icehawk333 |
Campaign prompt-
"Hopefully stay mostly human"
You've been called to work for the White Butterfly Company, one way or another.
The white butterfly company has risen to fame and wealth in a few short years, formed by a group of oddly money-minded Druids, offering services such as magical plant creation, companion animal awakenings, and improving agricultural sites.
The company revere's nature as much as any Druid, but in it's own odd way- it doesn't see humans as oppositional to nature, but just another part of it. Nature changes, and the dominant species is always on top. So the Druids are working with the dominant species to encourage more variance then normal in the animals and plants, knowing full well that humans will support normally ineffecent plants and animals so long as they are supplied with something in turn.
To this end, when the research end of the company found that there was a plane in the mealstrom with the single most magical fauna and flora they had ever seen, they decided to send an away team to inspect and somewhat colonize the area.
They call this place the island of relative order, a place with the magic of the mealstrom and some semblance of order that it normally lacks.
So, that's where you come in.
Offered 200,000 gold pieces each for your services, paid upon return, you were sent on what was expected to be a two month expedition.
Charecter creation rules-
25 point buy
Psionics and most pazio allowed, spheres of power/might, and path of war banned.
Third party is on request.
Slimalcrum, blood money, clone, emergency force sphere are banned.
VMC is allowed.
Start at level 6, ending level estimated to be level 16 or 17, but due to the open nature of the game, if you feel ready, you can challenge the final dungeon whenever.
Starting weath of 16,000 GP, plus any weath gained by your position in the expedition.
Any weath vital to your functioning on this expedition can be pitched as "vital" to the white butterfly company, and if the pitch succeeds, you can get it at cost, instead of market price.
In addition, you get a magic item of questionable use for free.
A magic item of questionable use is one that uses a skill unlikely to come up at all or is rather minor in nature. For example, one of these on a non-bard. This is just to let you fill out your backstory with outlandish things, if so desired.
The team is looking for-
A stonemason who can build a stronghold to use. Somone who can craft potions, or is exceptional at alchemy- either will do. A botanist Somone capable of escavating Rock in large amounts, be it a Mage, or just a really talented miner. Somone able to survive off the land, preferably well enough for the whole group. A cartographer. Yes, really. A linguist who knows all of the outsider languages. Crafting other, non-potion magic items is not considered vital, but is valuable.
The company will also provide magical items as needed for each of these roles to function. The survivalist will be given a tyrant's friend, the person who escavates will be given magical components for spells or a magical pickaxe, the stonemason will be supplied masterwork tools of all sorts, along with a handy haversack or bag of holding, the cartographer will be given a Blessed book*, the botanist will be supplied masterwork tools, and the Alcmenist will be given a unique portable alchemy station, for creating potions out of odd ingredients.
*doenst get the free inscribed spells, just a lot of paper for mapmaking and note-taking.
All those going on the mission are expected to be competent combatants, or so invaluable across so many fronts that they're worth protecting. All mage's are also expected to have eschew materials, due to the lack of traditional compoenents on the "island".
icehawk333 |
Out-of place-
You can take the feats of the campaign before you get to the island.
You find normal people unnerving and strange- you take a -2 to CHA and WIS checks when interacting with humanoids.
Trained researcher-
An active worker of the planes colonization company, you've received professional training in wandering the planescape. You gain a +2 to all checks to identify outsider's traits and weaknesses, and you start with an inactive Book Of Lore.
You've always felt like you were just tossed around in life, at the whims of something else much bigger. As a result, you roll with the punches and accept the whims of the big game.
You adapt to change very quickly- sometimes uncannily so.
You gain a +5 to saves or checks against any mental difficulties you may have when entering a new form. You can make a save at a -5 to avoid losing your mind in the first place when one is not usually presented.
Another day-
You have an uncanny tendency to not die.
You gain +10 negative hit points until death. Even if you have diehard, you fall unconscious if you use these. After using these extra hitpoints, you are exhausted.
Claw tools-
If you have a claw attack, you can use your claws as a set of lockpicks, and disable device tools. When using your claws in such a way, you take no penalty on these checks from your hands lacking manual dexterity, if you normally have one. Lastly, if you have any sort of cutting appendage, you can use it precisely enough to preform delicate cutting tasks, such as clipping plants or cutting rope on someone bound with no penalty whatsoever.
Unless otherwise mentioned, all feats can only be taken once on the island of relative order
Master craftsman-
You get this feat for free if you desire it.
Alchemical prodigy-
You're more then a little mad, your curious nature rewarding you whenever you work with things you haven't before.
Whenever you make a alchemical item or potion with new ingredients or that you don't know the effects of, roll three times and take the highest result. This can be taken before exposure to the island of relative order.
Ever since arriving at the island, the potential for a change into something else fascinated you. Pick a race other then your own. You become incredibly resilient to effects trying to make you into any other race, but if you come across an effect that can make you into this race, you will feel compelled to use it. Mental effects of becoming this race are vastly larger, as well.
It's never night, and you can't remember when you last slept. You're always fatigued, but immune to sleep and exhaustion. Sleep is not needed to regain daily spells, just a once a day hour of prep.
You haven't found anything to help you along towards your affinity, but you're beginning to change from sheer will.
This can be taken multiple times. It's effects vary widely, progressing toward your affinity by taking feats.
Note that this feat and affinity has no direct mechanical effects- this is deliberate. These feats subject you to DM fist rather strongly- while the DM tries to create a reasonable chain to get where you want, it will almost certainly not be perfect.
TL, DR; caveat emptor with this feat.
You have resolved to stay yourself, no matter the cost.
You can make a save at to avoid losing your mind and/or body in the first place when one is not usually presented. You gain a +4 to all saves VS transmutation.
Protean tick-
You can barely focus on any one thing. You can't take ten.
Something deep inside you is starting to align with the chaos of the maelstrom.
Protean twitch-
Prerequisite - protean tick.
You can barely hold still.
You take a -1 to all D20 rolls is you don't move at least 5 feet a round.
Like it or not, chaos is in your blood.
Reaper protean grip-
Prerequisite - protean twitch, exposure to "brown charcoal"
The penalties from protean tick and protean twitch stop effecting you.
Melee attacks with sickles or scythes deal 2d6 or 3d4 damage respectively, you gain a +2 racial bouns to hit with these weapons, and you deal damage as if the attack was modified by power attack (this doesn't stack with power attack). Your legs fuse into a serpentine, spiked tail, rendering you immune to trip. Your size category increases to large, and you have the undersized weapons trait. Once you take this feat, all further feats must continue the reaper protean chain, until "reaper protean completion" is taken. This can use bouns feats, and can even consume retraining feats if you're a fighter.
Reaper protean grace or reaper protean wrath -
Prerequisites- reaper protean grip. If DEX is higher then STR, the Grace varient is obtained, and if STR is higher then DEX, then grace is obtained.
Reaper protean grace-
You gain two weapon fighting with sickles. This counts as two weapon fighting for meeting prerequisites. Whenever you hit with both sickles in the same round, you deal an extra 2d6+DEX damage. This does not stack with two weapon rend.
Reaper protean wrath-
The critical threat range of your scythe improves by 1, becoming 19-20. This can stack with improved critical or keen- the original threat range doubles to 19-20, then reaper protean wrath adds an extra one to become 18-20.
You hands become less able to manipulate non-weapon tools- you take a -2 to all checks requiring fine Manipulation, but gain another +1 to hit with sickles and scythes. You feel weak and out of place when your weapon is not in your hands.
Reaper protean hide-
Perquisites- reaper protean grace/wrath
Your hide thickens and grows scales to match your tail, and your snout elongates into a serpent's maw, with mandibles beside it. You grow a serpentine hood, covered in spines.
You gain a +2 to natural armor, and enemies that grapple with you take 1d6 pericing damage automatically. You gain a 1d6 bite attack.
You feel wrong when you don't hold your weapons. You're constantly shaken and sickened when your sickle or scythe isn't in your hands.
Reaper protean scythes-
Prequisites- reaper protean hide
Your weapon fuses into your arms, your arms becoming a pair of scythe like instruments. You completely lose access to your hands, both of them becoming natural weapons. These "scythes" deal 3d4 damage, and deal *4 damage on a critical hit, and count as scythes or sickles when convenient. If you have two weapon fighting, you can make as many extra attacks with these natural attacks as you have secondary attacks, taking penalties for two weapon fighting, as normal. If you only make 1 attack with each "scythe" in a round, they count as being held in two hands for the purposes of STR and power attack damage.
Reaper protean completion-
You become a protean, though and through. Your alignment doesn't change, but you gain an overwhelming aura of chaos. You gain a +14 to resist warpwave and spacial riptide effects, including those from teleporting, and can simply leave the island into the mealstrom whenever you desire- but the barrier is still there for your party. You gain the amorphous anatomy trait, and constant freedom of movement. Your land speed becomes a swim and fly speed (perfect).
Wrathful protean chaos-
Requires protean tick and exposure to white charcoal paste * 5.
Whenever you make an attack that deals energy damage, it deals damage dice one larger then normal, and divides it's damage evenly between all fire, cold, acid, electricity, and sonic damage. These spells cannot benefit from more then one elemental foucs, but any benifits received by feats applied to one element applies to all of them. If used by a psion, the bonus from elemental effects becomes +1 damage per dice, and targets with 5th level or higher spells take a -3 to AC or hit vs the attack. Your legs fuse together into a serpentine tail, rendering you Immune to trip.
Once you take this feat, whenever you get another feat, it must continue this feat chain, until you get to wrathful protean completion.
Wrathful protean claws-
Requires wrathful protean chaos
Your fingers become wicked claws. You take a -4 to attempts at fine manipulation, but gain 1d3 damage claw attacks. These claw attacks have the thundering, flaming burst, corrosive burst, freezing burst, and shocking burst qualities, but these only trigger on critical hits, having no effect otherwise. If the character is a majus, they can use spell combat with these claws.
Improved wrathful protean claws (optional)-
Requires wrathful protean claws
Your claws count as chaotic and magic, and gain a critical range of 19-20. This stacks with keen and improved critical. This feat is not required to complete the wrathful protean line.
Wrathful protean burst-
Requires wrathful protean claws-
Whenever you get a critical hit with a spell, it explodes, dealing it's full damage I modified by the critical to adjacent creatures, reflex save half. Your hide thickens and your organs shift. You gain a +2 to natural armor and the amorphous anatomy trait.
Wrathful protean fangs-
Requires wrathful protean burst-
You gain a bite attack and develop a serpentine muzzle and hood. This bite attack deals 1d2 damage and forces a DC 10+level save VS being confused for a number of rounds equal to the damage the target took. This is a poison and mind effecting effect.
Wrathful protean completion-
Requires wrathful protean fangs-
You become a protean, though and through. Your alignment doesn't change, but you gain an overwhelming aura of chaos. You gain a +14 to resist warpwave and spacial riptide effects, including those from teleporting, and can simply leave the island into the mealstrom whenever you desire- but the barrier is still there for your party. You gain constant freedom of movement. Your land speed becomes a swim and fly speed (perfect). Whenever you cast an elemental spell that deals damage, you heal HP equal to double it's spell level or the power points spent.
Shifter protean madness-
Perquisites- protean twitch, exposure to green charcoal paste.
You are proficient in every form you enter. Whenever you per body changes, no adaptation time is ever needed, and your mind is never damaged. However, you may never return to a humanoid type form. All potions effect you as if they were cast at a caster level equal to your HD. You must continue taking these fears whenever you have a feat to spend, until you get to shifter protean perfection.
Shifter protean resilience-
You gain the amorphous anatomy trait, and DR 2/-.
Shifter protean perfection-
You shift and change as if it's nothing.
You can change to any non-humanoid type form you have previously assumed with a minute of foucs. This is an instantaneous effect.
(Note, not many classes can take this to it's end- it costs a fighter almost all of it's feats. All of these feats have a prequsite of all prior feats)
False keklatar suffering-
Prerequisites- protean twitch, exposure to a blend of any three colors of charcoal.
Power is pulsing through your vains, and it's more then you can handle. You take all lethal damage you take a second time as nonleathal damage. Anyone who attacks you in melee with a slashing or pericing weapon is sprayed with chaos infused blood- make a touch attack against such a foe's attack. If sucessful, they take 1d4+level force damage. As per usual, this consumes all feats you try to gain until the chain is completed.
False keketar ache-
Halve the nonleathal damage you take from false keketar suffering.
Armor starts to feel uncomfrable and restrictive- when you refuse to wear any, you gain +2 morale bouns to AC for every armor proficiency you aren't using, a strange confidence springing from your refusal of your training.
False keketar relief-
You stop taking nonleathal damage from false keketar suffering, and your blood calms down, losing the ability to deal force damage to those who cut you.. Your legs fuse into a huge serpentine tail, giving you constrict. You grow to huge size, and gain the undersized weapons trait. When you constrict a foe, you can choose to take a -10 to grapple to act normally with a standard action, and maintain the grapple with a move action. When you do this, you are not considered grappled.
False keketar body-
Your body is completely consumed by the keketar's, your torso getting covered in scales, mouth extending into a serpentine snout. Optional features are a hood, a rattle, and a keketar's true name crown. You gain 2 Natural armor, a bite attack with grab, and amorphous anatomy.
False keketar claws-
Your fingers become surprisingly dexterous claws, dealing 1d8 damage on a hit. If you hit with both of these attacks, you can hit your target with a warpwave.
False keketar spellcasting-
You gain spellcasting- you get the spells per day and spells known of a 4th level sorcerer. You cast these spells with a caster level equal to your charecter level.
False keketar power-
You lose your previous racial bounses to stats, and replace them with a +6 to STR, +4 con, +4 CHA, -4 wis. you gain a +4 to natural armor.
False keketar prisms-
You gain prismatic spray as a spell like ability 3/day, and prismatic sphere as a spell like ability 1/week.
False keketar apotheosis-
Your prismatic sphere spell like can be used once a day. All your melee attacks carry a warpwave. You gain constant freedom of movement. You gain immunity to spacial riptide effects and warpwave. You gain the shapechanger type and can revert to your form as a free action if Polymorphed. You gain a fly and swim speed equal to your ground speed.
Reshape reality-
You gain a keketar's reshape reality ability. Your base speed increases by 30. You gain the chaotic and protean subtypes, and are considered an outsider or your old race, whatever is more convenient. You can polymorph back into your old race at will. You gain a +10 to charisma checks when interacting with proteans, and can use diplomacy to influence attitude on proteans as a free action upon meeting them.
icehawk333 |
Most of the old deities are starting to, if not completely have, fallen out of favor. He gods are rising up in their place, but only a few new ones are present and prevalent by this time. Most Devine casters function off their own convictions.
The nameless green moth-
Protection, magic, Darkness, animal
Insect, moon, arcane, defense.
Holy symbol-
A tiny green moth made out of mundane crystal set in a silver pendent.
Always costs as much as a silver holy symbol- no wooden versions exist.
A strange deity from what was a very small town, and has, in the last few hundred years, become a flourishing town with a remarkable agricultural status that has it's name known in nearly every town- Mentathalos. Nearly every town knows the name, as nearly every town has imports of odd and exotic fruits from this town. The town seems somewhat hard to access, as it often seems to consider itself it's own ever growing country, and requires quite a lot of magical backround testing to enter legally.
Those who do go there say that, while it is a beautiful, flourishing city that almost seems bugger on the inside of it's borders then out, there isn't too much else to be said. The people and trade are nice, but nothing seems terribly supernatural about the place itself, aside from possibly how well the crops grow.
Regardless of how evasive this community is, plenty of people seem to have learned of thier local deity, who is said to have once been a strange creature who protected thier town from warring armies time and time again, while being shunned and rejected out of fear, until it cost itself it's own life in the process. The one person who knew what the creature did while it still lived was gifted the wing of the moth as it died, the moth using it's abilities to wrap it around him as if it was a protective mantle,mbefoe the moth died in response to it's wounds. The wing was later fastened together with a single button, and is still worn by the man's ancestors to this day. It's potential powers are unknown, but there are cloaks made in tribute to this thst are bought, made, and sold in the town.
The passing of time and lore has made this creature a dieity in it's own right, and still is said to watch over the town to allow it to flourish, and watches over anyone else who would extend their prayers.
It's clerics are no stranger to self sacrifice to protect those they care for, and are also no stranger to putting those to the sword who would harm others- but this is something to be done in defense of family. Most of the time, clerics of the moth gust live out their lives, content to make money, friends, do their jobs, and hopefully be a decent person.
Religion trait-
Moth's awareness-
You gain a +2 to preception and stealth checks made in dim light.
Magic item-
Mantle of the moth-
3000 gp
While wearing this bright green mantle, you gain a +5 competence bonus to stealth checks made in any lighting other then darkness or supernatural darkness.
If the wearer is a worshipper of the nameless green moth, once a day, when a friendly charecter within 30 feet is about to take lethal amounts of damage, you can, the wearer can, as an immidate action, intercept the attack. This can teleport you up to 30 feet, in between the chsrecter and thier attacker. If it's a melee attack, you teleport into the victim's square, and they get pushed to an adjacent square farthest from the attacker. This movment does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The wearer becomes the new target of the attack. If the attack requires a save, the wearer takes a -5 to the saves associated with the spell. If the attack required an attack roll, it becomes a natural 20, and gets a +4 to confirm a critical.
In addition, this cloak cannot be damaged or sundered while worn by a worshipper of the nameless green moth.
This cloak counts as a holy symbol of the nameless green moth.
Julianne, deity of the spurned.
Chaos, evil, animal, charm.
Demon, lust, fur, feather.
Not too much is actually known of Julianne. Some people say she used to be another deity, and adopted a new name as she changed her nature.
While the truth of this is questionable, it's very clear that Julianne stands for the more unnerving and monsterous races, and protects them as best she can, while encouraging them not to hide what they are.
She actively encorages her humanoid clerics to attempt to mate with dragons, fiends, and just about everything else that will result in a half beastial creature.
Dipsite this, she bears no hostility towards normal people- just no love, either.
Most of the old deities are starting to fade from awareness. This is a slow process, and new ones are coming up- while the old ones can still be worshiped, may a cleric has taken to their own raw conviction, rather then a deity.
A cleric of conviction can choose any one domain, and an alignment domain. If they're TN, they can take the magic domain instead of an alignment domain.
Thier code of conduct mandates that they not waver in thier faith and dedication to self. Unlike regular clerics, they can't fall- instead, they lose access to spellcasting when they doubt themselves or their views, until they either change thier veiws entirely, or manage to stop doubting. This requires no atonement, and instead just a renewed sense of conviction.
Concept clerics-
Are allowed, but the concept has to make sense with the domains chosen. These clerics can fall as normal.
Other details-
Teleportation is unreliable, only working reliably within 100 feet once on the island of relative order. Teleporting farther runs the risk of several minutes of temprotal stasis.
There are likely plenty of details I missed and forgot to mention- if you think they may be relevenat to you, they are Probobly somewhere in the intrestest check thread.
icehawk333 |
To those who have not seen the thread-
The party, trained for an expedition and sent through a portal to a island in the mealstrom to harvest rare magical rengants, find the portal closing behind them, stuck on a huge island full of intensely magical flora and fauna, where teleportation seems to falter in the spacial riptide.
The longer they are here, the more obvious it is that other sentient things used to live here, but seemed to have vanished entierly, and there doesn't seem to be a visible end to the island, where the island becomes "mealstrom" once again.
The creatures on the island act like normal predator and prey- most of the time.
however, when they see the party, many of the local creatures will attack- they will even stop fighting each other, and fight the party as a group.
Obviously, something bigger is going on here, but only time will tell what's really going on.
recruitment will run until the 22nd of June.
icehawk333 |
To those applying, I apologize for the endless typos in the information posts.
In addition, it occurs to me I never put in an explanation for the book of lore.
The book of lore, given by the trained researcher trait, is a unique magic item.
The book is given to new researchers for the white butterfly company to encorage them to make new discoveries.
The book is inert until five discoveries not yet written in any other book of lore are written in it. Once this happens, the book awakens, and becomes a intelligent item, linked to every other book of lore. It allows you to peruse the info of other books of lore, giving you a +2 on any knowladge roll when read for a minute, and allowing a retry if the check was already failed. In addition, the book can cast ledgend lore as a full round action three times a day, but only to identify the ledgends about the abilities of a creature within sight.
Almonihah |
Oh, this sounds *very* interesting... I'm thinking a catfolk, either a Feral Hunter or a Prowler at World's End. He'd be filling the Survivalist role, with perhaps a side of Botanist. A scarred frontiersman who's faced many beasts in his time, and thinks himself ready for a greater challenge.
Gobo Horde |
Still applying with my Psion Nomad :)
Now that I got a bit more stats I can get further along with him.
The plan is to go Psion (Nomad) 6, Elocater 1, then back to Psion. He will also be "aiming" for the Wrathful Protean line of feats, I just have to figure out how I am going to build him, IE Elemental Spells, Claws, Power Channeler, ect.
He spends a LOT of time in the Maelstrom, probably more then anybody else so its no suprise if he gets touched by it >:)
Edit: Paizo is brutal :(
Almonihah |
All right!
Oh, also, have you considered using Background Skills? They're nice for letting people take some non-adventuring skills without sacrificing skills they need.
icehawk333 |
*adds to list of things they forgot to put up in the description*
Backround skills are a go, but, due to the nature of the campain, craft (armor, weapons, alchemy), profession (stonemasonry, mining), and handle animal are all not backround skills for this campain, due to them all playing a rather important role in building and mantaining a fortress, and to surviving,
Gobo Horde |
out of curousity, why only one level of Elocater?Purely for the Personal Gravity ability.
As long as the elocater is within 1 foot of a sufficiently stable solid or liquid surface, she can change her personal gravity with a thought (free action). As a result, she may move on walls, ceilings, etc. as if they were level floors, including being able to run, jump, and take 5′ steps.
Personal gravity is constantly active, even when unconscious, unless the elocater deliberately suppresses it (a free action), is heavily encumbered, or is slain. If the elocater is carrying a medium load or wearing heavy or medium armor while using personal gravity, her speed reduces to 10 feet per round.
The Elocator also gets a few extra abilities like bonuses to Acro and Fly, or the ability to "float" off the ground but those are just gravy (really nice gravy!).
I mean comeon! I want my Maelstrom hopping teleporter to wink out of existance and reappear standing straight sideways off the side of a tree! Or upsidedown from the roof! Or walking casually up the side of a precarious cliff!However, once you get the first level of Elocator the rest of the class is less desirable and you might as well go back to Psion as it is stronger (especially since I intend to be Casty and the Elocator post-2 is more melee and flank-focused).
It also has a non-insignificant cost to it, dodge and mobility are hard to fit in (and benefit a casty less), and +3 BAB on a 1/2-BAB Caster delays your entrance into the class until 7th level. Once you do get in you lose a CL and right at a level where you would have otherwise gotten 4th level spells, so those are delayed. You don't even get the bonus BAB from the 3/4-BAB Elocator :(
If I can plan this right, I should get the Wrathful Protean and Elocator abilities at exactly the same time and have them all flavoured as part of the same source >:)
However I become a partial-Protean it is acompanied by the ability to hover, fly and walk on walls, ect.
Herkymr the Silly |
Gonna build a dwarf alchemist going master chymist....jekyll/hyde style
got basics done just needing to know what all we need for submission....
full crunch?
juicy stuff (background etc)
also wanted to pitch a
Price 1,000 gp; Slot neck; CL 4th; Weight —; Aura faint evocation; Scaling prize
This small pendant of brass and glass is crafted in the shape of a lantern and continuously sheds light as a light spell. As a move action, the wearer can open the miniature lantern pendant and direct the tiny phantasmal fire within to float to any point within 110 feet. This functions as dancing lights, but the wearer can create a number of lights equal to 1/2 his character level, up to a maximum of four, and can create only torchlike lights, not glowing spheres or humanoid shapes. While the dancing lights are active, the light of the lantern pendant itself is extinguished.
6th Level: Once per day, the wearer can command the phantasmal fire to fly forth and limn all creatures in an area as faerie fire. Just as when using dancing lights, the pendant's light is extinguished throughout the duration.
8th Level: The wearer can choose between faerie fire and glitterdust (Will DC 13) when he uses the 6th-level ability.
10th Level: Once per day, the wearer can focus the lantern's power, causing its light to increase from the light spell to the daylight spell, with a duration as daylight. The daylight is suppressed whenever he activates any other ability that extinguishes the pendant's light, but such time still counts against its duration.
13th Level: Once per day, the wearer can release the lantern's lights in the form of wandering star motes(Will DC 16). During the duration, the pendant's light is extinguished.
Construction Requirements
Cost 10,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights, daylight, faerie fire, light, wandering star motes
lantern pendant
I don't care about the scaling.
Its necessary for me because I often need light and two hands to work and introducing fire or heat to the chemicals I am working with is often not the smartest things. This should be seen as a pratical and necessary item and be given by the consortium to assist me in completeing their task.
I am thinking to go straight improvised weapons and poisons. THis should make a character who can improvise what is needed both in combat and outside of combat
I have currently held off on buying because of a question I have to the GM about costs.
icehawk333 |
OK, change of plan, a boggle cryptic coming in. Crafting of traps and stonemasonry, along with a little other magic item creation. Hopefully that magical pickaxe will allow such work to be completed in less than the years it would otherwise take.
That is the whole purpose of the magical pickaxe.
icehawk333 |
Gonna build a dwarf alchemist going master chymist....jekyll/hyde style
got basics done just needing to know what all we need for submission....
full crunch?
juicy stuff (background etc)also wanted to pitch a ** spoiler omitted **...
A 1000 gp pendant for an undispellable continual light is fine.
The crunch needs to be well enough intact that i can decern your rough stats. Full crunch is appreceated.
"Fluff" is just as important, as it's what gets me invested in choosing your charecter as a dm.
Lwazi |
Here's my current character draft. I haven't bought equipment yet, and I haven't written his backstory down yet, though I have one in mind. (Basically, his parents performed in the circus as 'the wild tiger-people', he picked up some sneaky talents from friends he made while young, but eventually came to hate circus life and went in search of his parents' clan, almost died to beasts in the jungle, trained with his ancestral clan and found he was suited to channeling the spirits, joined up with the White Butterfly Company to apply his talents)
I did have a couple of questions, though:
1) Is Unchained Rogue okay, or do I have to use non-Unchained?
2) Prowler at World's End involves channeling spirits. The spirits for the archetype are supposed to be found in "altars, shrines, and sacred groves", or something to that effect (I don't have it open at the moment). Will that be an issue? I suppose we could always just build an altar if we need one.
Nesipho Inkosi |
Nesipho Inkosi wrote:Looking to fill the linguist role, after I redo the character.
You mentioned various items to assist the roles, but no item was mentioned for linguist?
There isn't much to assist the linguist.
Perhaps a circlet of persuasion.
Circlet would be fine.
Though if I might suggest a possible custom magic item? Something that gives a bonus to the deciphering unknown languages part of the linguistics skill. This could double as the "you get a magic item of questionable use for free." - depending on whether we are likely to run into any languages outside of the planar languages - or whether you'd prefer I pick something else of questionable value.
Midiotoziggeroto |
![Prankster Illusionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Prankster_90.jpeg)
Well here is my WiP for my teleporting Psion (this is Gobo Horde btw).
I decided to nix the "turning into a Protean" idea, it was just too many feats by the time I included everything needed for Elocator and Teleporting. Instead I am going to aim to maintain my sanity as long as possible despite my prolonged periods of time in the Maelstrom and become the best teleporter that I can possibly be.
Question. Would you be willing to allow me to take the Summon Minor Monster as a first level Psion Power?
I think it would be a good bit of roleplaying to be able to summon a litter of kittens as a reminder of home, even if it is functionally useless :)
And for my "Item of Questionable Use", could I get a pair(trio?) of Psychoportation Circle Power Stones? They obviously don't work and they would cost 7,650gp (11,475gp) but they would be representing the White Butterfly companies contingency plans.
Pity they are destined to fail >:)
But they would be a constant beacon of hope for Midioto and co ^_^
icehawk333 |
That is a perfectly acceptable item of questionable use, actually. Simply because, yes, they are destined to fail.
Yeah, turning into a protean is a rather feat intensive thing.
It's not easy to fit into a build, aside from ones that directly synergize.
But don't worry, there will be plenty of other ways to lose your humanity over the course of the game.
Yes, you may take that as a power.
icehawk333 |
Oh! I wanted to ask.
We are explorers to this realm, but are we this first (from this company)? Is this our first time here? Or was it the second/third/ect time to the island when we got trapped?
Is this our first time here?
First ones to show up, first time you've been here.
Totally unexplored territory as far as anyone knows.
icehawk333 |
Okay, I believe Lwazi is ready! Apologies for his backstory being so long, I tried to keep it brief but he's already done a lot in life to end up here. Let me know if you have any issues with it. (It's at the bottom of his stats in this alias's profile)
No need to apologize for a long backstory.
I quite like the submission.
Green Smashomancer |
I'll give this a dot. Sounds cool, and I don't think I see the "Linguist" role covered by too many people here, so I'm thinkin' I see a good opportunity to try out my Tengu Warpriest. Hello, Orator Do any of the setting gods have favored weapons? Preferably with (Bite) as an option. I'd be going for natural attacks with this guy.
I'll go through everything more thoroughly and put something together (no doubt with more questions, apologies in advance) when I get back tonight.
icehawk333 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'll give this a dot. Sounds cool, and I don't think I see the "Linguist" role covered by too many people here, so I'm thinkin' I see a good opportunity to try out my Tengu Warpriest. Hello, Orator Do any of the setting gods have favored weapons? Preferably with (Bite) as an option. I'd be going for natural attacks with this guy.
I'll go through everything more thoroughly and put something together (no doubt with more questions, apologies in advance) when I get back tonight.
The Nameless moth does. I just forgot to write it.
The nameless moth's favored weapons are bite and tentacle, and if you don't have any natural weapons, it's favored weapon is heavy shield.Julianne's favored weapon is a falchion.
Also considring writing up a deific obedience for both.
Nesipho Inkosi |
Still working on my character, but I'd like to request an All Tools Vest at crafted cost as an essential item to the expedition.
"Rather than lugging a hundred different tools with us to build a base camp with, this item would be ideal for providing us with an easy transportable means for whatever tools we may require for any given task at hand."
icehawk333 |
Still working on my character, but I'd like to request an All Tools Vest at crafted cost as an essential item to the expedition.
"Rather than lugging a hundred different tools with us to build a base camp with, this item would be ideal for providing us with an easy transportable means for whatever tools we may require for any given task at hand."
Request accepted.
Green Smashomancer |
Putting my submission together now. Can I use survival as a "cooking things" skill, or does that specifically take Profession: Chef? I saw the Claw Tools trait you made, and I had the thought of how useful it would be to have cutting tools on hand for a cook.
Also, if the answers "no", can we use the background skill system?
icehawk333 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Putting my submission together now. Can I use survival as a "cooking things" skill, or does that specifically take Profession: Chef? I saw the Claw Tools trait you made, and I had the thought of how useful it would be to have cutting tools on hand for a cook.
Also, if the answers "no", can we use the background skill system?
Backround skills have been stated to be allowed, with some caveats, as noted in a post above. Will edit the caveats into this posts in a moment.
*adds to list of things they forgot to put up in the description*
Backround skills are a go, but, due to the nature of the campain, craft (armor, weapons, alchemy), profession (stonemasonry, mining), and handle animal are all not backround skills for this campain, due to them all playing a rather important role in building and mantaining a fortress, and to surviving,
Survival can be used to make passable food- profession (chef) is for making high quailty food.
Higher quailty food might be good for morale (and morale might be a problem if there is no sense of luxury at all) but far from needed.
Green Smashomancer |
Green Smashomancer wrote:Backround skills have been stated to be allowed, with some caveats, as noted in a post above. Will edit the caveats into this posts in a moment.Putting my submission together now. Can I use survival as a "cooking things" skill, or does that specifically take Profession: Chef? I saw the Claw Tools trait you made, and I had the thought of how useful it would be to have cutting tools on hand for a cook.
Also, if the answers "no", can we use the background skill system?
Alrighty then. Although, with the utility I would get out of Linguistics it almost feels like cheating to use it as a background skill, so I won't.
Oh yeah, that was right at the top. Doy.
Edit: Maybe Know: Geography, since it feels like it would be double extra deluxe useless.
Nesipho Inkosi |
Nesipho is ready (though I'm still doing minor changes to skill point allocation and equipment).
Nesipho is primarily designed to the party linguist role. He can also provide a supporting roll to survival, and is a fair hand at crafting weapons.
Hmm, Green Smashomancer makes a good point - is linguists still a background skill, or moved to normal skills?