Kelsey MacAilbert |

I ended up creating a Magus. Here she is:
Str 18
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 10
71 Hit Points
Speed 30 ft
AC 26
Touch AC 13
Flat-Footed AC 23
Armor Check -1
Base Attack Bonus +6
Basic Melee Attack +9
Basic Ranged Attack +8
Fortitude Save +8
Reflex Save +6
Will Save +6
CMB +10
CMD 23
+2 Mithril Battleaxe
+2 Heavy Darkwood Shield
+2 Mithril Breastplate
Belt of Physical Might (+2 Str, +2 Dex)
Bag of Holding Type IV
4 Potions Cure Serious Wounds
6 Potions Cure Moderate Wounds
3 Potions Lesser Restoration
Skills with ranks
Knowledge Arcana +14
Perception +14
Spellcraft +14
Survival +11
Skill Focus Perception
Shield Focus
Improved Shield Bash
Extra Arcane Pool
Extra Arcane Pool
Extra Arcane Pool
All simple and martial weapons
All shields
Light and medium armor
Spells Per Day
Level 0 5
Level 1 5
Level 2 4
Level 3 2
Arcane Pool
12 Points Per Day
Magus Arcana
Arcane Redoubt
Ghost Blade
Enduring Blade
Class Abilities
Arcane Bond (Heavy Wooden Shield)
Spellstrike (Can be used with weapon or shield bash)
Sorcerous Shield
Shielded Spell Combat
All 0 level magus spells
1 level magus spells
Burning Hands
Chill Touch
Ray of Enfeeblement
Expeditious Retreat
Stone Fist
Magic Missile
Reinforce Armaments
Shocking Grasp
2 level spells
Acid Arrow
Defensive Shock
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Bear's Endurance
3 level spells
Water Breathing
Lightning Bolt
Racial Abilities
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Catfolk are agile and amiable, but they are known for their lack of common sense and self-control.
Low-Light Vision: In dim light, catfolk can see twice as far as humans.
Cat's Luck: See above.
Sprinter: See above.
Natural Hunter: Catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.
Languages: Catfolk speak Catfolk and Common. A catfolk who has a high Intelligence score can choose from the following bonus languages: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.
Will she work?

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Cat's Luck (Ex)
Once per day when a catfolk makes a Reflex saving throw, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. It must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.
Sprinter (Ex)
A catfolk gains a 10-foot racial bonus to its speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
All set, Chris.

Wesley Furfoot |

Back in the discussion earlier I was going for a faerie cohort with my leadership feat. I didn't want to have an extra figure to account for, the idea was a fairy or pixie that hung out in my hood that I could deploy from time to time to scout. I was thinking of a high charisma oracle for her class.

Chris Banks |

@ Wesley: This is the part where that low charisma score comes back to bite you, I'm afraid. Wesley's leadership score is 7, which means he can attract a 5th level cohort. Pixies are listed as a level 8 equivalent, and I can see why, given they're small, intelligent, loaded with magic and can fly. I think a pseudodragon with two class levels is about right, and if you like you can use the stats for a pseudodragon to represent a faerie.
@ Dresmond: I see you haven't picked out your spells for the day yet. Kind of an important thing to sort out, since you may find yourself needing to cast them at some point.
@ Victor: Yeah, I think we can take crowbars as a given. Go ahead and add it.
@ Kelsey: No problems with bronzed-looking mithral. In fact, I'm unlikely to take any issue with purely cosmetic choices.
For my own amusement, I think I'll upgrade Marius to your mysterious patron, the one who put you onto the tomb in the first place and will be paying for the inevitable raise deads and the like. He's here for the first day to observe you in action (you know, make sure his money's being well spent), after which he's heading back to town.
A quick note: Although I have no problem with people taking 10 or 20 on checks, do bear in mind that this represents ten or twenty minutes of effort. As such, other players may like to consider what they're doing with that time. Potentially checking the rest of a room for traps, for instance.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Methinks I should do my spells for today, too.
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Level 1
Stone Fist
Expeditious Retreat
Expeditious Retreat
Level 2
Bull's Strength
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Bear's Endurance
Level 3
Water Breathing
On to important character details.
Iset is a member of one of Osirion's few Catfolk communities, and had a more or less average upbringing as a desert nomad. She is, however, deeply interested in ancient history, which is what dragged her into a life as an adventurer. She wanted to explore old ruins and learn more about those who came before. This is also what got her into the Tomb of Horrors. She's generally good natured, and highly curious, if a bit socially awkward.
Her alignment is Lawful Good.

Victor Hughs |

Actually, according to the rules, taking 20 means it would take 20 times as long as the skill would normally take, which means for a 1 round skill (6 seconds) it would take 20 rounds (20*6=120 seconds) or 2 minutes. And taking ten is vague, but I would say from the rules that it was just a 1 round thing, given you aren't trying your hardest with the skill, but if you really wanted to impose a time limit on it, then I would suggest 1 minute (10*6).

![]() |

Read Magic
Level 1
Shield of Faith x2
Comprehend Languages
Entropic Shield
Shield of Faith D
Level 2
Find Traps
Resist Energy x2
Bless weapon D
Level 3
Protection from energy
Speak with dead
Searing Light D
Level 4
Restoration x2
Holy Smite D

Wesley Furfoot |

Just remember, if anything bad happens when taking 20 you are assumed to have rolled a 1 before a 20. So disarming locks where you could break a pick or jam the tumblers taking 20 is not always so good.

Wareagle |

Wesley Furfoot |

Sorry--I posted just before you in gameplay.
I am game to continue, even after missing the riddle.
Thanks Chris for your work, the maps have been nice too. I appreciate you trying to save this. I hope others want to continue, but the way of the PbP adventure is a fickle one. Over half my games are now abandoned not counting this one.

Victor Hughs |

Life got busy for me, and with all the dead time while things changed over I guess my character died a little. PbP's can be hard to keep going sometimes, at the moment I suspect Pugwampi's are killing my Legacy of Fire campaign I'm running.
Wesley, if you're happy to try post once a dayish, I'll try inject some life back into my character and do the same.

Wesley Furfoot |

Let's not keep it going for only two PCs. I know Wareagle is busy with his two new starts--Hommlett and Shackled City.
I kind of like the burglar build--maybe I can pick everyone else but Victor's pockets while we wait. I'll split the loot with you.
Tomb of Horrors is a niche market unlike the gazillion kingmaker or carrion crown APs.