Howl of the Carrion King (DM Rambler)

Game Master Scribbling Rambler

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Male Elder GM

Hello all, welcome to the Discussion Thread.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2


Male Elder GM

Making and Setting Up Characters

So once you've all decided what you are playing, you each need to make an alias for your character, like Reza has done above. The little avatar picture you choose will be your "miniature" on the game maps, unless you want to email me a different picture.

Once you have created your alias, you can set up a profile. On your profile, you can give me something between a stat block to a full-fledged character sheet.

A good example is on Grodar Half-Blood's profile (if you click on his name it will link to the page). Most digital character sheets will give you an output that you can just cut and paste. Of special note: where Grodar filled in some of the profile boxes, under "classes/levels" he included "Init +1; Per +7; AC 18, T 12, F 16; HP 35/35; F +6, R +6, W +2". This sets up all of that information on his alias banner (where my alias says "Male Elder GM") for quick reference. Put any info there that you think would be immediately useful, but at least include hp, AC (with Touch and Flat-Footed), Initiative, Perception, and Saves. It's really good if you can use it to track hp as well.

If you want to look at other examples, check out the other characters in that campaign. They all do it differently. All that matters is that I have enough info there to run the game.

Oh! You can also access a profile by clicking on the purple name of their alias.

Creation rules, in case I forgot anything...
20 point buy
Core Rulebook and campaign players' guide only
2 Traits, one of which is a Campaign Trait
Maximum starting gold for your class

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Got it.

Male Elder GM

Also, max hp at 1st level as usual. After that, either high average (ex 5 on d8) or roll.

Male Elder GM

How To Post and Roll Dice

Make sure to check out the Community Guidelines below the posting window.

Be aware that you can only edit your posts for one hour after posting.

Also there is a reference below on how to format text. All of the formatting uses [square brackets]. In the examples below, I'll use curly brackets so they show up.

There are a lot of ways to modify the font. For example, {b}bold{/b} using square brackets will give you bold. You can also use i for italics, s for strikethrough, bigger for bigger, or smaller for smaller. {ooc} turns the text blue, to indicate an out-of-character comment. I use standard text for descriptions and conversation, and ooc for game mechanics, questions, and dumb jokes (very rarely, of course).

If you want to post a secret, it looks like {spoiler=Neil}I steal Chris' stuff while he's sleeping{/spoiler} and it looks like

poor, poor Chris
So if you see boxes like that in the game, you're not really supposed to click them unless they are for you. I use this a lot for Perception checks, Knowledge, or Sense Motive.

If you want to link to another page, like I did with Grodar above, it looks like {url=Neil's home page}click here{/url} and it works like click here.

If you want to quote somebody, then {quote=everybody}Neil is awesome{/quote}, to get

Neil is awesome.

It automatically formats like this if you Reply to somebody's post.

Finally, dice work the same way. You can put {dice=Perception}1d20+5{/dice} to roll Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
You can string things together with semi-colons like {dice=swing greatsword}1d20+8;2d6+7{/dice} to get Murga Smash!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 202d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 4) + 7 = 12 or even claw, claw, bite, grab, rake,rake: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 191d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 211d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 161d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 91d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 41d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 201d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

When you do an attack, you should go back and double-check if you got a crit threat, then edit in a confirmation roll. Your dice rolls will not change when you edit. Alternatively, you can hit Preview before you Submit Post, and you can see your rolls.

If you type a long post like this, I recommend saving it by copying it all before hitting Submit. Sometimes posts get lost, and it's better not to have to re-type everything.

Male Elder GM

Some pbp's use bold for all character statements. I don't usually do that.

However, I do use the Paizo standard of using italics for names of spells and magic items on my posts.

It doesn't really matter to me how you format that type of text, as long as you do it fairly consistently.

Male Elder GM

How I Run Combat

Combat in pbp takes a long time.
To expedite things a bit, I usually roll initiative for everybody. I may also make attacks of opportunity or Saves on your behalf at times. And if we've been waiting for a while, I may put a character on delay or take an obvious action for them.

In general...

You enter the room and see an orc eating pie. The pie looks delicious.
The orc stands up and draws his sword, saying, "You no eat my pie!"

Orc Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Aaron Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Allison Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Chris Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Don Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Keith Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Pat Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Round 1

And we'd go in combat from there.
But let's say Keith has to go to bed early tonight, and doesn't want to wait for Allison to post her action. Keith can always put his action in ahead of time by putting it in a spoiler.
Once Allison posts, I'll look at whether it's likely to change things. If they both attack the orc, I'll just resolve it. If they both sneak around the orc to eat the pie, I'll likely hold off on Keith's action to give him the choice on whether to change it.

Male Elder GM

I think that's most of the mechanical stuff. Let me know if there are questions.

Is this correct?
Chris - Paladin
Allison - Wizard
Pat - Rogue
Don - ???
Keith - ???
Aaron - Profit

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2

Not sure, but it said I get added if I post???

Male Elder GM

Looks good.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue/1 Init +3,Per +6, AC 16, T 13, F 13; HP 10/10; F +1, R +5, W +0

I think I am getting it. I am going to stay as a Rogue.

Male Elder GM

Looks good so far, Pat.

When you get time, it would be helpful if you also took a HL stat block and added it to your profile. Just add it where your Trait already is.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue/1 Init +3,Per +6, AC 16, T 13, F 13; HP 10/10; F +1, R +5, W +0

OK, character made and items bought. just going to have to make up the back story. Lyriah's is pretty detailed.

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

Okay... Made it this far. Will be creating the rest of my character this afternoon, if all goes well.

I am hoping that when this gets posted, I'll have the opportunity to create my avatar.

Male Elder GM

To create an alias, go to My Account. Once your there you should be able to add a picture for your character, then set up a profile.

Male Elder GM

From what I have heard from people:
Chris - Paladin
Allison - Wizard
Pat - Rogue
Aaron - Bard
Don - Ranger
Keith - Cleric

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2
DM Rambler wrote:

From what I have heard from people:

Chris - Paladin
Allison - Wizard
Pat - Rogue
Aaron - Bard
Don - Ranger
Keith - Cleric

Looks like we have all bases covered.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2


Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2


Scimitar Attack! 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Damage Roll! 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Also, tweaked charsheet (swapped out Studded Leather for Scale Mail, since I had miscalculated my costs).

And also the name. The Kelesh section in the Inner Sea Guide suggests 'al' as a patronymic, which it ain't in Arabic. So. Yeah. Reza ibn Tarsa al-Faris (Reza, son of Tarsa, the cavalier, in Arabic).

Male Elder GM
Reza ibn Tarsa al-Faris wrote:


Scimitar Attack! 1d20+5
Damage Roll! 1d6+3

I did warn you about the Paizo dice, right? :)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue/1 Init +3,Per +6, AC 16, T 13, F 13; HP 10/10; F +1, R +5, W +0

is there an alternative to the Paizo dice?

Male Elder GM

I would prefer to use them for now. If things get really bad, we can discuss alternatives.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Meh. It's as random as any other RNG. And to be honest, Neil, you've also seen me roll. This is fairly accurate to my luck, no?

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

I have my character profile fully input now. I still need to go over my gear again to verify my remaining funds as well as add my back story. But it will do for now.

Attack with Scimitar:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Damage:1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Seems I'm ready to go.

Male Elder GM


Two to go?

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2


“smash, smash, smash”: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 91d8 ⇒ 3

“Don’t look”:
Why’d you have to look?

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2

one die plus another: 1d20 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + (6) = 14

Male Elder GM

Oh yeah!

If you click on my DM Rambler name to look at my profile, you will see I have a few house rules. They shouldn't surprise most of you, but you probably haven't seen them written down.

Male Human (Keleshite) Bard Lv.1 Init +2, Per +0, AC 17, T 12, F 15, HP 7/9, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2

Okay I think I got this right. I got everything done and am ready to go when we start.

Male Elder GM


I hope to kick things off tomorrow. I've probably got enough maps set up now for about a year :)

Male Elder GM

Just to clarify...

You get two Traits. One must be a Campaign Trait from my converted players' guide. The other can be from the converted players' guide, or from the PRD (APG). That's the one thing you can take from outside the Core Rulebook.

Male Human (Keleshite) Bard Lv.1 Init +2, Per +0, AC 17, T 12, F 15, HP 7/9, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
DM Rambler wrote:

Just to clarify...

You get two Traits. One must be a Campaign Trait from my converted players' guide. The other can be from the converted players' guide, or from the PRD (APG). That's the one thing you can take from outside the Core Rulebook.

Ah that's fair. I'm good with the one I choose from for my character. The idea I had was that since he was too young to join with the pathfinders when they visited years ago, he worked for the Duskwalkers to earn money and the like so he could make the trip to Absalom when he became of age to do so. Also being in good relations with merchants is always a plus. That's pretty much his backstory. I'll flush it out a bit more and put it somewhere.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Ranger 1 Init +1; Per +6; AC 17, T 11, F 15; HP 12/12; F +4, R +3, W +2

I'll be finishing up my profile character sheet, but I've got all the stat-lines and most of the starting info setup already.

Male Human (Keleshite) Bard Lv.1 Init +2, Per +0, AC 17, T 12, F 15, HP 7/9, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2

Uploaded a newer version of Novid on the drive. Forgot that he starts with a wayfinder thanks to the Seeking adventure trait.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

I have a post ready, but will wait until after Lyria responds, given the order of introductions. :)

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2

Lol I guess I have to be more concise. Looked like I was writing a book for that post. But it was the intro post... no?

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Nothing wrong with that!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2

Everything Neil said and a couple more:

Messageboard posts formatting
(Remove quotes “” wherever you find them)

[“quote=PostMonsterGeneral]Quoted material here[/quote”]
[“url=]Paizo Publishing[/url”]
[“ooc]out-of-character commentary[/ooc”]
[“spoiler=Movie plot spoiler]This is a spoiler[/spoiler”]
[“dice=Perception]1d20 + 3; 1d6 + 2[/dice”]

Male Elder GM

As some of you have already discovered, another way to send messages is the message system on the boards. There's a little envelope up beside your name at the top of the page.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Sorry, Neil, a stupid question--should I be putting in my die rolls on that? I ask because I've not done PBP with you before, and in my other play by post campaigns, the DM often just did those (since they sometimes disagreed with our choice of skills for the rolls).

If you'd prefer I declare and roll the skill, I'll happily do so.

In fact:

strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Well. This may go poorly.

Male Elder GM

If you know what the roll is, feel free to do so. If you're wrong I can always correct it.

Male Elder GM

Another minor board thing that some people have already noticed - the + near the top right of a post is a "favourite" button, kinda like a Facebook "Like". Though it also makes it easier to go back and find an earlier post when you want to.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Would we be at all familiar with the term 'legacy of fire?'

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Sorry. Stupid busy this weekend. Posting now.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Neil, just an FYI, will be up in Collingwood tomorrow and Saturday, so if I'm slow to respond, my apologies--if it's urgent to the flow of the game, please do feel free to have Reza stand around drooling... I mean, to heroically support the others in their endeavours with his presence.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Ranger 1 Init +1; Per +6; AC 17, T 11, F 15; HP 12/12; F +4, R +3, W +2

Sorry about the delay, I was working a good part of the weekend then sick in bed today.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue/1 Init +3,Per +6, AC 16, T 13, F 13; HP 10/10; F +1, R +5, W +0

Sorry guys was distracted by the flaming wreck of a Kickstarter I backed 5 years ago, they are shafting the backers and only USA residents have legal recourse. Pile of ...

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