Sewer Goblin

Rivet, boggle cryptic's page

207 posts. Alias of avr.


Cryptic 8 | HP 50/52 + 24 temp PP 10/44 | AC 25 T 18 FF 18 CMD 20 | Fort +5 Ref +10 (extra +1 vs. area elemental) Will +9| Init +3 Perception +12, +16 to find traps (darkvision 60’) Speed 30

Special Abilities

5/13 PP remaining in the cognizance crystal, Fate's Shears 1/day reroll used, altered defence +2 insight to AC

About Rivet, boggle cryptic

Rivet, male boggle cryptic 8
(link is to Rivet's likeness when he hasn't just had been horribly pranked)

LN small humanoid (goblinoid)
Str 10, Dex 14+2=16, Con 14, Int 17+2+2=21 (23) Wis 12, Cha 10-2=8
HD 8d8 + 16 (Con) HP 52
AC 21 Touch 14 FF 18 CMD 16
Fort +5 Ref +10 (+1 vs. area elemental effects) Will +9
Init +3 Perception +12, +16 to find traps (darkvision 60’) Speed 30

Short bow +11, 1d4 (+2d6 w/2 PP), P, 20/x3 or +9, tangle. 70' range increment.
Fate’s shears +8, 1d3, P or S, 19-20/x2
Disrupt pattern +10 touch, 1d6+3d6+6 (+12 instead if branding pattern used & hits), untyped, 20/x2, 30' max range.
Branding pattern +10 touch, adds Int mod (6) damage to disrupt pattern if it hits, swift action.

Power points 44

Traits & Feats:
Student of Philosophy

Scribe Tattoo (B)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Arcane Craft
Craft Wondrous Item (B)
Expanded Knowledge (energy missile)

Class Abilities:
Altered defence 2
Disrupt pattern 1d6+3d6, 30'
Pattern designs
Trapfinding +3
Trapmaker +3
Hidden pattern +4
Rapid defence
Swift trapper

Dislocating Pattern
Branding Pattern
Quick Trapsmith
Fold Trap (one 10'x10'x20' pit with a fragile cover folded up.)

Powers ML 8, concentration +14
0: Detect Psionics, Psionic Repair
1: Minor Metamorphosis, Tactical Precognition, Vigor
2: Animal Affinity, Body Adjustment, Energy Missile, Natural Linguist
3: Dispel Psionics, Ectoplasmic Grapnel, Reincarnate (B)

Trained Skills
Acrobatics +13 (7R, class +3, Dex +3)
Appraise +10, +15 on gems and crystals (1R, class +3, Int +6)
Autohypnosis +12 (8R, class +3, Wis +1)
Craft (traps) +24 (8R, class +3, Int +6, racial +2, competence +3, mwk tools +2)
Disable Device +19 (8R, class +3, Dex +3, trapfinding +3, mwk tools +2)
Diplomacy +14 (8R, Int +6)
Knowledge (arcana) +17 (8R, class +3, Int +6) (headband)
Knowledge (engineering) +17 (8R, class +3, Int +6)
Linguistics +10 (1R, class +3, Int +6)
Perception +12, +16 to find traps (8R, class +3, Wis +1)
Profession (stonemason) +12 (8R, class +3, Wis +1)
Spellcraft +17 (8R, class +3, Int +6)
Stealth +21 (8R, Dex +3, size +4, competence +6)

Background Skills
Knowledge (history) +17 (8R, class +3, Int +6)
Artistry (literature & poetry) +16 (7R, class +3, Int +6)
Knowledge (geography) +10 (1R, class +3, Int +6)


Cognizance crystal (13/13 PP)
Magic pickaxe
Explorer’s outfit
1000 Minor Bag of Holding
4000 Headband of Vast Intellect +2 (Knowledge (arcane))
1000 Cloak of Resistance +1
750 Dorje of Locate Secret Doors (ML1, 2/50 used)
250 Traveller’s Any-Tool
100 Masterwork thieves’ tools
55 Masterwork artisan’s tools (craft (traps))
1165 +1 buckler
3600 Fate’s Shears
2100 +1 mithral chain shirt
1375 Masterwork deep crystal composite short bow
100 Tangleshot arrow *5 (2 used)
8 Durable arrow *8
2 Mess kit, bedroll, flint & steel, 9 torches
20 Adventurer's sash
50 Shard gel *2
40 Alchemist’s fire *2
50 Antitoxin
50 Antiplague
10 50’ silk rope
8 16 days rations
2 Waterskin *2
14 Hot weather outfit, 10 salt tablets, vermin repellent
1 Grooming kit
50 Wig (quality)
Bag of Holding with crafting supplies & tools
Mending kit
Runeward tattoos (necromancy, enchantment)

200 gp remaining

Possible semi-useless background item - a rhombocrystal. No, he's not a follower of Nivi Rhombodazzle, but Yamyra is.

Most boggles head straight for their chosen profession, knowing they don't have time to spare given their short lifespans. Rivet though managed to get a position at a university library where he could absorb all the great works of literature of the ages; his early obsession. His mother, Print, didn't understand and made sure he knew the practical skills that boggles excel at. She shook her head often at the waste of his talent.

At the library his skills at trapping dire bookworms, overly inquisitive students and similar vermin made him popular, along with the ability to find and remove the odd trap on donated books.

Then Yamyra entered his life. An adventurer just seeking some information from the library for her quest, he joined her party to follow her. The combination of her roguish talent and the occasional mentoring of a spaced-out psion led to him developing the skills of a cryptic over the next couple of years.

When he eventually confessed his feelings to her she tried to gently let him down but it eventually came to admitting that she, a halfling, "don't ever do goblins." Logically to Rivet this means that he needs to be permanently polymorphed into a halfling. Supposedly there is a wizard with the required skills at the White Butterfly Company. Rivet just needs the money and favours required to get this done.

Description & Personality:
Neatly dressed, wears a wig to blend in better with non-goblinoids.

3'6", 44 lbs., green skin, red eyes.

While Rivet's picked up some bad habits from academia, a tendency to look down his nose at non-academics among them, he's a fairly friendly person underneath that. He's certainly not the picture of experienced confidence he tries to appear, being not quite 18 years old - boggles grow up fast, but some personality traits do take time to develop.

Most of the enemies he faced with Yamyra's Troubleshooters were humanoid. Scary beasts will trigger him to flight or fight very fast.