Hymenopterix RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Key Question #1:
Where do you want to set up your capital? The most obvious places are The Stag Lord's Fort or Oleg's. Your Kingdom (colony) initially consists of only the Hex your capital is located in.
The Stag Lord's Fort:
A free watchtower OR 1/2 cost of building a castle since the initial buildings are already there.
+1 Loyalty & Stability due to its ease of defence and location.
Free Shop, Stable, Inn or Watchtower (can't be changed later)
+1 Economy because of its location on the road from Restov to Pitax.
Oleg might not like it if you set up your city there since he was trying to get away from city life.
Key Question #2:
What is the name of your city and kingdom? What is your flag? Do your soldiers have a uniform? What does it look like? These are TOTALY up to you. They can be the same or different. There are no mechanical effects of this decision.
Key Question #3:
Choose your kingdom's alignment: Since this is the alignment of "The People" (I think) who are colonists, I'm not going to let you start Lawful, but this may change over time.
Key Question #4:
Assign Leadership Roles: Some of these have penalties if left vacant, others have no penalties. You do NOT have to fill all (or any) roles. The only alterations I want to make to the rules from Ultimate Campaign is that I will impose a -2 stability penalty if no-one is designated as Heir (not necessarily filling the Heir role though).
Grand Diplomat
High Priest
Royal Enforcer
What title does each role have - for the Ruler, Emperor or Sultan etc. might be considered a bit much by other rulers and incur a diplomatic penalty :)
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
Thanks for the bow alteration and the general update; glad things are getting less chaotic for you (for your sake!). I think the proposal for item modification makes sense.
Could you please remind/update us where the Fort is on the Hex map? I'm not sure what hexes we've gone through/explored as of the last update (although I think the map was updated (this is the latest version here) just shortly before we took on the fort).
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Bardic Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Hmm update to come!
I vote the Stag Lords Fort as our initial starting area and either form a treaty or official annex?/join forces with Olegs trade post.
As stated before Bein is creating his own heraldry if you guys like it cool beans, if not then it'll be stand alone with its symbolism intact. :) I wasn't creating it for any other then my own to represent Beins feelings on the party and their roles.
I will price out new parade armor for Arundel as well and update my proposed costs Hymen.
Glad to hear your life is getting less hectic! :)
Looking forward to the days ahead. If written have time I will try and get the mounts combat trained. This could take upto 3 weeks or 3 days each depending on my dice rolls.
Let me know please!
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
The fort is in Hex 45 on your excellent map (i've changed the link in the Info tab to point to it.)
You haven't explored Hex 38 but you did pass through. You did see, however that there was a River crossing there, and that another river joined the Thorn River from the north (The Skrike River).
Hex 45 (Stag Lord's Fort) wasn't fully explored, but over last few days you've managed to finish looking around and actually mapping the area around the fort. The Eastern side of the Hex is lake (The Tuskwater) into which two rivers flow near the fort which stands on a hill.
To the north of the Fort the Thorn River (the one you've already explored significant length of) flows into the lake whilst to the south of the fort another river (The Skunk) flows into it. The Skunk leaves Hex 45 to the south. (Hex 46).
Hope this is clear? If not let me know!
Bein - Whether you have time is up to you! If you have a "role" in the new kingdom you have to devote some time each week to that, but otherwise (for the moment) the party's free to decide what to do.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
kn engineering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Okay, here are some tentative replies to open the discussion:
Key Question #1:
Where do you want to set up your capital?
I think the fort is the best one (see spoilers about the benefits).
Key Question #2:
What is the name of your city and kingdom? What is your flag? Do your soldiers have a uniform? What does it look like? These are TOTALY up to you. They can be the same or different. There are no mechanical effects of this decision.
I would go with our kingdom being named a March with Finnabar being a Marcher Lord to reference that it is a frontier kingdom. As for the name I would go with a family name reference: the March of Orlov.
Capital name: no idea yet.Banner and uniform: I'll look into the Orlovsky banner in Golarion to propose one.
Key Question #3:
Choose your kingdom's alignment: Since this is the alignment of "The People" (I think) who are colonists, I'm not going to let you start Lawful, but this may change over time.
In this case I would go for neutral good as those people are chaotic enough to want to escape the settled order of Restov but lawful enough to want to join a new colony and not just set out on their own. So I'll go Neutral Good.
Key Question #4:
Assign Leadership Roles: Some of these have penalties if left vacant, others have no penalties. You do NOT have to fill all (or any) roles. The only alterations I want to make to the rules from Ultimate Campaign is that I will impose a -2 stability penalty if no-one is designated as Heir (not necessarily filling the Heir role though).
Proposal for roles:
Ruler=Marcher Lord=FinnConsort=Marcher Lady: empty
Councilor=Svetlana Leventon
Grand Diplomat=*
Heir=Xarafine (as per Hy rule change)
High Priest=*
Royal Enforcer=Akiros?
Treasurer=Oleg Leventon
Warden=Kesten Garess
*One of those for Xarafine.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Sense MOtive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Key Question #1:
Where do you want to set up your capital?
For the fort! +1
Key Question #2:
What is the name of your city and kingdom? What is your flag? Do your soldiers have a uniform? What does it look like? These are TOTALLY up to you. They can be the same or different. There are no mechanical effects of this decision.
@Finnabar I have only one problem with naming it after your family. The Swordlords didn't want any apparent ties with the colony, granted your family isn't from Restov I take it? I would surmise that having your family directly tied to the colony could spark some political outrage among the elite. Akin to a Power Grab under everyone's noses and the fallout could be bad depending on the situation back home. Along with the possible spark of hate to our intrusion in the river kingdoms as we make it apparent that we claim this land for Brevoy.
I don't know what the politics are like but thats just my OOC opinion based off the post in game thread.
Marcher Lord sounds awesome though. :)
Key Question #3:
Choose your kingdom's alignment: Since this is the alignment of "The People" (I think) who are colonists, I'm not going to let you start Lawful, but this may change over time.
Neutral Good! +1 that too!
Key Question #4:
Assign Leadership Roles: Some of these have penalties if left vacant, others have no penalties. You do NOT have to fill all (or any) roles. The only alterations I want to make to the rules from Ultimate Campaign is that I will impose a -2 stability penalty if no-one is designated as Heir (not necessarily filling the Heir role though).
Proposal for roles:
Ruler=Marcher Lord= Finn +1
Consort=Marcher Lady: empty
Councilor=Svetlana Leventon
General=Bein! +1 I shall serve you well!
Grand Diplomat=*
Heir=Xarafine (as per Hy rule change) +1
High Priest=* <- Xarafine :D
Marshal=Jack +1
Royal Enforcer=Akiros +1
Spymaster=Volpe <- HA we are totally taking him back! +1
Treasurer=Oleg Leventon +1
Warden=Kesten Garess ++1
*One of those for Xarafine.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
OKay, taking a little longer then I thought to convert the items over.
I created an updated sheet.
It will calculate everything down to the specific share per person now. It auto calc's everything into GP amounts, including platinum.
So long as what we want to sell is entered in the correct lines and we don't mess with the top row formula's this will streamline selling stuff.
We still need need to decide what we are selling from this recent batch and I can work on getting it all inputted.
Magical Items stay of course I am sure.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
What are platinum pieces called in your world?
Also the three horses are light horses correct?
When Jack and I killed the last bandit did we take his light horse or is that a moot point?
Just wondering how many horses we have total as Bein will be training a bunch of them for combat training/working.
Finally (Edit) Does Jewelry / Trade Goods sell for 50% or is it more? Up to you as I am sure we could haggle for a better price. Maybe. ;)
Sorry for all the questions and thanks!
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
If you've added the leather bound journal to your sheet I won't worry about adding it here in the loot log unless you want me too.
If there is anything you want me to specifically track, or if you want to add gameplay notes to the sheet by all means let me know. We can add more pages and such~
I have all the new items (Minus the 55 BP) added to the new sheet and will begin moving all the old items off our previous sheet and replace it completely. Suggestions are welcomed! Thanks!
With just the new items and coin we are at 1990.5875 GP
So 1990 Soverign's (GP) 5 Shilling's (SP) and 8-9 Copper's (CP) Each!
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Xarafine will carry the journal, for now, as she is interested in learning more about the elvish cairns.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Understood, I will leave it off the sheet then. :)
The new sheet is complete. All items that I remember are transferred over.
A little more clean up is required for the new items and a description of the Stag Lords Helm as well.
The above total split four ways is little lower then before as there are a multitude of items on the list that never went to the For Sale pile. We have however been really good about it and have been selling the least useful gear over time~ :)
Added the Stag helm to the description tab in the sheet.
Sorry for all the posts, very excited with everything going on! :)
Building a kingdom, new loot sheet, we are moving along and still have so much to explore! :D
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
You know, I had edited my post above last night to incorporate in my answers to Hymen's questions, and the board timed out and ate the edit. Gah.
Question 1: The Fort is probably most logical. It's built for us, in a good location, and we can trade with Oleg's while remaining deeper within the area we need to explore.
There are some other less conventional possibilities... the camp on Thorn river, the bridge on Thorn River, building around the holy spring... but the Fort would probably be easiest on us for a number of reasons. We still have to explore a lot around it. But the Fort seems obvious.
Question 2: I have no dog in this fight, though I agree with Bein's concerns about naming it after a family.
Not very creative but could name it after one of the geographical features, like the Thorn River or the lake the fort rests on, the Tuskwater -- the March of Thorn or the Tuskwater March sounds cool, for example. Just some brainstorms, I am not married to these.
Question 3:I agree with Neutral Good, and Good is what our party has in common.
Question 4: I vote Jack consort! Just kidding. :)
I agree with Finnabar as ruler, Xarafine as High Priest, Bein as General (or a number of the law enforcement positions).
I strongly disagree with Jack as Marshal, his broody, individualistic Chaotic Good little self is not a law enforcer by aaaaany stretch... not that you have to be Lawful to be a law enforcement officer but the last thing Jack would do is tell other people how they should be living, he'd let so many things slip past his notice, and at other times he'd punish people not for breaking the law but just for doing something he thinks is wrong in his eyes. No no no. I see what your thinking was... as the Marshal organizes patrols and watches the borders and such he's basically the "head scout" which makes sense but if the purpose is to ensure laws are being enforced I don't think he would do a good job.
If he had to do some kind of enforcement job, warden would probably be better because it's more about protecting land and observing where there are weak points, etc. and sending people for help.
Councilor or something like that might work for him -- Jack is a good listener and sees himself as one of the common folk so would be sure to take in others' concerns respectfully and share them with the ruler.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Question 4: I vote Jack consort! Just kidding. :)I agree with Finnabar as ruler, Xarafine as High Priest, Bein as General (or a number of the law enforcement positions).
I strongly disagree with Jack as Marshal, his broody, individualistic Chaotic Good little self is not a law enforcer by aaaaany stretch... not that you have to be Lawful to be a law enforcement officer but the last thing Jack would do is tell other people how they should be living, he'd let so many things slip past his notice, and at other times he'd punish people not for breaking the law but just for doing something he thinks is wrong in his eyes. No no no. I see what your thinking was... as the Marshal organizes patrols and watches the borders and such he's basically the "head scout" which makes sense but if the purpose is to ensure laws are being enforced I don't think he would do a good job.
If he had to do some kind of enforcement job, warden would probably...
I understand your point of view. As both Marshall and Warden involve Law enforcement (the first one outside settlements and the second in settlements), we could put Akiros and Kesten Garess in those roles. Then Jack could be councilor, which does indeed make sense.
Updated proposal
Ruler=Marcher Lord= Finn +1
Consort=Marcher Lady: empty
General=Bein! +1 I shall serve you well!
Grand Diplomat=*
Heir=Xarafine (as per Hy rule change) +1
High Priest=* <- Xarafine :D
Marshal=Kesten Garess (or Akiros)
Royal Enforcer=empty
Spymaster=Volpe <- HA we are totally taking him back! +1
Treasurer=Oleg Leventon +1
Warden= Akiros (or Kesten Garess)
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I tend to look at Latin for city names and kingdom names. Google Translate is pretty good at quickly making names.
Trivium is a Favorite of mine. Basically means Fork or Where Three Roads meet. :) Just an idea, you can make tons of neat sounding names. :)
Jack as Councilor is kinda neat actually. He is quiet and thoughtful, providing sound advice. Works for me so long as he is happy with it. :)
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Just curious. Is it acceptable for one character to fill multiple roles? I see Xarafine penned in as High Priestess, and starred as Grand Diplomat and Magistrix - not to mention Heir (for the moment).
If so, could other characters not serve multiple roles, also?
Finnabar, for instance, could take a page from the Starks of Winterfell and serve as his own Royal Enforcer.
Bein could be the General and Viceroy.
Jack could be Councilor and Spymaster, or Treasurer.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Just curious. Is it acceptable for one character to fill multiple roles? I see Xarafine penned in as High Priestess, and starred as Grand Diplomat and Magistrix - not to mention Heir (for the moment).
If so, could other characters not serve multiple roles, also?
Finnabar, for instance, could take a page from the Starks of Winterfell and serve as his own Royal Enforcer.
Bein could be the General and Viceroy.
Jack could be Councilor and Spymaster, or Treasurer.
From the kingdom rules, only one role per character is allowed.
I put Xarafine in three possible roles with stars and Bein proposed high priest out of them. Obviously, it's up to you and it can change at anytime.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Just curious. Is it acceptable for one character to fill multiple roles? I see Xarafine penned in as High Priestess, and starred as Grand Diplomat and Magistrix - not to mention Heir (for the moment).
If so, could other characters not serve multiple roles, also?
Finnabar, for instance, could take a page from the Starks of Winterfell and serve as his own Royal Enforcer.
Bein could be the General and Viceroy.
Jack could be Councilor and Spymaster, or Treasurer.
You can't fill multiple roles. Xerafine's role as "Heir" is not the same as the Mechanical role. Think of it more that there needs to be a clear line of succession or stability will suffer (People like to know that if the "Marcher Lord" (Like it!) dies then someone is already in line for the position.
I think that the stars are alternative suggestions for Xerafine's role in the kingdom - I'm sure that everyone will likely agree to whichever role you would like to take...
The Magister guides the kingdom's higher learning and magic, promoting education and knowledge among the citizens and representing the interests of magic, science, and academia. In most kingdoms, the Magister is a sage, a wizard, or a priest of a deity of knowledge, and oversees the governmental bureaucracy except regarding finance.
Grand Diplomat:
The Grand Diplomat is in charge of the kingdom's foreign policy—how it interacts with other kingdoms and similar political organizations such as tribes of intelligent monsters. The Grand Diplomat is the head of all of the kingdom's diplomats, envoys, and ambassadors. It is the Grand Diplomat's responsibility to represent and protect the interests of the kingdom with regard to foreign powers.
High Priest:
The High Priest tends to the kingdom's religious needs and guides its growth. If the kingdom has an official religion, the High Priest may also be the highest-ranking member of that religion in the kingdom, and has similar responsibilities over the lesser priests of that faith to those the Grand Diplomat has over the kingdom's ambassadors and diplomats. If the kingdom has no official religion, the High Priest may be a representative of the most popular religion in the kingdom or a neutral party representing the interests of all religions allowed by the kingdom.
* Think of the high priest in this campaign as the religious advisor to the Marcher Lord more than as head of the church. - There's a formal structure to the church itself but each kingdom tends to choose its own "High Priest" - (I may try to think of an alternative term for this role to prevent confusion?
* It's up to you guys but I like Jack's "March of Thorn" (or maybe "Thorn March" suggestions. - They sound cool and do suggest some cool heraldic iconography...
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Based on the style of the campaign, and the nature of the Nine as a pantheonic faith, it seems like Magister and High Priest would be the same role.
If you wish to keep them separate, Xarafine would probably see herself as the Magister foremost of the three.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
* It's up to you guys but I like Jack's "March of Thorn" (or maybe "Thorn March" suggestions. - They sound cool and do suggest some cool heraldic iconography...
I agree with you majorly there Hymen, all your points above were good but the Heraldry could be really neat. :)
*Geeks Out*
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Based on the style of the campaign, and the nature of the Nine as a pantheonic faith, it seems like Magister and High Priest would be the same role.
If you wish to keep them separate, Xarafine would probably see herself as the Magister foremost of the three.
Because of the mechanics the roles need to be kept separate. (see THIS page for the mechanics of the two positions.) - essentially magister boosts economy whilst High Priest boosts stability.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
OK guys,... one other thing i've seen on the boards and would like to implement is the following format which should help speed things up a bit...
If you could copy and paste the following line into the "Race" Field in your character page:
HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
and the following (without exclamations) into your classes/levels field:
[!!spoiler=Skills]Acro: 15; Know (Nature): 15; etc... [!!/spoiler]
(with relevant details obviously) then it would make it easy to see these stats without having to dive into your profile itself.
(It should end up looking like mine now does above.)
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Xarafine wrote:Because of the mechanics the roles need to be kept separate. (see THIS page for the mechanics of the two positions.) - essentially magister boosts economy whilst High Priest boosts stability.Based on the style of the campaign, and the nature of the Nine as a pantheonic faith, it seems like Magister and High Priest would be the same role.
If you wish to keep them separate, Xarafine would probably see herself as the Magister foremost of the three.
Hmm. Based on the way she deals with people, and the group, Xarafine would make more sense as the Hight Priestess.
It's the difference between what she would prefer to do versus what she is best suited/obligated to do.
If she could spend her time studying and researching, she would be happy, but by accepting the original mission, she realizes she is obligated to be a more vocal and visible figure.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
OK guys,... one other thing i've seen on the boards and would like to implement is the following format which should help speed things up a bit...If you could copy and paste the following line into the "Race" Field in your character page:
HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
and the following (without exclamations) into your classes/levels field:
[!!spoiler=Skills]Acro: 15; Know (Nature): 15; etc... [!!/spoiler]
(with relevant details obviously) then it would make it easy to see these stats without having to dive into your profile itself.
(It should end up looking like mine now does above.)
I have too many skills to fit in that field. It cuts off after the 3rd skill. Are there any skills you would prefer to have listed over the others?
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
I have too many skills to fit in that field. It cuts off after the 3rd skill. Are there any skills you would prefer to have listed over the others?
Weird it should work fine (see mine above). You can abbreviate a bit (e.g.. Knowledge (nobles) 15, (nature) 15, (arcana) 15 etc. but it should fit way more than 3... Did you put them in the fields indicated?
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I had to shorten my skills list to make it fit. P for profession K (Nature) K( Nobility) ext.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Still updating the sheet and Bein some, have to clean his character sheet up a lot.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
I got most of my skills in the spoiler, I'll see if I can do a little more abreviating.
EDIT: Got it. WHEW!
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
There we go!
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
No one's gonna touch you with that AC 121. ;-)
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh you noticed? Thats the hidden ability of the Stag helm, when combined with open chested leather armor I become invincible! Except if faced with touch or FF then I am so HOSED! xD
It has an additional affect like Axe spray as well...
Dirty. Just Dirty. ;)
Create intricate Banner with the described symbolism. White Stag, backed on a field of varying greens to represent the Forest and the Treskelion and circle as a gold finish between the Stag's horns.
Create Twenty Tokens. 1 - Gold 4 - Silver and 20 - steel/iron symbols of the Stag and Triskelion between it's antlers.
-Gold Tokens for important/strategic friends
-Silver Tokens for important allies
-Metal Tokens for those who have allied themselves with Bein and to spread his cause.
Estimated Costs from PFSRD
3x Flags - Triskelion White Stag.
1x Gold Triskelion White Stag Medalion
4x Silver Triskelion White Stag Medalion
20x Iron Triskelion White Stag Medalion
1x White Stag Parade Armor (Arundel)
1x White Stag Tabard
Total Cost - 30 GP + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 5 = 485 GP From Bein.
Flag's are 10 gp, let me know if it costs more due to complexitiy.
I would like three banners made.
Holy symbol, iron 5 gp 1 lb. UE
Holy symbol, silver 25 gp 1 lb. UE
Holy symbol, gold 100 gp 1 lb.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
So just to update on Roles:
Ruler (Marcher Lord): Finn
Consort (Marcher Lady): None (no penalty)
Councilor: Jack
General: Bein
Grand Diplomat: *(penalty if left absent)*
Heir: None (no penalty)
High Priest: *(penalty if left absent)*
*(penalty if left absent)*
Marshal: Kesten Garess
Royal Enforcer:
None (no penalty)
Spymaster: Volpe
Treasurer: Oleg
None not applicable
Warden: Akiros
Successor: Xerafine
Xerafine to become one of: Grand Diplomat, High Priest or Magister.
If any of the roles Grand Diplomat, High Priest or Magister are left vacant there are associated penalties.
- Since the unified church is keen to maintain some control they might be expected to send a candidate for High Priest to The March, but it would be one of their choosing and not *necessarily* loyal to the March above the church.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Would it be overly presumptious to bring in NPC from our backgrounds to help fill those roles?
I don't mind crafting one for that purpose~
Just bought the Ultimate Rulership pdf from Legendary games and it changes a lot of the kingmaker rules for the better.
Adding stuff like underwater cities, cliff cities, Barge Cities (Boats, srsly!) and Canal cities (think Venice) and a handful of new buildings and some neat stuff. :)
Hymenopterix RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Would it be overly presumptious to bring in NPC from our backgrounds to help fill those roles?
I don't mind crafting one for that purpose~
Just bought the Ultimate Rulership pdf from Legendary games and it changes a lot of the kingmaker rules for the better.
Adding stuff like underwater cities, cliff cities, Barge Cities (Boats, srsly!) and Canal cities (think Venice) and a handful of new buildings and some neat stuff. :)
Hmmmm,... I think I'd prefer that you find a candidate locally. I guess you could send for a friend or relative, but it'll probably take a while (maybe 2 months depending on where they're from)
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Okay then, just wanted to know. :)
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
So it seems like the most likely choices for Xarafine would be either Grand Diplomat or Magister.
It would totally make sense that the church would send a more senior priest to represent their interests in the new kingdom as High Priest, especially since Xarafine is a blood relative of the new ruler.
I will leave it to Finn to decide if he would rather have Xarafine as his Secretary of State or Minister of Magic. I can work with either one.
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
I am not Finn, but simply as a suggestion, I think for the EARLY establishment of the colony, we need a Diplomat more than an Educator. The role of the Magister would be more important after we build libraries and establish schools and such.
Plus it plays into a role Xarafine has already been playing -- she has done lot of the talking with the different races and creatures we've found, and if we want to establish relations with them as we settle the colony, they would probably trust us more seeing Xarafine again than trying to get to know a new person.
As an aside and a really grammar-geeky thing, I have realized Paizo has made a spelling error... if I am reading the description of the role correctly, Jack's title should be "Counselor" (someone who counsels the lord and people), not "Councilor" (someone who is the member of a governing group called a council).
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I am torn honestly.
Ultimately it is Xarafines choice of course. But Jack brings up a good point. However IC Bein would be off kilter if someone came and usurped Xarafine's views of the Nine as he has come to respect her faith in ways he never thought possible.
However she is very diplomatic and a good Teacher. So its hard to truly decide.
Despite being a blood realitive (I forget if I or Jack know this... O.o?) But as I remember she/you has/have never once allowed that to cloud her opinion. Which is awesome RP btw! :D
Bottem line is I will be happy with whatever role you pick as personally she could do well at each of them. (Being Multiclassed helps lol) So Choose what you think fits best. :)
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Well, filling these roles is going to create a load of role-playing opportunities.
We will have to deal with a good number of NPCs who will wield significant power, and it will, no doubt, get "interesting."
All things considered, I think High Priest(ess) is the most logical one to rule out.
I tend to agree with Jack's assessment that the Grand Diplomat is more essential for our immediate concerns than the Magister.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Awesome! :D
Will Add to my sheet: the information below~
The General is the highest-ranking member of the kingdom's military. If the kingdom has an army and a navy, the heads of those organizations report to the kingdom's General. The General is responsible for looking after the needs of the military and directing the kingdom's armies in times of war. Most citizens see the General as a protector and patriot.
Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Strength modifier to Stability.
Relevant Stat: Str: 16 +3 Modifier for a bonus of +3 to Stability Checks
Edit! Added
Edit 2 Added Kingdom Stats in spoiler under my name as well as on character sheet. Hopefully it isn't too clunky =/ Let me know~
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Something that always struck me as a little funny with the General title.
Since the kingdom is just starting, we have no armies to command. However he does work with the Warden and Marshall to make sure Militia's are organized and our kingdoms towns/territories are maintained.
It just makes me chuckle sometimes.
I am the General of Two people. Jack and Akiros. :) Who needs an army when you got those two! :D
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Something that always struck me as a little funny with the General title.
Since the kingdom is just starting, we have no armies to command. However he does work with the Warden and Marshall to make sure Militia's are organized and our kingdoms towns/territories are maintained.
It just makes me chuckle sometimes.
I am the General of Two people. Jack and Akiros. :) Who needs an army when you got those two! :D
For the moment you have no army (except the men Kesten Garess bought with him). That doesn't mean that there is no need for a military structure. At this stage you should probably consider the "General" as being responsible for raising, training and outfitting militia and planning defences (e.g. castles) rather than leader of a standing army.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
So the current list of roles is below. I've removed positions for which there's no penalty for leaving absent but you may want to think about a possible Magister...?
Once roles are all assigned we can stat up the kingdom and begin the campaign phases :)
Ruler (Marcher Lord): Finn
Councillor: Jack
General: Bein
Grand Diplomat: Xerafine
High Priest: Expect a visitor - absent first month
Marshal: Kesten Garess
Spymaster: Volpe
Treasurer: Oleg
Warden: Akiros
Successor: Xerafine
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
How old are the girls?
I imagine 15 & 8-10 i tried to find it but search fu failed me. I will give it another shot once i get off the plane... Lol
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce wrote:For the moment you have no army (except the men Kesten Garess bought with him). That doesn't mean that there is no need for a military structure. At this stage you should probably consider the "General" as being responsible for raising, training and outfitting militia and planning defences (e.g. castles) rather than leader of a standing army.Something that always struck me as a little funny with the General title.
Since the kingdom is just starting, we have no armies to command. However he does work with the Warden and Marshall to make sure Militia's are organized and our kingdoms towns/territories are maintained.
It just makes me chuckle sometimes.
I am the General of Two people. Jack and Akiros. :) Who needs an army when you got those two! :D
Oh i understand i was just being silly. Although clarification is appreciated. :-)
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
I've given a long thought at what you all proposed. Now that the two girls are staying, I think we've got another option.
I would put Xarafine as a Magister and have both her and myself train Aranea as a Grand Diplomat. She's sharp and as a noble girl without an elder brother, must have a good etiquette training.
The second argument I have is that with the elven caves, the pterans, the kalds and all, there's a lot of knowledge that can be gained. And I don't want all that learning in the hands of someone we don't know. I would put these relationships in the hands of the magister and keep the grand diplomat role to the interaction with neighbouring kingdoms.
So from Hy list, I'll put Xarafine as a magister and Aranea as grand diplomat.
@Bein, the girls are 17 and 13.
For the kingdom name, we can go with the Thorn March. I'll propose Stagwatch or Stagkeep as the capital.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
@All, during the first kingdom month, we'll need to explore the surrounding hexes and especially the hexes 38 and 39, 44 and 46 to secure the approach of the fort and prepare expansion.
@Bein, regarding horse training, I think you'll have to limit yourself to our horses. We'll need the rest of the time to explore.