Jammin's Takeover Way of the Wicked

Game Master YanJieming

Map of Talingard
Party Gold / Items

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Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

And if we beat his init. He dead.

Will post in about an hour. Just doing vocal coaching now.

the trap door is whats large the ladder itself is only big enough to hold one person. You could try but you would have to take a -5 to your stealth for the awkwardness. You could climb one behind the other with no problem.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Hoping that they can climb stealthily and not attack till at the top to avoid that penalty? Maybe pretend to be a guard even if one of you are in uniform.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Porticullis is not the word I should have used. I mean to know if the "trapdoor" leading to the roof can be locked....

But they are just going there and killing, so whatever...

well for information's sake. Can only be locked from the outside via the large rocks near them.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

oh, so those are large rocks? Well thought!

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

Where exactly would our characters end up after we had climbed up?

placed them around where they should be

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

@DM Yodler what exactly are those little slits on the wall, and could people climb through those?

they are arrow slits. Not big enough to go through but big enough to shoot an arrow through.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Holy dam. I go to sleep for 6 hrs and 27 new posts.

just so you know will treat it as 1d6 damage a round, no chance to put it out because of the sheer quantity in the area.

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Thats cool.. We will have angle to fire down with bows too right? Could 2 people manage to fire down the same hole?

yup said that two people could fire down the trap door. Have to say never ruled anything of the sorts before. I have had alchemists fire strapped to a sheep though.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Haha. Suicide sheep.

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Way i see it Kharn will only gain a point of Ac over the chainshirt and his dex mod, not to mentioned he'll lose 10' of movement.. Ill gain 2 AC from it and will be getting used to a 20' movement rate.. The longsword i think is a no brainer with Kharn using the greatsword..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Go ahead man, I'm still looking for my missing Mithral Breatplate... Where do they keep our stuff, for god's sake?

all sold to further the cause of Mitra! Some paladin of Mitra is donning your breastplate, time to go get it soon ;)

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Not soon enough, I'll rip their souls to pieces for such a dishonorable act!

Anyway, take a look at out items sheet and please tell me what else we're taking.
I see the gold, a ring, 7? longbows, four books, 5 noble outfits, the chain mail, H.shield and MW longsword with Vlad, Ion Torch with me, unholy symbol and scrolls with Eryan, 3 chain shirts with each of us, an Owl with Kharn, some useless rusted weapons, and what else can you carry?

Oh and there's grumblejack, gosh we have a living weagon!

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

We have two rings. One from the wizard, and the other from the guard room. 11 Longbows total, though we may keep two of them just to have a ranged option.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

So, Yodler, is the Chain Mail masterwork? How much is the first ring worth? (the second I noted is 250gp).

Are you going to let Vladamir use the ring Kharn?

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Id like to as it would kick in my trait.. I dont have to keep it forever.. Just till i get a replacement 150gp worth of jewelry..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Really? Common Vlad you're better than that. If you're gonna wear jewelry, do it right!

I don't think one who seems more intimidating in jewelry would 'sell' it to buy a cheaper one, do you?

If you don't keep it, I will.

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Well i wasn't tryin to be a hog.. He'll take the ring and wear it proudly.. I actaully see him wearing much over the 150gp needed to the point of it causes neg stealth due to shinyness.. Yall haven't had a chance to see it but when he not tromping around killing stuff hes very much a pretty boy aristocratish.. Not fopish in his speech but likes to dress nice and all that..

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

I'll let Vlad have the ring. What are we going to do with this next village? We killed most of the guard, but do we still want to avoid the next town? I think we could get a lot of things from there that might help out. Especially since we can sell our loot there, and just carry gold. Also Argan, I cannot access the Google doc for the items sheet.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Try it now Kharn. I know we're mean and want to rule over each other, but if we begin to disagree too often we will be doomed, so I think a fair division will balance the party. If you have questions about it just ask.

So let's advance through here the next stop:
"We have cross the moors on the outskirts of town and find a manor on the Moor road. There's no time frame, so I believe the sooner the better, while also finding some other place to go to. Let's try to use the hard ground, not to leave tracks. Better to avoid the city entirely."

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Remember we got a map of the moor. So we should go straight to Taldoras place and maybe let things cool down. The village will see the prison and search for us. Man im proud of the little bonfire i made. :p

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Burning the place out was a grand idea.. Much easier than fighting those guys.. I agree we should head straight for the mansion..

With the absence of our arcane caster i vote we get another at the mansion btw.. Unless you plan on reopening the recruitment i vote for either Lady Adriana over Goodie.. They both have low a low con but i think the bard is better suited for our mostly physical damage group..

Will probably give goodie a boost to stats to even her out to the rest of the party. Am talking to Goodie right now getting her up to speed on everything and working on an entry angle.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Tiadora is actually Goodie in disguise!!


damn my laptops bracket button is busted lol. Yes though, the ogre does have darkvision that was an oversight on my part. Mainly because of my spending my breaks doing my best to keep the action going with all the posts lol.

You guys broke my key board lol. I will post in a few mins when I get home.

Have goodie all set up and I will provide info for your trek through the Moors and the final destination.

Thanks for the suggestion as well Argan for Goodie. We just got everything figured out when I got your message.

Also, start considering what you would like to have as far as second level goes. Following your meeting with your mystery patron you all will be the second level.

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

I want a Ferrari, but since those haven't been invented yet. I'll just go another level of barbarian and get my first DR Yay!

having fun making maps, so i think ill go to bed now.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Ok i need some help here.

In the PRD, for the possessed oracle, it has spells that replace the normal bonus spells from your chosen mystery. I thought you get one at 2nd level and every 2 after that. But possessed says Ventriloquism(1st). Do i get it at 1st level and the normal winds spell Alter Winds (lame spell anyway as far as I can tell) or just Ventriloquism?

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

I would say yes, it exchanges Alter Winds, but that's just a guess.

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

I would say thats a typo Eryan.. Im goin Antipally all the way..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

I've no idea where I'm going second level, but I guess I'm keeping rogue. Will there be opportunities to get the Crimson Assassin prestige class by the 6th level? Or we just don't know that?

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

On a second thought, let's leave the martial for Kharn and Vlad, and enjoy my Charisma 16...

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Unless you get your alertness or weapon prof: sawtooth sabre from an ioun stone than you'll be 9th before you have the required feats prc Crimson Assassin.. Well 2 levels of fighter would get you there.. If your gonna take 2 you might as well go 3 levels of weapon master for weapon training.. Then gloves of dueling will make it +3.. As you can see if pt alot of thought into the prc already.. My version of the build went ranger 2/weapon master 3 though.. Rogue 2/Weapon Master 3 would also work though..

Actually now that i think about it if you took Rogue Talent: Combat trick for the exotic weapon prof and then alertness at 3rd, Rogue Talent: Weapon Training for weapon focus at 4th you would be fine to prc at 6th.. I still would go 3 levels of weapon master for the bab and weapon training..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Initial idea was Rogue 4/Fighter 1/Crimson Assassin X, but that was after the idea zero, Rogue 3/Unbreakable 2/Crimson 3/Pain Taster 5/Crimson X....

Anyway, I know how to do it, but right now I was thinking

You don't know what I was thinking, Ha ha!

Seriously, I'll leave the fully martial paths for you and Kharn ^_^

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Man there's absolutely nothing wrong with have a stealthy backstabber running amuk with 2 full bab bruisers.. Regardless you should at least rogue 2 for evasion.. I assume by your statement that you wanna break off to some sorta caster.. Sorc or Bard perhaps.. Could always shoot for the Arcane Trickster prc, hell or even an Eldritch Knight.. I personally like your Red Mantiss idea..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Thanks for the input man, but I'll keep the suspense up some more ^_^

Dar be fightin to be had. Save the Meta for later! lol jk.

DR 3 (-) Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1 Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5 | HP 91/91 (109/109 R) | AC 17 (15 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (12 raging) | F +9 (12 R); Ref +5; W +3 (5 R) | +3 Initiative | Perc +11 | Sense Motive +11

Geez leave for 30 minutes and you guys are already dying on me.

Grumblejack to the rescue... well if vlad doesn't steal his thunda!

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Welcome Goodie! There's not much to be told aside from what we did in the prison, and that was putting everyone down and lighting the place on fire (pyromaniac drow). Blackerly is presumably dead, but you probably did not know him. Were you branded?

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

Nope. The only thing that mars Goodie's brown skin is time.

Thanks, I look forward to this collection of the evil and/or insane.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Hey. The voice inside my head told me to do it!

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