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Not much else I can do. Nothing else I can do, actually. Except throwing the world's most useless dagger.
Looking at the fight, Shaya draws her notebook and starts sketching some notes on the creatures. "Reanimated dead, how intriguing. Read something about them, somewhere, but can't for my life remember when."

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Shaya keeps scribbling. They apparently enjoy battling in narrow spaces, and they are rather lackluster as fighters go.
"Anyone of you wants to switch place with me, just tell me!"

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The sylph sighs. "Ashes to ashes, bones to dust!" They thrust heavily with the greatsword, aiming to end the bottleneck.
Slashing Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 132d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 4) + 5 = 11
4/10 rounds mental focus

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will 5' step behind Mivvy, draw his wand of cure light wounds and activate it to heal her.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

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The sylph sighs, "It is their curse to endlessly hate. Time to end their hate."
GM, what does Drea know of these creatures?
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
They sigh, contented in their knowledge, willing to share it with their companions as their greatsword flashes out again.
Slashing Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 202d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 6) + 5 = 17
5/10 rounds mental focus

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will tap Mivvy with his Wand of Cure Light Wounds again.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

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Drea learns some insights into the creatures she is fighting, then uses that insight to immediate effect, dropping the one in front of her to the floor in a clatter of bones as she seems to find their weak point.
These are Skeletons, NE Medium Undead, you may ask one question.Or maybe I should say "That is a skeleton", as only one is remaining.

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Shaya moves forward to the location where the first of the skeletons fell, and rustles through the bones looking for valuables.

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Mivvy gives a little sigh as the wand's magic completely closes her wounds, "Virog, darling, you are an actual life-saver."
Then she brings up her blade.
ready action to aid another if the skelly advances: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog nods and gestures with his wand, "Jus' would na' want ya t' end up leavin' us unwillingly. That does nobody any good."

ScorchedOne |

No special attacks.
The efforts of all appear to be in vain, perhaps save the healing. The skeleton does indeed advance as Mivvy had anticipated, and it seeks to strike Drea, who just downed its ally.
Attacks: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 = 7
Attacks: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Evidently feeling that turnabout is fair play, it nearly downs Drea in just one strike! (Well technically two.)
If it hadn't rolled 1 over minimum for damage, she would be downed.

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Drea, boxed in and unable to retreat, chooses to press their attack, airy blood-like substance darkening the rocky cavern floor, partially-sublimating into vapour around them.
"Friends, you will see. Please allow me to further travel with you," the sylph says, swinging mightily with their heirloom greatsword, their eyes already rolling up in their head as they pass out.
Slashing Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 162d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 6) + 5 = 15
And the sylph collapses, unconscious.

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Shaya hurries to drag Drea out of the fray, pulling her back behind Saya. "Need help, Virog!"
Drag maneuver: she should not provoke an AoO if I remember correctly.

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Way to go, Drea! In both senses...
"Wait, what, Drea?"
assuming that the skeleton has the same stats as the other one and so is now not just dead, but very dead indeed.
Mivvy stares in amazement as Drea topples the skeleton and herself.
"Heal them, someone, quick, quick!"

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog walks over to Drea, sticks the wand of cure light wounds directly into one of their open wounds, and swirls it about.
"Closer to the wound ah get it, the better it'll work, trust me."
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
He grins toothily, satisfied with the results of the healing so far. He then crouches down next to Drea and brandishes the cure wand in their direction, pretending to be menacing them with it, "Didn't I just say that I didnae want none of y'all leaving us unwillingly? Now do ya want another tap or don'tcha?"

ScorchedOne |

Mivvy was correct and I was going to post last night but just got too tired. Apologies. The last skeleton does indeed fall nearly simultaneously with Drea, leaving them as dead as they ought to be. Their loot is unremarkable, but in the back corner of the room our heroes find a mutilated corpse, with a note regarding plans to make an army of undead "fish people", as well as a ring of protection +1 that hadn't seemed to do the corpse much good and a suit of +1 leather armor, sized for a medium creature.
This passage seems to lead nowhere, coming to a dead end (literally) with the corpse.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will fully heal himself and wait for Drea's response to jab them again.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 For Virog
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 For Drea, if they want it
I'd give the armor to someone more likely to use it. I tend to avoid the front pretty hard, so my AC shouldn't matter a whole lot at the moment.

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Drea says nothing as Virog gruesomely pokes at them with the wand, twice.
"Thank you, friend Virog," they say as they rise from their prone position. Drea looks around at the scattered bones. "Such hatred for their history," the sylph says as they reach out and touch one of the longer bones of the shattered skeleton. "I will honour them in spite of their rage," and they pocket a thigh bone.
Drea accepts the ring and looks at it intently. "Thank you, friend Mivvy," they say as they put it on, rising to their feet again. "I will do this gift much honour."
Drea keeps their sword out. "How are the rest of my friends? How do we think Janira is faring?"
Drea will accept the ring of protection, thanks! No use for the leather armor for them - their heirloom armor is one of their occultist items, so they need to wear that.

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Virog will fully heal himself and wait for Drea's response to jab them again.
1d8+1 For Virog
1d8+1 For Drea, if they want it
I'd give the armor to someone more likely to use it. I tend to avoid the front pretty hard, so my AC shouldn't matter a whole lot at the moment.
Everyone else who uses armour is already rocking a higher or equal armour bonus to AC: Dreya and I have +4, Shaya has +3, Saya cannot use armour.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Everyone else who uses armour is already rocking a higher or equal armour bonus to AC: Dreya and I have +4, Shaya has +3, Saya cannot use armour.
I'll take it for now, then. After we level up next, I won't be able to wear armor, though.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog spends a minute clumsily fiddling with the straps on the armor, eventually just tying it in horrid tangles of knots. He eyes the thigh bone that Drea pockets cautiously, but does not say anything regarding it.
"I fig'r Janira's dead. Or near enough as makes no difference." He shrugs, shifting his new armor, "At least she chose it, 's better that way. We should probly hustle if we're gonna save enough'a her te bury."

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Mivvy shivers, "Janira!"
She cleans her sword and sheathes it, "Every time someone nearly dies, I forget why we are where we are. I think it's a survival instinct."
"Maybe Janira's got some tricks up her sleeve? I hope so."
Mivvy turns and starts to head back to the crossroads, "Anyway, this looks like a dead-end, let's try another way."
Mivvy would never think to look for secret or hidden things.

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"I don't reckon she's croaked, she's crafty and experienced. With the right couple of potions, she'll lead the minotaur and then slip away. Wait a second, lest there's some hidden door or somesuch here."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

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"Indeed, Miss Janira is an experience Pathfinder, I believe she'll find us soon enough, " Saya said, looking down at her hands. Then she shrugs and picks up her bow from where it leaned against the stone wall.
She resists the urge to sketch the unlikely scene of Virog poking his wand into Drea's wound, but lends a hand to Shaya's interesting idea..
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

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Partly assuaged that Janira is not a problem for them to solve at present, and steeled in their resolve to somehow communicate with the deaf gillman, Drea addresses the group as they come back into the main cavern.
"Friends, shall we try again to confer our information to this good gentle-person about the risks of the undead so close to his reverie location? Who would like to attempt to communicate with him? I am happy to assist in any such diplomatic endeavour - I am keen to know more of Aroden's presence in our world, and if this person knows anything, we and the Pathfinder Society in general would be all the much richer for that knowledge!"
They finish their excited rant with a breathy tone to their voice.
I will Assist Another on another Diplomacy check to communicate with the gillman.

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Virog is definitely the party face.
"Yeah, definitely, let's see if water-boy is still there."
That was so intense, I don't know how Drea does it!

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Drea will attempt to convey Virog's words in written fashion again by wading into the pool where the gillman soaks once more and showing what he has said on an empty page in their journal after writing it down.
Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Woo-hoo! +2!

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Mivvy, meanwhile, concentrates on being Virog's hype-man, using repetition of key-words and small supportive noises and phrases to reinforce what he is saying.
aid another: diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

"Yeah, I 'spose I kin talk t' 'em"
Virog will dictate to Drea a long and rambling diatribe about the undead that we fought, what they looked like, everything we know about them, how the guy was focused on using gillman, how he was pretty clearly killed by his own undead, and how it might be a good idea to keep an eye out for further undead.
"I dun know if ye rilly care much abut was goin' on down here, but there's was a whole muck a dead folks down in that there hallway, and they was right pissy. We broked 'em up real bad, well the rest of these folks did. I mist mostly. Coupl'a'us got cut up a'awful bit in tha doin', too. not that ya should worry, imma have fixed it. But ya should worry about tha dead folks. If ya see 'em, and they don't have no skin or meats or nuthin', beat 'em with summat flat. They're a might bit brittle, so they'll go down faster that way. Oh! And we found a dead dead guy. Not one of the fighty un's like we's was talkin' 'bout, but right proper dead. He had a journal where he talked about killin' bunches of y'all gillmen and makin more fighting undead with 'em. I fig'r he got kilt pretty good by his own dead men, so that's not terrble, but if you'd've had any druthers about it, ya might want ta keep an eye out for more dead folks, or murderin' dhampir wanderin' around. I don't much advocate for murder or the like. Make's me tetchy."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

It does not include any assists, just my own bonus. Your assist would make it a 26.

ScorchedOne |

Sorry, somehow missed that this hadn't gotten an update from me. Busy week, and I think I went back to check something important then forgot as the answer to my query was inconclusive. Drea had the cloak, what did she do with it upon realizing she couldn't tell whether or not it was magical?
The gillman looks exceedingly confused, largely because Virog's accent makes the lip-reading difficult, but he seems to understand. The gillman breaks his silence and informs the Pathfinders that they have entered a site sacred to the gillmen. It was once sacred to Aroden, the dead god of humanity, as well, but over the past century, the carvings in the nearby room have weathered and melted, and he speculates that soon Aroden’s influence will have faded completely.
A sense motive roll may be appropriate.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Drea seems very pleased that the gillman communicates with them; they seem oblivious to everything else.
Drea is not wearing the cloak; they likely tied it to their belt to stash it.