icehawk333 |

Chairs are layed out across this spacious room as you enter- there are ten rows of ten chairs, with an empty line in the middle to walk down. The walls are covered in ivy, and the floor is extremely well kept, soft grass, as is rsther normal for the company's buildings. The exeption is the floor under the chairs, thst seems to be a single slab of smooth, polished stone. The meeting hall is mostly unoccupied, and has been reserved for the applicants for today's expedition. A disinterested elf woman stands near the podium, revewing sheets on a clipboard.

Thorek Bloodaxe |

A white bearded dwarf stomps his way into the room. Having heard about a call for an expedition that is in need of a miner, he came in search of gold and glory. In that order. Looking at the room with the practiced eye of a man who was willing to buy and sell just about anything that isn't nailed down, his gaze finally met that of the elf standing near the podium. With a grunt he said "Heard yer lot be hirin' an excavator for an expedition to an island o' some sorts. Be this the right place?"

icehawk333 |

the woman glances to the dwarf, and quietly hides her irritation with his demeanor. She mumbled something in elven.
"Great. The first applicant is a dwarf. Same incomprehensible accent as always."
but she does her best to fake a smile anyway.
"Yes, this is. I've been placed here to greet whomever shows up, take down notes for applications, and provide these to your prospective employer. Though, I wouldn't get your hopes up, becau-"
the woman flinches, as a rather tiny, red hand smacks the back of her head.
"You being rude again, Anna? Am I going to have to take over?"
pipes up an imp who appears out of seemingly nowhere. Anna sighs in turn.
"No, I ca-"
"well I'm taking over anyway, get lost."
the elf mutters curses in elven, stomping off.
"apologies for that. Let's try that again. I'm here to greet you on Behalf of your prospective employer. Please, there are forums to fill out on the podium. Apologies for not having a proper table, but this was the only room we ended up with acess to right now. A lot of stuff going on to prepare to open the portal to the island."
the imp gestures to the forms on the table- they're extremely formal forms, asking for name, race, details on life expireneces, notable skills, a list of goals, and if the applicant had any prior expreince working for the company.
"Please take your time."

Thorek Bloodaxe |

Knowledge Planes on Imps: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Yeah, is say he knows a thing or two about imps...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Thorek smiles at the imp and politely bows his head. As he begins to fill the forms out he says: "Ye be an imp? Me apologies for nay bein' able to speak ye tongue. Most o' yer kind I meet have been summoned. I take it by yer actions that yer summoned has died then? If so, me hat off to ye. But I do be wonderin' what be yer role here an' what can ye tell me o' this organization ye be part of?"

icehawk333 |

"I'm a bound familiar, actually."
the imp bows back.
"I've lived here so long, common may as well be my native tounge. Thank you for your concern nonethless. I'm the familiar of your potentail employer- her name is renal, and she gives me quite a bit of free reign here. Eventually, she declared me an official member of the company, dispite my status as a familiar. Now I'm one of the higher ups, and I can tell you, it's really nice. I never got this much respect in hell. Though, I don't think hell would take me back, anymore..."
the imp pauses, a moment.
"Ah, but, to answer your question. This is the white butterfly company. It's primary moneymaking methods are the awakening of animal and plants, the blessing of crops, and the tending of other such needs to allow man and nature to live in a greater sense of balance, avoiding the extremist veiw of nature being a sovereign thing seprate from humans. Humans and humanoids are simply the dominat speicies- and there will always be a best. It's just how it is. The company has a lot of side projects, in the creation of new plants, researching of exotic locations, and magically modifying willing animals. Occasionally, one of these will have a huge turnout in profit. Our recent successes are what are paying the bills of those who are to explore this realm- to the tune of one million gold peices, devided among the five explorers upon return."

Thorek Bloodaxe |

Thorek nodded and thanked the imp, all the while storing information. The imp had been here for long enough to think of common as its' base language, and given their views of time, that meant it had been here for quite a while. More importantly, it's master was incrediably long lived. And this company, it had an ingenious business model. He wished that he had thought of it. It was also good to know that they weren't fanatics who would cross him over morals. This was a business, which increased he chance of actually getting paid. He carefully read the documents as he signed them.
Profession Barrister to understand the documents and ensure that there are no nasty surprises: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Lwazi |

A tall, broad-shouldered man with striped fur and a feline head, with a trio of scars going diagonally across his face, steps into the room behind Thorek. He wears armor made of thick strips of some sort of leather or cloth, while a large, heavy-headed hammer lies strapped to his back, crossed with a thick-bladed sword. A quiver hangs at his hip, paired with the bow also on his back. He moves with an easy grace as he walks forward.
Seeing there's someone else already at the front, he stops a little before the podium and waits his turn quietly, looking the dwarf over as he stands.

Luca Bloodbeak |

Almost immediately afterwards, another individual walks through the door. The mostly black-feathered Tengu stands at a wiry and unimpressive 5' 8". He looks around the room with his deep-set eye's gawkily. Then he tries really hard not to stare at the catman nearby.
"Hi! Uhh, am I at the right building? I heard the White Butterfly company was looking for linguicians? I walked by a couple of times, so I just want to check."
Despite his awkward demeanor, his polished armor speaks for itself. But not his complete lack of weapons, unless you count the sling.

Rivet, boggle cryptic |

A short goblinoid pops up from where he had been lingering mostly unseen. He seems neatly dressed with some odd tools and a crystalline bow hanging about his person, and mystical tattoos on his skin.
"Quite. Observing from the inside is something I find more informative; I must commend you for asking those better informed however, the number of times students failed to take such a basic step out of sheer nerves was quite amusing back at the library." He chuckles, "But where are my manners. Rivet, formerly of Yamyra's Troubleshooters, before that of the Queensbridge University. To whom do I speak?"

icehawk333 |

"come, come! I can handle more then one person at a time." pipes up the imp, gesturing for the two to join him."We do indeed need linguists for our expidition into the mealstrom. Please, come, ask your questions, fill out these forms, and don't be shy to ask for any bevereges you desire."

Luca Bloodbeak |

"Oh uh, thank you, Rivet. I'm Luca Bloodbeak. Don't mind the name, I'm as friendly as can be! Do I uh, do I give a pitch?" He turns to the imp. Definitely one of the other "new" sights.

Thorek Bloodaxe |

A wee demon. Cat-folk. A tengu. A well spoken gobbo. It certainly was something new. In his decades of wandering Thorek thought that he had seen it all, but this was a menagerie indeed. Still, with so much gold on the line he wasn't going to ask any questions. At the very least a tengu linguist certainly made sense. He guessed that the catfolk was the survivalist, and the goblin-like creature was...an alchemist of some sort? Usually goblins and alchemy meant fire, but he wasn't convinced that this was the usual breed of greenskin. With his papers finished he stood back and watched the new arrivals, looking to learn of them what he could.

Rivet, boggle cryptic |

"Forms. I can handle forms. It does imply an employer who would rather deal with us at a distance, does it not? Is that simple preference or fear of unruly would-be employees?" Rivet asks of Berith.

Nesipho Inkosi |

Kn Planes to recognize the imp for what it is: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
A short, just over 5', very dark skinned man enters behind the others. He holds a long spear in one hand, several ceremonial feathers tied just below the tip. Also on his person are a rapier, a longbow, and several small pouches.
He wears a leather jerkin over loose fitting earthen colored clothing. A single black braid of hair hangs down his back. A smile plays at the edge of his lips, "Ah ha, I've never seen so many foriegners invited to the Shembe Festival before. But do not worry my friends, I shall teach you the proper way to dance the spears."
He gives a low bow, "Nesipho Inkosi at your service."
Still grinning Nesipho grabs one of the papers off the podium, "Oh dear, not the Shembe Festival? Well, exploration and adventure it is then."
Nesipho reaches into his bags and pulls out a quill pen and a vial of ink, dips the quill carefully, then signs his name with a flourish.
Turning to the imp he adds, "Дар ин ҷо шумо Berith мебошанд. Ман имон дорам ман ҷавобгӯ ба талаботи забоншинос дар ин ҷо оварда шудааст. Ман бо ҳамаи забонҳо шинохтаи тайёраҳои чодари, ва чанд дигарон амон ошно ҳастам. Ки ман ҳам як дасти одилона дар қабули силоҳи ҳастам."
"Here you are Berith. I believe I meet the requirements outlined here for a linguist. I am familiar with all the known languages of the outer planes, and a few others to spare. I am also a fair hand at crafting weapons."
A tengu and catfolk, I must get a chance to speak with them.
Nesipho turns to Lwazi, "Only a few times have I seen people of your race before. Once in the markets of Absalom, and again in Katapesh. Tell me, where do you hail from? And do you have a tongue unique to your people?"

Luca Bloodbeak |

Luca takes a clipboard with the required paperwork leans into it while muttering quietly "Log: Day one. They've already turned against me. It won't be long before the others forget what jokes are entirely."
He looks up at the mention of another linguist though. He deicides to pipe up after hearing the answer to the humans question. Luca is curious too, really.
"Priecājos ar jums iepazīties, Nesipho!"

Lwazi |

I go to bed, wake up, and everyone posted after I went to bed! XD
Lwazi takes one of the forms and looks it over, though he glances at the new arrivals as they enter and positions himself such that no one is behind him as he starts to fill the forms. He's worked a couple of times for the White Butterfly Company before, and, well... eccentric is hardly surprising by now.
He smiles up at Nesipho as the man speaks to him, and returns his bow with a slight one of his own. "Lwazi," he replies, his soft, even baritone not quite matching his rather ferocious appearance. "We catfolk have our own tongue, yes, though it is Common I was raised on. I was born on the road, you see, and only later found my parents' tribe and learned of our ways. So you might say I hail from many places, yes? The travelers my parents lived with, or the jungle of my tribe."
I'm pretty sure this campaign isn't set on Golarion, right? Or rather, the intro before we enter the Maelstrom isn't on Golarion.

icehawk333 |

"He is not here because she is preparing to open the portal you will be using, and wants a summery for a quick review when she arrives. This is also why the only available room we have is this announcement hall."
the imp looks to nesiphio and smiles.
"You are correct, this is a not a "shambe festival", rather a sign up for a long and possibly dangerous, but well paying, task."
he pauses, a while, before he says.
"I much prefer common these days."
not galorion, yes.

Nesipho Inkosi |

"A pity Berith, there is so seldom opportunity to practice some languages."
Nesipho cocks his head slightly as Luca speaks, then with a laugh, "Sorry, I already had breakfast, thank you though." After a short pause, "I shall have to learn that language some day, is it your native tongue? I have never heard anything quite like it with the trilling whistles."
Turning back to the catfolk, "Lwazi?" he practices the name to get the intonations right. "Were you part of a merchant caravan?"

Lwazi |

Lwazi nods in appreciation at Nesipho's attempt at pronunciation, then grins a bit sheepishly at his question. "Ah... a circus, actually. As you have said, my kind are strange in most lands, and so..." he shrugs.

Luca Bloodbeak |

"Why yes, that was the Tengu language. Hmm. What tongues do humans usually speak? Ooh!" He repeats himself in elven.
"Wait, did you say circus? Ahh... My wife loved circuses. We never performed for anyone, but we were still the only Tengu in the city. If you don't mind, what was your um, act? So to speak." Luca still seems slightly apprehensive talking to Lwazi, but maybe some common ground is all they need.
"Also, also. Sorry, I'm all over the place." He asks the Imp known as Berith "But ah, do we have a destination should we be hired? An endgoal? "

Nesipho Inkosi |

"Human languages vary from region to region. I know a couple, but find the languages of the exotic races a more interesting study." Nesipho seems completely oblivious that referencing the tengu or catfolk as being exotic might not be taken well.
"Berith, in addition to Luca's query I have a few questions."
"I understand we are looking for a magical plant or herb, but I haven't heard anything about its description, so I don't know what it looks like, or how we will identify it? And when we do find it, are we transplanting it? Collecting seeds from it? Or something else?"

Herkymr the Silly |

Walking past the group to the podium a completely hairless dwarf stretches to reach the forms. He grabs them and walks back to his seat to fill them out.
Berith..I gotta do it… can I fill these out in invisible ink like I did last expedition? I remember Renal thought it was a bit on the uppity side.
He reaches over and slowly fondles several of the whistle like charms that hang all over his backpack. These charms are intricately made from glass and worked bone. His armor as well is studded with intricately carved bone “plugs” giving it a feel of ceremony more than function. Upon completing the forms, he walks them up to the imp. I think its time to spice up this waiting. I probably could enhance any drink you choose. For instance, turning to Thorek. Ale is good so is stout but add this to it and it will bring home the taste of home brewed til it simmers down the throat. Try it you’ll have to tell me if you agree. He hands a small pouch of herbal mix to the dwarf.
Some of you will make my mixing a challenge but I can meet the challenge. You, Luca, should enjoy this. It takes the potent tiinctill worm and suspends it in a configuration of alcohol and the sap from the deciduous direlti trees of the north. Boiled down it makes this… Strigh reaches into his pouches and removes a small vial. Try it if ya like it the pleasure was mine...if he doesn’t I gotta try again.
Berith, what other goodies will we need for the trip. I know there was talk of a miner and a hunter. My ability should help with all roles or atleast my mixes should enhance what others specialize in.
I just learned the recipe for a salve I call it stone salve, it weakens a large amount of stone making it easier to excavate. I got a few toher things to try as well. But what I really really want to do…Is experiment with what we find there. I bet I could make some bang and boom.
Pulling out three vials of greyish colored liquid, the odd dwarf begins to juggle SoH: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 while watching the others.

Lwazi |

Lwazi nods at Luca and answers, "My parents performed as the 'Tiger-men of Talamarane'--a completely made-up location, as you might have guessed. Their acts involved beast-taming and acrobatics, skills which I have put to rather different uses."
He doesn't seem to mind Nesipho's comment. "Mhlawumbe mina uyakunifundisa ngasona abanye, khona-ke," he responds.

Midiotoziggeroto |

There is empty space in the middle of the room, between the rows of chairs. Then with a sudden POP! it is no longer empty...
Standing in the midst of you where previously there was only empty space, is a young lad, long ashen white hair flowing back down his shoulders and dissapearing into his yellow robes that hang loosely over him, fluttering and exaggerating his every movement. He carries no weapons, only a stack of books in his hands.
Looking up, he sees the Imp
Ah! Barith-Zantas! Good to see you, I was told to see you by Professor Flitwick and, uhhh, Rinal. Midioto clearly does not want to undermine Barith's authority in front of the new recruits but is otherwise at a loss on how to address him. She wanted me to give you a status update on the Gate Stones. We have just finished the forming process this morning and we have created 4 of them! Flitwick is heading off to the plane of Air right now to test one of em out, but we have a backup exit strategy!
He then looks around at the gathered crowd and then back up at Barith.
Flitwick also said that I should join the expadition. He said, and I quote; Midioto raises both hands for emphasis, "Go with them. Heck knows we need at least one moron whos ain't braindead on the other side. If Hell breaks loose then Midioto, you guide em right through Hell an back here, now GIT!" Midioto does another gesture with his fingers before dropping them.
So I'm signing up he shrugs.
Next moment he looks up at the podium, the dissapears from his spot with a POP! appearing beside Barith and picking up a form.
Hmm... lets see, what do we have... POP!
He is gone once more, now appearing sitting on one of the chairs in the back row.
There he fills out the form;
Name: Middiotoziggeroto
Race: Human
Details on life expireneces: Teleported Math teacher Susan Boyle into the janitors closet, full time employment by the age of 15, full time schooling at the same time, successfully performed a "Time Hop", running the 1,000m dash in 35 seconds.
Notable skills: Hyperdimensional Technician, Spacial Manipulation, Teleporting, Cartographing and a host of support abilities, as well as additional, extensive studies from the White Butterfly company on many subjects including geography and surveying
Note; I can study the Maelstrom extensively from within, I CAN IMPLEMENT RETURN STRATEGIES!!!
List of goals: succeed Flitwick, explore new wildlands, explore new world! Study Maelstrom, improve 'Portin ampage, 'port an entire caravan, and, ummm, create warp gates between the cities, crack secrets of Time Travel...
Prior expreince working for the company: 4 years training towards Hyperdimensional Technician. Currently Junior Hyperdimensional Technician under Professor Flitwick.
Once done, Midioto jumps up with suprising suddenness and once again POP!s out of existance, handing in his paper to Barith. He then turns and faces some of the others, his face agleam with the desire to meet new people.
Hi! Im Midiotoziggeroto! Most just call me Midioto. I work here for the White Butterfly company down in the Hyperdimentionality department. We are working on Gate Stones in preperation for the upcoming expadition right now.
Who... Who are you? What do you do?
Midioto has worked within the company for the last 4 years or so and would probably know, or at least know of Barith and his Renal.
Professor Flitwick is the Senior Hyperdimensional Technician, which is a specific, specalized branch of the main field of study, so there is only a few in this specific branch. 2 to be exact and Midioto is the other Junior member. Feel free to add people!
*Gate Stones are Psychoportation Circle power stones.

Midiotoziggeroto |

Midioto POP!s over to the fridge (or equivelent) and then selects a non-alcholic drink before POP!ing back over to the new dwarf and handing it to him.
What can you make with this? He asks, his eyebrows raising quite high when Thorek speaks. I didn't know you were just allowed to ask that...

icehawk333 |

"you aren't looking for any one plant. Your job is to aquire as many diffrent speices of magical flora as pratically possible while setting up a base for potental continued exploration. the imp looks to midioziggeroto. good to hear progress is being made. I certanly didn't expect you to apply. then to sligh. "write in invisible ink again, and i will personslly set you on fire to reveal it with. That said, extra supplies will be distributed by renal."

Luca Bloodbeak |

"Mhlawumbe mina uyakunifundisa ngasona abanye, khona-ke."
He didn't respond to elven either. Uhh...
"Oh wow, look! So many people."
Some of you will make my mixing a challenge but I can meet the challenge. You, Luca, should enjoy this. It takes the potent tiinctill worm and suspends it in a configuration of alcohol and the sap from the deciduous direlti trees of the north. Boiled down it makes this… Strigh reaches into his pouches and removes a small vial. Try it if ya like it the pleasure was mine...if he doesn’t I gotta try again.
Luckily, he see's the opportunity for some good ol' alcoholic distraction from his decision.
"Hello. Stranger. Level with me. Are you assuming I will like this drink just because there's a worm in it?" Luca speaks with an even tone as he eyes the dwarf and the drink warily. Pausing briefly before he speaks again with a sing-song rhythm.
"Cause you're probably right. Is it sweet?"

Herkymr the Silly |

Fine.. flame ink it is.Strigh the dwarf comments with an impish grin. Hey Midioto, you gotta try this one. My last one made you pop but this one will add zing to it. flipping a small bone tube at the teleporter. toss: 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 4 = 11 Targeting the square where Midioto is standing should be dc 5 ish for me.
My hair decided it didn't like my experiments with flame ink. Unfortunately my beard has been shy eversince. I am a bit worried that it won't come out of hiding though. Hopefully the herb concoctions I can make will work better at our destination than at out location.
As for what I am, I'm a mixer. I mix whatever I find until it does something. Quite often I even have a clue as to what I hope it will do. SO far I have better success' than I do mishaps. A grin covers his face although it appears to be more chagrin than humor Flame ink from ifrits was a mistake my hair hides from.Try the concoction it really is a success.

Herkymr the Silly |

Luca my friend to be. I don't suggest it is just cuz of the worm, it is the leaves as well. I love the concotion mixed with a bit of fall cider properly warmed. If it will make you trust me more I'll share the "mystery" with you. with that the hairless one motions for a drink.hot apple brandy or hot cider please for both my new friend and I the waiter leaves and returns with the drinks in short order. Taking the vial from the Tengu and handing him an exact duplicate, Strigh pours it in and downs the drink. plsst shack cough hee yuck!!Strigh sputters. whew that is way to sweet for me maybe I'll add a drop of straieen berry to conter the worm's natural sugars.

Luca Bloodbeak |

"What? Oh no, no. I was just making a bit of off-color humor was all. But have you tried unripened strig berries? Kri showed me that trick when she was teaching me how to cook. They're small flavorless, and absorb all manner of sources of sweetness. Only plant I've seen with a sweet tooth." Luca offers.

Herkymr the Silly |

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 With a grin at Thorek's distancing, the albino dwarf turns to Luca.strig berries? I've heard of them but haven't found somewhere to gather them nearby. To bad we won't have time before this setup here gets decided. Maybe afterwords and before the maelstrom we can gather a few. It would be funny to see some one drink a sweet potion of itchy tongue. Strigh says with a wry sort of mirth.

Luca Bloodbeak |

the imp clears it's throught.
"has everyone filled out a fourm? Those that haven't, please do. Those who have, feel free to ask any more questions you may need to."
Luca hands in his filled out form.
"Well, is there medical staff going with us? I can help with that. I don't want to see anyone get hurt, and I know how travel can be. Ooh! Did you all bring your helmets? Mines in my bag."

Herkymr the Silly |

How big of an area with in the maelstrom are we looking at? what do we know of the flora and fauna there? Are there native humanoids of any sort if so what is their outlook or perspective on us? I think these would be a great thing to know before we go. Berith ya got some answers ? Strigh brings up.

Midiotoziggeroto |

I think the GM wanted us to actually fill out those forms because he wanted some of that information, at least thats why I filled it out.

Lwazi |

I'm away for one day... :D
Lwazi turns in his form as he takes in the newest... eccentricity.
It was going to be one of those jobs.
Still, at least some of the other applicants seemed to have their heads on mostly straight. They'd just have to work together to keep the rest of them from misplacing an important tool or blundering into whatever the Maelstrom's equivalent of a bear was.
"I assume standard arrangements apply to our remains should the worst happen, yes?" he asks Barith. "Returned to next-of-kin if they are retrievable without undue risk?"
It was a reasonable policy, and he doubted there was any change to it... but he was paying more attention to the reactions of the other applicants. Talking about returning the dead tended to reveal who was unaccustomed to the threat of death.

Rivet, boggle cryptic |

Rivet scratched under his wig. A hairless dwarf! Perhaps he has less problems with my race than the more traditional bearded axe-wielders... His chain of thought was broken by the big catfolk's question.
"Ah, if that's the policy make an exception for me. Just send a message to my mother." The gods only know what she'd do with stress, boggle madness and my body.

icehawk333 |

"we will do our best, but the odds of your courpse being unmutilated or un-eaten if no-one attends to it within a day or two are not high. As such, it mostly depends on if we can get to it in a reasonable time. If you all die, we will resserect whomever we manage to retrieve. That said, if you die, we're also not paying you. All in all, we are paying so much because this is both dangerous and somewhat poorly planned."
the familiar blinks a few times.
"oh, good news, though. Your eployer just finished the required tasks to make the portal, along with her crew, of course, and will be here shortly."

Luca Bloodbeak |

"I understand. I promise to see to my fellows to the best of my abilities, should I be chosen." Luca nods with a momentary solemness.
"But! We'll just have to make sure it doesn't come to that, won't we?"