It's Tomb of Horrors

Game Master Kelsey MacAilbert

It's Tomb of Horrors. With Pathfinder rules.

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Post here when your characters are ready.

Male Human Alchemist 9

OK, my character sheet is done, I think... HP roll is
8d8 + 17 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1, 7) + 17 = 44

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

Almost done; I will be looking for help to buy the rest of my gear.

Just need to decide on some scrolls and Ridley is done.
hit dice 8d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6) - 1 = 30max at first=8, -9 for con

Silver Crusade

Dremond is already completely stated up.
May have overspent please overlook btw The Flaming Fist is worth 10000gp

HP roll:7d8 + 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 6, 2) + (6) + 9 = 42 +8 for first level=50 total.

Male Human Wizard 8

Right, I do believe I'm set.

HP: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2) = 28

Male Human Alchemist 9

Thats what I forgot, favoured class, i'm taking the class alternative for additional formula. I'm out for a few hours, i'll do it when I get back, but roll on.

All right, we start in a few hours to give Victor Hughs some time.

Male Human Alchemist 9

OK, I'm all good, added 3 more 1st lvl spells, 3 2nd lvl, and 3 hit points.

Silver Crusade

For favored class I take hp so +8 hp 58 new max.

Okay. Is everybody ready?

Male Human Alchemist 9


Male Human Wizard 8

Yes indeed.

RP thread posted. You may begin.

Yes, I have altered the fluff. Why? Putting the TOH under a pyramid sounds cool.

Heads up. The 3.5 TOH that I'm using has optional threats from Libris Mortis that can be used or not used as the GM wishes, and, since I own and love Libris Mortis, I intend to use these optional threats that are in the module.

Hey everybody am opening ANOTHER pbp if your interested you can find the recruitment thread here

Male Human Alchemist 9

I don't suppose it's too late to spend the last of my gold (About 10,000GP) on materials to craft poisons? If it is too late, that's fine.

Not too late.

Will respond in the game thread in the morning.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

I have a cohort. The story is Wesley has rescued a flying pixie or sprite. I was hoping you would build the cohort so it doesn't get too outrageous. This creature will ride in Wesley's hood.

I've never built a cohort before. What do I need to remember?

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I've never built a cohort before. What do I need to remember?

Just check out the feat leadership in the core rulebook. That will give you a leadership level based on Wesley's level, charisma and stability (bunch of modifiers) - did he get another cohort killed? (hope not) have a stable guild hall or stronghold - don't think a famous burglar could claim that, etc.

From this leadership level, you can look across a table and see the cohort level and construct a whole new character of this level. Not wanting to burden you with another body marching along, I was hoping the pixie would have the subdued impact of a familiar and do some scouting. If you want to make a druid small animal companion of that level using that leadership level, that would be cool too, lets say a falcon with a hood and a perch--how cool is that.

That way Wesley can "deploy" his cohort in game without making you have to track another figure moving around.

Can you work without the cohort?

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

No problem. It is quite overpowered for one feat isn't it. I'll take another feat, maybe skill focus stealth or something.

Male Human Wizard 8

Huh. Somehow missed including my class features on the sheet. All fixed now, and daily enhancement bonus has been applied to dexterity (the better for dodging traps).

Male Human Alchemist 9

It has occured to me that both Ridley and myself can copy each others formula lists, and we can both scribe some of Marius' spell list as well.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

And make me two invisiblity scrolls please.

Male Human Alchemist 9

I wasn't talking about scrolls, but I can look into that.

Come into a bit of a snag. A game I was involved in a little while ago with this avatar has resurfaced, so what I would like to do is copy this character's game information into another alias and continue running this character here, just under a diff name and image. This kosher? No game stats are changing, just her name and image.

Found an art gallery on wizards to help you out hope it didnt spoil anything for me but you should check out. Tome of Horrors Art Gallery hope it is what you were looking for :)

Go ahead and switch the alias over, Ridley.

Thanks, Wareagle.

Fallout War Never Changes

Running a futuristic setting campaign based on the fallout setting. Rules are a mix between my own the modern d20 rules and the original fallout d20 ruleset. Please check it out if you are interested.

Male Human Wizard 8

Just a quick note that I'm going to be out of town until the new year. Should have internet access, but I'm likely to be distracted at the least, so NPC Marius as necessary.

Happy holidays you lot ;)

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

First, my support to Kelsey and my condemnation of anonymous flamers and haters. I found this out on another recruitment thread Kelsey was running.

someone else wrote:

On the night of the 24th, someone with the username "I hate Kelsey" started a thread with a similarly hateful title, and said a few mean things about her.

It was removed by the next day, and several posters were critical of the OP's cruel and cowardly anonymous remarks, but I fear that Kelsey may have seen it and was hurt by it, and that's why she's not been back.

She was pretty new to this site, and very active on it. I hope I'm wrong, and she comes back in a day or two and says she was whisked off on an unexpected fabulous globetrotting holiday vacation, but I sorta doubt it

Male Human Alchemist 9

:( :( :(

I thought she was doing a great job, I was just putting the sloweness down to it being the silly season. I was really looking forwards to this campaign.

Well, that's no good. My commiserations to Kelsey. I hope the user in question was banned. That kind of thing is not on.

Male to Female Transgender Human Bard 8
Wesley Furfoot wrote:

First, my support to Kelsey and my condemnation of anonymous flamers and haters. I found this out on another recruitment thread Kelsey was running.

someone else wrote:

On the night of the 24th, someone with the username "I hate Kelsey" started a thread with a similarly hateful title, and said a few mean things about her.

It was removed by the next day, and several posters were critical of the OP's cruel and cowardly anonymous remarks, but I fear that Kelsey may have seen it and was hurt by it, and that's why she's not been back.

She was pretty new to this site, and very active on it. I hope I'm wrong, and she comes back in a day or two and says she was whisked off on an unexpected fabulous globetrotting holiday vacation, but I sorta doubt it

That's not what happened. I was in a really bad mood that night, and I posted that thread myself in a pathetic attention grab, and the mods responded by giving me some time away from the site to reflect on my behavior.

Male to Female Transgender Human Bard 8
Chris Banks wrote:
Well, that's no good. My commiserations to Kelsey. I hope the user in question was banned. That kind of thing is not on.

I was, but not permanently. If I do something like that again, however, I have no doubt that the resulting ban will be permanent.

Male to Female Transgender Human Bard 8
Victor Hughs wrote:

:( :( :(

I thought she was doing a great job, I was just putting the sloweness down to it being the silly season. I was really looking forwards to this campaign.

Really? I actually feel rather out of my depth here.

Male Human Alchemist 9

I'm not sure who else is still hanging around this thread, but if you're happy to keep trying to GM this campaing, I'm more then happy to keep on as a player.

I'm still here and hope we can get back to it :)

If you're feeling out of your depth, there's no obligation to continue. I'm willing to take over GMing duties if you prefer. I'll just need a bit of time to bring myself up to speed with the adventure.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

That would be great Chris.

Male Human Alchemist 9

I'm happy to go with whatever the group is happy with.

I'm fine with Chris taking over. The adventure is available for free off of the WOTC site.

Male Human Alchemist 9

Well, i'll be here when you're ready to go.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

Maybe Kelsey plays instead?

Wesley Furfoot wrote:
Maybe Kelsey plays instead?

That was my thought, yes. Marius is available to use, or you can stat up a new character. Or you could get Marius killed, then sub in a new character.

I'll get cracking on reading through the adventure.

Male to Female Transgender Human Bard 8

Sure. Give me a little time to think about what to play.

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