Jammin's Takeover Way of the Wicked

Game Master YanJieming

Map of Talingard
Party Gold / Items

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i should have just gone with a verbal agreement lol.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Oh yes, we would. Of course Yodler is probably thinking 'hey, who designed this shit had no idea what he was doing!'

Let's see what the DM says, as we're probably ending the adventure prematurely if we deny it, right? But let's have some fun before accepting it...

For all the impression, I would say Triadora is powerful enough, so he should also be something...

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Haha. Don't provoke a lvl 20 cleric guys!

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Oh you're a level 20 cleric? Show me!

Nice one Goodie.

Where's Kharn btw?

im keeping a rolling stat sheet for everyone for my reference. If you guys could just summarize what you added on the level up that would be grand ;). Just double checking on for skill point totals and all that. Double checking on encumbrance and that too looks at Eryan ;)

@Kharn: Vigilant Battler does not give the skill Sense Motive as a class skill.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Going over my stuff again.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Wow, 60lbs atm which is heavy encumbered.

Chain shirt = 25
Heavy steel shield = 15
Rope 100ft = 20

Does clothes count towards encumberment?

Im going to give the rope to the stronger ones if we need to keep it, otherwise dump it. Its worth 1gp to us if we sell it.

So down to 40lbs. Medium.

Any sort of shield will put me over. Light is 26 or less...

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

BAB +1
CMB still +6
CMD increased to 20
Reflex +1
HP rolled 7, to 21 total
Favored Class choice: HP
Skill points: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Intimidate, K.Religion, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth
New abilities: Evasion

Gold gold gold gold!
Please answer me Yodler!

@Eryan: use a buckler 5lbs.

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Level 2
Hp Rolled 10+1 con+1 Fav class=24hp
Bab +1
Fort +1
Will +1
Touch of Corruption 4/day
Unholy Resilience
Skills: 2+2int=4
Bluff 1 rank
Diplomacy 1 rank
Sense Motive 1 rank
Stealth 1 rank

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

Oh yeah just noticed that with Vigilant Battler. Is there a trait that does allow sense motive as a class skill, and would you be fine if I switched it out?

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

(Magical) Outcast’s Intuition: You are able to sense the motives
of others and use that sense to bolster your magic against
dispelling. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive
checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. In
addition, your caster level is treated as 1 level higher for
the purposes of any attempts to dispel your magic

(social) Bastard: You were born out of wedlock. You have always
been an outsider in society, and in your own family. This
perspective has sharpened your insight. You gain a +1
trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is
always a class skill for you.

(social) Inf luence: Your position in society grants you special
insight into others, and special consideration or outright
awe from others. Choose one of the following skills:
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait
bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

(social) Suspicious: You discovered at an early age that someone
you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied
to you, and lied often, about something you had taken
for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of
others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks,
and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

(human race trait) World Traveler: Your family has taken the love of travel to an extreme, roaming the world extensively. You’ve seen
dozens of cultures and have learned to appreciate the
diversity of what the world has to offer. Select one of the
following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense
Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with that skill,
and it is always a class skill for you.

All from the Ultimate Campaign.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

About the loot, Vlad, I often think that to have the fair share is always better. So I've made the sheet, and of course we may do it differently, but that allow us to have a good view about the loot. For example, as it is not you are using 530gp in equipment, while your fair share of the gold would be 871.75 gp, so you still have 341gp to spend. If you want to discard your equipment, you sell it (for hald the price, as usual) and will be back to the 871.75 of your share, since you "bought it" for half the price already.

The reward of 200gp is not on the sheet yet, since I'm waiting for the answer if we got 200gp total or each.

The sheet also allows us to borrow money from the 'party gold pool', since we're working together at a long term contract...

BTW, all the amounts are, so far, without Goodie in the party, so, Yodler, how is it going to work? Will we just include Goodie in the share, or will she start with the average we have so far?

@party: May we keep that or do you want to make it differently?

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

IMO on how we should distribute loot is that we should think of every item as being sold for gold (half price if not a trade good, and full price if it is), and if you want that item then you speak up in the discussion board, and that will be taken out of your share of gold.

EX: I'm keeping a greatsword, glaive, battleaxe, chainshirt, 1 longbow, 20 arrows. That would be 122 gold out of my character's share (chain shirt can be sold for 50 GP, greatsword can be sold for 25 GP, glaive can be sold for 4 GP, battleaxe can be sold for 5 GP, longbow can be sold for 37.5 GP, and the arrows can be sold for .5 GP)

If we have a conflict on who wants what then those two people can bid on how much they want that item. Gold/Gems has to be accepted immediately as a bid, but things that aren't gold/gems have to be accepted by the group (group meaning whoever isn't bidding). You can bid as much of your share as you want, but if your share runs out then you would have to start bidding with other gold, or items.

EX: Kharn wants the +1 longsword, but so does Vlad (group would be Goodie, Argan, and Eryan). The gain of selling a +1 longsword would be 1157.5, and that's where the bidding would start.

Vlad bids another 50 GP (1207.5 GP), and that bid is immediately accepted. Kharn wants to bid his battleaxe, glaive, and 45 GP (1202.5, or 1211.5 if they accept the battleaxe, and glaive).

The battleaxe, and glaive have to be accepted by the group before they can count. Eryan is okay with selling the weapons, but Goodie, and Argan decide they don't want to have to deal with the trouble of selling those two items so they say no, so the battleaxe, and glaive are not accepted.

Kharn then has one final chance to bid before it goes to Vlad. Kharn declines, and Vlad gets the +1 longsword, but his share of the gold is further reduced by 50 GP.

2nd EX: The group defeats a guard, and finds only a +1 longsowrd on him along with 50 GP. If Vlad wants the longsword, and no-one starts the bidding Vlad owes the group 1107.5 GP. (If this puts his balance below zero then he can still keep the item, but his next couple of shares would have to go strait to the group). If Vlad has 1007.5 GP in gold then he can't pay 100 GP, so he goes 100 GP in the hole. after the next fight the group finds a bag with 500 GP in it. Normally it would give out 100 GP to each party member, but since Vlad is 100 GP in the hole his 100 GP share instead goes to the rest of the group to pay off his +1 longsword.

(This seem fair?)

EDIT: Yeah this took me a while, so I didn't see Argan's post, but that is basically what I was trying to say, but would we want to do the bidding on items if more than one person wants it?

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

I don't have strong opinions on the matter so I will cosign whatever distribution of loot is favored by the majority.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

I think this will work fine. Updated the sheet with you equipment Kharn.

Should we buy a healing wand, just in case?

If any of you want to edit the sheet just tell me an e-mail that can be used on google docs, and I'll permit it.

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

A healing wand seems wise.

For the time being I will allow you to have brought anything that you guys found in the prison. We will say that you fashioned a way to carry it out,. Don't want the hassle of it lol.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Not worried how we divide the loot. The sheet looks fine. And if someone gets a +1 first that two people could use, the next +1 is the other party members no bidding.

oh you got 200g each sorry argan

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Do i have enough gold to get a mithril chain shirt? Cost is 1100gp.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

The master of coins informs you that, according to the updated Sheet, we've gathered a brand total of 5181 gold pieces, which gives us each (Goodie included) 1036 gp each, from which you subtract whatever you gathered as equipment (using half the price for it). That's not enough for the mithral chain shirt, but I'm not going to use all my money, so I'll lend you what you need.

Does anyone mind keeping the scrolls and thieves' tools as 'party items'?

Just a confirmation, you started without any items, right Goodie?

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Awesome. Just keep track of what you lent me.

I think we should sell the scrolls since no one can use them.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Goodie can use them. I actually didn't 'lend it to you', you just took it from the 'Real Gold Pool', which I will personally guarantee this time, since you all are not used to the sheet, yet.

The Iron Circlet is freaking very powerful, isn't it? That's at will?

Aquisitions: Argan will buy two Masterwork Sawtooth Sabres and use the following days to learn how to use them (670gp total). Choose Combat Trick as my rogue talent, since the only talent that grants weapon proficiency is firearm-related. So Exotic Weapon Proficiency it is. Aside from that depends if we're buying the wand or not.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Does the iron circlet let me pass as human?

So i have sold my chain shirt and procured a Mithral Chain shirt. Yay for no armor check penalties and half weight. Now i can actually carry a shield again. I HATE having my movement speed reduced lol.

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Cant change type but can change subtype. Heck yea. No one will know i am a drow.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

If you don't mind then, I'll apply one of the skill points on the second level to add a 2nd rank to Disguise, instead of the 2nd rank on disable device.

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

@DM Yodler since Vigilant Battler doesn't give me sense motive as a class skill would you mind if I replaced it with the trait Suspicious?

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

@Argan Since we have nice clothing now should we sell the 5 noble outfits we got from the warden's room?

that will be the final change to any characters. From now on all changes are finalized and no more changes will be accepted. Can't have you all switching on the fly :) I understand from the first go. :)

Go ahead Kharn

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

Vlad would sell his chainmail and buy a mwk breastplate..

Puts me at 506+75=581

Mwk Breastplate is 350 so 231 left, then he's gonna spend 150 to swap his shield for a mwk quickdraw steel shield.. So 241-209=32 gold left..

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

I didn't start with anything. I don't even think I used any starting gold. I've just been pulling random set dressing out of my yarn basket.

I'll contribute part of my portion to a curing wand.

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

What scrolls are there?

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Vladamir have only 32gp left. Eryan is at -60, but i can cover that and still have 216gp left. How are you doing Kharn? Do you really want to buy the wand folks?

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Scroll of Sleep
Scroll of Magic Missiles
Scroll of Hideous Laughter

Touch of Corruption 8/8, Smite Good 3/3, Call Fiendish Ally 1/1
HP 102/102 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | CMD 23 | Fort +16 | Ref +8 | Will +11 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | SM +9
Active Effects:

If we're short ill forgo the quickdraw shield for now and put that portion to the wand.. Just an fyi to everyone Positive energy doesn't heal me, it does quite the opposite.. I have some self heals, but perhaps we should do an infernal healing wand instead..

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Nothing more suited, I believe. I'm adding it to the sheet, as a party item then. You chose if you want it to be a CLW or a Infernal Healing. The last one is to be used out of combat, I believe, but it's otherwise far better than the CLW wand, as it heals 10 points of damage (with some restrictions, tough.)

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

A wand of infernal healing would be very apropriate for us evils i reckon.

always good to have scrolls since Goodie has UMD.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Well, maybe not enough to a batle, and those scrolls are meant for battle...


Does anyone have interesting games needing players?

You should start one lol. Id come and join!

I have some of the ap's in pdf if ypu wanted to use them. Also have some modules.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Actually I'm thinking about saving a Kingmakers game which our GM just stopped, but I'll let you know...

Male Drow Oracle of Wind (Possessed) 4 Init +6; Hp:34/34; AC: 18; Touch: 14; FF: 14, Fort: 4; Ref: 6; Will: 5(+4 vs enchantment); CMB: +2; CMD: 16; Perception +4

Hey guys what about grumblejack. We should get him some armour and a large hammer or something.

Full plate and epic size hammer. What a scary tank.

Loot | HP 40/71 | AC 21 | T 13 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +7 | Ref +12 | Will +2(+8) | Init +4 | Perc +11 | SM +9

Argan approaches Eryan, smiling and extending a hand to put comfortably on the drow's shoulder:
"Eryan, Eryan. My friend. You know, we like Grumblejack and all, but you see, he has his own appointments to attend to... His place is in the open field, or in the forest, wherever he won't bump into things and break them. He will be ok," - he looks into your eyes, making a friendly, assuring face - "yes he will, don't worry. He likes to be on the woods, no one will hurt him there..."

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 4 l HP: 22 l AC: 11 [T: 11, FF: 10] l Fort: +2, Dex: +2, Will: +6 l Per: +6 l Init: +3

If you take him out into the woods and force him to throw rocks at the ogre, that would be kind of perfect. :-p

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

I gave the bird over to some slaves to be trained, but if they didn't do it then here's a roll.

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Kharn smiles at Trik.

"Nice to meet you as well Trik. I will try to tell you and your twin apart. The bird is quite an odd pet, but his old master waas going senile, so I 'liberated' the bird from him. Would you mind if I asked how exactly you, and your twin met these other folks? Dostan seems to be a bit perturbed that you gave out his name."

your welcome to have the take 20 on the roll. You won't have any time to teach the bird any tricks there. It will be just for decoration now, something to keep your shoulder warm ;)

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 Furious Guardian 1 | HP 101/118 (119/136 R) | AC 17 (17 raging); Touch AC 13 (11 raging); FF 14 (14 raging) | F +12 (15 R); Ref +5; W +4 (6 R) | +3 Init | Perc +12 | Sense Motive +12 Human DR 3/- Doubled vs. Non-Lethal | CMB+10 (12 R) | CMD 23 (25 R) | Resist Cold 1

Just realized I posted in the wrong spot, sorry. Do you want me to move the posts around?

just did for ya :)

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