K01 (Kingdoms of the Seven Continents) (Inactive)

Game Master stardust

The Continent of Flangrica
Kingdoms of Flangrica

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You stand before the doors leading to the great Assembly Chamber of the Consel of Regents, the imperial senate of the Lin~Sharel empire (known also as Luna Silver colloquially and though it is frowned upon by the governors of Lin~Sharel, also as the Silver Empire) On either side of the doors, the great banners of Lin~Sharel wave boldly, one white, one black, both with an artisan's beautiful rendition of a round silver shield with sapphire, emerald, ruby, citrine, and a diamond in the center.

You notice there are others standing outside the Assembly Chamber as well, and that they have likely also been summoned. Why, however, is anyone's guess.

The doors open suddenly, tall and graceful doors that could only be crafted (and perhaps even enjoyed as architectural wonders) by the long-lived elves of Lin~Sharel. Nearly twice the height of a normal man, they swing gracefully, without sound, and as though they were as light as a scrap of cloth.

A tall male elf in an elegant robe of black and white, with silver trim throughout stands and looks at you all, taking you individually into account. It seems a long time passes before he says anything. "So you came." The lilting elven dialect taints the common tongue, and it is obvious that this is a man more used to speaking in Elven than in the common tongue. "It has taken me more than my fair share of influence in the Consel of Regents to have you brought here, and freed from the chains that previously bound you." The elf arches an eyebrow, and it is apparent that when he said the word 'chains' he was implying both the physical and figurative varieties. "I am Lord Havellin, and while most of you do not need to make your introductions to me, these patient co-sufferers might have some need to know a little of each of you. You will be working together after all."

He swiftly turns away, heading back towards the large assembly chamber. A hooded figure waits there, watching from the doorway before it too steps forward into the light. Its robes were made of coarse brown linen, but were clean, sashed at the waist with a belt of colored ribbons woven together. "And I, Regent. Will I not be introduced as well." The figure removes her hood, revealing a feline face with a thick lion's mane that shook itself loose as the hood was pulled back. "I am Paleira St. Adronis, a Monk of the Saints of Avalon. I am a cultural attache to the Consel of Regents, meaning I basically inform the Consel about the affairs of the Seven, when I am able. Likewise, I record and transmit the histories of Lin~Sharel's political decisions... (at least the ones I am privy to), to the Monks of Avalon. We are a large, and influential order... interested only in maintaining education, treating the sick and injured, and preserving peace between the kingdoms, when we are able."

"I am sure they know most of that, Paleira." The elven lord spoke again, this time he stood further afield and looked back towards the group as he waited for them to follow him.

Knowledge (local) DC 15 (Paleira):
Paleira St. Adronis is well-known among the common people of Lin~Sharel. In addition to being cultural attache to the Consel of Regents, she also runs an orphanage, and has provided significant funds from the Monks of Avalon for the establishment of a small university and a hospital in the city.

Knowledge (local) DC 15 (Lord Havellin):
Lord Havellin is not the senior-most Representative Regent in the Consel, but he is rapidly gaining influence among the traditionalists. He is a firm voice in the Consel against open warfare with their neighbors, including with Gilunaural, the devil-worshipping empire to the southwest.

Knowledge (nobility) DC 15 (Paleira):
Paleira St. Adronis is a knowledgeable attache, and has been able to inform the Consel of Regents on a number of matters in the kingdoms of Flangrica outside the normal reach of the representative government. She is strictly neutral, however, and despite political pressure from some of the Consuls, refuses to take sides in any specific debate.

Knowledge (nobility) DC 15 (Lord Havellin):
Lord Havellin is rapidly gaining influence among the Silver Thread traditionalists of the Consel of Regents. While the Amethyst Consortium (as it sometimes calls itself) is one of the more radical group of Regents in the Consel, calling for open warfare, and if need be, for the Consel of Regents to seize more power in the lands of Lin~Sharel's enemies, Lord Havellin has been quick to remind the Consel that elves do not kill elves, nor do they bend another to their will. These are subtle but effective references to Thiardella's First, sacred laws that are meant to govern all elves.

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

kn:nobility Havellin: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
kn:nobility Paleira: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

"My lords, i have come back to Lin-Sharel as soon as possible after reciving your letter."
diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
KN:Nobility Havellin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
KN:Nobility Paleria: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
"And, it is nice to make your aquaintance, Monk of Avalon. My companion here is Sanar Sawtooth."

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

DM, i don't make if you roll initiative, Aoo's, and any relevant skill we might use during the game in order to speed us posting :)

Nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

The halfling stares in wonder at the great doors, then at all who are assemble before him. you can almost see a glimer of surprise and excitement in his eyes.

He slides down from his saddle, next to the big ridding dog he was mounted on.

Well then hello and greetings to you all, Regent, Ambassador, noble sir's. I am William.... William Kazzar, and this is James.

Please say hello to everyone James.

Hp 5/19 AC 18 (+5 Perc; +2 Init; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2)

Wouf !

The big dog comes toward all in front of him, starting first with the lady. Sits on his haunches and extend his paw.

if the person will not take his paw, he will move on to the next person.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

Once has the dog finished he will come back and sit besides william, who will give him a pat on the head.

you can hear him softly whisper.

that is a good boy...

Paleira seems delighted with the dog, bending down to pet his head after shaking his paw. The elf simply raises an eyebrow at it, turning instead to Torcan. "Are you sure this companion of yours is known to you. The way he is looking at you, it seems rather that he doesn't know you. And of the six of you gathered here today, Sanar..." He unfurls a scroll and glances at it. Orchraul is the one least known to me. But I am informed he is some type of mercenary, as I hope you all are."

"Come, we can speak better in my greeting chamber."

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

William will take a bit of time following everyone as they get inside the structures. His very stiff left leg makes it so that he walks very slowly.
Meanwhile james is content just to trail after such a nice lady and placing himself next to her as she walks down the corridor.

Once inside the Palace he will turn his head all over the place as admire the inside of this wonderful structure.

Hp 5/19 AC 18 (+5 Perc; +2 Init; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2)

Wouf !

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

Know(Local(Paleira)): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Know(Nobility(Paleira)): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Know(Local(Lord Havellin)): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Know(Nobility(Lord Havellin)): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

Apologies for the double-post. Edit timer ran out!

Such a wonderful set of doors, those. I might have to ask the maker his secrets!

Not unusal for him, Quee fixated on what he found most interesting, perhaps not what was most important. He came back to the people standing before him. Important people, he recognized.

"Quee Greenriver at your service, my lord!" Just a bit short of excitement, the Elf's voice was enthusiastic, eager to see about what these summons were. He followed readily behind them, and waved down to the dog when he returned. "Hello, James!" he said in a drippingly sweet voice - one in which a pet might be cooed.

I second what William said. Do go ahead and roll our more passive checks - like knowledge, perception, initiative, saves, and whatnot - for us when you can. It really speeds the game along; it's never fun to wait half a day for the scout to see if he sees who sees them!

Initiative and Saves, will do. But I'll still call for knowledge checks, and group perception checks. (If its an individual perception check, I'll roll it and let the person know what they see). However, if a personal knowledge check or group perception check takes a long time, I'll wave it through as required for the pace of the game.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

Torcan goes and stands next to Cirrus and checks his equipment, but still keeps an eye out for guards.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

"Ah yes, I do not know this man. But you are correct, I am in the business of working for gold."

Active Spells/Effects:
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2

Lyraesel quietly studies those gathered for the meeting.

She had no great love for the Silver Empire, yet she understood that whatever had been happening recently lay at the heart of this meeting with the Lin~Sharel, and as a representative of bother nation and the High Forest, she had a responsibility to be here. Amidst the silken finery, she stood out, beautiful, but in a far more natural manner that the other elves in attendance, her leaf armor and forest green cloak more suited to the deep forest than marble halls, her presence accompanied by the smell of greenery and wildflowers.

Silently she followed the others into the greeting chamber, the Halfling’s dog bringing an unbidden smile to her face despite her reservations.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

"Sanar, i do not know much about you, but of your prowess with the sawtoothed glaive you weild, i know much. And im glad we are together, and not agianst one another."
Torcan bows slightly to the mercenary. Then follows the Elven lord and the Monk into the hall, leaving Cirrus but locking the saddlebags.

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

Sanor follows the group, his armor jostling with every heavy-booted step.

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

Such a beautiful building. The trim on the lord's robes? Exquisite! Each step following was a thrill for Quee. There was variety in those called though - not all of the standard Elven refinement. The halfling was simply adorable with the cutest pup ever, and the woman possessed a natural beauty all her own.

Knowledge(Planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

The heavily-armored mercenary certainly had an imposing look from his other-heritage ... but perhaps was kinder within. Neither of those seemed to be their callers' main point of interest though. Turning to the two heavily-armored tallfolk, the other of whom was their focus, Quee suspected, the wizard attempted to acquaint himself as they walked. "My name is Quee - I'm of the Greenriver variety. It seems the two of you know each other and may be a bit more apprised of the situation than I. Do you know for what they are calling us?"

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

"I've no idea, unless it's to fight something. That's usually what people want from me."

M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3

"Fight? Whom? I am certainly not the best choice for a battle! Well, unless we're battling woodpeckers. I've learned many a cantrip useful against those dastardly birds. Before I did though, I had to build my shop out of stone because they kept pecking holes in the timber walls. Stone! Expensive, I tell you, but worth it. Not to say the doors we came through were cheaply-made at all, Thiardella no, they were marvelous. But I just can't be made to watch for birds all the time..."

It was likely their hosts stopped before Quee did.

"Thiardella no, they were marvelous."

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

" Yes, i would also like to know why you chose us 6, I take it we wont be standig here, looking pretty for everybody."

Lets see, we've got The Traitor, The Mercenary, The Hermit, The Halfling, The Druid and The Architect. This must be some plan, that they dont want any of the common folk knowing about.

Torcan's wearing a set of nicer clothes than his usual sword and armor, theyre embroidered with a silverish thread and his family crest is on the shoulders, along with a nice-ish pair of boots.The cloak he's wearing shimmers like, its not supposed to be here.

"It's alright Star, im going to be safe and sound, besides, Cirrus dosent like it either, and i really dont."
He whispers to the Eidolon quietly.

"No, and in fact I would prefer that your stealthiness be paramount. It is one reason why we are meeting so late in the day, after the Consul's sessions." Lord Havellin intones as the rest of you are finally stepping forward and attempting to identify yourselves and others in your group.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

Then, Torcan's cape shudders and turns a deep red, then a serpentine head pokes out from behind Torcan's shoulder and looks around.

N/A Eidolon Badass (1) Language Repository(10)

"Hello to one, hello to all!
It says in perfect Elvish, then Common.

He looks at everybody, an attempt at a smile on his serpentine maw.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Whaou, an amazing creature that is. I have never seen a snake quite like it. Hum actually that might not be a natural snake. could it be a familiar of some sort. One that has been the result of some mutation that has gone wrong. Its scale colors aren't ones that can be found naturally.

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

Sanar looks to the one who summoned them all here, eager to continue with the exposition.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

"Everybody, meet Star, he's my Ediolon."

Torcan sighs.

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

Indignant, Sanar asks, "And you thought now, in a meeting of unknown purpose with a Lord and a High Monk was the best time for this puppet show?"

N/A Eidolon Badass (1) Language Repository(10)

And what is your name Tiefling?"

Speaking in Infernal.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

"Hes not a puppet, Sanar. He's more of... a translator. But, he can fight.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

Well hello, hello indeed Mr Ediolon. I am william and this is James. he says with a wave of his hand and a puzzle look.

Hum weird name for a familiar, must really have been a horrible mutation that caused him to grow appropriate vocal cords, as snakes aren't born with any...

Hp 5/19 AC 18 (+5 Perc; +2 Init; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2)

Wouf, Wouf !

RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3

Slack-jawed fools, Sanar thinks to himself.

Chuckling, he turns back to their esteemed host.

N/A Eidolon Badass (1) Language Repository(10)

"Hello to you too, Mister Halfling, I am not from this world, if that is what you are thinking, i am not a mutated monster, I am, Starmauler, Torcan designed me and here i am."

Wish i could speak Dog.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

He designed a living creature? my my my, how amazing is that. You must tell me all about it starmauler once our interview is over.

N/A Eidolon Badass (1) Language Repository(10)

"Star will do just fine, but do you know how to speak Dog?"

Active Spells/Effects:
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2

Lyraesel stared at the talking creature with open surprise and more than a little disdain. Clearly not of this plane of existence, the odd serpentine creature seemed....wrong,unnatural.

"Yes, I also wonder why we are here."

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

Why as fluently as a parent speak's baby tongue.. he replied with a grin.

Hp 5/19 AC 18 (+5 Perc; +2 Init; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2)

turning sideways his big head looking at the strange snake

Woooouf ?

he then goes to lie down at lyraesel's feet.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

See what i was trying to tell you? you feed them, care for them and they betray you for the very pretty elf maiden. he says with semi amused smile.

N/A Eidolon Badass (1) Language Repository(10)

"Why we're here? That's easy, either A:The Gods above got bored and created all of us or B : We were all summoned here by the Wise Regent over there.
" And what is your name, Halfling?"

Star points the tip of his tail at the Wise Regent in question for a moment then settles his head down on Torcans shoulders and watches the others.

Active Spells/Effects:
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2

With a smile, Lyraesel crouches down, offering her hand to the big dog, before running her hands through his thick fur.

"Well aren't you a smart one?" she lilted affectionately

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

Whispering softly,it's william

Hp 5/19 AC 18 (+5 Perc; +2 Init; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2)

james eyes and mouth widen as the intense pleasure is rather obvious

The hooded monk finally gathers the rest of the group together, lightly herding the missing ones into the greeting chamber.

"Let me see if I have your names correctly." the Lord says, unfurling his scroll once again. "William Kazzar, a halfling I see. From very far lands? Evansilvia?" Lord Havellin questions.

"Lyraesel. No family or city name, so you must be a druid. Of Mirgilaura? Atrathan Shanath."

Atrathan Shanath is a greeting/apology in the druidic secret language. It is sometimes used with nondruids, however, so easily picked up by anyone who might have dealt with druids in the past.

"Sanar Orchral. Mercenary."

"Torcan Starcloak, Silverhelm Guardian."

"Quee Greenriver. An interesting name. I'm not certain why the common tongue of men has become so popular in our names of late. It seems to be a rising trend."

"Ellis Mirari? The quiet one, as of yet. But apparently one of the mystics that can communicate with our ancestors. Quietness seems rather appropriate."

As soon as everyone indicates that they are the people Lord Havellin thinks they should be, Paleira closes the doors behind them and indicates they can sit down on the several silvergilt, cushioned chairs facing Lord Havellin's desk.

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

I am indeed from that very far land Lord Regent

Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)

if there are no small size chair, william will rather stand than trying to dangle his feet in a rather large chair.

Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)

"Former Silverhelm, Wise Regent. I got a letter saying i would be granted my post and all things that come with it after this, assignment is completed.

Torcan sits down and looks around the Regent's chamber. Then observes his companions.

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