Torcan Starcloak |

Gods, you and your bugs, at least i always know where Cirrus and Starmauler are.
Starmauler is the not-yet determined eliodon of Torcan, and Cirrus is his war-horse.
Isnt that right, Cirrus?
Torcan strokes the horse's mane as the companions wait outside the doors to the great hall. Then takes out a deck of unmarked cards, and starts playing a game.

Arazni |

Alright, I will have a final list of characters here in a few moments. Since there were about 8 full submissions, I had to choose based on how well I thought the characters would fit into the campaign. Those who wrote an awesome background, incorporating themselves more fully with the rest of the world are included among the selected characters.
A full list of characters:
Torcan Starcloak (Elven Cavalier)
Lyraesel of the High Forest (Elven Druid)
William (No surname given) (Halfling cavalier/oracle)
Zurul Vushani (Half Elf gray wizard or dark wizard? - your background says Gray)
Quee Greenriver (Elven High Wizard)
Sanar Orchraul (Paladin of Gilunaural, unless you want to be known as something else...)
Ellis Mirari (Half Elf Oracle)
Harrel Groser (Human Witch)
Unnamed (? Gold Wizard)
Thank you everyone, for your submissions. It was a difficult decision, and I had hoped that some of our other interested players had been able to submit a character in time. Alts, stick around. If one of the other players decides they won't be able to play, you'll be bumped up into the gamers.
I will have the gameplay thread up tonight.... Right now, I have to get to work for another 6 hours or so. :P