Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
The continent of Canarin surrounds the inland Dachasin Sea (This area is the equilvialant of real-world Europe). It consists of a large number of countires mostly ruled by hereditary rulers (Kings and Queens) although other systems are in place in some smaller areas like the city-states of Terraco.and extends westwards past vast deserts, mountains and steppe. The Eastern-most country of Canarin, and one of the most powerful is Illisarn. To the East, and close to Canarin lies another continent which rises almost straight out of the sea into a vast mountain range that runs from the frozen north to the frozen south. On the Western side of this mountain range and reaching close to Canarin lies a temperate penninsula on which lie the lands of Thirden, Prales and Vithan.
On the Eastern Side of the mountain range spreads a vast (and i mean VAST) wasteland simply called the Salt Waste. This area is only populated by Elves, who have the ability to last for long periods without water and is strewn with ancient and mysterious ruins.
The far side of the Salt Waste lies another mountain range beyond which lies the Colonies of the Salt Coast. Including (in the south) the Illisarnian colonies of the River Kingdoms and the younger Vithanian colony of Restov.
Note: For the map of the Stolen Lands from the published AP you'll need to rotate the map 90o aniclockwise so that what was north is now west.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
From the beggining of recorded history the Salt Wastes have formed an impassable barrier to the East. Sandwiched between two vast mountain ranges and streaching from the far frozen north to the extreme south this area has become the stuff of legends.
Approximately 500 years ago, however, the Illisarnian trader Veneir Valtiere managed to formalise an agreement with the elves to allow passage through the Salt Wastes to the unknown lands of the East. This monopoly on access to unique furs, spices, foods and gold led to Illisarn becoming extremely powerful and rich, and led to the establishment of a series of colonies collectively known as The River Kingdoms in the Eastern Lands.
About 200 years ago these colonies rebelled against Illisarn, leading to a collapse of their power and the estblishment of trade with the other countries of Canarin. The most important of these, due to its position on the Eastern Continent itself, was Vithan. The River Kingdoms, which splintered after their rebellion against Illisarn, were riven with conflict as each Kingdom strove to become the dominant power. Due to the terrain of the region none of the Kingdoms were able to establish dominance, however the conflict gave Vithan the opportunity to establish its own colony far to the north at Restov.
Restov has grown large over the last 150 years and Vithan is now seeking to extend its dominion into the "Stolen Lands". Although the Illisarnians attempted to settle this area they were unsuccessful.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Humans: By far the most dominant race in Canarin, their kingdoms make up the bulk of this area of the world. In appearance and in social structure humans are very diverse.
Half-orcs: Found only in the far north where barbaric human tribes and a few outposts of civilisation compete with the Orcs of the tndra. Half-orcs are invariably infertile; unable to breed with humans, orcs, or other half-orcs.
Half-elves: Half-elves are the result of a rare union between a human and a elvish inhabitant of the Salt Waste. Since it is impossible for these unions to result in lasting relationships, half-elves are often shamefull reminders to their human parents of fleeting indiscretions in their youth. Half-elves born to elven mothers are presented to human townships surrounding the Salt Coast and are raised by the child's parents. Most half-elves never meet their elven parent at all. Half-elves, whether male or female are infertile and are therefore unable to become parents themselves.
Halflings: This dimunitive race are inhabitants of the tropical island archipeligos of the Southern Elveres Sea between Canarin and the Eastern Continent. They are often used as slaves by humans.
Dwarves: The dwarves inhabit a series of mountain fortress-cities throughout the mountain ranges of Canarin and the Western Side of the Eastern Continent.
Gnomes: Are wild inhabitants of the tropical jungles far to the south.
Elves: Are found only in the Salt Waste and are not a playable race.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
OK, so character backgrounds are lookin good so far. Now we need to go into a bit more detail :)
As alreday mentioned in the recruitment thread:
1 Classes: Spell-using classes must multiclass at alternate levels with non-spellcating classes (paladins and rangers can take non-casting options to count as non-spellcasters – Warrior of the holy light and Skirmisher respectively) its up to you whether your level 1 class is from either class.
2 Stats: 4d6 choose best 3 rolls. Do this 7 times and discard the lowest. (Some of you have already rolled this which is fine. - keep those rolls!
3 Traits: You can choose traits from the APB and the Kingmaker Players Guide. You choose 1, I will assign a second, based on background, and may give you a 3rd if your character background is good enough.
4 Backgrounds: Try to link in your backgrounds with the World History etc. above. If you this makes you want to change your background at all feel free. It'd also be great if there were some characters with linked backgrounds.
5 Questions: If you have any questions (or suggestions) about the game post here and i'll answer ASAP. I'm in a very different timezone to anyone else (Australia) but i think this should work well as it should mean that you should all have time to post between my bits.
6 SIGN IN! Please sign-in so we know that everyone's here - be friendly!, say hello! :)
7 Characters: If you could use a format similar to THIS that would be helpful.
8 House Rules: I may want to introduce some house rules about armour, healing and magic items (because of the low-magic) these rules will be completely open to discussion and any move away from core (appart from what's already been listed) will be subject to veto by any player.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
In the name of the Order of Sword I stand against the tyrant and shield the meek from harm! *cough* Ya still working on that ( >.>); (<.< ); (^_^)
I will get to work making my cavalier~
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I look forward to hearing what armor is allowed, i'm willing to follow whatever rules you set forth. =) I was looking at Banded Mail if its available but right now I will get him stated up with breastplate. I was reading up on the Napoleonic Calvary to get an idea of how/what to equip. Due to his stats its making some choices difficult as well.
I was also wondering if their is any guns in your campaign? I'm assuming not, because I didn't see anything about gunpowder (or maybe I missed it)
What all books are you allowing? I'm assuming the Core and APB. I didn't know if the adventurers armory was allowed or not.
I didn't know if we were rolling for wealth or not so right now I'm set at average wealth for Cavalier.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
I look forward to hearing what armor is allowed, i'm willing to follow whatever rules you set forth. =) I was looking at Banded Mail if its available
Pretty much anything except for Full Plate will be available for both PCs and Mounts.
Due to his stats its making some choices difficult as well.
I think that some low stats make for better roleplaying - i like it when not everyone has minimal CHA and pumps STR to 18. Try to use any low stats in your background / description and you're more likely to get a bonus trait.
I was also wondering if their is any guns in your campaign? I'm assuming not, because I didn't see anything about gunpowder (or maybe I missed it)
No handguns or muskets etc. because i think the Pathfinder rules for these aren't the best. The "fluff" explanation for this is that the magical/alchemical equivilent of gunpowder costs a LOT. - Much too much to arm footsoldiers. This has meant that these technologies haven't evolved past cannons.
What all books are you allowing? I'm assuming the Core and APB. I didn't know if the adventurers armory was allowed or not.
I'll allow AA.
I didn't know if we were rolling for wealth or not so right now I'm set at average wealth for Cavalier.
Assume average wealth for the moment. I may increase this later... Let me think about it.
That's OK
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
![Old Marm](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LuckyMarm.jpg)
Jack Ciarathan the Half Elf Ranger (Skirmisher) will be reporting in as soon as I can get him finalized.
What would be common threats to caravan travelers? I'm trying to pick a favored enemy that makes sense.
Are we able to use the alternate racial abilities in the APG? I was pondering an idea but am also cool with keeping it core (which I might do anyway).
Here's stat rolls:
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 5) = 12 - 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 2) = 14 - 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) = 10 - 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 5) = 19 - 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 5) = 19 - 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 1) = 8 - 7
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 5) = 10 - 9
So we're looking at
9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16
Str 9 -> Half-elf stat boost to 11
Dex 16
Con 11
Int 13
Wis 15
Cha 9
I may swap Con and Int; I was thinking about the Combat Expertise tree but may go with a different idea instead.
![]() |
Hello! Glad to find out I made the cut.
Here goes the stat-rolling:
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 3, 1) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 5) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 5) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 2) = 7
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 3) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 6) = 18
Not too shabby, that leaves me with:
and a +2 to throw-in as a human.
I'm off-to hammer out my "priestess" (I'll be starting 1st level as a bard.)
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
And this is DeathQuaker, with my Ranger. This is how I decided to do my stats (I didn't want to lose skill points, but I realized I needed better carrying capacity!).
Str 11 -> Racial bonus to 13
Dex 16
Con 9
Int 13
Wis 15
Cha 9
The background is a WIP and I will probably tweak as I reread and absorb the game's background info. Suggestions, comments, concerns, corrections all very welcome.
PS: layout is not exactly as recommended as I have trouble reading that as it was, but I tried to be close. Please let me know if it's alright.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Behold, Xarafine D'Orlovsky, child of House Orlovsky (trait), and priestess of the Divine Pantheon.
She's still a work in progress, but I'm working on her, I swear!
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I have some of my cavalier done and i'm still working on him, progress is a little slow so sorry for the wait ^^; My wife is pregnant with our first baby so I am being the good husband. xD I will try and complete it by the end of today (alaska time -9 gmt).
Thanks for answering my other questions =D I have one last one about the horse barding.
From what you said earlier it sounded like their wouldn't be any barding, correct?
That is fine either way since my steed will act like an animal companion and actually advance some in hit points and such. The idea of barding was just to up its survivability before I realized it gains some good benefits in the long haul. I was just creating fluff for my background before I realized this setting seems to be running a little bit more in the 17-18th century where a lot of heavy armors and barding are going to the wayside. Which is cool btw! It will make for an interesting role-playing experience =)
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
What would be common threats to caravan travelers? I'm trying to pick a favored enemy that makes sense.
In the West (Old World) almost all bandits and highwaymen would be humans. In the Stolen lands we're looking at humans, kobolds, fey and others. Accross the Salt Wastes there are various mostly unintelligent monsters.
(in this AP humans and fey play big parts)
Are we able to use the alternate racial abilities in the APG? I was pondering an idea but am also cool with keeping it core (which I might do anyway).
No problem with these except Water Child which really doesn't fit the background.
P.S. (Edit) As a half-elf you can (for free) have the following racial trait in addition to standard:
Waterwise: Half-elves can survive for up to two days without water before being effected by thirst or dehydration.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
My wife is pregnant with our first baby
From what you said earlier it sounded like their wouldn't be any barding, correct?
I'll allow the same types of barding as armours. However remeber that medium or heavy barding will slow down your exploration of the Stolen Lands by reducing your move speed.
Llaelian |
Hi everyone,
I'll post my character tonight as I am out of town and have a full day driving to come back. I'm going with a Paladin/Oracle.
If CuChulain agrees with it, we could maybe tie our backgrounds together, even if the character I want to create is not part of the Church, I want him to be of a noble familly. So we could share our name.
Characteristics roll:
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 3) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 2) = 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 2) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 3) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 2) = 14
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Well i think that's everyone confirmed. Some of you still have background etc. to work on and other details to finilaise. So far everyone's looking good.
I'll let you work on backgrounds for a bit longer before assigning traits and bonus traits for good backgrounds. Once again i'd encourage some shared backgrounds where these make sense.
Hopefully we'll get started in a day or two.
Xarafine:- I'd loike the priesthood to have a distinct "look" (like in the real world) but i'll let you define this to a large extent. The symbol of the pantheon is a 9 pointed star.
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
Changed Jack's favored enemy to human and tweaked his background slightly to reflect his "highwayman hunting."
Talking of shared backgrounds---I note Volpe Coltello ends his story hiring on as a caravan guard, which is what Jack is. Perhaps they met on the same journey?
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Changed Jack's favored enemy to human and tweaked his background slightly to reflect his "highwayman hunting."
Talking of shared backgrounds---I note Volpe Coltello ends his story hiring on as a caravan guard, which is what Jack is. Perhaps they met on the same journey?
That sounds good, and will make it easy to get you guys to Restov.
For everyone else, if you could provide reasons why you've gone to the Colonies (or maybe were born in Restov?) that'd be great.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Okay, here is the first draft of my character, I've not finished the background yet, but I will do it as soon as possible.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Sorry had some computer trouble, working on his background and such right now ^^d
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Hymenopterix: I have a few questions about the priesthood
1.) Are there any specific vows taken by priests and priestesses (poverty, chastity, obedience, etc.)? If so, are there any specific rules you would like me to abide by (i.e poverty: no possessions over X gp value)?
2.) Are there any colors associated specifically with the gods that would be used in a priest or priestesses vestments?
3.) Is a priest expected to have some knowledge/training in every "mystery" of the pantheon? Would a priest be expected, for instance to wear armor and carry a weapon, in honor of the war god, or would she need only be familiar with tactics and military codes of honor?
4.) Is there a particular symbol of office that a priest would carry? I was thinking of a staff (which might possibly function in combat as a quarterstaff), but I didn't know if that fell in line with your world-concept.
5.) Are priests generally respected, loved, feared, or held in awe as semi-supernatural? In the realm of politics, are they seen as trusted advisors, scheming meddlers, or both?
Any feedback on these would be appreciated, and help me flesh out the character a little more substantially.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Oh, and a few other questions have sprung to mind (sorry for unloading like this).
6.) Does joining the priesthood necessitate forsaking family ties? Would Xarafine still acknowledge her ties to her family or would her position as priestess make that improper?
6.5) I noticed one of the other players has also chosen to be of House Orlovsky. Are Finnabar and Xarafine brother and sister, half-siblings (father remarried after first wife died), or cousins of one degree or another?
7.) Does the priesthood have a language that is spoken only by priests?
8.) Are priests considered by the general populace to also be doctors, surgeons, and midwives? Would a priest have knowledge of healing (not spells, but stitching wounds, applying poultices, and the like)?
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
The first draft of my character is done ^^; sorry for the wait been a very long day. xD
I will try and give it a looking over and fix some of the errors i'm sure it has once i'm able to focus on it again lol.
I will warn you the back ground and such is quite wordy and I didn't want to assume that I knew any of the other characters without their permission. For now he too is part of the guards who accompany the caravans while serving the orders interests. So I just assume that he may know some of the other party members through time spent together while traveling with caravans and such.
Hope you like what I posted, please let me know if there are any major errors and i'll correct them straight away.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Oops, one more question:
9.) By what honorific are priests and priestesses generally addressed (Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Eminence, Reverend, etc.)? Does this title change as one moves up into higher ranks of the priesthood, or are all priests addressed the same way?
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
6.5) I noticed one of the other players has also chosen to be of House Orlovsky. Are Finnabar and Xarafine brother and sister, half-siblings (father remarried after first wife died), or cousins of one degree or another?8.) Are priests considered by the general populace to also be doctors, surgeons, and midwives? Would a priest have knowledge of healing (not spells, but stitching wounds, applying poultices, and the like)?
Hi there,
My choosing house Orlovsky was just a proposition. If you are happy with it, we could be cousins.
To help you decide and think about it, here is a quick background:
Finnabar is the second son of a minor branch of the Orlovsky family. Despite the house reluctance to be drawn into conflicts, all of the male descendant are still given a throughout martial training. During that training, a strange accident occurred where his leg was broken by a falling horse. No healer or priest could set this right and he was left lame. When recovering, he was left to his own as it was thought he would never be able to hold an official position with this deformity.
To regain his health, he spent a lot of time walking alone in the various districts of his home town and discovered the world outside his House with its injustice, poverty and harshness.
thinking his injury was god-sent to open his eyes on the world, and with no clear future, he assigned himself the task to be the voice of the poor to better their conditions.
He began petitioning for the establishment of a new hospice, for better wages for all jobs... This was not seen as a good career by his peers and his parents who tried to redirect his new interests.
When the decision was made by Restov to expand his colony, they thought it a good idea to send him there to canalize his new-found energy. Finnabar, on the other hand, was intrigued by the proposition and decided to join to try to have a say on the conditions of the new settlers once the land was cleaned and ready.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
1.) Are there any specific vows taken by priests and priestesses (poverty, chastity, obedience, etc.)? If so, are there any specific rules you would like me to abide by (i.e poverty: no possessions over X gp value)?
I'll leave this up to you but it would be kind of cool - good idea.
2.) Are there any colors associated specifically with the gods that would be used in a priest or priestesses vestments?
I was thinking that priests would generally wear robes (the only people who really do) - limited to one or two colours that would be consistant for most of the clergy (although other, more elaborate clothing might work on special / ceremonial occasions). I haven't decided on the specific colour scheme and am happy for you to suggest something if you have a particular look in mind.
3.) Is a priest expected to have some knowledge/training in every "mystery" of the pantheon? Would a priest be expected, for instance to wear armor and carry a weapon, in honor of the war god, or would she need only be familiar with tactics and military codes of honor?
Whilst all priests are expected to know about the gods there are many different paths that they might take. Most "parish" priests (they don;t call it that but just to help you get the idea) would be involved in leading prayer, overseeing funerals, contriand maintinaing the town's shrines to the different gods. Some others might be teachers in church schools, researchers, or going into new lands to convert (and educate) the heathens. The pantheon are generally considered as the gods of civilization (which is why the 'nature' mystery is not included). Priests would not be expected to have a deep knowledge of the practicalities of each god's domain - more a knowledge of the theology, stories and rituals.
4.) Is there a particular symbol of office that a priest would carry? I was thinking of a staff (which might possibly function in combat as a quarterstaff), but I didn't know if that fell in line with your world-concept.
Carrying a staff or similar, which would mechanically be a quaterstaff, suits me. I'll leave the precise design up to you, but it should be obvious that its not just a long stick :)
5.) Are priests generally respected, loved, feared, or held in awe as semi-supernatural? In the realm of politics, are they seen as trusted advisors, scheming meddlers, or both?
Priests are generally well-respected, rather than feared. The church is heavily involved in politics and has a strict heirarchy, led by a council of 9 (in imitation of the 9 gods) of whome one is the most powerful. (i'll come up with a title for that person if necessary).
6.) Does joining the priesthood necessitate forsaking family ties? Would Xarafine still acknowledge her ties to her family or would her position as priestess make that improper?
In theory a priest is supposed to sever ties with their family, however in practice this is rarely the case. Often younger children of noble houses are 'guided' into the church.
5) I noticed one of the other players has also chosen to be of House Orlovsky. Are Finnabar and Xarafine brother and sister, half-siblings (father remarried after first wife died), or cousins of one degree or another?
I'll leave that up to you.
7.) Does the priesthood have a language that is spoken only by priests?
No, but many of them are better educated than the general population in the ancient language "Canari"
8.) Are priests considered by the general populace to also be doctors, surgeons, and midwives? Would a priest have knowledge of healing (not spells, but stitching wounds, applying poultices, and the like)?
Some priests in the Eastern Lands might have these skills. In the "Old World" these positions would more often be filled by specialists.
9.) By what honorific are priests and priestesses generally addressed (Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Eminence, Reverend, etc.)? Does this title change as one moves up into higher ranks of the priesthood, or are all priests addressed the same way?
Most priests would be addressed as "Teacher" - all priests may be addressed like this but those higher up the heirarchy have additional titles.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Hope you like what I posted, please let me know if there are any major errors and i'll correct them straight away.
WOW! that's alot of background (and i haven't even gotten to the friends and family bit yet!) Great Job!
You'll definately get a bonus trait - choose one, i'll be assigning your second normal trait tomorrow. (i.e. you'll have three traits - is that clear? - bah i'm tired.)
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Background and Mechanics
Background's lookin good. I notice that you've included the "lame" oracle curse. Given this I'll give you some ability to cast from the start - just two Orisons each of which you may cast once per day. If you could let me know what Mystery you're planning to take when you become an oracle i'll see if i can weave things into the storyline.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
That's all i got time for tonight guys. I'll be assigning your second traits tomorrow and deciding whether you get a bonus third trait (if i think you need a bit more i'll let you keep on expanding on it until you get to the 1st encounter so don't stress.)
I'll be posting the 1st game post as soon as characters are substantially complete. - hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Hi there,My choosing house Orlovsky was just a proposition. If you are happy with it, we could be cousins.
Cousins would be fine. How close should they be? Was the age difference something that made them grow-up in different family circles, or did Finnabar act as a big brother to her. The latter might be an interesting way to go with it. Xarafine is supposed to lessen her connection to her family in favor of her new position in the church hierarchy. This might create an interesting role playing scenario as she loves her cousin, "Finn," but cannot treat him as family, instead having to address him as "Sir Finnabar," or the like.
What do you think?
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Finnabar d'Orlovsky wrote:
Hi there,My choosing house Orlovsky was just a proposition. If you are happy with it, we could be cousins.
Cousins would be fine. How close should they be? Was the age difference something that made them grow-up in different family circles, or did Finnabar act as a big brother to her. The latter might be an interesting way to go with it. Xarafine is supposed to lessen her connection to her family in favor of her new position in the church hierarchy. This might create an interesting role playing scenario as she loves her cousin, "Finn," but cannot treat him as family, instead having to address him as "Sir Finnabar," or the like.
What do you think?
Cousin is good, and I think they could have come close together when he was injured in training and had to stay at home, to rest his leg. He would act as very protective to her and see her as a little sister. Plus both of them will be the magic users and that will bring them together as well.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Character and Background updated. I'll need to add more equipment and both personality and appearance.
Hymenopterix, I've chosen the battle mystery oracle, because I want the character to be a protector for his companions and for the future colony. I've put that in the character's background for you to review.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
Good work everyone, here are your DM selected traits:
Exile: For whatever reason, you were forced to flee your homeland. Chance or fate has brought you to Restov, and it’s here that your money ran out, leaving you stranded in this small town. You are also being pursued by enemies from your homeland, and that has made you paranoid and quick to react to danger. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
You can also choose +1 bonus feat.
deserts. You are accustomed to high temperatures, and gain a +4 trait bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions and a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fire effects.
As a half-elf you can (for free) have the following racial trait in addition to standard:
Waterwise: Half-elves can survive for up to two days without water before being effected by thirst or dehydration.
I'll need a little more background for a bonus feat (maybe one more paragraph? Preferably with some conflict hooks i might be able to play with later.
I've already given you a bonus feat (i was going to assign you armour expert if you hadn't already chosen it!
You can also choose +1 bonus feat.
So far i'm really happy with the extent to which you're helping to create the priesthood and i'm sure that a bonus feat will be forthcoming!
All-in-all great work everyone. - If you don't like the trait i've selected let me know and i'll let you nominate a replacement. I'll be posting some more in an hour or two about the set-up for the story, and how you've been bought together.
I'll a start the game thread either this evening or tomorrow (Australian time). If you've still got alterations to make that's OK - until we get into the first encounter.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
Good work everyone, here are your DM selected traits:
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
From what i can see your places of origin are:
Xerafine and Finnabar: Vithanian
Bein'Meleth: The River Kingdoms (Illisarnian loyalist)
Jack: Itinerant caravan guard (no fixed abode)
Volpe: Illisarnian
So the background i'd like to go with, since you'll be working for the Vithanian colony of Retsov, and that its unlikely that a priest, a commoner or a foreigner would be put in charcge of the expedition, is that Finnabar has been allocated the position of expedition leader (a position paid for by his family. The rest of you have been hired on as guides, guards or (in the case of Xerafine) been assigned as a chusrch representitive (possibly with input from the family.)
I wanted to get the OK from you guys before assigning a 'leader' (although its up to you where you take it) please let me know if you'd prefer for me to butt-out on this aspect :)
Lastly i'm also going to "reskin" some of the bad-guys / monsters to try to keep you guessing and to get a bit more of a sense of being in an alien land. So don't necessarily expect to know (ooc) what to expect!
- next post will be a direction to the game thread (unless you have any more questions or concerns) sometime tomorrow.
Hope you're looking forward to kick-off.
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
My .02 cents~
Since my character is fairly new to the aspect of 'leadership' and is more like a knight errant in his own right, he will willingly follow or be hired on to follow someone. So long as they don't prove to be evil or blatantly harm innocent people. He is a Order of the Sword member so he has a code he must live up to. ;)
The bottom line though is that until he gets a better feel for the world, and some experience under his belt, he is most likely going to follow orders and perform his duties. But even when, or if, he decides to gather men to his banner it will be in the best interests of the party. Bein is by no means a traitor.
Other then that I am VERY EXCITED to play! =D
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
Sorry I've been slow to respond--I've had a nasty head cold which makes staring at the screen a long time unfun.
I will add more to Jack's background--not in hopes of a feat but I agree he needs more fleshing out. ETA--aaand now background is updated!
If you're needing "plot fodder" let me know what you have in mind. I like giving GMs things to play with (as a GM I like things to play with) but I also like having an idea as a player where things might be coming from. I know this is NOT what you intend to do but I've had bad past experiences of GMs essentially rewriting my character concept/background to an extreme degree without telling me so it tends to make me a bit wary of GM "surprises". Feel free to email me -- deathquaker at gmail -- if you want to talk about it there.
Regarding party leadership, I think Finnabar is a good choice.
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
Hymenopterix: Xarafine's background updated, as requested. Let me know if I need to make any adjustments.
Jack Ciarathan |
![Nieran Codali](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90123-Codali_500.jpeg)
That was my intention, mon ami!
Perhaps we should come up with some scenario for them to get to talking to one another? Jack's not very talkative but I think he'd enjoy Volpe's swashbucklery nature.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Hymenopterix: Xarafine's background updated, as requested. Let me know if I need to make any adjustments.
I'm going to adjust my background to fit more closely to yours.
On the leader part, I also think this is fine. As you can see in his background, Finnabar is quite a progressive on his perception of society and that will reflect in way to act as leader.
One last question for Hymenopterix, what do we use for starting gold average or roll ?
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce |
I didn't know if we were rolling for wealth or not so right now I'm set at average wealth for Cavalier.
Assume average wealth for the moment. I may increase this later... Let me think about it.
Hope this helps! ^^;;;
Edit: Also, I saw you had a lame leg as part of your background that will make an interesting role-play as leader of the group =D.
Finnabar d'Orlovsky |
![Eagle Knight](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-eagleknight.jpg)
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce wrote:I didn't know if we were rolling for wealth or not so right now I'm set at average wealth for Cavalier.Hymenopterix wrote:Hope this helps! ^^;;;
Assume average wealth for the moment. I may increase this later... Let me think about it.
Edit: Also, I saw you had a lame leg as part of your background that will make an interesting role-play as leader of the group =D.
Yep, yep, that's going to be my oracle curse, but I thought it would be easier to have it at the start and include it in the background.
Hymenopterix |
![Ghlaunder (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/25_Symbol_of_Ghlaunder.jpg)
DM Trait:
As the child of an herbalist or an assistant in a temple infirmary, you often had to assist in tending to the sick and wounded. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal checks, and Heal is always a class skill for you.
And you can also choose +1 bonus feat.
Nice work.
You can also choose +1 bonus feat.
Nice work. :)
Xarafine |
![Brienna Soldado](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A11-Brienna.jpg)
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks! I made some adjustments accordingly. I'm looking forward to adventure.
Volpe Coltello |
![Sandpoint Cleric](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Sandpoint-Cleric---CUT.jpg)
Depending on the setup, I imagine the caravan just got into town. Either Volpe is trying to convince Jack to go out on the town with him, or if it's the next morning, Jack regrets letting Volpe talk him into it.
I'm quite fine with Finnabar being leader. Volpe certainly wouldn't have made a good one. I'm impressed. Everyone's Good aligned without any sort of DM directive, and I've never seen three Lawful Goods in one party before.