K01 (Kingdoms of the Seven Continents) (Inactive)

Game Master stardust

The Continent of Flangrica
Kingdoms of Flangrica

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Gods, you and your bugs, at least i always know where Cirrus and Starmauler are.

Starmauler is the not-yet determined eliodon of Torcan, and Cirrus is his war-horse.

Isnt that right, Cirrus?

Torcan strokes the horse's mane as the companions wait outside the doors to the great hall. Then takes out a deck of unmarked cards, and starts playing a game.


Grand Lodge

pff :)
I hear that bugs do make a nice source of protein when your in the wild...

"I heard those bugs of his can get lots bigger, friend."

Torcan then goes to designing his Eidolon.

Grand Lodge

Cool more food if we really get hungry :)

"I've eaten 'worse'"

Alright, I will have a final list of characters here in a few moments. Since there were about 8 full submissions, I had to choose based on how well I thought the characters would fit into the campaign. Those who wrote an awesome background, incorporating themselves more fully with the rest of the world are included among the selected characters.

A full list of characters:
Torcan Starcloak (Elven Cavalier)
Lyraesel of the High Forest (Elven Druid)
William (No surname given) (Halfling cavalier/oracle)
Zurul Vushani (Half Elf gray wizard or dark wizard? - your background says Gray)
Quee Greenriver (Elven High Wizard)
Sanar Orchraul (Paladin of Gilunaural, unless you want to be known as something else...)

Ellis Mirari (Half Elf Oracle)
Harrel Groser (Human Witch)
Unnamed (? Gold Wizard)

Thank you everyone, for your submissions. It was a difficult decision, and I had hoped that some of our other interested players had been able to submit a character in time. Alts, stick around. If one of the other players decides they won't be able to play, you'll be bumped up into the gamers.

I will have the gameplay thread up tonight.... Right now, I have to get to work for another 6 hours or so. :P

Grand Lodge

Yay !

I am ready (or almost)

Eyes of The Night. Somebody please look it up.

look up what? and what is it supposed to be? a game? a book ? a place?

oh and you haven't listed you feats nor added your skills to your sheet (give the DM the total bonus it allows him not to have to count).

look at my sheet if you want an example

I dont have a problem with that moniker except when in nations that like Gilunaural very little. In those places I will go by my regular name, or be referenced as a warrior or mercenary.

Its a song...

Van Halen ?

Do you mean Goggles of Night?

And im still working on my stuff, i need to use my laptop to do the stats and stuff. Ive been using a Nook tablet, theres alot of stuff i cant do on it. My brother takes my laptop and goes everywhere, so i dont get it until he gets back home.

Tell him not to. :P

Older brother...
Besides, he put in some of the money to buy it.

The song is called 'Eyes of The Night' by the band Starlight Mints!
Its sets my mood.

Zurul Vushani, you are sorely missed in the gameplay thread... Enter stage left, whenever you're ready...

Alright, we've given ample time (24 hours since notification) for Zurul to show up. And I so wanted to see a dark wizard in action. Ellis Mirari, you're in.

Sweet! I need to finish makign the character now (gear and such things).

Its okay if you just roleplay for now, put basics in your profile. I'm looking over everyone's profiles and getting finished statblocks ready.

Kay kay, I'm pretty sure I have everything essential in there (except perhaps the stats for the revelation skeleton, but that probably won't be needed for awhile. It's just a normal skeleton with extra hit die and susequently higher BAB and saves)

A description or visual would be useful, especially considering the circumstances.

I can do both!

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