GM Spazmodeus presents Second Darkness

Game Master Spazmodeus

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The old pirate takes a pull from his watery, but free , beer, "I'll tells ya, back in me day, there was blood in
the streets every night! Pirates and cutthroats all, makin' merry and gettin' mad! Hehehee! Ah, the feelin' ya got
as you sailed in under that cursed arch, ready for the booze and women....Nows a days it's all civilized like,
everythin' divvied up all nice! Ol' Cromarkcky's been in charge for what, thiry years? He's a damned politition, not
a pirate! By Besmara's teats, it's a damn shame what's come to ol' Riddleport...."
. Then overcome with memories, the
old man totters away to get another free bear and maybe some food from the bartender.

Such a tale has been told you many times by the oldtimers , fond of telling anyone who'd listen that the old Riddleport
was the better Riddleport.

However, you live in the new Riddleport, for woe or weal. Navigating the shifting power of the Crimelords and those under
them that grasp for whatever slivers of power come their way is a way of life in Riddleport. Or , for the unfortunate, a way
of getting themselves killed.

Now adding to the intrigue and skullduggery of Riddleport, the Blot appears, bringing with it wonder and fear in equal measures.
Many a deal is now accompanied with a glance at the Blot and and quick, hopefully subtle, warding gesture. The people of Riddleport
appreciate the preditable hardbitten reality of their lives, the Blot has introduced a wholly unwelcome element of mystery.

Check with these skill checks to see what you know of the mysterious Blot

Diplomacy( gather information) DC 10:

The darkness in the sky over Riddleport is known
locally as Blakely’s Shadow, or simply the Blot.

Diplomacy( gather information) DC 14:

The Blot first appeared over Riddleport about
a month ago and has remained in the sky ever
since. It has changed size and shape and has
even disappeared intermittently, but has always
returned after several hours.

Diplomacy( gather information) DC 18 :

The overlord has offered a 500 gp reward to
anyone who can determine what the Blot is
and if it poses a threat to the city. Many have
undertaken the challenge but so far there have
been no results.

Knowledge (arcana)DC 12 :

Riddleport has a long history of mysterious
phenomena connected to its infamous
Cyphergate Riddle—the long-sought hidden
purpose of the stone arch that rises over the
harbor. Old accounts tell of strange lights
moving in the sky and sounds issuing forth from
it without explanation. The manifestation of a
shadow in the sky is something new, though.

Knowledge (arcana)DC 16:

No known magical traditions explain the
existence of the hovering shadow, and it does
not bear the trappings of any known spell.

Knowledge (arcana) DC 20 :

The wizard Argentus Blakely (a noted Cyphergate
scholar) postulated that the Blot is some sort of
convergence for focusing arcane energies. He has
yet to prove his hypothesis but is running several
experiments to test its validity.

Knowledge (Local) DC 10 :

A local cyphermage and stargazer named
Argentus Blakely first noticed the Blot before
it was visible to the naked eye. He called it an
“atmospheric shadow” and it was subsequently
named for him as it became more visible.

Knowledge (Local) DC 14 :

Blakely flew up to investigate the eerie shadowy
Blot a week after it appeared, and reported
that the interior was strangely cold but that the
blot itself seemed no different than a regular
cloud—apart from its unusual color.

Knowledge (Local) DC 18 :

Blakely’s been out of town recently, on a long
journey to Magnimar and thence to Korvosa to
research the Blot in the libraries there. In his
absence, the Order of Cyphers has been leading
the charge on additional localized investigations
of the Blot.

Nature DC 10:

The Blot has no known analogy in nature.

Nature DC 15:

Birds and flying creatures appear to avoid the
air space around the Blot. Although it resembles
a dark cloud, the wind seems to have no real
affect on it.

Nature DC 21:

The movements of the Blot seem to be related to
the tides—it is at its largest at high tide and at its
smallest at low tide, although periodically, changes
in its size seem to occur at random as well.

Perception DC 10:

The Blot changes shape and size somewhat, but
is generally ovoid in shape and hovers alternately
over the harbor and gulf just south of Riddleport.
It is dark like a shadow but does allow some
light through, albeit dimly, and flying objects
can faintly be seen through its obscuring haze.
It casts a faint shadow on the ground beneath it
depending on the angle of the sun.

Perception DC 15 :

The Blot hangs at a fairly constant altitude of
about 2,500 feet and appears to be roughly 250
feet long by 130 feet wide.

Perception DC 18 :

The Blot seems to move in a pattern that appears
erratic until studied closely. It follows an elliptical
orbit traveling north over the town and south
over the gulf, shifting north and south as the
tides shift. It is closest to Riddleport at high tide.

A somewhat discraced Crimelord has made a resurgence. Saul Vancaskerkin
has risen from his misfortune and re-opened his pride and joy, The Gold
Goblin. His grand reopening event, "Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold" has
been the talk of the town the last fortnight!

Each of you are attending the "Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold' Event at
the Gold Goblin casino. Please describe your preparations if any, and your journey
to and your arrival to the Gold Goblin.

Although the Gold Goblin stands in a much-neglected neighborhood and the building itself has long stood dormant and empty, it makes a comeback as the big day
comes. Crowds of participants and spectators mill about on the street or file together through the main doors to sign up for the tournament. Overseeing this gathering is a larger-than-life-size statue of a goblin, apparently cast in glittering gold, that stands atop the entry stairs with a smirking expression of satisfaction on its face, as if personally enjoying the crowds that shuffle past it into the doorway beneath the gambling hall’s gilded dome.

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

Skill checks
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 1 + 3 + 2 = 24
1 rank +3 trained +2 cha
K Arcana: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 23
1 rank +3 trained +2 int+1 trait
K Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 max 10, untrained
+2 int
K Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 max 10, untrained
+2 int
K Perception: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 13
1 rank +3 trained +3 wis+1 trait

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Knowledge (nature, untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Sure things weren't the way they used to. Not that she would know of the 'old' days of Riddleport when she was hardly born when it happened. But to her, such comparisons were missing the damn point. There was still plenty of bounty to take and enjoy... if one made to know where to look. And it also depended on what company you take.

For Krystal... she could have gotten better company. Her own main associate almost got her killed or worse... ran out of town. Yet she managed to pull back together a somewhat decent reputation once again.

Case in point, it helped that she knew enough people to know how the Blot was discovered and what it looked like. Her own eagle eyes pointed out some patterns too. But there wasn't much to do with such a thing, so she just went on her way.

The real news was the return of an old friend, one she thought had long since vanished. And she was gonna go all out in her appearance to make sure he didn't forget. She wrapped up her hair on a bun as she picked out the most fanciest dress she could find, one that accentuated her curves yet covered her up from shoulder to her knees, both in a way to keep people guessing yet not keep her too inconspicuous.

By the time she was at the place, the woman was all smiles. "Saul you scamp. I knew you weren't gone." With that, she patted her hair and dress before entering the building...

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

On Starday, the shaman took a nap in the afternoon... He knew he’d be up later than his custom. Why o why had Tammerhawk picked him to trawl about this fete of consumption for rumours about the blot? (Well, probably because he was much more able to handle himself than some scrawny apprentice wizard… That and Tammerhawk had little respect for the shamanic tradition, being a wizard of no small water himself.)

Now it was getting on to sundown, and here he was, nursing a watery beer in this dive, with Khaavren at his feet in case of trouble. Listening for rumours of interest but only hearing old pirates moan about the good old days. Under his heavy cloak, he was equipped for trouble, with his lamellar armor, and his longspear leaned against the wall beside him…

This morning, Morrolan prepared: Hex: Combat Hypnosis, 0 Level spells : Guidance, Stabilize, Daze, 1st level spells: Goodberry (cast, has Berries: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6) and Sleep

Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Untrained Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Untrained Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Untrained Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2

Briar's supplicants--as she likes to call her work clients--have always been a good source on info from around the town, and that was how she heard about The Blot. It had not left much of an impression on her at first, as she is really more of an indoorsy person anyways, but then one of her regulars mentioned a reward of 500 gold for identifying it, and for that price, she could be interested in a great deal. But that is a concern for another time. Tonight, she needs to cheat a devil.

Pamodae gave her this opportunity to make herself useful and climb up the ladder, so she wants to make sure not to disappoint. She has stocked up on her favorite perfume--a heady, earthy scent--and wears a new red dress that is just provocative enough that she can pretend she didn't realize it. She keeps her also red riding coat on in the meantime. She needs to seduce this Saul Vancaskerkin, and she needs to keep her options open. He might be the kind to go for ingenues, relishing the position of power he has over them with his experience and cunning. Or he might be the kind to go after challenges, willful and confident women that know what they want and aren't afraid to ask for it. She only gets one chance to make a first impression, and she wants to get it right. Aside from keeping her options open, she doesn't plan much for the evening. She excels at adapting to the situation, and plans just get in the way.

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg lumbered through the dim streets of Riddleport, his objective clear: The Gold Goblin.

Kiley's last instructions had been explicit. While she was forced to leave the city with ill gotten gains gotten from her "keeper" Split-Face Knocmar, her ogre blooded protector would stay.

Stay. Work for Vancaskerkin. Forget winning anything. When the takings were up, just take what he could carry. Put the hurt on anyone who tried to stop him then join her wherever she sent word from.

Befriend. Trick. Take.

Clegg had liked the plan, despite being skeptical the simple brute had concocted it himself. He hated Saul and had had laughed that laugh when he fixed to hurt someone bad. That laugh scared Mholg. Clegg assured Mholg he'd make Saul believe his "pet" was no longer his.

Of course Clegg knew nothing of Kiley's grander scheme...

Arriving at the bustling casino, the crooked behemoth stood head and shoulders above most of the crowd. Those who knew his repute shifted accordingly, those who did not still warily shuffled out of Mholg's way.

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
Knowledge - Arcana (Untrained; Max 10): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17
Knowledge - Local (Untrained; Max 10): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
Knowledge - Nature (Untrained; Max 10): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

His lumpen brow furrowed as he looked skyward, the strange "Blot" folk were speaking of shifting like a stain above Riddleport. The brute's gaze then shifts to the doors before him, eyes beady and focussed;

Befriend. Trick. Take.

Just inside the main doors, two sultry beauties scantily clad and wearing faux bat wings, devil horns, and tails play the part of alluring succubi. Both are employees of the Gold Goblin, and they cheerfully register contestants for the tournament and process entry fees. Armed guards stand nearby to either side of an immense treasure chest into which each patron’s entry fee is added. The guards are on hand to not only protect the money, but to prevent any overzealous admirers from trying to dare the infamous touch of a succubus.

As each contestant arrives, a succubus calls them over and presents a copy of the 'contract' for them to make their mark, agreeing to the terms of the contest.

Link to the contract: here

DC15 knowledge(arcana) or (local):

Reviewing the initially dire sounding contract, you realize it is nonbinding as a legitimate soul-document, merely affirming the rules of the tournament, stipulating the entry fee, and adding verisimilitude to the event.

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

K Arcana, familiar, Aid another: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 8
1 rank +3 trained-2 int+0 Sage Knowledge

K Arcana: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 +2 if the aid another above succeeds
1 rank +3 trained +2 int+1 trait

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

Morrolan reads the contract carefully, then pulls out his pen and starts striking terms...

Revised Contract:

I, ________________, Do hereby sacrifice my immortal soul and the worldly sum of 10 pieces of silver to the Devil to hold in escrow against his own stakes of 10000 silver coins in this gambling tournament being held at the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall of Riddleport on this Oathday, 14th of Arodus, 4078 AR.

I understand that my soul will be placed on deposit in the Hells deepest pit of Nessus. Furthermore, I understand that all winnings shall be catalogued in conrcordance of souls, to be represented by tooth, eyes and hearts of the damned. By participating in this gambling tournament and beginning in this first pit of Avernus, my winnings shall earn my way deeper through the house on the following schedule:

Dis - 1 gold eye
Erebus - 3 gold eyes and a Badge of Dis
Phleghiston - 5 gold eyes and a Badge of Erebus
Stygia – 10 gold eyes and Badge of Phleghiston
Malebolge – 25 gold eyes and a Badge of Stygia
Cocytus – 50 gold eyes and a Badge of Malebolge
Caina – 75 gold eyes and a Badge of Cocytus
Nessus – 100 gold eyes and a Badge of Caina

I understand that if I should lose my stakes in the tournament I shall receive the Devil’s mark and my soul shall be cast upon the rocks on the shores of the River Styx.

I understand that if I elect to cash in my winnings before reaching the Pit of Nessus I shall forfeit my soul and 50% of the cash value of my winnings for said early departure.

If I am the first player to reach Nessus, then I am granted the redemption of my soul and the right to cheat the devil and take his gold in addition to collecting my winnings. In such a circumstance all other players shall receive the Devil’s Mark and forfeit their souls.
This I do swear
Witnessed by : ____________ Old Scratch

after initialing the revisions himself, he asks the 'succubi' to initial them as well. Assuming they do, he signs and hands over his 10 sp...

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Krystal made her way to the ladies took a look at the contract, chuckling when she finished.

"Alright ladies. I'll sign your 'contract' for some time in here." she gave the women a wink before she handed over the silver. Time to see if she's still got it in the gambling arena.

Upon seeing the hesitant man, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey don't sweat it. It's all just for show. But you still have some beautiful ladies to check out," she grinned.

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12
Patrickthekid wrote:


Upon seeing the hesitant man, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey don't sweat it. It's all just for show. But you still have some beautiful ladies to check out," she grinned.

"Thank you, but there are stranger things out there than you imagine. Pleased to meet you, my name it Morrolan." While speaking, Morrolan finishes his revisions...

The succubus takes Morrolan's modified contract, and looks it over, a slight frown marring her perfect forehead. After a moment, she shrugs a shrug that says worrying about this was way above her pay scale. Making a mark next to each of Morrolan's edits, she stamps a devilish looking sigil at the bottom and places it on a pile of other signed contracts on a table behind her

"Please, move on in, dears." she says, her voice pitched to sound seductive and demonic at the same time.

Then her eyes are already focused behind Morrolan and Krystal on the next contestant arriving.

Beyond the registration table is the hall’s game floor. Dozens of gamblers, waitresses dressed as succubi, and bouncers mill about the room, wandering amid tables offering various games while dealers shuffle cards, roll dice, and spin wheels. Moving through this throng are a dozen more of the barely clad, bat-winged vixens serving drinks and batting coal-black eyelashes flirtatiously for tips. In the center of the chamber is a short podium atop which sits a massive gold chest affixed to the floor by similarly gaudy chains. On either side of it stands a bare-chested bouncer in the exotic garb of some foreign sultan’s court. Each stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and with a naked scimitar of prodigious size tucked through his waistband. High above them, from the hall’s cloth-draped ceiling, hangs a brass birdcage within which crouches a small, bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly.

DC 10 , knowledge(the planes):

You are fairly certain that the creature in the cage is an actual imp.

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

K Planes, Morrolan: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 3 + 2 = 26
1 rank +3 trained +2 int

K Planes, Spirit Animal: 1d20 + 1 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 3 - 2 = 19
1 rank +3 trained -2 int

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

Morrolan raises an eyebrow at the caged creature and murmurs "I know" to his spirit animal (who's dance beside him seems a touch more agitated to those who pay attention...).

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg stoops to enter the casino, his lumpen frame blocking out the door as he steps into the building.

The ogre blooded brute shakes his misshapen head slowly as he is handed a contract;

"Mholg n-not can read."

He hands over 10SP as bidden, allowing the nervous chitter of the succubus to wash past his notched ears. Beady eyes cast a baleful gaze o'er the guards.

Mholg shakes his head once when prompted to sign;

"Mholg n-not can write."

The scrap slowly is crunched up his fist, then dropped to the ground. With a shrug he nonchalantly moves into casino taking in its gaudy decadence with a grimace.

Knowledge (Planes) - Untrained: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4

Brushing lank hair from his mismatched features, Mholg looks skyward to the cage, then chuckles speaking to no-one and everyone;

"S-stoopid. Fake p-puppet."

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

"Who are you talkin' to? That thing's probably a puppet or..." One look at the being said otherwise. Because no puppet she's seen has skin that real.

...or an actual imp." She had to ask Saul how she pulled off that feat...

Briar signs her contract after reading it without a second thought. Anything that someone might try to pull over on her she can get out of, and she needs to draw undue attention to herself. She gives the “succubus” a flirtatious wink before continuing on.

Knowledge (planes) untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

She is not surprised to see a real imp, though she is not exactly happy about it. They are devils, are they not? There are few creatures she has a lower opinion of. Saul does have a commitment to his theme, at least.

She scans the room to see if she can spot Saul himself before she tries out any of the games.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg's beady eyes flit down to the woman speaking to him, then back up to the creature.

He ponders the question for much longer than it should take, then answers;

"Mholg t-talk to Mholg."

Here's a map of the Golden Goblin: Map Link

To keep things moving, we'll use the quick gambling rules, use Profession(Gambling) or the best of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. The RAW use Charisma, but I think people trying to win at gambling can also use their smarts and intuition to win!

A steady stream of contestants enter the Golden Goblin, most blithely signing away their 'souls' for a chance at the prize, but some like Morrolan questioning the contract and making similar modifications.

Six 'succubi' transit the large gaming area, serving drinks and food, and fending off the occasional grope or come on.

An equal number of burly guards can be seen surveying the crowd from various places around the great room.

Dozens of games of chance fill the room, from card and dice games to
more colorful games like Bounder, Ghoulette, Golem and Skiffs.

Here's a summary of the quick gambling rules and the four games above to help with any rp-ing you want to do while playing: Gambling!

A 'succubus' balancing a tray loaded with drinks, stops and announces, "The Goblin's Tankard , she says, pointing with her chin towards the room at the North of the gaming Room, "is open for drinks and food! You're fee includes one free drink of your choice! You can find the cashier there, "she says, pointing to the small alcove at the south of the gaming room, " and those who wish to secure accommodations, talk to the concierge. " she says, pointing to a counter on the north west corner of the gaming room.

Then , her seductive smile falters a bit as her tray threatens to topple, but she manages to right her tray and sashays out into the bustling crowd.

RP away! Gamble , chat, mingle. The sun is setting and the event will begin soon!

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

For her, there was one game that was clear to try: Ghoulette. She just found the very idea to be too amusing not to try out. But first, she sought out the most beautiful person in the room: the lady in red.

"You're a lovely sight to see." Krystal approached the woman with a grin. "There's no way I wouldn't recognize you from somewhere." She set her sights on the Ghoulette game. "You wanna try this one over therr?"

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg cast another wary look toward the imp that may (or may not be a puppet), then lumbers toward the Goblin's Tankard.

He tries to avoid jostling the throng, but gives up and bulls his way past the revellers into the bar.

His beady eyes take in the bar and its wares;

"Free drink. W-what got?"

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

Morrolan wanders the hall, assessing the odds on each of the games. Soon he is watching the Skiffs table(s); if he can talk someone(s) into being his partner (on the basis of shared winnings) it might be practical to win enough to get into the higher circles of the tournament... Maybe the friendly woman from the lineup?

Krystal Popescui wrote:

For her, there was one game that was clear to try: Ghoulette. She just found the very idea to be too amusing not to try out. But first, she sought out the most beautiful person in the room: the lady in red.

"You're a lovely sight to see." Krystal approached the woman with a grin. "There's no way I wouldn't recognize you from somewhere." She set her sights on the Ghoulette game. "You wanna try this one over therr?"

Briar’s first thought is that naturally an attractive woman would approach her now of all times when she has limited ability to do anything about it. Her second thought is that this is Krystal, one of Saul’s old flames, and maybe she is luckier than she first assumed. ”I aim to be a lovely sight to be seen.” She clasps Krystal’s arm as if they had known each for years. ”It’s my first time at a place like this. I’d be glad to have someone show me the games.”

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

"The pleasure is all mine, babe." She was at least a head shorter than this mysterious woman, but she made it her best effort to loop an arm around the other woman's own arm as she led her to the game at hand. [I]Come to think of it, I've seen that man and the oaf too. Maybe another time...[/B] For now, she wanted to learn more about this new woman.

Together, they made their way over to the table where they say a man that was nothing but a head. "Get this, some rogue named Lixy found this head that's still alive somehow. Apparently, Calistria herself loved his insults so much she decided to keep him alive even after getting his head ripped off by a ghoul. Gods I love that woman," she chuckled.

Going to a table, she placed a gold coin each on space 1 through 9 of the 12 spaces on the board. "For this one, you bet on what kind of insult he will say. If it lands on on one of them, you get a higher value of coin. 1 copper piece will get you a silver piece, a silver coin gets you gold and so on. The only issue is if the bastard actually says something nice. If that happens, everyone gets a tenth of you bet on. Seems simple enough, huh?"

Gms screen:

1d12 ⇒ 11
1d5 ⇒ 4

The croupier of the Ghoulette table, a plain half-elf with a scar that tugs the left side of her mouth upwards, reaches out and places a token , half black , half red on each of Krystal's coins. Then places a large token in front of Krystal.

She performs the same thing with the other three bettors (a bored looking elf male, and a human couple ), then looking around the table and with a wave of her hand, says "No more bets..."

A burly half-orc, with a multitude of cheap earrings covering both ears, stomps up and reaches in to place his own bet.

The croupier raises her hand and says, her voice pitched down a degree, "No more bets....".

The half-orc growls in anger and again reaches in to place his bet. The croupier hardly has to glance to the side, and two of the burly guards appear at each of the half-orc's shoulders.

"Devil's Mark for this one, boys. " the croupier says calmly, as the protesting half-orc is lifted bodily into the air and carried out of the Gold Goblin.

Calmly looking about, the croupier once again says, "No more bets...." and reaches out to set the Ghoulette head spinning.

As it spins the head begins to natter and chatter to itself, "Oh, what's it to be....what's it to be?"

The head slows down and stops when it is facing the section of the wheel with the word Brains.

"Brains is the insult..." the croupier announces.

The ghoulish head leans towards Briar, and cries out , "You've got such a narrow mind, when you walk fast, your earrings bang together." then it cackles crazily for a few moments before quieting down.

There was only one winner....the elf, who continues to look quite bored.
The croupier replaces the winner's bet with the next denomination of his bet, then hits a lever , tilting the sections into the middle, where the other bets disappears.

When the sections reset, the croupier waves her hand over the game, "Open for new bets...."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

...or he picks the two squares I didn't end up placing," Krystal frowned a bit, but managed to laugh it off. "Seems like the goddess is playing tricks on us this time around."

She looked down in her bag to see the remaining coins left (21 gold) and decided to do the same 9 counts, this time placing them on rows 9 through 11.

"I can tell there's a lot of interesting folks around here." She pointed towards the behemoth. "That guy works for Clegg, so I'd avoid him if you've got beef with the crime boss." Which may have been a bit of projection on her part.

"And him?" Her finger then pointed towards the wizard. "He may look like be a Cyphermage square, but I've seen him hanging about the Silken Veil. Has to have an inkling for adventure."

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

"Hmmm" Morrolan considers the situation for a moment and heads for the bar. Maybe he can find a partner there? He gets himself his free beer and with a whispered supplication to the spirits (Casts Guidance) looks for folks who are alone in the crowd, who might be sympathetic to his scheme (to partner at Skiffs)...

Spirit Animal, Sense Motive, Aid Another: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 vs DC 10
+2 wis

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 = 11 and possibly a further +2 if aid another succeeds
+3 wis +1 guidance

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry, Molg, missed your post..."

Molg elicits a few yelps and complaints as he makes his way through the crowd, though all become quite muted as his bulk is noticed.

A few other patrons hurriedly make room for him at the bar, as he utters his demand.

A grizzled barkeep turn from where he was organizing some bottles, and raises his eyebrows at he new large customer, "Well then, ain't you a sight! Indeed, my friend, admission includes a free drink. Our boss is being extravagantly generous tonight, all drinks except these, [b]"he says, indicating a group of gleaming bottles on the shelf behind him, [b]"are available. "

He saunters over and appraises Molg, trying to determine if the big man hides a discerning palate behind his hideous mein, "Now then, let' see, if beer is to your liking, I've got a good Riddleport ale, a nicer Taldan stout lager and if you're adventurous, a wheat beer from Geb! " he declares, indicating the tapped barrels over his shoulder, before continuing, "Should you prefer a finer drink, I'd suggest this fine Andoran chestnut liquor, or perhaps this tart Chelaxian brandy..." he says, pulling bottle after bottle from under the bar.


Morrolan you enter the bar and cannot help but notice the hulking brute at the bar, being regaled with drinking options by the bartender there....possibly a willing partner!

At the ghoulette table, the croupier waits for bets to be made then once again waves her hand, "No more bets....

She reaches out and sets the ghoul head spinning, it's eyes going in all direction as it spins...

GMs screen:

1d12 ⇒ 10
1d5 ⇒ 1

...slowly the head spins to a stop facing the zone titled, Profession, where Krystal had placed a bet, along with the bored looking elf.

The head arches it's non-existant eyebrows and looks the croupier in the eyes, "You're good at what you do like halflings are good at being tall.". Then after a pause, it erupts into cackles and hoots at it's superior humor.

Shaking her head a bit, the croupier reaches out and replaces Krystal and the elf's bets with the next higher denomination, a platinum for Krystal and a gold for the elf.

Then the other bets disappear into the table, and after the game resets, a wave of the hand, "Accepting new bets...."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12
GM Spazmodeus wrote:


Morrolan you enter the bar and cannot help but notice the hulking brute at the bar, being regaled with drinking options by the bartender there....possibly a willing partner!

Morrolan cannot miss the hulking ogre breed at the bar... He watches for a second or two and then shakes his head, imagining trying to teach that lump of gristle partner strategy for Skiffs... No, no, he needed someone who'd be able to make their own (sensible) strategic decisions if this was going to work. He continued deeper into the bar, looking for folk drinking alone...

Morrolan's plan:
OK, it's obviously a major advantage at Skiffs to have a partner among the players who you work cooperatively with. (Mechanically, I'd call it aid another on your gambling checks, but that's up to you.) Unfortunately, I'm sure the house vehemently dislikes people showing up in teams, so I need someone who can join the same table and play competently on their own; int 7 says Mohlg is out... The plan is to find some guy who's drinking alone, talk to them to find out if they understand the rules of skiffs, and if they do, use my Combat Hypnosis hex on them to have them agree to a partnership where we team up at a table and split the profits... But I need to find someone who knows how to play skiffs (and hopefully doesn't have too good of a will save...)

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg sighs as the choices and sources of the beers and liquors seem to confuse him.

His lumpen brow furrows and mouth slackens as he thinks, not used to the freedom to make his own decisions...

Kiley say think for yourself Mholgy! Be adventurous!

The brute nods to himself before answering the barkeep.

"Good R-Riddleport Ale."


Morrolan quickly dismisses the hulking brute at the bar, casting his eyes about the growing crowd in the bar.

At the far end of the bar, he sees a well dressed gentleman, nursing a tall glass flute of some amber liquor. All the while, he mutters to himself as he ruefully examines the dismal content of his belt pouch.

Across the room, Morrolan spies a slender half-elf maiden, leaning against the wall, also scanning the room. For a moment, hers and Morrolan's gazes meet, and she give him a small smile and a nod of her head, before moving her gaze around the room once more.

At the bar, the bartender grins up at Molg, "Ah, excellent choice! Always best to support the local trades, I say!" He snags an earthen tankard from under the bar, give it a quick wipe and turns to pour a measure of the local beer for Molg.

With a thunk, he places it in front of Molg, "Enjoy!" he declares, then his attention is grabbed by another patron and he hurries off with a wave.

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Krystal receives the coin with a twinkle of a smile on her face. "And that's how you go make a profit... eventually." With a grin, she repeated the same process, this time landing the coins from slot 2 through 10.

The elf is rolling pretty hot today... she decided to give the woman conversation.

"Not bad. You've been gambling often? I do so too, but you gotta know how to play the game if ya wanna compete."

Perception for cheating: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

Morrolan considers the maiden for a moment and then thinks twice; invariably, the female of the species presents issues of her own.

Instead, after a quick benediction (casts guidance again) he sits himself and his beer beside the well dressed gentleman at the end of the bar. With a smile, he opens "For a man at a gambling tournament to be looking at his purse like that, it suggests things haven't been going well. Had no luck at the Skiffs tables?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 11
1 rank +3 trained +2 cha +1 guidance


Having only watched the elf play two games, it's difficult to determine if she's cheating. Though in your observations, you realize that the elf is quite old....for an elf, that is.

The elf turns from the game table to Krystal with a bit more interest, inclining her head, "Indeed, perhaps too often. I play the game, but I do not compete, I merely allow chance to rule."

The man looks up while tucking away his pouch, listening to Morrolan. He shrugs, and with a rueful look, responds, "Ah...been a bit unlucky is all. Wouldn't try the Skiffs by me-self, was rolling the bones mostly. Ma uncle has this system see...and I thought to try it out." he explains with a sigh , taking a sip of his drink, "...didn't work out..." he says simply, his shoulder dropping low.

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12

"Yeah, system on the bones don't necessarily work for someone else. Heck, they don't necessarily work at all." Morrolan pauses for a pull on his beer, and continues "Skiffs is more of a strategy game, and you're right, it can be a tricky one as an individual. With a partner at the table though, things are a bit easier... You have any experience playing the game?"

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg takes a quaff of his ale, but stoically mulls his surroundings.

The plan was the ingratiate himself, but that as Kiley's forte. Mholg did not like talking. Mholg did not like crowds.

The brute's lumpen brow furrows, and he takes another gulp...

Will prop up the bar pending some other PCs joining. Mholg's not one for games of chance nor interacting with the patrons.

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

Krystal shrugged in response. "Odd way of viewing things, but whoever's watching this game's got a huge bias."

Deciding to test something, she put 15 gold on the same spot as the elf. "Then again, you must've been around long enough to see all sorts of crap in your time."

The man looks at Morrolan skeptically, "Skiffs? Ain't that kids game? " he asks. He shrugs a bit as Morrolan shakes his head, "Sure...I'll give it a go, can't have worse luck than I've had..."

He finishes his drink and sticks out his hand, "I'm Talen..."


The elf raises an eye brow at Krystal's bet, on the 12th area of the board, commenting, "Indeed, I've witnessed many things..."

A few others join the Ghoulette game, a squat human male wearing a fancy green doublet , and another , more behaved half-orc, looking quite distinguished in a fur-trimmed dress.

Once again the croupier declares that there were no more bets...the head is spun and it slowly settles on the 8th area, the ghoulish head fixes it's dead eyes on the half-orc, "Hmmmm, well look at you.... and they said rats an orcs couldn’t have offspring."

Gms Screen:

1d12 ⇒ 12
1d12 ⇒ 8

The elf purses her lips a bit, "My apologies, but it would seem my luck has run out."


At the bar, a rough looking man stomps up to the bar, trying to get the attention of the busy barkeep. Glancing sidelong at Mholg, he turns to get a good look and grins, bearing a mouthful of broken teeth, "Hey, yer one o'old Zincher's big boys ain't ya?"

M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12
GM Spazmodeus wrote:

The man looks at Morrolan skeptically, "Skiffs? Ain't that kids game? " he asks. He shrugs a bit as Morrolan shakes his head, "Sure...I'll give it a go, can't have worse luck than I've had..."

He finishes his drink and sticks out his hand, "I'm Talen..."

"Pleased to meet ya Talen, I'm Morrolan. Spirit's blessing on our meeting." (casts guidance by invoking the spirits blessing) Morrolan takes Talen's hand and gives him a firm shake. Lowering his voice and looking around to minimize the chances of being overheard, he continues "Whether something a kid's game or an adult's game, I figure it's the stakes that make that call... Buy in for one of their cheap tables here is 25 silver; can't afford the gold tables myself. So the rules for this partnership are simple we both put in our own starting stakes, and we split any winnings either of us makes equally. Either of us can walk away whenever a game's finished. Sound fair to you? The trick though is we should try to hide that we're partners, otherwise everybody else at the table will team up too, and then it all gets complicated again. So you head on down to the silver tables at the far end of the game room, and watch for a bit so y'all're clear on the rules. I'll finish my beer here, and join you waiting for a table to open. We don't talk to each other there. After the game we meet back here in the bar to do the split..."

Spirit Animal, Sense Motive, Aid Another: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 vs DC 10
+2 wis

Sense Motive, is he gonna try for a double cross: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 1 = 14 and possibly a further +2 if aid another succeeds
+3 wis +1 guidance

+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14

"Hmph..." Krystal huffed at the change in fortune, but waved it off anyways. "I can't stay mad. Once I smooth things over with Saul here, I'll be all set."

Deciding not to place the next bet this time around, she focused her attention on the elf. "So, you live around here or something?"

Male Human (Ogre Blooded) Fighter [Brawler] 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16/T11/FF15 | CMD 16, CMB +6 | F+6, R+1, W+0 | Perc +5 | Init +1 | Move: 20ft. | Heroforge Mholg

Mholg mishappen head nods in affirmation at the man's question, then swivels slowly to look at him directly;

"Was. M-Mholg no work for him. Now just w-work for Mholg."

He beady eyes focus on the broken teeth;

"Who you?"

Liberty's Edge

HP 14/14 | AC16 T11 FF15 | F+5 R+1 W+0 | CMD 16 | Init +3 Percep +4 | Current effects: none
Acrobatics +1 Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +5, Survival +4, Swim +4

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1

If I as hear I would need much less makeup for the Succubus at the entry role Liza thinks as she approaches.

Infernal conract handed out by Succubi? As if any Succubus ever cared about contracts, haha

As she gives one employee a friendly smile after handing in her revisions:

revised contract:

I, Liza-Black-Glut, Do hereby sacrifice my ability to make pancakes on purpose and the worldly sum of 10 pieces of silver to the Devil to hold in escrow against his own stakes of 10000 silver coins in this gambling tournament being held at the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall of Riddleport on this Oathday, 14th of Arodus, 4078 AR.

I understand I shall never taste Blini again, unless I win. Furthermore, I understand that all winnings shall be catalogued in conrcordance of souls, to be represented by tooth, eyes and hearts of the damned. By participating in this gambling tournament and beginning in this first pit of Avernus, my winnings shall earn my way deeper through the house on the following schedule:

Dis - 1 gold eye
Erebus - 3 gold eyes and a Badge of Dis
Phleghiston - 5 gold eyes and a Badge of Erebus
Stygia – 10 gold eyes and Badge of Phleghiston
Malebolge – 25 gold eyes and a Badge of Stygia
Cocytus – 50 gold eyes and a Badge of Malebolge
Caina – 75 gold eyes and a Badge of Cocytus
Nessus – 100 gold eyes and a Badge of Caina

I understand that if I should lose my stakes in the tournament I shall receive the Devil’s mark my favorite pancake making utensils shall be cast upon the rocks on the shores of the River Styx.

I understand that if I elect to cash in my winnings before reaching the Pit of Nessus I shall forfeit my pancakes, nooooon and 50% of the cash value of my winnings for said early departure.

If I am the first player to reach Nessus, then I am granted the one pancake, with bacon and strawberry jam and the right to cheat the devil and take his gold in addition to collecting my winnings. In such a circumstance all other players shall hungrily watch me as I slowly devour the pancake.
This I do swear
Witnessed by : ____________ Old Scratch

after initialing the revisions himself, she asks the 'succubi' to initial them as well. Promising them some pancake if they do so. She does happen to know both by name.

Liza then walks into the Casino, with thoughts set on looting, pancakes, possible smuggling and a side serving of violence.

She heads to the Golem tables, looking for a sucker or 3, and betting 5 gp.
bluff for Golem: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 I get my 3 from charisma, and then add 2 because of my high bluff right?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
KN arcane: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 can make untrained
Kn Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Kn Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 can make untrained
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Having made her mark, she head to the bar, then takes some times to eye her surroundings, anyone she knows?

Possible knowledge check DC 15 local:

Liza is relatively well known to be an employee of Shorafa Pamodae, mostly working as a Skald, added security, and occassionally taking in clients with special wishes. The later is fairly expensive and catered towards submissive clients.

Kn. Local 20:

Her relationship with Shorafa is somewhat rocky, she deferrs to her but seeks to regain a degree of indepedence. The 2 had a semi public flareup after a "pay per view" ceremony had Liza pretend to be the demon lord Nocticula. She found getting spanked by Shorafa, who pretended to be Callistria, rather demeaning and humiliating.

Kn. Local 25:

She has not attended any Calistrian religious ceremonies since then, keeping her involvement entirely secular. She also bought the biggest Cold Iron Bardiche she could find, as well as "Killing Demons for idiots" written by a certain Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson, a Kellid commander in the Mendevian army of the 5th crusade.

Liberty's Edge

HP 14/14 | AC16 T11 FF15 | F+5 R+1 W+0 | CMD 16 | Init +3 Percep +4 | Current effects: none
Acrobatics +1 Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +5, Survival +4, Swim +4

A surly looking dwarf with a well tended beard and hair of reddish brown walks into the establishment. He is adorned in scale mail armor with a black tabard upon which is a red stylized rock with a gray sword protruding from it. Brand looks at the ladies handing out the contracts and shakes his head and sighs. Taking the contract he casts detect magic. His assumption is that it is a prop but better to be safe. Confirming it is just a paper he scratches an X for his mark and turns it in along with his 10 silver. He makes his way to the bar and bangs the top once he pulls himself up on a stool, "Barkeep, a little swill." he says and pays when his drink arrives. He then hops down from the bar, finds a piece of wall to lean against, drinks, and scans the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1

Liza spots some likely Dramatis Personae in the room.

Krystal I think? One of Sauls old crew?
Kn. Local Krystal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

That would be Mholg, would recognice that face anywhere! I think that was one of Klegs enforcers?

Kn. Local Mholg: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Hmm, Gorumite Dwarf? Incidentally Shorafae asked me to recon him, and Gorumites are kind of easy to talk to. I think I just chatted him about martial sagas, not incorrectly claiming that I am a Skald looking for inspiration.
Kn. Local Brand: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Ok, slightly less memorable face then Mholg, but what was that guys deal again?
Kn. Local Corwynt the greatmaker honorable dispenser of enlarge person: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Oh, one of the rare Mercs with brains, I think Shorafa viewed him as a possible recruit for the less seductive side of things, hmm, what have I overheard?
Kn. Local Morrolan: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Liberty's Edge

HP 14/14 | AC16 T11 FF15 | F+5 R+1 W+0 | CMD 16 | Init +3 Percep +4 | Current effects: none
Acrobatics +1 Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +5, Survival +4, Swim +4

Brand has been in town about 4 months. He is obviously a warpriest of Gorum.

DC 10:
As his religion venerates, Brand has come north seeking combat. He would prefer they be evil.

DC 12:
He has come north from Magnimar passing through Sandpoint.

DC 15:
Here of late he has been asking questions about Saul Vancaskerkin.

DC 25:
He lost his father and brothers to a raid by ogres led by a hill giant. He hates the things.

K Local untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

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