I'm for it. We can carve a whole base into that mountain. We can totally block the entrance up and Midioto can pop us in and out, or just drag a door out of it with the pickaxes.
well its 3pp per person to pop them in and out, and all I really need is line of sight, so if we have a fist sized hole through a wall in the side of the mountain then we can have a "secret" escape route.
It does take about 1 round per person. A move action to pop out, standard action swap places. Rinse, repeat.
Also, it shouldn't be TOO difficult to set up a trap at the front entrance. Simply have a trapdoor above the entrance with lots of rocks above it. have a rope or some other system in place so that someone on the inside simply pulls it and the roof caves in, blocking the door.
Its a lot of work to reset it but it would be a quick defense if something comes.
Also, I have a Ioun Torch. If I gave it to Rivet, he should be able to duplicate it so that we can string them around inside the cave, so we can see.
Oh, I also plan on telling Roy some plans for a lab/storage space. The lab would have lots of benches and shelves to hold stuff, and an adjacent enclosed room that can be used to "test" stuff. Lots of light in that room.
Attached to it, I would also ask him to carve out a storage room where we can store the materials we have found, and so we can easily access them from the lab.
Lots of shelves of different sizes :)
That would be more work than I thought. Maybe better to hide it with more traditional means. Anyone have ranks in disguise? Regardless, we can make the entrance small enough to keep out large beasties.
Funnily enough, I intended Roy to be pretty quiet, but he's just so fun to write for.
Cryptic 8 | HP 50/52 + 24 temp PP 10/44 | AC 25 T 18 FF 18 CMD 20 | Fort +5 Ref +10 (extra +1 vs. area elemental) Will +9| Init +3 Perception +12, +16 to find traps (darkvision 60’) Speed 30
Perhaps we could take the hole in the ground that was to be our sleeping space? Empty space can't weigh that much... no, aside from the alchemy lab there isn't that much to move. It won't all fit back into the bag of holding though, apparently it was enchanted to compress to fit into the bag of holding in the first place, and that enchantment is gone now. I don't know exactly how big it is though.
I believe it was a coin before turning into the station, so being able to fit it in the bag if we take it apart (which we could do with engineering and any tools) doesn't seem out of the question.
So what's the plan? I don't think it would be in character for Roy to take charge. I mean, he could, but I don't feel like it would be appreciated in character.
Unless there's some reason for things to be difficult moving, I'm guessing we're done. The question is, what to do next? Explore some more? I think the maze was the only thing we discovered that we haven't checked out yet, and I don't really want to try it yet.
I cut down one of each of the fruits, and also am looking around for anything metal with that magic rod I got. And yes, I know we have metal on us. I assume that it should ignore that kind of thing.
Hey guys, just a heads up.
Meds I'm taking just took a pretty nasty turn for the worse :(
It's been about a week and I have barely been able to post anything, and I'm getting behind on all (3) of my campaigns.
So sorry, my posts for the immediate future will probably be sporadic and short. Bot me if needed :(
I'll try and post as much as I can.
Hey, got a job two weeks ago, it has left me drained. sorry I haven't posted. It is only a temporary job and I will be done on Sunday, so I should be able to get back into this on Monday.
So. Votes:
Rivet: Explore old Camp.
Lwazi: Metal Chamber. Avoid Shadows.
Midioto: Metal Chamber.
Roy: Shadow Camp.
Roulette: Shadow Camp. (Yes, you get a vote, dagnabit!)
Gin: n/a
Luca: n/a
Thorek: (no vote)
2 for the Metal Chamber
3 for the Camp (1 against)
2 unvoted
So, that should mean we are heading to the Camp, so Midioto will change his vote to solidify that choice.
Should I wait for a while longer for Gin/Luca to chime in or should I prod us along?