Isai Odighuzua

Asho Gohara's page

111 posts. Alias of Oceanshieldwolf.

Full Name

Asho Gohara


Human (Young)


Warrior 2/Expert 1; HP 24/24, AC 16 T 12 FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3; Init +2; CMB +3; CMD 13; Per +2; Spd: 30ft




Medium; 5' 10"




Neutral Good

Strength 13
Dexterity 15
Constitution 11
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Asho Gohara

Quick View Stats for Combat:
HP: 24/24
AC:16, 12 touch, 14 flat-footed
Saves: Fort: +2, Reflex: +2, Will +3
BAB +2
CMB +3 CMD 13

Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Spells in Effect:
Currently wearing: Chain Shirt
Items in Hand: Dagger

Asho's Background:
While Asho is gifted, he is a ne'erdowell, often getting into trouble with village elders or his father. Asho trains with weapons with his father (thus Warrior), and studies anatomy and physiology (thus Expert) with the undertaker when not off lounging about or hanging with the wrong crowd. He has designed his own crude tattooing equipment and has applied his arts to a few locals, much to the opprobrium of a few parents and villagers.

Asho hides the heartache of his mother's departure behind bravado and mischief.

What does your parent(s)/guardian(s) do for a living?

Asho's father Jat is one of the Swampwood gravediggers, a kindhearted alcoholic who was once a somewhat decorated soldier.

Asho's mother Saline is a mercantile broker who passes between Freeport and the Jewelled Plains. She does not live in Swampwood.

Where once there was affection and love between the parents there is now regret, mistrust and hostility. Asho rarely sees his mother, but occasionally receives small gifts and letters from her.

Were you born in Swampwood?

Asho is a local and was born in Swampwood. Saline was a local beauty, but has outgrown this small thorp, and the endless reliance of Jat upon past glories... Jat is an outsider, but is a well respected man despite his lowly status and fondness for drink. If there is a militia then Jat will be a respected part of it, even in a sub-commanding role.

What interests does your character have?

Asho is interested in exotic weapons, military tactics, tattooing and exploration. And girls - he has inherited his mother's beauty and his father's glib tongue and charming manner.

What does your character dream of being when they’re older?

Asho dreams of finding his place in the world. He is wise enough to realise he doesn't exactly know what that will entail - he doesn't share his father's view of the glory of war or military life, but like many impressionable young people he does feel he is destined for some manner of greatness...


Ability Scores Score (bonus) (point buy) (racial creation bonus) (young)
Str : 13 (+1) (3)(+2 Human)(-2 young)
Dex: 15 (+2) (3) (+2 young)
Con: 11 (+0) (3)(-2 young)
Int: 11 (+0) (1)
Wis: 12 (+1) (5)(-2 young)
Cha: 14 (+2) (5)


AC: 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, + 2 Dex, +0 shield, +0 size,)
HP: 24 Full first level = 10, +6.5, +5.5, +0 Con, +2 Favored Class)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3


Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed 30 ft.

Dagger +3, 1d4 +1, x2

Power Attack, two handed
Dagger +2, 1d4 +4, x2 [BAB, +1 Str, -1 PA] [+1 Str, +3 Two handed PA]

Unarmed Strike +3, 1d3 +1 (nonlethal)


Base Atk: +2

CMB: +3 (+2 BAB, +1 str) CMD: 13 (10, +2 BAB, +1 str, +2 dex)

Favored Class Bonus Warrior: Hit points

Power Attack


Point Blank Shot


Skills: (10 ranks - 4 Warrior, 6 Expert, +0 Int)
Skill/Class/Ranks/Ability Modifier/Bonus
Acrobatics/Yes, +3/0/+2 = +2
Appraise/No/0/+0 = +0
Bluff/Yes, +3/1/+2 = +6
Climb/Yes, +3/1/+1 = +5
Craft (tattoo)/Yes, +3/1/+0 = +4
Diplomacy/Yes, +3/0/+2 = +2
Disable Device/No/0/+1 = +1
Disguise/No/0/+2 = +2
Escape Artist/No/0/+1 = +1
Fly/No/0/+1 = +1
Handle Animal/Yes, +3/1/+2 = +6
Heal/Yes, +3/1/+1 = +5
Intimidate/Yes, +3/1/+2 = +3
Knowledge (arcana)/No/0/+0 = +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)/No/0/+0 = +0
Knowledge (engineering)/No/0/+0 = +0
Knowledge (local)/Yes, +3/1/+0 = +4
Knowledge (nature)/ No /0/+0 = +0
Knowledge (planes)/ No /0/+0 = +0
Knowledge (religion)/ No /0/+0= +0
Linguistics/Yes, +3/0/+0 = +0
Perception/Yes, +3/0/+2 = +2
Perform /No/0/+2 = +2
Profession /Yes, +3/0/+0 = +0
Ride/Yes, +3/0/+2 = +2
Sense Motive/ Yes, +3/1/+1 = +5
Sleight of Hand/No/0/+2 = +2
Spellcraft/ No /0/+0 = +0
Stealth/ Yes, +3/0/+2 = +2
Survival/Yes, +3/1/+1 = +5
Swim/Yes, +3/1/+1 = +5
Use Magic Device/No/0/+2 = +2


Anatomist: Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Languages: Common




Chain Shirt

Skill Equipment:


Total equipment cost: xx gp,
Misc Eqpt Weight: xx lbs.
Weapons xx lbs.
Armor xx lbs.
Total Weight: xx lbs.

Capacity: 150 lbs; 0 lbs = Light load. Load: Light