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"Yes, yes, run and hide!"
Shaya hurries towards the cave, trying to get out of sight of the monster. "Oh, I hope Janira will be alright!"

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"Friends, we have a bevy of support here," Drea suggests. "Who can make use of wands of power?" The sylph runs their hand along the interior of the bag, enjoying the texture and the psychic emanations inherent to the rucksack.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog takes a moment to sift around through the items. "I am capable of activating both of those wands, but the only scroll I can activate is the scroll of obscuring mist."

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Mivvy shrugs at Virog's news, "In my hands, that's a terrible fire-starting kit." She offers him a long smile, "I wish I could do some of those tricks. I've had enough lessons but I just don't seem to have the knack. It's incredibly frustrating."
A hint of sadness peaks in around the eyes and the edges of her smile, "I envy you."
Just establishing things for when she takes a level of bard and is suddenly flinging magics about.

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Mivvy looks around for a decent sized stone and hefts it into the water, aiming next to the bundles of clothes.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog takes off one of his gloves, revealing cracked, blackened skin underneath.
"I've been readin up on arcane magicks maself. Try an' understand better than I did, that there learning curve is steep. I've tried already, it won't heal out."
He pauses a moment and sighs at the pit. "I know of a spell for this. But I don't know a spell for this. Are any of y'all great climbers? I got rope 'n everything."

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"I can climb," Drea says. "Perhaps we should fish out that bundle of clothes? It may tell us something."

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"Not much luck with the potions either, sorry. And, well, I'm not the best climber either. Or jumper. More of the bookish type, really. Sorry again."

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

"I'm fine wit gettin' that I s'pose."
Virog will plop himself down next to the pit cross-legged, pull out some string and a fish hook and fashion his quarterstaff into a crude fishing pole to begin fishing out the cloth in the bottom of the pit.
I'm not sure what you want me to roll, but I'm assuming survival
Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 16

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"I may be able to tell what, if any story, this item would tell." The sylph seems very eager to touch the cloak and reaches out to it, closing their eyes as they bury their face in it in a trance-like state.
Knowledge Arcana or UMD, if either is applicable: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

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Mivvy shrugs, sets down her pack and starts removing her armour.
"Has anyone got a rope? I could tie it off over the other side."
She steps back for a run-up and shod everyone aside, checks her rapier is firmly sheathed and takes a running leap...
acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Over the pit, landing with a graceful tumble and grinning with satisfaction not too shabby.
anywhere to tie a rope?

ScorchedOne |

Mivvy deftly leaps the chasm, the floor a little slippery but not giving her any problem. Once across, she notices a plank set nearby that looks exactly the right length to span the hole, though wide enough that people need to take it slow or make acrobatics checks to balance and not fall into the pit.
The tunnels continue on, leading deeper beneath the Kortos Mounts until they eventually open into a large cavern. What must have once been beautifully carved reliefs and inscriptions have since weathered heavily, their features dulled and softened to the point that it is hard to distinguish what each once depicted. A wide tunnel exits the cavern on its far side, and blue-burning torches line the passageway’s walls.

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Drea takes it slowly across the chasm on the board. As the party enters the large cavern, the sylph's eyes glaze over in wonderment.
"So beautiful," they say, reaching out their hand to trace along the weathered carvings. The sylph appears to be in a trance, attempting to feel psychic emanations from the carvings while interpreting them based on their knowledge base.
Knowledge History or Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
GM, did I pick up anything from the cloak that I examined earlier?

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will investigate the carvings closely, casting light to better see them. He'll mutter a bit to himself as he leans over to look.
"Whatcha got goin' on here"

ScorchedOne |

The carvings here are different in style from the petroglyphs found elsewhere in the caves, and they date back to long before the gillmen explored this area. Scattered throughout the cave are inscriptions from the History and Future of Humanity, the principle holy text of Aroden, and images that depict these passages. The carvings focus on parables that feature Aroden’s 12 guises, meant to illustrate his hopes for humanity: the artist, beggar, craftsman, farmer, fisherman, hunter, merchant, scholar, shepherd, soldier, tailor, and thief.
With her knowledge check, Drea determines one of these is a story relating to the Artist. The Artist is depicted painting murals on the walls of impressive buildings, associated with Aroden having painted the city of Absalom with beautiful colors so that it might awe all who visited.

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"Oh, Aroden, I always imagine him with a big, ugly wig... Our divinity teacher was really into Aroden, like, too much, and he has this hilarious wig..."
Mivvy chuckles to herself.

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Drea begins weeping silently.
"Father was worshipful of Aroden," the sylph manages, "and raised me in the image of the Dead God."
Drea shares the story of the Artist with the group.
"I must take notes." With this, they take out a curious heart-shaped wooden board with two peg legs, a journal, a quill, and an ink vial. Settling on the ground cross-legged, they begin to write in their journal, and then stops and looks up. "I cannot do this now. Janira is in danger. I MUST come back here once we have completed our task. I must be given at least one hour's time to properly commune with the echoes of history."
Drea fixes Mivvy with a steely gaze. "Promise me that we will return."

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"Wooooah!" Shaya gapes in marvel at the carvings, frantically scribbling shorthand into her own journal, before Drea's words shake her.
"Well, yeah, of course we must return, this is a chronicler's treasure trove! Oh, we could make a column dedicated to the cults..."
As she speaks, the tengu's eyes are already scanning the place for clues.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 20 against traps

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Saya steps up behind both Drea and Shaya, looking at the weathered carvings with appreciation, "Aroden...it is a shame we cannot look up on these as they were meant to be seen."
She resists the urge to take up her pencils and paper and render some of the more clear carvings, instead turning away and examining the rest of the cavern, especially the passageway with the blue-burning torches.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

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Oh, woah, heavy... Drea is intense.
"Um, yeah, sure, we can come back here. Why not? Sure, yeah."
Notebooks, right, because pathfinders!

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Drea will take a moment to pack up their writing materials, and then cannot help but to peruse the carvings once more, desperate to learn some more of the idol for whom they were dedicated.
This will be the OTHER check that I didn't use the first time: Knowledge Religion or History
Knowledge Other: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

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Tears in their eyes, the sylph takes a deep breath and shoulders their pack once more.
"Ok, friends. I am ready. You will see. I am ready."

ScorchedOne |

Moving on, you find yourselves in a larger section still of the caves. The soft light of the surrounding fungus mixes with the flickering glow of the nearby torches to reveal a grand chamber. A large pool of water along the chamber’s southern edge reflects the blue and green radiance to illuminate the massive stalactites that cling to the ceiling overhead. Two other tunnels branch off
from this area, leading to the east and west.
Rising up from the pool is a column of rock with steeply sloped sides and a flat top, as if someone had sawn off the top of a massive stalagmite. A miniature city carved from this same stone occupies nearly the entire surface. Tiny trinkets such as ancient coins, polished semiprecious stones, and ornately braided loops of string are scattered throughout the diorama, and pale cave frogs clamber atop it. The smooth cavern floor is covered in gravel and pebbles along the edge of the pool, and several foot-long centipedes prowl among the gravel in their search for prey.
Those of you who pass a DC10 perception notice a gillman mostly submerged in the pool of water. He does not appear to have noticed you.

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Knowledge History: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Drea cannot help them self, and begins examining the city carving.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
After a few moments, the sylph looks around and notes the figure. Silently, Drea draws the party's attention to the gillman if no one else hasn't done so in a more timely fashion.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Virog grins broadly, showing all of his tobacco stained teeth. "Now we ken get t'the bottom of all a'this."
He starts walking slowly towards the gillman, and gesturing for the party to follow. Calling out as he walks "'Scuse me Mr. Gillman, We're locals someplace else and we wanted to know what was going on around here, and what y'all were doing about this cave. Y'all wouldn't've been here around the last full moon, would'ye have?"

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Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Lost in looking at the carvings, Shaya clumsily misses the gillman, only noticing him as Virog starts talking.

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The sylph looks up from their close study of the city scape. "We should hail him, I think. We are intruding upon his reverie, if this is truly a temple to Aroden. What's more, he may be a worshipper of the Dead God, and might have secrets to tell!"
Drea looks away in a softer voice. "I would do so, but my appearance often is not useful for first impressions."

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Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Saya notices the Gillman, but her eyes are only reserved for the beautiful carved city atop the column.
Her fingers itch to begin sketching, but her regard of the carving is interuptted by Virog's tactless introduction.
She sees the Gillman look at Mivvy and Drea, and his complete disregard for thier presence.
"It would appear that he does not care that we are here..." she offers.

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Was hoping for a few more responses. Ah well, progress!
He continues looking at the intruders, but does not make sound nor movement to indicate that he does care, as Saya observed. As you are not disturbing him purposefully, he seems content to leave you be as well.
If there's nothing else, we'll move along. There are passages to the Southeast or Southwest.

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Mivvy wonders at the gillman, "Has he been taking pesh? I met a guy once and, like, um..."
Mivvy moves over to the southeast passage and peers down it, "Anyway, no rest for the wicked."
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

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Drea follows Virog, seeing Mivvy moving to not engage with the gillman.
"Has he not responded to your entreaty, friend Virog?" the sylph asks, approaching the side of the pool. "Perhaps he does not speak Taldane?"
In patient but slightly robotic order, Drea attempts to engage with the gillman in a number of different languages.

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Mivvy arches an eyebrow in admiration at Drea's skill with languages.
"That, Drea dear, was a marvel. I think I can chip in one more."
"Historic languages are still a thing at Pharban Aske: my alma mater." she explains to the room.

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"As much as I'd like to try my hand at Thassilonian and Ancient Osirian, I doubt this line of inquiry will be successful..."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

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"Now lips, lips I can do." Mivvy gives a vain smile and talks with exaggerated slowness and volume, "How... do... you... do..? Nod... if... you... can... un...der...stand... me...."

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Drea cocks their head to the side.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
"Without hearing faculties, you say? I think I may have a solution." The sylph takes off their backpack and fishes out their journal and inkpen. They use their quill to pen a quick note and, holding the book in both hands (and after unstrapping their weapon), wades into the pool towards the gillman to offer it.
If he reads the page, Drea offer their inkpen to the stoic man.