Torcan Starcloak |

Star can speak 10 different languages, they are as follows. Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Terran, Draconic, Aquan, Halfling, Sylvan & Ignan
The reason for this is that e gets all of my languages and i gave him an evolution that puts a +8 in any skill, I chose Linguistics.

Quee Greenriver |

There's a story behind that name! thought Quee, but he held his tongue for now. Instead, the exquisite chairs drew his attention. He walked to the one second from the right, looking it over and giving it a good rub to analyze its texture.
Appraise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Not forgetting his manners, he stood behind his seat until their host took one himself.

Lyraesel |

Lyraesel's expression betrays her surprise.
"Atrathan Shanath, I am Lyraesel of the High Forest, devotee of The Green"

Arazni |

Star can speak 10 different languages, they are as follows. Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Terran, Draconic, Aquan, Halfling, Sylvan & Ignan
The reason for this is that e gets all of my languages and i gave him an evolution that puts a +8 in any skill, I chose Linguistics.
I'm not exactly certain that the skilled evolution works that way. I don't think it counts as 8 skillpoints, but rather as a +8 bonus to performing the skill. But I could be mistaken. Allowing it for now until I research the rules.

William Kazzar |

Ask and Thou shalt receive
Skilled (Ex)1-Point Evolutions
An eidolon becomes especially adept at a specific skill, gaining a +8 racial bonus on that skill. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different skill

Ellis Mirari |

Ellis takes the offered seat and glances between each other person in the room, looking for social cues. He had never been in a situation that required etiquette, and was afraid of offending his hosts. That concern, as well as the hope that no one present would see through his hat's illusion, was all he could think about at the moment.
"I am indeed Ellis Mirari."
Disguise Check to conceal his wasting flesh: 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 10 - 4 = 8
Yeay adventure!

Arazni |

Ouch, poor roll. Welcome to the game board, Ellis. A roll like that might indicate a fumble of some type. Perhaps you were so nervous at meeting the lord that you dropped your bandages.
Although the elven regent raised his eyebrows slightly at the site, he said nothing to bring attention to the state of the young mystic.
"Then we are all here. I believe your group is qualified for a particular mission. None of you are affiliated directly with the government of Lin~Sharel, and that only increases our plausible deniability if we should have to refute your existence." He turns to Paleira. [b]"Perhaps you can explain, Paleira?"
The hooded monk with leonal features nods. "An envoy from Sisnomirgil was received here in Lin~Sharel's capital only a week ago. Although that kingdom is not officially under the regency of Lin~Sharel, the elves did their best to accommodate the questions of this envoy. Primarily of interest was that nations sudden loss of communication with its neighbor Gilgyngould. We had been hearing strange reports for a time from that kingdom. A new religion rising. A religion which could spell the difference between victory and defeat if Lin~Sharel and Gilunaural are at war"
The elf speaks again, "That is where you come in. We need adventurers to find their way to Gilgyngould, determine what is going on there, and report back. Preferably without being caught by Gilunaural forces. If you are captured, the Consel of Regents, will disavow your existence."

Quee Greenriver |

"Perhaps my talent in tongues could be useful then; after all, the difference between victory and defeat is only a few letters and a syllable!"
Quee begins laughing airily at his own joke for a few moments before seeing he was in a distinct minority of those amused.
"Er, well the business of this new religion - do they dress or speak in a certain way? Looking and sounding like them might help with our covertness." Such sticks in the mud! Quee was excited to be doing something important though, even if it wasn't his cup of tea.

Lyraesel |

Perception1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Lyraesel's eyes narrow as the odd half-elf speaks, the acute vision studying his bandages and the marred flesh beneath them.
Heal1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Her expression seemed to darken after a few minutes, barely listening to the conversation at hand.

Ellis Mirari |

I just realized I forgot to add in my Cha modifier to that Disguise roll (which effectively negates the -4). Oh well, let's just play it as it lay, since it's a roll I still could have gotten just as easily, and it don't think ti would effect anyone's result anyhow.

Arazni |

"There is enough concern that communication between the two kingdoms was disrupted. These were two nations allied against Gilunaural, and they once had a similar culture." The elven lord strokes his chin for a moment. "It is curious to us because obviously whatever has happened in Gilgyngould has not awakened any of the Powers, or otherwise given them cause to intervene. This is either because whatever this new religion is more powerful than the Powers, or aligned with them. In either case, this is information the Consel of Regents is willing to part with extensive coin to determine."
The elf pauses, allowing Paleira to step out of the room quietly. "The Consel is prepared to offer each of you 2500 gold coins (or its equivalent in works of fine silver) in addition to any writs of freedom that may be needed, when this task is completed. I do not think I have to tell you that this is not an ungenerous sum."

Lyraesel |

"I will agree to investigate this strange new following." Lyraesel responds with a sidelong glance at the half elf.

Arazni |

Actually he's referring to Dragons. Erp. I never got a chance to finish the continent's kingdoms, but the far north and far south of Flangrica are inhabited by dragons. Ice Dragons in the far north, and Gold Dragons in the south. But no one has seen Gold Dragons in a long time, so it is assumed they are sleeping.

Quee Greenriver |

"We will found what needs to be found, my lord." Quee stands and bows, folding his arm over his chest. "Not to be premature about our success, but I will take the fine silver over the gold pieces. Coins are simply too similar to be exciting!"

Arazni |

"Haha. Usually, yes. But elves pride themselves on artistry, and while the Consel of Regents prefers that coins all be the same, they have determined that it is the weight of the metal that is important, rather than its shape. If you haven't yet experienced the full artistry of an elven coin collection, it is something to behold." The regent pulls out a handful of gold coins. Each one is incredibly unique, some shaped like rings, some as round discs, one is shaped like a diamond with a small ruby in the center. There's also a large purple and blue gem wrapped in gold wire.
"That last one's dwarven, of course. But still, more interesting than standardized human coins. But you may have works of silver if you prefer."
Being from where you are from, Quee: It's possible that the coins there have been more influenced by the Monks of Avalon, who prefer a standard shape and size for coins.

Quee Greenriver |

Quite likely!
Quee's eyes are clearly focused on those coins the regent exposes. "Indeed! Well, I can't say you haven't piqued my interest. I hope to complete this task with haste, my lord!"

Arazni |

"How to get there? Straight through Gilunaural. I fear our maps of Gilunaural's roads are less accurate than they once were. Even the Monks of Avalon have been unable to maintain proper maps of the area. Unless you would prefer to take an alternate route. Presumably, you could sail by ship to Sisnomirgil and make your way past the wall that protects that nation. It might be easier. But hiring a ship would come out of your earnings, if the Consel pays for it."
There are no current maps of Gilunaural's roads. The last one is dated 400 years ago. There are a few maps of Sisnomirgil's ports and roads dated 20 years ago.
The party must make the decision to go by land or by sea.

Quee Greenriver |

"I do wonder if such a tavern takes after its namesake; have they chalices with amethysts in them? A beautiful stone to be sure, but expensive to but molding in every cup. The color might play nicely with the wine in the goblets though." Quee thought for a moment. "Yes, let's head there. With your leave, my lord." Quee bowed quickly and turned to walk away - not out of disrespect did he forget to wait for the regent's blessing, but out of his thoughts being on these amethyst chalices.