Howl of the Carrion King (DM Rambler)

Game Master Scribbling Rambler

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Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Hey crew,
I’ll be out of country for the March Break.
I’ll try to keep my posting rate up, but should I not have Internet access where I’m staying, please pardon my tardy replies.

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

Sorry for not posting... been busy, and tbh, it has slipped my mind.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Note: next time, we should fight a broad side of a barn. I suspect I might be able to hit it.

Male Elder GM

Just a heads up that I will be busy the next couple of days, then out of the country til the 4th.
I may get a chance to post before I go, but not much.

Male Elder GM

How is this for marching orders?

Single file: Reza (pal), Tydus (rang), Durandel (rog) (who goes to front for searching), Lyriah (wiz), Tariq (cler), Novid (bard)

Double: Reza + Tydus, Lyriah + Durandel (who ranges to side when room), Tariq + Novid

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

I think that works for me!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue/1 Init +3,Per +6, AC 16, T 13, F 13; HP 10/10; F +1, R +5, W +0

Sounds good.

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

Neil, when I shot the first baboon, I was directly behind Reza, and in line with the animal. I reloaded my crossbow but did not actually move. In the latest image (1A) You have moved my avatar 5 ft. to the south.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2
I have funny feeling Lyriah will probably talk herself out of ever getting healed. ;-)

It's possible... :P

Male Elder GM
Tariq ibn Fadil Al-Fulan wrote:
Neil, when I shot the first baboon, I was directly behind Reza, and in line with the animal. I reloaded my crossbow but did not actually move. In the latest image (1A) You have moved my avatar 5 ft. to the south.

I think that I changed the original image right around the same time you were posting, because I realized that Lyriah would not have had line of effect to the statue for her detect magic.

That is why I mentioned something about the firing past party members, not realizing you were going from a previous image. If you look again at image 1, it's probably different from what you saw.
That said, if you wanted to be behind Reza, I can adjust.

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

The image I was going from was different. Not that it really matters. I am content to leave things as they are.

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

For what it's worth, I recently downloaded an RSS reader, and have started getting notifications whenever someone posts here. Makes things far more convenient, and I don't have to 'remember' to check the board, or to post.

Might be something for all of us to consider.

Male Elder GM

Hey all,
Taking a Delay action is a bit more problematic in pbp.
Don't get me wrong, it's still tactically sound, and often the best choice. However, it is harder to "speak up" when you want to act than it would be in a tabletop session.
So whenever possible, please indicate when your character is acting after delay, and even give their actions if appropriate.
EX: Montegue delays until somebody flanks his opponent, then will stab stabbity doom: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 2 = 297d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5) = 22

Keith, which reader are you using?

Male Human Cleric 1 Init +3, Per +3, AC 17, T 11, F 16; HP 7/7; F +1, R +1, W +5

It's an Android app, simply called 'Read'.

I don't claim it's a great app, merely the first one I ever got to work for me. Though that may be more to my own ignorance about RSS than anything else. It's enough for tracking the game, though.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Neil, I don't have another action, do I? I'm still 'next' on the initiative list in your last post.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Ranger 1 Init +1; Per +6; AC 17, T 11, F 15; HP 12/12; F +4, R +3, W +2

You were on an Attack of Opportunity. You should be next up in the initiative order.

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

Oh. Okay!

Female Elf Wizard/1 Init +3, Per +2, AC 13, T 13, F 10; HP 7/7; F +0, R +3, W + 2

I’m guessing our group died (figuratively speaking).

Male Human Paladin 1 Init +1, Per 0, AC 18, T 11, F 17; HP 12/12; F +4, R +1, W + 2

While I still check in... yeah... it looks a bit like that, yes.

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