Garridan Imoroa |

Garridan nods slightly and tries to subtly position his body to block with his shield if the halfling tries anything. "Yes, Ostar is correct, it's best to treat you indoors than out. We've all seen plenty of homes in a mess before, and you obviously weren't expecting company. Why don't you let Ostar and Eliaera take a look at your wounds. Don't thank us, it'll be our pleasure to help!"

FuriousPhil |

"Fine, fine, come in travelers!" says the halfling, motioning toward the interior of the building.
"Perhaps something to eat, I can fix something, just a moment." he says, moving towards a room just to the right of the main room you have just been invited into. There are several somewhat damaged potted plants in here, as well as a woven rug, and a somewhat dirty cloak hanging on a hook. The room is about 40' x 20', and a staircase leads to the upper story to the left of the entrance.
As the halfling seems to rummage through the contents of whatever is in the room to the right, he calls out "Sure would be grateful if you could heal me, had to chase off a giant snake, it bit me and I think I might be poisoned. Ever so grateful if you would heal me." It almost seems as if you hear a slight chuckle after he repeats the phrase again.
The hermit sets about moving some pots and pans about, and the sounds of rummaging come from what seems to be a pantry to the left.
Volorog Disguise check 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (5) + 24 = 29
Caerwyn Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Ostar Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn will look around the room, at the various broken pottery just trying to piece together what happened. "Got to be tough living out here by yourself especially with all the wildlife around." Picking up a broken shard Caerwyn goes on "Must have been some fight to get rid of that snake, huh?"
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Sens Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Ostar Foehammer |

So, you had a fight with some Goblins, and then a snake attacked you? Rough day in the swamp. Ostar looks cautiously up the stairs. We should secure the house, for our safety and yours. If there's something else lurking around we can help you. Then we can help tend those wounds and that poison in your system.
Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Let's send two people upstairs. Be on the lookout for ... snakes, and other hazards.

Garridan Imoroa |

Garridan moves to the doorway to the room the halfling went into, peeking inside while keeping himself (and his 'casually' held shield) between the hermit and the rest of the group. "Securing the perimeter after an attack is of utmost importance. Caerwyn? Why don't you grab someone and make sure there aren't any more goblins or giant snakes about?"

Amelius Blacktower |

A look of boredom creeps over Amelius as he squats down next to the doorway into the small man's house. He begins nibbling one of the earlier proffered pieces of cheese.
"I'll yell if I see anything out here." Amelius then directs his gaze towards the path the party arrived from - when he isn't stuffing his mouth with more cheese, that is.
Perception Check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

Eliaera Casateri |

Though unclear of the meaning behind Ostar's subtle gestures to the other militiamen, Eliaera still notices the sudden change in their behaviour, although she has no idea why that might be. Nevertheless, she decides to trust in their decisions and pretend to be none the wiser of how strange they were all acting.
Well, everyone but Amelius, that is. (Then again... his 'normal' was kind of weird.)
Eliaera begins to hum the tune she had danced to last night at the Rusty Dragon, nonchalantly making a few curious hand gestures as she does so. No louder than a whisper, she weaves a couple of Varisian words into her song, each word and each note merging together to create a spell of arcane sight. The magical-musical vibrations bounce off everything in the room, both seen and unseen, and Eliaera begins to slowly pace around the area, casually glancing up the stairs and into the room that Walthus is in now.
Casting detect magic and taking a quick scan of the area. If anything 'pings' as magic, I'll concentrate on it longer and try to identify the aura.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

FuriousPhil |

As Ostar makes his intentions clear to search the house and Eliaera casts detect magic, the halfling turns, a look of indignant fury on his face.
“Ahhgh! Why couldn’t you leave us alone! I found this place fair and square. Now you have to die, and so does he if I could find him!”
Suddenly, the creature that looked like a halfling a moment before begins to shift and ripple, revealing what was probably its true form. It looks like a wrinkled, hunch-backed, half-formed thing with mottled brown and red flesh, and a spherical head with no face – only a crooked slit from which a rasp-like tongue flits back and forth.
Change shape as a swift action - +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, skill checks, saving throws this round.
Surprise round - make opposed Sense Motive (vs. Bluff) and Perception (vs. Disguise) checks, if you beat one of these rolls, you can act in the surprise round.
Bluff 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Disguise 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Volorog (faceless stalker) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Caerwyn 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Ostar 1d20 ⇒ 8
Eliaera 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Garridan 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Amelius 1d20 ⇒ 2
The shapeshifter moves quickly, attempting a sneak attack on Ostar, seeing as how he was the first to notice something out of the ordinary.
Volorog slam 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage (Sneak Attack) 1d4 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (3, 4) = 11
The small creature hurls itself with an incredible amount of force at the cleric, smashing him into one of the walls and knocking him in the head with a club like appendage.
Post your actions in any order, I'll summarize them in a Surprise Round post (if you are able to act in that round) and a First Round post according to Initiative order.

Ostar Foehammer |

Sense motive (vs. bluff):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Ostar gets to act in the surprise round!
Perception (vs disguise):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
What the hells is that thing? Ostar says, trying to clear his head after such a vicious blow.
Ostar draws his warhammer (move action) and strikes at the creature:
attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 confirm? 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
damage:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 critical damage:2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 6) + 4 = 13
Warhammer gives a x3 critical multiplier.

Garridan Imoroa |

Sense motive (vs. bluff 11): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Perception (vs. disguise 33): Ha! No chance
Garridan had suspected some form of danger, but is completely stunned by the true nature of the threat. He can only stare in shock as the creature flies past him and slams into Ostar.

FuriousPhil |

Nice dice rolls Ostar, even though the faceless stalker has DR/piercing or slashing, the critical damage results still are enough to take it down to 0 hp! Good thing it was already fatigued.
The cleric regains his bearing incredibly quickly, and strikes back with a fearsome blow from his warhammer at what is probably the creature's head - an irrelevant point, since Ostar's perfect strike makes a mess of it. The shape-shifting creature collapses to the floor, dead.
Ostar, if you want to channel or you or anyone else wants to cast a healing spell, go ahead.
As the rest of you try to regain your composure after the strange turn of events, you hear a small voice call out from the upper level. A halfling that looks almost exactly like what you first encountered when you knocked on the door is standing there, leaning on a small, but well-made longbow. He also looks wounded and disheveled, but the look on his face is one of overwhelming relief. Tears form at the corners of his eyes.
"Hello? Is it dead? I heard fighting - I was hiding in a safe place, and then I heard voices, so I thought I would take a chance and have a look." Seeing the motionless form of the creature on the lower floor, he quickly limps down the stairs, sobbing and smiling.
"I am Walthus Proudstump, the real one, and you are most welcome here, friends! This creature attacked me while I was tending to my pet snakes in the brick garden over there, he climbed over the wall and took me by surprise. I managed to fight him off and poison him, but he had some sort of magic that made me feel weak, so I ran and hid in a secret room upstairs. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't arrived. If there is anything, anything at all I can do for you, just ask!" Looking exhausted and relieved the ordeal is over, he sits down in a small chair near the landing.

Ostar Foehammer |

Ostar slumps against the wall, breathing heavily. He'd never been hit that hard, and in nearly two years with the militia, that was saying a lot.
Channel energy: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Calling upon the power of Torag, Ostar lets a wave of healing energy wash over him - it always felt like a warm breeze - and feels strength return to him.
At the sound of the halfling's voice, Ostar again adopts a defensive posture. Forgive me, sir, but this .... creature also claimed to be Walthus. How do we know you're not another shapeshifter?
Sense motive:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 <---still groggy, perhaps?

Garridan Imoroa |

"I've never even seen Shalelu strike a goblin so hard!" Garridan says, obviously impressed. "Will you be alright? You took a serious blow yourself."
When Walthus comes in Garridan studies him carefully for a moment, before approaching. "It was a good thing we came by. Several of us are members of the militia, and we are always glad to be of service to the people of the region when they are in danger. Do you have any idea what that was? Or where it came from?"
Garridan pauses in contemplation for a moment. "We came to ask for any knowledge you have or aid you could render against the Licktoad goblins -- they've been attacking travelers, and, well, we plan to stop them. I wonder... is it a coincidence that a shapeshifter is around at the same time the goblin tribe acts out of character? Do you think there could be more of... whatever this is?"

Ostar Foehammer |

Shalelu would never have been caught off guard like that, either. Ostar responds, shaking his head to clear his vision. I'll be fine, though - thanks.
Ostar's cheeks burn red as he imagines Shalelu's laugh at his being taken unawares so easily. Some protector I am. Maybe Koya was right - maybe playing soldier is just fooling myself and putting others at risk.

Eliaera Casateri |

I wake up and there's been and done a battle while I slept! Nice rolls, Ostar! I bet you're glad you took Toughness!!!
There's a flurry of action around her as Eliaera stands, almost transfixed, in the middle of Walthus' house, feeling herself like the eye of a terrible storm. Her song drops from her lips, forgotten, as what was once a halfling morphs into a... thing, malformed and aberrant, and launches itself at Ostar. She gasps as he is sent crashing into the wall, only to pick himself up and slam his warhammer right back into the monster's head, driving it to the ground with a sickly crunch.
She shudders, looking away from the corpse and trying to hold down the bile forming at the back of her throat. For all the stories she'd read, the tales told by Ameiko, the bravado she put on... death was something she was certainly not accustomed to. As far as heroism went, it was probably one of the least glamorous parts...
At that point, a hafling--the same halfling--appears at the top of the stairs and begins to sob and thank them for dispatching... whatever it was. She stares at the 'real' Walthus for a moment, suspicious but at the same time unwilling to believe there were multiple shapeshifters lurking in the hermit's home. (That idea was too awful to consider...)
"I think you need to rest for a while, Mr. Proudstomp," Eliaera says gently. "It's obviously been crazy around here."
After Garridan finishes speaking, Eliaera adds in a question of her own. "We also heard of a witch living in this swamp... Megus was her name. Do you know her?"
What knowledge skill can we use to identify the shapeshifter?

Ostar Foehammer |

Thanks, Eliaera! I was going to take another feat, but at first level, survivability is key!
Seeing Garridan and Eliaera talking to Walthus, Ostar relaxes. They seem to trust him ... I've no reason to doubt their judgement, and plenty of reasons to doubt my own.
Motioning to a chair, Ostar speaks in his most conciliatory tone. I apologize, Walthus, you've obviously been through an ordeal. Would you be okay with me taking a look at those injuries? Perhaps Torag's grace can help us both.
If allowed, he'll channel energy again:1d6 ⇒ 5 to benefit both Walthus and himself. He'll also hold his tongue and let the hermit answer the questions already posed to him.

FuriousPhil |

Walthus looks at Ostar and says "Well, I've never tried to shift my shape before, so I'm not sure how to tell. Rest assured, I am me. But having to fight something that looked exactly like me, I can understand why you might be suspicious." The halfling gets up and pulls his shirt up over his back, revealing a criss-cross pattern of scars."These were done by Chelish slavers - that's why I live out here by myself, where they won't find me. I'll never go back to that life." Looking a little embarrassed, he sits down again.
Turning to Garridan, he looks puzzled. "I've never seen anything quite like that shapeshifter before, but strange things pop up out here from time to time. I heard from an elf ranger that things come out of the ancient ruins and places underground. Do you know her? Her name was She-laylu or something like that."
Getting out of his seat, he goes to the pantry and comes back carrying a large kettle and a bag of dried leaves. "I'll make some tea, and I can tell you all I know about the Licktoad goblins in the southeast. I've heard of Old Megus, some kind of a swamp witch or something, but I haven't seen any sign of her lately. I don't venture as far south as the Witch's Walk. In fact, I'm pretty careful to stay close to home these days. The goblins live in an abandoned fishing village at the end of the Old Fish Trail, coming in off the Lost Coast Road from the east side of the basin. They've been setting off all kinds of loud explosions and lights over there. Trouble, if you ask me."
As Ostar channels positive energy and heals himself and the halfling, the small hermit looks at him gratefully. "It's not much, but you saved my life. Take my cloak, hanging over there on the wall. It has protective magic. Ought to come in handy if you're headed out to deal with the goblins. You're also welcome in my home anytime you're out in the marsh here, or if you need a hand, I can be a pretty good shot with a bow. I think I could use a good night's rest though. In the meantime, I'd be happy to try to answer any other questions you have."
Walthus's cloak is a cloak of resistance +1 that automatically becomes the correct size when worn.

Garridan Imoroa |

"That's very generous of you, Walthus," Garridan says. "And yes, we do, um, know Shalelu."
He clears his throat, before continuing. "Let me help you with the tea, and we'd all be grateful for anything you can tell us, both about the goblins and this witch. With things like that in the swamp, I want to know everything we can before we put ourselves in more danger. Maybe we should pay her a visit as well? And do you know anything about this 'Soggy Monster' we've heard tell of?"

Ostar Foehammer |

That's a very generous gift, Walthus. Thank you. Ostar's cheeks burn red again, as the halfling's generosity in the face of his suspicion shames him.
Ostar can't really use the cloak - his protection domain already gives him a +1 resistance bonus to saves. Who could benefit most from enhanced saves?

FuriousPhil |

Walthus thinks for a moment, mulling over Garridan's inquiries. "Well, like I said, the Licktoads have found a cache of fireworks somewhere, and I would have to guess that they found them somewhere out here in the marsh. Where, I have no idea. I'd also guess that there are probably thirty or so living in the abandoned fishing village, but I can't be completely sure of that."
"As far as the witch, Old Megus...well, I know she's been living out here longer than either me or the goblins, at least that's what I was told when I bought this place. Other than that, I've never met her, I just know that she has a place out at the end of what the locals call the 'Witch's Walk', a path that comes in from the south end of the basin. She might know more than I do, but be careful - folks avoid going out that way for a reason, I would think."
"As far as a 'Soggy Monster', well, I've never seen or heard of such a thing. Maybe it lives in the Soggy River? I hope I don't run into it if it does exist, I've had quite enough excitement for a while.
You converse with Walthus for a while, and he tells you about his adventure coming north when he escaped with several other halfling slaves from a sinking Chelish ship bound for Nisroch. He fled north on his own, and hasn't heard from any of the other halflings he escaped with. He also explains his fondness for snakes (they're good at hiding), and also explains that he keeps several in the walled off brick garden adjacent to the house. He doesn't have a map of the area - he simply relies on his sense of direction and usually stays close to home. He doesn't have any additional information about the goblins beyond what he has already told you.
At this point, you should discuss a plan of action with the other members of your party - you have several options. It's early afternoon, so a trip to the other end of the marsh to investigate where Old Megus lives and back to Walthus's home would probably give you enough time to make it back before dark. Alternatively, you could head straight for the goblin village on the Old Fish Path - however it might be prudent to get as much information and additional resources before assaulting the goblin village, especially if there are thirty or more. You can rest at Walthus's shack anytime you need to, and Walthus has offered to aid you if you so desire, albeit reluctantly.

Ostar Foehammer |

So what do you folk think? Shall we pay a visit to Old Megus then return here for the night, and take advantage of Walthus' hospitality? I'm fully healed, still have all my spells and two channels remaining.
Ostar sips his tea and smiles. Very nice, Walthus, thank you! There's never a bad time for a cup of tea.

Garridan Imoroa |

"I think that would be a good idea," Garridan agrees. "If this witch has been in the swamp for so long, then she probably knows some things that would help us. If she's a threat... better to know that than to be taken by surprise later if we encounter her. If you're feeling up to it Ostar, then I think your plan is sound -- a visit to Old Megus, then return here to rest for the night and plan our assault on the goblins. Thank you for your generosity, Walthus."

Eliaera Casateri |

Eliaera seems especially interested in Walthus' tale of his life's journey, and asks him a number of questions about the things he experienced and what distant Cheliax was like. She gladly accepts a cup of tea, but midway through the discussion almost forgets about the drink entirely! When she notices the others start to discuss their next plan of action should be, though, she flushes a little and mumbles a vague apology for taking up so much time with her curiosity. "Thank you for the conversation, Walthus. It was fascinating!"
The Varisian woman then turns to the party and ponders their options; she winds up shrugging in the end. "Looking for Megus seems like as good an idea as any. Anything to avoid sleeping in the mud is fine with me!"

FuriousPhil |

Caerwyn agrees to the plan with a simple nod, and Amelius just shrugs his shoulders as if to say he's up for anything.
As you set out from Walthus’s home, he wishes you luck in finding the swamp witch Old Megus. He tells you to take the Lost Coast Road south over the Soggy River, and look for a winding path entering the basin from the south east.
It takes about an hour and a half, at a brisk pace, to reach the winding trail known as Witch’s Walk that leads from the cliff edge down into the marshland below. The trail has not been maintained like the New Fish Trail, and is choked with weeds and vegetation, making the trek difficult, but not impossible. The path eventually makes a sharp turn to the west, and straightens out for while until you reach a clearing.
A sagging one-story shack sits in this clearing, its walls dingy with age and encrusted with lichen and fungus. A partially collapsed shed sits just to the northeast, while small pouches, twisted knots of feathers, and dangling wind chimes made of bones hang from branches and roof edge alike.
As you approach the shack, it’s clear that it is in an advanced state of being reclaimed by the swamp. Moisture has swollen the wood and rot has set in throughout the structure. As you look around the area, you see a 50 foot trail winding from the back of the house down the water of Sog’s Bay, where a rickety pier still harbors a well-made rowboat. The boat appears to be in seaworthy condition, and can seat five passengers.
Attempts to knock on the door or call out for Old Megus are met with silence. Judging from the condition of the shack, it may be abandoned. The front door is swollen shut, and is going to require some brute force to open.
The door can be forced open with a DC 14 Strength check.

Garridan Imoroa |

"Bursting in probably wouldn't be good -- given the state of repair, the building might come down," Garridan says as he eyes the structure dubiously. "We should search the area before we risk going inside. I suspect, though, between the state of the path leading here and the condition of the building, that something may have happened to Old Megus. If we don't find anything in the area, we should probably enter to determine her fate."
Garridan looks around the area, searching for anything of interest.
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Eliaera Casateri |

"I guess the rumours of Megus going missing right were on the mark," Eliaera remarks, nodding along with Garridan's assessment of the situation. She scopes out the outside of the shack, looking around for any windows to peek in and any other potential entrances. She also has a look inside the shed, careful to not disturb any of the witch fetishes more than she has to.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

FuriousPhil |

Garridan and Ostar look closely around the perimeter of the house, but find nothing particularly noteworthy or of interest. Caerwyn and Amelius do the same.
As Eliaera moves closer to the large storage shed, a squeaking noise that sounds like some kind of speech can be heard. As she turns the corner, the back wall of the shed has fallen down, and the scene inside is almost comical, if it wasn't so bizarre.
Three large rodents are standing on their hind legs, but almost cowering, as a fourth....rodent seems to be giving them some kind of orders in what seems to be some kind of rat-speech. The leader is different than the other rats - it has a tiny, wrinkled face that looks like an old man's, and tiny little hands and arms with thick tufts of fur growing on the sides. Immediately noticing Eliaera, it shrieks, and...speaks - in a grating, high pitched, but eerily human voice.
"Interlopers! Usurpers! My master expires, and you wish to take her things and my home! Insolent humans!" it says, and abruptly vanishes from sight. The other three large rats do not, however, and immediately move to attack.
You can all move into combat as a move action, regardless of where you might be in your search of the grounds.
Skitterfoot (ratling) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Dire Rats x 3 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Caerwyn 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Ostar 1d20 ⇒ 6
Eliaera 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Garridan 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Amelius 1d20 ⇒ 15
Caerwyn acts first, then the rats, Amelius, Garridan, Eliaera, Ostar. Post your actions in any order though, and I'll resolve them in a first round summary post.

Garridan Imoroa |

Garridan hears the strange sounds coming from the shed, and can see the surprise on Eliaera's face at whatever she is looking at. He immediately moves forward, settling his shield firmly on his arm and drawing his sword, until he can see what is happening. He moves in, his shield an the ready as he tries to interpose himself between Eliaera and the rats.
"Sandpoint!" Garridan shouts as he swings his sword at the closest one.
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Eliaera Casateri |

So shocked by the sight of a talking, human-faced rat, it takes Eliaera a couple of moments to regain her senses and ready herself for attack. Rapier in hand, she takes mild affront to Garridan standing in between her and the enemy, and sidesteps around him to join the fracas. Before defending herself against the rats, however, she calls out to the... the rodent(?) she saw before. "Umm... Mr. Rat? We're not here to steal from your master or yourself! I promise! We're just looking for Old Megus!" She then pierces her rapier through one of the rats, blade shimmering with a faint hint of azure magic.
Swift: Use Arcane Strike.
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn moves around the perimeter, pulling his sword as he goes. He ends up with one of the rats between himself and Eliaera.

FuriousPhil |

As Caerwyn quickly moves into position to aid Eliaera, he draws his weapon and prepares to attack, or at least deflect the full brunt of the rodent assault.
I'm going to assume you are trying to flank.
The rats attempt to attack individually, rather as a pack - clearly, without their leader, they have little grasp of intelligent tactics.
Dire Rat 1 (bite) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 vs. Caerwyn (AC 16)
Dire Rat 2 (bite) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 vs. Eliaera (AC 16)
Dire Rat 3 (bite) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 vs. Garridan (AC 19)
None of the rats' frenzied attacks strike home, however.
Amelius keeps his distance, and rather than casting a spell, stabs at the rodents with his spear.
Amelius (spear) 1d20 ⇒ 5
The rodent yelps and darts out of the way of the sorcerer's spear thrust.
Ostar and Garridan are more successful, and each are able to land blows against the small vermin. Ostar, proving that his righteous warhammer strikes are no fluke, kills one of the rats outright, while Garridan pierces one with his sword, but it continues to thrash about.
Eliaera also strikes true with her magic-infused rapier, stabbing one of the rodents and hitting something vital. It collapses, dead.
The final wounded dire rat attempts to flee, giving Garridan the opportunity to finish it off.
Garridan (attack of opportunity) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
With all of the dire rats dead, there is no sign of the strange little rat-man that vanished when Eliaera first noticed it.
BTW Ostar, nice catch with the 'Brown Jenkin' ratling - according to the AP, it's a pretty unsubtle Lovecraft reference!

Garridan Imoroa |

"Impressive once again, Ostar," Garridan says. "I see you're well named."
He gives a respectful nod to Eliaera as well, before looking around carefully. "What 'Mr. Rat', are you referring to? He proceeds to poke around in the shed with his sword, looking to see if anything else is a danger inside, as well as searching for any clues about Megus.
Well, this is a witch house. I'll try to avoid dreaming inside.

FuriousPhil |

A search of the broken down storage shed finds some old crates, some rotten provisions, and some tomes that have succumbed to the damp, and are now illegible. There are some broken glassware and pottery shards in the far corner.
Whatever happened to Megus, it's probable that her demise was sudden. Seems the only way to get an answer to the mystery is to investigate the premises in which she was probably living.
There's also the matter of the strange rat-man. Was it the old witch's familiar? Maybe if it felt threatened, it went back to what it considers safe ground. It might even be possible to talk to it, using a little diplomacy - then again, it certainly didn't seem very friendly the first time around.
The afternoon sun is getting closer to the horizon. Might be best to investigate the house and get back to Walthus's before dark sets in.

Garridan Imoroa |

"Nothing of use here," Garridan says once he finishes checking the shed. "If Old Megus is dead, we should check her home and see what we can find."
Garridan goes back to the main house, settles his shield on his arm and adjusts his grip on his sword, before lining up his shield and slamming into the door.
Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
He grunts as he bounces off of the door. "It must be swollen in the frame...

Eliaera Casateri |

Eliaera pulls her blade back from the now-dead rat corpse, a mixed expression of something between satisfaction and regret flashing over her face. Poor thing. It didn't deserve to die. However, when she notices Garridan's respectful nod, she shakes away the pensiveness with an overly confident grin and a slight flourish of her blade in the air.
"There was a... a rat, I suppose. It had a human face and hands, but it seemed to be able to talk to the other rats here. I think it was Old Megus' familiar... which means that she's not just missing--she's dead." Eliaera's expression falls. "I feel for little guy. He's probably mad with grief. We should be careful and not disturb her things more than we have to."
Seeing Garridan struggle with the door, Eliaera moves over to the dilapidated building and gives the door a sharp kick. Much to her surprise (which she hurriedly tries to disguise), the door swings open with a creak. "You must've loosened it!" She laughs, before poking her head inside and having a good look around.
Str Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
If it's dark inside, Eliaera will cast dancing lights.

DM Locke |

Ostar winks at Garridan as Eliaera boots the door open. Nodding to Eliaera and smiling, he says: The little man-rat might be as evil as the nine hells, too. Keep that boot ready for his head, if need be!
Ostar casts light on the outside of his shield and shines it inside the house.
Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
I guess I'll take point ... Ostar mutters, almost under his breath. He moves slowly, defensively, into the building and tries to take as much in as possible.

FuriousPhil |

As you make your way into the shack, it’s clear that this place has not been in use in quite some time. The floorboards creak and groan under yourweight, and the whole thing seems on the verge of falling apart. The walls are made of slats of wood, warped and twisted, with rusty nails sticking out at odd angles. The magical light you have cast reveals fungal growths in the corners, and sheets of it cling to the walls. Moss and lichen have spread throughout as well. Numerous gourds, twigs, and bones hang from the ceiling rafters on sinew and string. An opening directly ahead leads to another room, and there is a closed door to the right.
Eliaera can hear a faint scratching that sounds like something is crawling around in the walls. All of you hear a muffled, high-pitched voice as you enter.
"So, the brave humans have defeated my minions! Wortthless vermin - good for breeding with though...hee hee hee. So you have come looking for mistress? Mistress is dead, and may she spend eternity in Hell. Cruel and mean-spirited Megus. Now this place belongs to me, Skitterfoot! You will meet your doom here, and meet Megus in the afterlife, hee hee hee!"
More scuttling sounds come from the rafters, and then the shack grows silent once again.
As you explore further, the room to the right of the entry is a small closet, with a cloak hanging in it, and a mundane walking stick next to it. The cloak is patched, filthy with semi-dried and caked old mud. It doesn't seem remarkable in any way.
Straight ahead is what must have been a living area, with sagging benches, a broken table, and narrow cupboards. An old brick stove sits against the west wall. The cupboards hold some simple ceramic plates and cups, nothing remarkable here either. To the right is a back door porch area leading out to the path that leads down to the bay, and to the left is an area that was probably a lavatory, judging from the smell.
Next to the back door porch is another door to the right, and this door is the only one with something more elaborate than a simple hook and eye. The door has an ornate keyhole, and is locked.
As you examine this door, you hear the same voice as before - coming from behind the door.
"Looking for mistress's valuables? Oh, I was too clever for you! The key is buried somewhere only I know, and only I know the secret way that tiny skitterfeet can enter! No way to get to Megus, no way to get her maps and books and scrolls, oh no! Hee hee hee!"
Diplomacy or Intimidate may work to convince Skitterfoot to open the door for you, Disable Device or a Strength check may be options as well. Megus was a witch, and it might be possible the door is magically warded or even trapped. Proceed carefully.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

Caerwyn will move up to the door and kneel beside the doorknob. Cocking his head he listens for any sounds coming from behind the door before reaching into his pack and removing a leather wrapped bundle.
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
He will carefully run his hands around the door's frame searching for any nasty surprises that may be sprung upon opening the door.
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 1 = 26
Removing two small tools from the leather case he inserts them into the door's lock and begins moving them abotu, gently manipulating the locks interior mechanisms.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Eliaera Casateri |

Eliaera arches a brow at Skitterfoot's 'greeting'. "I think you might be right, Ostar," she says quietly, following the skritching sound in the walls with an even gaze. "Hopefully he can be reasoned with."
As the group moves through the abandoned witch's home, Eliaera hums a short and repetitive tune, the musical vibrations revealing the presence of any magic in the area. She especially concentrates on the entranceway closet, remembering Walthus' cloak, and of course the ornate locked door from behind which Skitterfoot taunts them.
Maintaining detect magic as we move through the home. If anything detects as magic, Eliaera will concentrate on it for the full three rounds and attempt to identify the aura.
After checking the door for any signs of magic, Eliaera steps forward, calling out to the little rat. "Hey there, Skitterfoot!" she says, trying to sound friendly. "You're so smart, aren't you? Outsmarting all of us! You know what, though? We're actually here looking to talk to someone reeeeally smart. Good thing we found you!"
"Hey, Skitterfoot, would you let us in so we can talk to you? It's hard to hear you through this door."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

FuriousPhil |

As Caerwyn examines the door, he checks carefully for any mechanical or magical traps - and finds none. Moving onto his next task of trying to pick the lock, he finds the locking mechanism troublesome. One of his picks breaks off in the lock, rendering future attempts difficult, if not impossible.
Eliaera meanwhile, tries a different approach - trying to entreat with the bizarre creature calling itself Skitterfoot. As she tries to appeal to him with flattery, the following reply comes back, sounding a bit surprised.
"Megus never said things like that about me. 'Filthy creature' she called me. 'Disgusting freak.' Yet I was still better off as her familiar - I'm just a tiny ratling, after all."
"I have no reason to trust you. Yet this swamp shack is no place to learn of new magics. Risk, reward, hee hee hee.
"If one of you would be my master - a wizard, a witch, a magus, a...sorceror even - to protect dear Skitterfoot, and show him the arcane mysteries - I will let you in. Otherwise, I take all of Megus's things and hide them forever in the swamp. Deal?"
Caerwyn, being nearest the door, hears a barely audible 'hee hee hee' as he attempts to clear the broken pick from the door lock.
Skitterfoot is offering to unlock the door in return for one of you taking him on as a familiar. You must be a spellcaster in order to do so, and in order to accomodate this, he will have some reduced abilities compared to a normal ratling. You can also attempt to Bluff if the idea of a tiny man-rat familiar that may drink a small amount of your blood from time to time is not your cup of tea!

Eliaera Casateri |

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Eliaera doesn't know much about ratlings, apparently...
Eliaera's brow arches skywards and she shoots the rest of the group an incredulous look. "Hold on a moment, Skitterfoot, we'll have to discuss this between ourselves..."
The Varisian performer turns her back on the door and lowers her voice. "... I'm not sure I trust it," she says quietly, frowning deeply. "It was calling out our doom just a little while ago, after all. I feel sorry for it, but not enough to adopt it, I don't think." She glances at Amelius. "What about you?"
"Perhaps we could try and... string it along. Just enough so we can get the information we want out of it. I'd feel bad about that, but..." Eliaera shrugs helplessly.

Garridan Imoroa |

"I know less than nothing about such... creatures," Garridan answers in an equally low tone. "I do say that the thing seems pretty foul -- I'm not sure that I could trust it, and if it stayed with us... would Walthus even let it into his home? And I doubt it could show its, um, face?, in Sandpoint. All the same, if you or Amelius feel you are willing to take the risk... it's your decision.
"As for stringing it along, well, if it's a monster, then that would be sound tactics, wouldn't it? I mean, it's some witch's familiar, and it already tried to kill us. I don't think my conscious would bother me overmuch betraying it. If it was a person, sure, but some evil creature like that?

Ostar Foehammer |

I'm not in the market for a familiar, that's for damn sure. Ostar says while shaking his head. Eliaera may be right - the little beast might not be evil, just hurt. I don't want to take it's life if it can be avoided, not without just cause at least....
Ostar looks at Eliaera. Continuing to talk sounds like our best bet, and you're clearly our best representative in the matter. Be cautious of accepting any deals, however - I doubt accepting it as a companion would be as simple as shaking hands or paws or whatever and making an agreement. It might swear you to a blood oath, or worse! Guard yourself, and your soul. I've got your back, whatever you do.

FuriousPhil |

As you discuss the possible implications of letting the ratling tag along with your group, his high pitched, yet muffled voice sounds out.
"So, humans, have you made up your minds? It is a good deal, good for Skitterfoot and good for you. Megus had all kinds of wondrous, nice things in here - some of it is still unspoiled! And me, I can disappear and use powerful magics myself! What say you humans - I am tired of this rattle-shack, and all my breeders have been slain by your powerful fighting! We can be powerful together, fight nasty goblins and monsters in the swamp! Maybe kill other humans, drink their bloods, hee hee hee! I mean, only bad, cruel humans...of course, of course."
The tone in the creature's voice shifts slightly, and hints at loneliness and brooding.
"Stupid Megus and her stupid experiments - knew it would be the death of her! Never listened to Skitterfoot, oh no. Can't change a witch into something else! Not a tadpole, or a guppy. All alone in this ram-shack, rotting wood and broken dreams..." trailing off, the ratling seems to be aware he is sounding desperate and melancholy, and shifts back to his confident tone once again.
"Do we have a deal, pretty lady human and strong menfolk? I come with you, help you, unlock special door and you get Megus-treasure? Deals, deals, deals - swift like a rat-tail, and away we go! Hee hee hee! What say you!