If One Dances... (Inactive)

Game Master Fallen_Mage

...One must pay the Piper.

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I'm not very good at it. Charades was never my game. LOL It might take a bit of doing, but I'm sure we will figure out a way to communicate. It sure will be fun though. I slept really well today, maybe that's why I'm feeling so spastic. LOL

Whoo hoo! looking forward to it!

I'll have Jin's profile finished by Sun morning. I have to work 16hrs tomorrow and should have plenty of time to sort it out.

I think me, flint and Pharnox are all experts? I still haven't decided on what PC levels I'm going for but I want to make sure I don't double up.

Yep. I'm gonna be a ranger when I grow up.

Swashbuckling fighter, maybe a level of rogue.

I just have no idea really....I'll have to have henry help me think on some things.

One thing you might consider, is seeing how his adventure goes. You might be inspired.

Yeah, I was gonna do that. When starting at a young age, outside influences need to be taken into consideration. Children can be very impressionable after all, and there is no telling what will happen. I'm not even sure what her fighting style is like. LOL I think it's just something like, hit em' till they cry. LOL

Havin trouble sleeping right now, they gave me cupcakes at work last night and I'm all hyped up on sugar. Plus, I think I'm a little nervous about the dr visit on Tuesday, not knowing what to expect and all. It has me all twitchy.

Ok ok. Asho is in. Though he has been up to something well beyond his usual mischief of late and is in fact missing, presumed…dead. I'm sure he will wake up in a cell.

Nice RP folks. I've had a couple of assessments due for Uni so haven't had time to keep up with all of it nor enter any of my own. Suffice to say Asho will RP as and when we see each other again. Like…tomorrow...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! That almost makes all the pain I'm going through today worth it. I'm glad I'll be off for the next two nights, being Mon and tues. But I may be calling in tonight if this pain don't ease up. I hope everyone has a good and safe time with their families, spouses, mothers, ect for Mother's Day today.

Alright, revised accepted list. Welcome back Asho.

Flynt – Human Expert 3

Vallterra – Human Aristocrat 3

Gashka – Half-Orc Warrior 3

Asho Gohara – Human Warrior 2 / Expert 1

Anyka – Aristocrat 1 / Warrior 2

Tikkle Ashcoat – Catfolk Warrior 3

Pharnox Sootfingers - Drow Expert 3

Jin – Sylph Expert 3

I hope to get the Gameplay up tomorrow morning. If not, I'll do it when I get home from work in the afternoon. But definitely, starting tomorrow.

I'm just waiting to see if anyone has anything to say or add before saying anything else. I thought we were done with our intro scene earlier, but then it kept going. LOL Still feeling gross, but I'll be around.

Didn't know what if anything had been decided about the great pie escapade. Didn't want to drag it out too much since I know we are in a time crunch of sorts.

You just had to say pie... Now I have to walk all the way down to village inn for breakfast. It still counts as breakfast because I just woke up. Never mind that its 5pm.

*sticks out tongue* nenner nenner

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