reduce prices.

William Kazzar |

Arazni |

1d100 ⇒ 34
1d100 ⇒ 36
Suddenly a commotion outside your vine-enclosed area threatens to break through the fragile, and surprisingly effective, barrier. A fight has broken out in the Amethyst Chalice, and many tables are being thrown to the side as most of the elves draw rapiers or long slender knives.
If you look to see what is happening, some of the beautiful flowering vines that the tavern uses for decoration have come alive, and are holding one unfortunate elf to the ceiling and slowly strangling him.
The voice surprises most everyone present, but it seems to spur them into action, and they begin hacking away at the vines to release their stranglehold.
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 1
Although the elves were quick to react, they did not cut away enough of the vines to keep their comrade from being strangled. If you mean to intercede, now would be the best time to do it.

William Kazzar |

william will have opened the curtain to see what was going on, but he isn't going to interfere or intervene as it would draw unnecessary attention. But he will not prevent anyone from doing so. He instead will rather hide under the table.

William Kazzar |

DM, how many rebels are there and how many loyalist are gearing up to fight them? an please warn me if any innocent(i mean people not wanting to fight get into trouble)are in danger. James will sit on his haunch and will quietly guard the entrance (no growl, no barking and his big tongue sticking out)to our private box (it should be me and Lyraesel left i believe)

Arazni |

There are no currently visible rebels. The loyalists are in confusion, trying to save their companion from the magical attack. (Sorry about using the word fight before, it seemed like an appropriate word at the time. And indeed, without knowing what specifically is happening, you might have assumed that it was a fight.)
The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, though it did not breach the magical barrier of the vines around your table (except through the open door).
It's possible the voice came from the vines themselves.
With your training, you can look at both of the spoilers above.

Quee Greenriver |

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Unable to see what all the commotion was about, Quee rushed into the main hall with the vine-strangling. What's this?! A voice sounded through the room, but he could not tell from whom or what. Given the immediacy of the situation, it would be best, he judged, to save the person. Unfortunately, plant-slaying was something for which he was ill-equipped.
He turned to the crowd and looked for someone who seemed good with something that could cut, then realized they had their own expertise among themselves. "Mercenary!" he tugged insistantly at Sanar's arm, having forgotten the announced name already. "You must do something! He's being suffocated!"

Sanar "Sawtooth" Orchraul |

"Why would I? These guys seem to be part of some sort of resistance. I don't know anything about it, and I don't want to be involved. Furthermore, this ale house seems to be of no meager means, meaning it is best not to cross them. These guys stomped up in here and made a ruckus and one of them is suffering for it."

Quee Greenriver |

"Why would I? These guys seem to be part of some sort of resistance. I don't know anything about it, and I don't want to be involved. Furthermore, this ale house seems to be of no meager means, meaning it is best not to cross them. These guys stomped up in here and made a ruckus and one of them is suffering for it."
"But the vines will KILL him!" cried Quee. He turned to the other strong-looking member. "Mister Starcloak, please help him! He doesn't have long!"

Sanar "Sawtooth" Orchraul |

cant see it either. cant even highlight anything in it
"They came in here with knives drawn. They knew there would be violence, they planned on creating it. What they didn't plan for was the tables turning. Why should they not be subject to the violence they planned for others?"

Lyraesel |

Don't know what happened, reposted it
Lyraesel stares silently at the Halflings face, giving him the impression that his motives are being examined in detail.
”Yes, I am from Mirgilaura, and it is true that I have little love for the those who have taken advantage of our land. But my true concern is the High forest and anything that would threaten the land itself.”
She takes a sip of the wine in front of her, “These lands were here long before these empires, we elves seem to forget that the land is far older than we are and will still be here when our empires crumble to dust. I seek to protect the land and the natural world from anything that might rise up and despoil it, and if that means working with Lin Sharel for the greater good so be it.”
”That being said…….” she trails off as the commotion draws her attention. Looking out, the druidess’ eyes narrow as she watches the activity of the vines and hears the voice speaking familiar words.
She draws back into her seat.
"The question is, what did he do to warrant that? These vines aren't what most would consider sentient."
Spellcraft1d20 ⇒ 12
Knowledge Nature1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Quee Greenriver |

Quee's worry turns to anger. "How can you simply talk about him like that?! We don't even know the reason behind the scuffle, yet you leave him to die!" The elf rushes over to beneath the man and a few feet beside him. "You must push off the ceiling as hard as you can!" His right hand begins an ictus as Quee's left slips into a pouch on his belt briefly. The hand then removes itself and stretches out, seemingly as if to hold something, then shakes and lowers bit by bit. "Push!"
Casting levitate on the held man for increasing force up to 300 lbs downward.

William Kazzar |

Speaking from under the table in a whisper:

Arazni |

While some of the elf's companions are still trying to free him from the strangling vines, now squeezing him against the decorative stone trellis on the ceiling, many more have run off to raise the alarm.
It is not long before a unit of the city watch arrives, led by a well armored male elf with a shining silver helmet. The city watch rush into the building, but by then, it is too late. The elf perished, strangled to death by the flowering vines that decorated the Amethyst Chalice.
"Thiardella's Tears! Lord Venrel!" He exclaims.
Lord Venrel is known as one of the members of the Progressive Court of Regents (They typically wear black and silver robes in the Consel of Regents.) He was one of the Regents calling for direct military intervention in both Mirgilaura and Gilunaural.

Torcan Starcloak |

Keep kallm Architect,
Kn:nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
wow, sorry guys, I can only post every once every 24 hours, and we're moving, I would've saved him probably...

William Kazzar |

Nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Arazni |

I believe you would have picked up the Representative of the Consel trait as your regional, since that really has to do with the Elvish nobility in general, not just the Consel of Regents. So yes, you have +1 to Knowledge (nobility) and to Perform (oratory).
The Silverhelm begins clearing out the tavern, now that it has been declared a crime scene. When he gets to your secluded table, he looks over it briefly, noticing that some of you are foreigners. "I don't suppose you know anything about all this? It really is rather shameful that our Silver City is torn apart by dissidents, not something we want foreigners to see."

William Kazzar |

in commonWell hello there, unfortunately we haven't seen much as the curtain was closed during the whole thing. We heard some commotion in the common room. Therefore we opened the curtain and we saw the vines grappling the men. A few seconds afterward he was dead.