Insane Season 5-6 Run
Game Master
Map & Handouts
Once presented with the request, it takes Inspector Ginsi only a few moments to find the pending docking request for the Kat Season, locate and sign out a rowboat, and locate the pilot roster. She excuses herself to go locate the pilot whose number is up, and prepare him for your excursion.
Upon her exiting the room, you feel as though this might be a perfect time for any criminal acts missions you may have.
You also feel that accomplishing those would require a perception roll. Which your allies can also attempt or aid you on.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
When the halfling leaves, Mivvy re-enters.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
"Do you need help finding something?"
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
Perc: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
"Just looking for the docking certificate for the At Sea." Yumiki whispers back.
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
"Ah. Well, let's 'sea' if I can assist . . .."
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
"Might it look something like this?"
Carrel does indeed basically spot it upon cursory examination of the area, and holds it up to Yumiki, who does confirm that it's what she is looking for. The group is able to squirrel it away before the halfling returns with the pilot, a dwarf. "This is Zigil, she'll take you out to the Kat Season. If it is the At Sea, well... you know what to do I guess."
Any further actions before you hop on a boat to go to another boat?
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
I don't know why I can't get my head round this adventure. What can we do when we get to the At Sea? What should we do? Any suggestions?
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
If we verify the vessel in question is truly the At Sea, we are supposed to turn them in for the bounty and see how much of their cargo we can appropriate. And your team is supposed to destroy the document we found.
I imagine the Captain and his crew will not willingly cooperate with being turned in, and only the rowboat pilot will be with us . . ..
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
I’m blaming my children. I’ve had about four hours sleep the last few nights.
The lament of children, they do take time and money. And as we know time is money, so children take money and money. Or, money squared. And since money is the root of all evil, then if we square that, we get evil. So children are evil.
It is the LOVE OF MONEY that is the root of evil, not money. One of those horrible misquotes that changes the meaning beyond any hope of recognition . . ..
I know. Wrong place to worry about that. Just a personal button.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
So, the love of children is evil? :)
Mivvy strides onto the boat, ”I’ve never duelled with a pirate before.”
I'll allow it. I also heard it as "the root of all that kills", but either way, children = evil.
Presuming nothing else comes up, you are soon on a small rowboat, rowing your way towards a larger vessel.
Human Monk ( Zen archer - Quigonn) HP:13/13 AC:16/16/14 F+3 R+4 W+6 Init:+7 Perception: +9
Ack, sorry guys, lost total track ... darn holidays..
Saya frowns as the others blithely agree to the noblewoman's request, but she journeys with her friends to the harbormaster's.
She stands out side, arms crossed, studiously not paying attention to the other's liberation of the docking certificate.
With a sigh of resignation, she joins the others on the rowboar, pulling hard on the oars....
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
Yumiki looks pensive on the ride out, looking over the edge as a paper gets wet amd slowly falls apart without her really paying it much attention, though as they get close, she starts to look bored instead.
You may notice details of the boat with a perceptive eye, as it comes into view on the horizon.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
perception : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Carrel with his ever-vigilant eyes notes that the Kat Season is indeed as you thought a sloppy modification of the original name. His eagle peepers also notice folded yellow sails on the upper deck.
Your small boat pulls up alongside the larger vessel, where there is a rope ladder let down to allow the pilot up. You can also tie off to secure your smaller vessel so it doesn't drift away.
Knowledge Local, Profession Sailor, or any other reasonable check may now be attempted for some knowledge.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
”Well, aboard we go.”
Mivvy grasps the ladder and puts one foot on it, then looks to see if the others have any objections.
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
Yumiki follows Mivvy up the ladder.
Human Monk ( Zen archer - Quigonn) HP:13/13 AC:16/16/14 F+3 R+4 W+6 Init:+7 Perception: +9
Says ships the oars and lets the boat bump gently against the larger ship. Holding the boat against the barnacle'd timbers of the larger ship, she give her companions a steadier foothold.
Then , taking some extra rope, she ties their dingy to the ladder, secures her own gear, and follows the others up the ladder....
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
The half-elf sighs quietly as the women start up the rope ladder. He waits for them to climb high enough to provide a polite distance between them and himself before following them up.
The dwarf pilot follows the initial group up, and once on deck is confronted by a half-orc man in piratical garb. "Why so many? Takes four... five now to guide a ship?" The dwarf continues unperturbed and hooks a thumb at the group, as though they would explain. She has a job to do.
Anyone with a negative climb modifier, please roll me a climb check to get up the ladder.
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Didn't claim to leave the pack anywhere, so, I guess I'm a negative climb modifier . . ..
Climb: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (5) - 3 = 2 :facepalm:
Carrel finds himself climbing the rope ladder, which is not so easy as it looks, and promptly misses a rung with his foot as he was transferring weight to it, and he falls to the water below.
Swim check please.
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Swim: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (10) - 3 = 7
And Carrel does not quickly return to the surface . . ..
Carrel makes a grand splash and finds himself submerged beneath the water... other party members may take action either on deck or over the side where their friend is.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
Mivvy peers down, "Carrel, what are you doing?"
Then she realises he might actually be in trouble, "Oh, dear, I'm not much use in the water. Not with this on,["/b] Mivvy tugs at her armour. -2 to swim
[b]"If you fellows would help him with the splashing about, I'll steady the boat and hold a rope."
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
Yumiki throws a length of rope at the flailing guy, calling out to him, "Oi, quit playing around."
Rolling her eyes as she turns, she then looks at the questioning sailor, "We are here for a chat that might be best left unobserved."
Human Monk ( Zen archer - Quigonn) HP:13/13 AC:16/16/14 F+3 R+4 W+6 Init:+7 Perception: +9
Saya watches as Carrel plunges into the water, then waits a moment for him to surface.
When he doesn't, she drops her pack to the deck, leans her bow across it and dives into the water below...
Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Oh boy...
There are now two party members below the surface of the water. Perhaps there is safety in numbers? It certainly doesn't seem likely, however. Second round of swim checks for those in the water.
AC/F/T/C: 13/10/13/13 HP: 6/6 ## Rez 3/3 (max 4) SPD: 1: 5/5
There is a rope for them to grab. Just saying.
Seeing Saya's botched dive, Yumiki rolls her eyes and gives a dramitic gesture of exasperation. Normally she'd keep it to herself, but there is an audience she wants to underestimate them.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
Saya, if the water is calm then take ten.
Mivvy looks around for flotation aids.
The water is notably not calm, an unfortunate circumstance which might also be affecting the climb check DC. Harder to climb a rope ladder when the ship is rocking hard.
Mivvy sees more rope which could be lowered, and she could even put a decent sized loop in it to try to go fishing for team members. Read: Make a strength check and depending I'll either let it be an aid or if high enough, just a success.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
str check: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Wow, lvl1 adventure with highly-lethal, high DC environment challenges. Hardcore!
They are moderately high DC, but the rope one is honestly only a challenge if your ACP / climb check is neg. Whoever needs it in the water can take a +2 to their check. Mivvy is +0 strength?
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
She’s an upper class Swashbardler. I may have to buy mule back cords so that she can carry more gear. She put all her stats in dex and cha
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Not sure what I should be trying to do t this point, or if we're waiting or Carrel to try something.
Yes, second swim checks from those in water please.
Human Monk ( Zen archer - Quigonn) HP:13/13 AC:16/16/14 F+3 R+4 W+6 Init:+7 Perception: +9
Just as Saya hit the water, her perfect dive was interrupted by a wave hitting her side.
Thrown awry, she splashed into the water as inelegantly as possible, getting her head up , only to get a face full of wave.
Arms and legs churning the water, she strove to gain the surface...
Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Swim: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (16) - 3 = 13
In his thrashing about, Carrel manages to break the surface and looks about for something to grab. There should be the boat he was climbing out of, the rope which was dropped, and possibly the bottom of the rope ladder he failed to climb once already. He'll attempt to hold onto whichever is quickest for him to reach.
Carrel finds the rope that was lowered. With assistance, he should be able to climb, steadying himself somewhat against the side of the ship with his boots. This perhaps will serve as a lesson to one and all that skills in climbing and swimming, as well even as balance, are never wasted.
Saya still finds herself in water, struggling despite her efforts.
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4
Pulling the rope down and around himself, Carrel simply holds his breath while he ties a bowline around himself. Loop the anchor side, bring the rabbit up out of the hole, go around the tree, and back into the hole . . ..
Saya, another swim check if you please.
Human Monk ( Zen archer - Quigonn) HP:13/13 AC:16/16/14 F+3 R+4 W+6 Init:+7 Perception: +9
Saya kicks her legs hard, striving for the surface...
Swimming: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
...but another wave slaps her back down.
oh boy!
Does anyone else have any additional actions while Saya strives not to drown? Actually going to start driving this forward if at all possible.
Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11
Can I dangle the rope again? Mivvy's armour makes her a terrible swimmer.