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Saya enters and keeps watch as the others search the ground floor and upstairs. She watches with interest as Shaya disables the magic circle.
Cocking an arrow, she descends the stairs into the basement, eyes scanning for danger...
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog pauses on the stairs as everyone agrees to go downstairs instead. He shrugs, but puts up no argument, and plods downstairs to follow.

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"Well, every look and cranny it is, then! Can someone look for magic?"
Stretching after coming back from the stairs, Shaya tilts her head to better look for clues. In the following minutes, she crawls trough papers, chests and cupboards, leaving no stone unturned.
An investigation is not always action and adventure. Long hours were spent peering through piles of meaningless documents in my everlasting endeavour to fnd the Truth...
My extract will have worn out by now. Taking 20 to Perception for a 24, 25 againt traps.

ScorchedOne |

A long-forgotten potion of cure moderate wounds and potion of lesser restoration sit on the northwest windowsill.
You also find a note.
Well, you got me!
I’m not here anymore, and my house is filled with an incredible array of illusions to discourage the curious. But you just had to break in. I respect your gumption and assume you’re either a petty burglar or someone looking into Eylysia’s affairs.
I’ve left Absalom to look for my friend, for she’s been missing for some time; however, I’ve attached the name of a particular Pathfinder you’ll want to investigate at the Wall of Names at the Society Grand Lodge. I assure you, it’s quite important, but I’ll leave you to figure out why.
Oh, and the password. It’s ‘Wiffle.’ You’ll find it important, should you learn where to use it.
—The Illustrious Fimbrik
The attached name is "Karina Clamp".

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog laughs and shakes his head. "Nice find Shaya. Perhaps you should carry the healing potions. It might even be worthwhile to drink the lesser restoration now. I'm not sure we should trust such an obviously planted letter, though. Especially about a name that we know is for a false pathfinder, and written by a known illusionist. I bet he's still in town somewhere. We should search the house and see if we can find clues as to where he went. Oh! And make certain you touch everything to make sure if it's real or not."
He starts wandering around the room poking at furniture and rubbing wall hangings taking 20 on perception for a 20. As he walks, he mutters to himself about hating illusionists.

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Reading the note, Skaf says, "What a strange person. It was thoughtful of him to leave this information just sitting out here for us. Maybe we should return to the Wall?"

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"Eh, spider's poison's not much, I'll be all right with a good sleep. But I can keep the potions for you, sure. About the Wall, I'd finish looking here first, then go for the obvious trap."
Moving to the next room, Shaya begins searching around again.
A -2 to Strength is not much of a deal, I'm Dex-based. Taking 20 on Perception again, in the bottom right room.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will slowly make his way towards the bottom right room, following Shaya's lead, but moving at a snails pace due to his incessant tapping on walls and carpets to make sure they're real.

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Shaya's eyes widen at the sight of the gnome. "Ah! Uh, sorry, we thought that the place was abandoned, and we- no, this is an illusion, right? I'm wasting my time speaking to an image. Which is possibly concealing a trap, which I'm about to spring because I'm more curious than cautious, and now I'm talking to myself. Great. How I Lost My Mind On My First Day As A Pathfinder, by Shaya Memaru."
"Hey, folks! Something here, mind telling me if I'm the only one seeing it?"
She steps forward and carefully pokes the gnome.

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Saya follows along after Shaya, looking into nearby rooms, then finally pokes her head in the room Shaya had entered.
Seeing the gnome, Shaya and Shaya's poking finger all at once, Saya starts to shout a warning, but realizes she'll be too late...and can only watch the outcome....

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog's head peers around the corner just in time to pipe up with "No. I definitely see that. Have you finished poking it to see if it's real?"

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"It... Uh. I could have sworn something was coming at me... Well. Losing my mind, as I was saying, and he's ignoring me. You want to try talking to him?"
Shaya looks around at the room, quickly searching for traps or interesting items.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 I had forgotten my racial +2 to Perception and Stealth until now. Again, +1 against traps.

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Heading towards the last unchecked room (D3) Shaya thinks aloud. "On the other hand, that gnome might be a really well-constructed image. Karina Clamp... She was one of the three names on the Wall, right? Think that we should go there and try to use the password? Other options are the Arcanamirium, the Shrine of the Failed, and the mausoleum again."
She then gets back to canvassing the room.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 and a +1 against traps

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog will also wander into the room and prod the gnome, among every other semi-solid looking thing in the room, to see if it is an illusion.
"If he's ignoring you, we can just be irritating. If there's something else in here that needs sufficiently prodded, I'd like to poke at it."
Taking 20 on perception for a 25
Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
"I'm not sure we should go to the mausoleum again until shift change, although the other two sound splendid to me."

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will vs. illusion: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Skaf is convinced the gnome is real as well. "Hello! Why are you not noticing when we prod you? What is so good in those books!?"

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog shrugs. Might as well be direct. He stands in front of the gnome, squats down to as close to eye level as he can comfortably manage and waves. "Excuse me? We're looking for Fimbrik. Do you happen to know where he's at?"

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"Um, hello there. This may seem a weird question, but are you real? Because this place is frying my brain. I'm Shaya Memaru, I'd like to interview the owner of this place."
Will, possibly: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

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Shaya moves cautiously closer and closer to the guards, ready to leap backwards in case they move. As she gets close enough to touch them, she raises a finger and pokes one, and that's when her brain finally manages to see them as illusions. "Well, who would have thought? Illusions in the illusionist's place. Shoo, shoo, figments, let me poke my nose, sorry, my beak, into this gnome's things."
She sets once again to looking around.
Taking my final 20 to Perception in the area for a 26, 27 for traps. Slow and steady wins the race.

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"I give up. This crazy guy won't talk to us. I think we found what we came looking for." Skaf claps his hands then slaps the side of his foot. "Let's move on."

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Well, we found what we were expecting, even if it wasn't what we wanted. Anything else about? Or do we just want to shuffle off to a new direction?"
One last take 20 on Perception for a 25 in the same room with Shaya

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"Alright, this place is canvassed. How about we let fate decide? Heads, we go to the Shrine of the Failed, Tails, it's the Arcanamirium."
Coin Flip: 1d2 ⇒ 2
"Tails! Magic school it is!"

ScorchedOne |

As you are already on the Arcanamirium grounds, it does not take you long to find a representative who is upset that Fimbrik has actually left, as they were letting him use the house for his studies. They plan to repossess it, and thank you for your assistance but have no additional information for you.

ScorchedOne |

This monumental chamber stretches eighty feet from end to end, with a ceiling suspended thirty feet from the floor by great pillars. Seven arched passages lead to humble rooms, each of which contains a polished stone altar dedicated to one of the failed aspirants who attempted the Test of the Starstone.

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"Huh. Nice place, considered it's a monument to people who possibly died horribly."
Starting from the top right one, Shaya inspects each one of them counterclockwise, keeping an eye on anything out of the ordinary.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
"I'm -yawn- getting a bit sleepy here, keep an eye out, I may miss something."

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Skaf says, "Well, based on that crazy gnome's note, we should look for the tomb of Karina Clamp. Someone look at those higher plaques. I can't reach them."
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

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Each of these chambers contains a small stone altar to one of the failed aspirants. Each altar stands upon a raised dais and bears a small brass nameplate identifying the aspirant and the would-be-god’s areas of interest.
You find the chamber you were looking for, but find nothing out of the ordinary there... yet.

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- Spell Slots Available: Oracle: 1st: 4/4
- Wand of cure light wounds: 46 charges
- Wand of cause fear: 12 charges
- Crossbow bolts: 15

Virog braces visibly against the wall, ready for whatever may come after the command word is spoken.