Arazni |

The Amethyst Chalice is a large tavern (no rooms to let, but the proprietor suggests the Fiery Citrine, which is only a few buildings down the road), with tall graceful arches and silverbell flowers winding up the thin columns supporting the roof. Circular and leaf shaped tables can be found throughout the patio area. There is only a small indoor area that seems to be reserved for the kitchen and beverage storage.
A few larger tables on the outer rim of the circular tavern might be ideal, especially as they are secluded by veils of draping, flowering ivies. While the whole area seems to be magically kept temperate, all of the tables have small fire pits in the center, where continual flames dance, lighting the space with a warm, golden glow.
It is swiftly determined that the Amethyst Chalice has its name from the small fist-sized cups that wine and some liquors are served in, carved from semiprecious amethyst, and then set with small oval sparkling deep jewels. Wines from Igramirmia; Ales, beers, and meads from Aliakern; and local wines are all available here. There are even some exotic imports from Siterica and the Isle of Avalon.

William Kazzar |

one the way there, william and james will pay attention to see if they aren't followed. (DM you can make the rolls if they are relevant)
Would it be possible to have a private room where we could enjoy drinks and good conversation innkeeper?

Arazni |

An elven server escorts the group, after looking strangely at the halfling for a moment or two, to one of the ivy-secluded tables. He sweeps his hand across the veil and the ivy curls up, allowing passage underneath it. The table and six silvergilt chairs glow warmly with a continual flame, white fragrant flowers with metallic silver stamens bloom from the vines.
In Elven, "Just touch the vines again to lower them and be in seclusion."
The server apparently knows enough common to understand it, but doesn't speak it well.

Quee Greenriver |

That's quite the trick! thought Quee as the vines moved aside. "For a drink surprise me - nothing too pricy though!" Quee waited until they were all inside before touching the ivy, it enclosing once more. "Isn't that just the dandiest thing, that ivy? My stars, if we weren't busy doing this errand, I would have half a mind to learn its secrets and nurture some for my own shop!" Quee took a seat near the plant.

Lyraesel |

Lyraesel takes a set as well, her eyes taking in the manipulated vines and flowers which she spends a moment breathing in. Ordering a honeyed mead she looks at her new companions.
"Is it safe to assume we all speak elven?" she asks quietly.

William Kazzar |

still pursuing in common:Ok so let me recap and correct me if i am wrong: Lyraesel is a druid from the high forest. You specialty is divine energy with tracking skill and a good working knowledge of nature. So i figure you are here to assist with off road travel and finding out what happened to the "Land" itself if anything is off.
no wonder james like you more then I he continues with a smile while looking at the dog you're a traitor aren't you. almost laughing.
Sanar is a mercenary and Torcan a Silverhelm Guardian, i suppose that you are both martial combatant, any specific skill set?
Quee we don't know yet
and Ellis is supposed to be a mystic of some sorts. Can you please define what does a mystic as i do not know if i have ever meet one.

Quee Greenriver |

"Why, what is there to know? Greenriver Gemgilding - that's my shop. If you need a ring, bracelet, tiara ... I'm your Elf." He took a look at Sanar. "All this talk of fighting! Aren't we to see about this religion? Unless they're prone to having jihads on every stranger in their realm, the only swordfighting I hope to see would be in a play. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen The Duelest and the Dandelion, you should. It's quite marvelous."
Quee's drink arrived, and he took a sip. "A very different concoction. Berries in it, I think."

Quee Greenriver |

Quee wafts his drink's aroma towards him. "Yes, elderberries of the South, I'd think." A bit more of his drink is imbibed before turning his attention to the halfling. "Interesting? What about me knowing cantrips or "book knowledge" interests you?"

William Kazzar |

both as it means that you have been trained in arcane arts and in different knowledge as well. Therefore you might be able to understand information we undercover about the situation "there". The fact that you are also a crafter is a interesting bonus.

Ellis Mirari |

Ellis clears his throat.
"I... hear the dead. Constantly. It's not something I have control over, but it's been going on for a very long time. The only voice I coudl hear clearly and consistently is my grandfather's, from my mother's side. About a decade ago, when I was just a boy... my connection to the dead inexplicably grew stronger, which has had a number of effects, good and ill."
Ellis lowers the illusion of his hat, revealling to all present his blackened flesh.
"Since then, manipulating the energies of life and death and come naturally to me, and my connection to my grandfather has grown stronger. Strong enough, even, to... bring him here, for a short time."
Ellis glances at Lyraesel, convinced of her opinion now knowing that she is a druid.

William Kazzar |

hum, well visibly embarrassed i am sure there are secrets to be spoken by the dead, and eventually i am sure that you will gain the power to talk to them too. Well it looks like we can count on the protection of our two combatants to keep us from harm and ellis' to keep us alive.
Dam these tables are too high for me, is you would excuse me for a minute my leg is cramping up, i'll go walk it off by going to the men's room.
and with that william slides down from his chair and walks outside at a slower pace than usual, his hand tight around his thigh.

Lyraesel |

Lyraesel looks at the half elf with an appraising gaze.
"I for one appreciate your honesty Ellis. While I cannot say that I like the idea of tampering with the dead, it is less.....worrying than I had thought."
She pauses for a moment thinking as she reaches out to one of the plants near the table.
" I am of the Green Faith, and can commune with the earth and her creatures. I am sure that traveling through the wilderness will bring it's own dangers that I can help us with."

Arazni |

Sometime after drinks are served, but before the server returns to inquire if the party would like dinner, a servant arrives with a mapcase of silver, yellowing ivory, and slightly cracked ebony wood. It has been freshly sealed with the silver shield emblem of Lin~Sharel, an indication that it is from the official archives of the Consel of Regents. Attached is a wax sealed envelope of fine vellum.
"Brave ones, enclosed is the most recent map of Gilunaural I was able to procure. Destroy this note once you have read it. ~H."

Quee Greenriver |

Quee takes the box, opens it, glancing at the map for a brief moment before setting it aside. "What a marvelous gift!" he exclaims, turning the prize around in his hands. Indeed, the box was of an artisan's make, masterfully crafted. "Metal, bone, and wood, blended together as a delicious salad, the flavors of the eyes and hands mixing perfectly." He ran his fingers along the edges slowly. "What does the note say?" he asked, rather absentmindedly as he admired the case before him.

William Kazzar |

you are correct Sanar, the common border between Lin Sharel and Gilunaural is completely close and sealed. I don't know how travel is once inside the kingdom of Gilunaural. I am sure we could cross the borders actually. But inside i do not know. Most commercial traffic with the south is around Gilunaural by sea from Mirgilaura to Evansilvia and from there we can go to Sisnomirgil.

Lyraesel |

"Travelling by ship will take longer, and draw more eyes. This is not the most common of groups, and we are likely to be remembered,"Lyraesel says quietly.
"Besides, my strengths are more suited to land travel, and I would think being on a ship in that armor would not be a good idea."She says looking at Sanar.

Sanar "Sawtooth" Orchraul |

"Yeah, trust me, I dont like ship anymore than you do. But I getting past the border will prove difficult, and travel will draw the eyes of everyone we pass. I do have an old friend in that country though, if I could get a message to him, perhaps I could help."
Thinking about dragging them cross-country under the pretense of them being slaves or sacrifices. Gonna try to contact someone on the inside to get a carriage/wagon arranged.

William Kazzar |

If we travel by sea we can join a commercial merchant ship and be hired guard and therefore will not draw suspicion. If we travel by land we can, seeing our combined skills definitely cross the border. The real question is has anyone here travel in Gilnunaural at all that knows the custom well enough to make us blend in? Do we need traveling papers? do they use the same gold coins? etc etc etc. I personally usually prefer land as i do not like sea that much but you know i really am not to sure that is the best option.

Lyraesel |

Lyraesel looks at the note with distaste. "Does anyone have a means of destroying the note before we continue any furter?"

Arazni |

Everyone, will be updating the game tonight after work. We'll finally get this show on the road. Let me know where you want to head. You're currently at the red city north of the river. You can travel one hex per day, two hexes per day by mount or carriage, or three hexes per day by boat.

Quee Greenriver |

Quee smiles at them. "It's flattering to think you belieeve us so worth of people's attention. While we do look mismatched, who's to say we're special? Unless, of course, one of us is famous already. He puffs out his chest in feigned haughtiness. "I, for one, am a jeweler of great renown. Merely a glimpse of my face sparks a gaggle of giggles." He seemed to have ignite himself, for the wizard burst into a bit of laughter.

William Kazzar |

all things considered i rather go to Mirgilaura then on a boat to Evansilvia and from there we can go to Sisnomirgil. I suggest for those who do not have a horse to get one as the ride is rather long to the coast. We can depart tomorrow and follow the river to Anglamirauna. It should take us about 12 days to get there. So prepare food accordingly, if we decide to go down that path. There we can resupply on food and continue to Mirgilaura. Or we could find a trade caravan, ride with them toward that destination, but they travel at a slower pace. Its up to you.

William Kazzar |

turning toward Quee: its not what we are worth that i worry its the tension between Lin Sharel and Gilnunaural. They are on the verge of open warfare and therefore all eyes and ears of both countries will be out looking at their opponents every moves. Hence the reason why we were hired, to try and not attract any unwanted attention.

Sanar "Sawtooth" Orchraul |

"Well, I believe I can get us through Gilunaural under the pretense of you being my slaves. I spent a good portion of my days there. That said, by boat would probably be easier, as we would have to get a wagon and horses and it would be a long ride."